913 resultados para Receptors, Cell Surface


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A esporotricose é uma doença micótica, infecciosa e crônica, que envolve o tecido cutâneo e subcutâneo, e que pode afetar seres humanos e animais. Esta micose sempre foi atribuída a um único patógeno, o Sporothrix schenckii, um fungo termodimórfico, que cresce como levedura a 37 C e como micélio à temperatura ambiente. No entanto, nos últimos anos, foi demonstrado que isolados identificados como S. schenckii apresentavam grande variabilidade genética, sugerindo que este táxon consiste em um complexo de espécies. Esta doença é causada pela implantação traumática do patógeno fúngico, porém, os mecanismos de invasão e disseminação deste microorganismo, bem como as moléculas envolvidas nestes processos, ainda são pouco conhecidos. Com base nessas informações, este trabalho visa identificar moléculas de superfície deste patógeno envolvidas na interação deste fungo com proteínas matriciais, bem como analisar diferenças fenotípicas entre espécies do denominado complexo Sporothrix. Foram utilizados, neste estudo, cinco isolados de Sporothrix spp., sendo três isolados clínicos, um isolado ambiental e um isolado de gato. A virulência de cada isolado foi comparada à capacidade adesiva à proteína matricial fibronectina. Foi observado que os isolados com maior capacidade infectiva eram os que apresentavam maior capacidade adesiva à fibronectina. Verificamos então a expressão de adesinas para fibronectina na superfície de cada isolado, por Western blot, e observamos que os isolados mais virulentos e com maior capacidade adesiva expressavam mais adesinas para fibronectina. Bandas reativas com o anticorpo monoclonal contra adesina gp70 (mAb P6E7) foram reveladas nos extratos de parede celular dos isolados estudados. Análises por microscopia confocal revelaram a co-localização da gp70 com a adesina para fibronectina na superfície dos isolados. Análises filogenéticas demonstraram que os isolados estudados possuíam diferenças genotípicas capazes de agrupá-los em duas espécies, S. schenckii e S. brasiliensis. Esta análise revelou que o isolado avirulento era S. brasiliensis e não S. schenckii, como se pensava. Este dado novo nos levou a verificar se a virulência e as características fenotípicas estariam relacionadas ao genótipo. A avaliação da virulência mostrou que outro isolado de S. brasiliensis era tão virulento quanto os isolados de S. schenckii. Além disso, as características morfológicas, como tamanho, forma e perfil de crescimento, das fases miceliana e leveduriforme, e características microscópicas da parede das leveduras também foram avaliadas. Porém, não foi possível correlacionar, de forma clara, a morfologia celular com a especiação do gênero Sporothrix. A expressão da gp70 na superfície das duas espécies foi verificada e foi observado que o isolado virulento de S. brasiliensis quase não expressa a gp70 na sua superfície em contraste com o isolado avirulento de S. brasiliensis, que além de expressar esta glicoproteína em grande quantidade ainda a libera para o meio extracelular. Este estudo mostra que há uma correlação direta entre virulência e expressão de adesinas, porém, sem qualquer relação entre características fenotípicas e genótipo.


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Aspergillus fumigatus é o principal agente etiológico da aspergilose invasiva, infecção fúngica oportunista com altas taxas de mortalidade afetando, principalmente, pacientes com neutropenia profunda e prolongada. Durante o processo de invasão e disseminação características desta infecção sistêmica, os conídios do fungo inalados e não eliminados pelas células do sistema imune inato diferenciam-se em hifas que, por sua vez, são angioinvasivas. Pouco se conhece sobre as moléculas da parede celular envolvidas na patogênese do A. fumigatus e/ou secretadas por este patógeno. Neste contexto, este trabalho procura ampliar o entendimento desta doença através do estudo de proteínas diferencialmente expressas na superfície de A. fumigatus durante a morfogênese. Foi utilizada uma abordagem proteômica e foram estudados extratos de superfície de células de A. fumigatus em diferentes estágios durante o processo de filamentação. Estas células foram denominadas, de acordo com o tempo de cultivo e a morfologia, como: TG6h (tubo germinativo), H12h ou H72h (hifas). As proteínas de superfície celular foram extraídas, a partir de células intactas, por tratamento brando com o agente redutor DTT (ditiotreitol). Observou-se que o perfil funcional das proteínas expressas por H12h e H72h foi similar, com exceção de proteínas relacionadas à resposta ao estresse, enquanto o perfil para TG6h apresentou diferenças significativas para vários grupos funcionais de proteínas quando comparado às hifas. Desta forma, foram realizados experimentos de proteômica diferencial entre tubo germinativo (TG6h) e a hifa madura (H72h), pela técnica de DIGE (differential gel electrophoresis). Os resultados revelaram que entre as proteínas diferencialmente expressas, aquelas relacionadas às vias de biossíntese e outras denominadas multifuncionais encontraram-se superexpressas em TG6h. Em relação às proteínas de resposta a estresse, observou-se que algumas HSPs eram mais expressas neste morfotipo, enquanto a MnSOD, relativa à resposta ao estresse oxidativo, era mais abundante na hifa. Com exceção da PhiA, integrante da parede celular, as proteínas identificadas como diferencialmente expressas na superfície do A. fumigatus não possuem sinal para secreção identificável, enquadrando-se nas proteínas atípicas de superfície. Foi verificada a integridade da membrana celular após tratamento com DTT, bem como a marcação por biotina das proteínas extraídas, o que comprovou sua localização superficial na célula fúngica. Hipóteses de que estas proteínas sejam endereçadas à parede celular por via secretória alternativa sustentam estes dados. Estas evidências foram confirmadas pelo fato de não terem sido encontradas as mesmas proteínas da superfície na análise do secretoma do A. fumigatus. Além disso, todas as proteínas caracterizadas no secretoma apresentavam sinal de secreção determinado pelo FunSecKB (www.proteomics.ysu.edu/secretomes/fungi.php). A análise do secretoma foi realizada utilizando-se a cepa selvagem AF293 e a mutante ∆prtT, mutante para um fator de transcrição que atua na regulação da secreção de proteases. Os resultados revelam a ALP1 como expressa na cepa selvagem, assim como outras proteases importantes para virulência e desenvolvimento da célula fúngica, estando suprimidas quando o gene prtT foi deletado.


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Autism and Alzheimer's disease (AD) are, respectively, neurodevelopmental and degenerative diseases with an increasing epidemiological burden. The AD-associated amyloid-beta precursor protein-alpha has been shown to be elevated in severe autism, leading to the 'anabolic hypothesis' of its etiology. Here we performed a focused microarray analysis of genes belonging to NOTCH and WNT signaling cascades, as well as genes related to AD and apoptosis pathways in cerebellar samples from autistic individuals, to provide further evidence for pathological relevance of these cascades for autism. By using the limma package from R and false discovery rate, we demonstrated that 31% (116 out of 374) of the genes belonging to these pathways displayed significant changes in expression (corrected P-values <0.05), with mitochondria- related genes being the most downregulated. We also found upregulation of GRIN1, the channel-forming subunit of NMDA glutamate receptors, and MAP3K1, known activator of the JNK and ERK pathways with anti-apoptotic effect. Expression of PSEN2 (presinilin 2) and APBB1 (or F65) were significantly lower when compared with control samples. Based on these results, we propose a model of NMDA glutamate receptor-mediated ERK activation of alpha-secretase activity and mitochondrial adaptation to apoptosis that may explain the early brain overgrowth and disruption of synaptic plasticity and connectome in autism. Finally, systems pharmacology analyses of the model that integrates all these genes together (NOWADA) highlighted magnesium (Mg2+) and rapamycin as most efficient drugs to target this network model in silico. Their potential therapeutic application, in the context of autism, is therefore discussed.


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O gênero Leishmania apresenta espécies capazes de desenvolver doenças de grande importância para a saúde pública, as leishmanioses, que apresentam prevalência mundial de 12 milhões de pessoas. Quando os parasitos entram em contato com o hospedeiro humano passam por um processo de metaciclogênese adquirindo capacidade de interagir com os macrófagos. Inúmeras atividades biológicas são desencadeadas pela ativação de sistemas de transdução de sinais, onde as proteínas cinases e fosfatases desempenham papel fundamental. A proteína cinase CK2 parece estar presente em todas as células eucarióticas (núcleo, citoplasma e superfície). É caracterizada como enzima serina/treonina cinase, embora também seja capaz de fosforilar resíduos de tirosina em suas proteínas-alvo. No presente trabalho, demonstramos que o principal inibidor da CK2, TBB, foi capaz de inibir o crescimento de formas promastigotas de L. donovani e mostrou um mecanismo de ação irreversível, entretanto não foi capaz de induzir apoptose nas formas promastigotas de L. donovani. O pré-tratamento dos parasitos e macrófagos, assim como a adição do TBB durante o processo de infecção induziram uma redução significativa no número de amastigotas por macrófagos possivelmente pelo mecanismo de morte celular programada demosntrada pela técnica do TUNEL. O tratamento de macrófagos com TBB não induziram o aumento de óxido nítrico. Ensaios de imunofluorescência demonstraram a presença de CK2α em promastigotas. Macrófagos não infectados demonstraram pouca marcação para CK2α. Após a interação, a enzima mostrou-se distribuída preferencialmente na periferia dos macrófagos. Os dados do trabalho sugerem que a CK2 é uma importante enzima para a atividade biológica da Leishmania donovani, tendo seu estudo importante relevância para a descoberta de novos alvos terapêuticos.


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A ocorrência de fenótipos multirresistentes de Corynebacterium pseudodiphtheriticum e sua associação a infecções graves, com elevada mortalidade em pacientes imunocomprometidos, aliados ao escasso conhecimento da virulência e patogenia destas infecções, motivou esta pesquisa, que teve como objetivo investigar mecanismos de virulência e resistência microbiana deste agente entre pacientes de um hospital universitário brasileiro. Um total de 113 amostras de C. pseudodiphtheriticum identificadas por métodos bioquímicos convencionais e sistema API-Coryne isoladas de pacientes de diferentes grupos etários. Os micro-organismos eram, em sua maioria, relacionados a infecções no trato respiratório (27,45%), urinário (29,20%) e sitios intravenosos (18,60%) e cerca de 32,70% das amostras foram provenientes de pacientes com pelo menos uma das condições predisponentes: insuficiência renal; transplante renal, tuberculose em paciente HIV+, câncer, cirrose hepática, hemodiálise e uso de cateter. As amostras testadas revelaram-se multirresistentes sendo a maioria resistente à oxacilina, eritromicina e clindamicina. A adesão das cepas ao poliestireno e ao poliuretano indicou o envolvimento de hidrofobicidade da superfície celular na fase inicial da formação de biofilmes. O crescimento subsequente conduziu à formação de microcolônias, agregados bacterianos densos incorporados na matriz exopolimérica rodeada por espaços vazios, típica de biofilmes maduros. Adicionalmente, a interação do micro-organismo com fibrinogênio e fibronectina humana indica o envolvimento destes componentes séricos na formação de biofilme, sugerindo a participação de diferentes adesinas neste processo e a capacidade deste agente formar biofilme in vivo. A afinidade por esses componentes e a formação de biofilme podem contribuir para o estabelecimento e disseminação da infecção no hospedeiro. Adicionalmente, as cepas de C. pseudodiphtheriticum isoladas de pacientes com infecções localizadas (ATCC10700/Pharyngitis) e sistêmicas (HHC1507/Bacteremia) exibiram um padrão de aderência agregativa-like a células HEp-2, caracterizado por aglomerados de bactérias com aparência de um "empilhado de tijolos". Através do teste FAS e ensaios de interação na presença de inibidores de citoesqueleto, demonstramos o envolvimento da polimerização de actina na internalização das cepas testadas. A internalização bacteriana e rearranjo do citoesqueleto pareceu ser parcialmente desencadeado pela ativação da tirosina-quinase. Finalmente, C. pseudodiphtheriticum foi capaz de sobreviver no ambiente intracelular e embora não tenha demonstrado capacidade de replicar intracelularmente, células HEp-2 foram incapazes de eliminar o patógeno completamente no ambiente extracelular no período de 24 horas. Todas as cepas estudadas foram capazes de induzir apoptose em células epiteliais 24 horas pós-infecção evidenciada pelo aumento significativo no número de células mortas e pela ocorrência de alterações nucleares reveladas através dos métodos de coloração pelo azul Trypan, pelo DAPI e microscopia electrônica de transmissão. Alterações morfológicas incluindo a vacuolização, a fragmentação nuclear e a formação de corpos apoptóticos foram observadas neste período. A citometria de fluxo demonstrou ainda uma diminuição significativa no tamanho das células infectadas e a utilização de dupla marcação (iodeto de propídio / anexina V) permitiu a detecção da ocorrência de necrose e apoptose tardia. Em conclusão, o conhecimento de tais características contribuiu para a compreensão de mecanismos envolvidos no aumento da frequência de infecções graves com elevada mortalidade em pacientes no ambiente hospitalar, por C. pseudodiphtheriticum, um patógeno rotineiramente subestimado em países em desenvolvimento.


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Os mecanismos celulares envolvidos na hiperplasia prostática benigna (HPB) não são bem compreendidos e pouco se sabe sobre como os proteoglicanos estão relacionados com esta condição. Neste estudo foi avaliada a expressão de proteoglicanos de superfície celular e do estroma na HPB. As amostras de próstata com HPB foram colhidas de pacientes submetidos à prostatectomia aberta e ressecção transuretral da próstata (RTUP), enquanto as amostras do grupo controle consistiram na zona de transição de próstatas normais de adultos jovens. Foram usados anticorpos primários anti-sindecan-1, anti-biglican e anti-decorin. A imunomarcação foi avaliada determinando-se a área relativa marcada pelo anticorpo, ou usando-se um escore atribuído à intensidade da coloração. Os resultados mostraram que, no grupo controle, a expressão do sindecan-1 foi mínima ou nula. Na HPB, no entanto, a imunomarcação deste proteoglicano foi intensa e localizada principalmente nas células basais do ácino prostático e com menor intensidade na superfície basolateral das células secretoras. Como não houve diferença entre as amostras obtidas através da prostatectomia aberta e da RTUP, esses grupos foram combinados em um único grupo HPB. A área marcada pelo anticorpo anti-sindecan-1 no epitélio das amostras de HPB foi nove vezes maior do que na próstata normal (p<0,001), e não houve correlações significativas entre a marcação do sindecan-1naHPB e o volume da próstata, o PSA ou a idade do paciente. Quanto ao biglican e ao decorin, a marcação foi exclusivamente no estroma, tanto no grupo controle quanto no grupo HPB, e não houve diferença significativa na extensão e intensidade da coloração entre estes dois grupos. Em conclusão, a imunomarcação do sindecan-1 na HPB é intensa e está localizada no epitélio glandular exclusivamente, mas a intensidade não se correlaciona com o tamanho da próstata ou PSA. A expressão do decorin e do biglican, no entanto, não foi alterada na HPB.


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Neurotrypsin is one of the extra-cellular serine proteases that are predominantly expressed in the brain and involved in neuronal development and function. Mutations in humans are associated with autosomal recessive non-syndromic mental retardation (MR). We studied the molecular evolution of neurotrypsin by sequencing the coding region of neurotrypsin in 11 representative non-human primate species covering great apes, lesser apes, Old World monkeys and New World monkeys. Our results demonstrated a strong functional constraint of neurotrypsin that was caused by strong purifying selection during primate evolution, an implication of an essential functional role of neurotrypsin in primate cognition. Further analysis indicated that the purifying selection was in fact acting on the SRCR domains of neurotrypsin, which mediate the binding activity of neurotrypsin to cell surface or extracellular proteins. In addition, by comparing primates with three other mammalian orders, we demonstrated that the absence of the first copy of the SRCR domain (exon 2 and 3) in mouse and rat was due to the deletion of this segment in the murine lineage. Copyright (C) 2005 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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In the present study, five homologous feeder cell lines were developed for the culture and maintenance of rhesus monkey embryonic stem cells (rESCs). Monkey ear skin fibroblasts (MESFs), monkey oviductal fibroblasts (MOFs), monkey follicular granulosa fibroblast-like (MFG) cells, monkey follicular granulosa epithelium-like (MFGE) cells, and clonally derived fibroblasts from MESF (CMESFs) were established and compared with the ability of mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) to support rESC growth. MESF, MOF, MFG, and CMESF cells, but not MFGE cells, were as good as or better than MEFs in supporting undifferentiated growth while maintaining the differentiation potential of the rESCs. In an effort to understand the unique properties of supportive feeder cells, expression levels for a number of candidate genes were examined. MOF, MESF, and MEF cells highly expressed leukemia inhibitory factor, ciliary neurotrophic factor, basic fibroblast growth factor, stem cell factor, transforming growth factor PI, bone morphogenetic protein 4, and WNT3A, whereas WNT2, WNT4, and WNT5A were downregulated, compared with MFGE cells. Additionally, all monkey feeder cell lines expressed Dkk1 and LRP6, antagonists of the WNT signaling pathway, but not WNT1, WNT8B, or Dkk2. rESCs grown on homologous feeders maintained normal karyotypes, displayed the characteristics of ESCs, including morphology, alkaline phosphatase, Oct4, the cell surface markers stage-specific embryonic antigen (SSEA)-3, SSEA-4, tumor-related antigen (TRA)-1-60, and TRA-1-81, and formed cystic embryoid bodies in vitro that included differentiated cells representing the three major germ layers. These results indicate that the four homologous feeder cell lines can be used to support the undifferentiated growth and maintenance of pluripotency in rESCs.


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Although there have been great advances in our understanding of the bacterial cytoskeleton, major gaps remain in our knowledge of its importance to virulence. In this study we have explored the contribution of the bacterial cytoskeleton to the ability of Salmonella to express and assemble virulence factors and cause disease. The bacterial actin-like protein MreB polymerises into helical filaments and interacts with other cytoskeletal elements including MreC to control cell-shape. As mreB appears to be an essential gene, we have constructed a viable ΔmreC depletion mutant in Salmonella. Using a broad range of independent biochemical, fluorescence and phenotypic screens we provide evidence that the Salmonella pathogenicity island-1 type three secretion system (SPI1-T3SS) and flagella systems are down-regulated in the absence of MreC. In contrast the SPI-2 T3SS appears to remain functional. The phenotypes have been further validated using a chemical genetic approach to disrupt the functionality of MreB. Although the fitness of ΔmreC is reduced in vivo, we observed that this defect does not completely abrogate the ability of Salmonella to cause disease systemically. By forcing on expression of flagella and SPI-1 T3SS in trans with the master regulators FlhDC and HilA, it is clear that the cytoskeleton is dispensable for the assembly of these structures but essential for their expression. As two-component systems are involved in sensing and adapting to environmental and cell surface signals, we have constructed and screened a panel of such mutants and identified the sensor kinase RcsC as a key phenotypic regulator in ΔmreC. Further genetic analysis revealed the importance of the Rcs two-component system in modulating the expression of these virulence factors. Collectively, these results suggest that expression of virulence genes might be directly coordinated with cytoskeletal integrity, and this regulation is mediated by the two-component system sensor kinase RcsC.


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In Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, gene sll1384 encodes a protein with a DnaJ domain at its N-terminal portion and a TPR domain at the C-terminal portion. An sll1384 mutant shows no difference from the wild type in adaptation to different temperatures, but almost completely loses its capability of phototactic movement. After complementation with sll1384, the mutant regains the phototaxis. As shown with electron microscopy, on the cell surface, mutant cells have pili that appear to be the same as that of the wild type. Also, the transformation efficiency remains unchanged in the mutant. It is postulated that Sll1384 regulates phototaxis of Synechocystis through protein-protein interaction. It is the first DnaJ-like protein gene identified in a cyanobacterium for a role in phototaxis.


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Partial cDNA sequences of both CD8 beta and CD4-like (CD4L) genes of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) were isolated from thymus cDNA library by the method of suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH). Subsequently the full length cDNAs of carp CD8 and CD4L were obtained by means of 3' RACE and 5' RACE, respectively. The full length cDNA of carp CD8 is 1164 bp and encodes 207 amino acids including a signal peptide region of 24 amino acids, a transmembrane region of 23 amino acids from aa 167 to aa189 and an immunoglobulin V-set from aa 19 to aa 141. Similar to other species CD8 beta s,carp CD8 beta also lacks p56(lck) domain in the cytoplasmic region. The full length cDNA of carp CD4L is 2001 bp and encodes 458 amino acids including four immunoglobulin (Ig)-like domains in the extracellular region, a transmembrane region of 23 amino acids at the C-terminal region from aa 402 to aa 424 and a cytoplasmic tail. Similar to mammalian, avian CD4s and fugu CD4L, carp CD4L also has the conserved p56(lck) tyrosine kinase motif (C-X-C) in the cytoplasmic region. RT-PCR analysis demonstrated that carp CD8 beta and CD4L genes were both expressed predominantly in thymus. The results from this study can be used to understand the evolution of both the CD8 beta and CD4 molecules which can be used as markers for cytotoxic and helper T cells in carp. (c) 2007 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Oocyte maturation and egg fertilization in both vertebrates and invertebrates are marked by orchestrated cytoplasmic translocation of secretory vesicles known as cortical granules. It is thought that such redistribution of cellular content is critical for asymmetrical cell division during early development, but the mechanism and regulation of the process is poorly understood. Here we report the identification, purification and cDNA cloning of a C-type lectin from oocytes of a freshwater fish species gibel carp (Carassius auratus gibelio). The purified protein has been demonstrated to have lectin activity and to be a Ca2+-dependent C-type lectin by hemagglutination activity assay. Immunocytochemistry revealed that the lectin is associated with cortical granules, gradually translocated to the cell surface during oocyte maturation, and discharged to the egg envelope upon fertilization. Interestingly, the lectin becomes phosphorylated on threonine residues upon induction of exocytosis by fertilization and returns to its original state after morula stage of embryonic development, suggesting that this posttranslational modification may represent a critical molecular switch for early embryonic development. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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组特殊自养氨氧化混合种群,表现:无机环境种群生长迅速、生物量高;在一个完全无机的自养生长环境中,不仅保持高氨氧化速率,并出现丰富的异养微生物种群;该种群置于异养、厌氧环境中,迅速表现出产氢特征。对于这样一个特殊的生态体系,研究其共生机理,以及联接这些种群之间的碳源和能源问题,将具有非常重要意义。我们拟从种群特征、细胞表面分泌产物、游离体系产物多糖、蛋白和脂肪酸方面开展研究。 第一部分,自养氨氧化混合种群的基本特征。采用氨氧化培养基,进行种群氨氧化特征研究;采用扫描电镜观察自养混合种群的微观特征;沉降、离心去除微生物种群,分析水相中的总有机碳、糖类等物质;利用LB培养基进行种群的分离、纯化,并采用DGGE手段对微生物种群结构进行分析。结果表明,接入菌种后(2/5000(V/V)),培养液中氨(200mg/L)在3-5天内快速降解;亚硝酸盐与氨氮变化呈负相关趋势,仅有少量硝酸盐含量(< 30mg/L)。氨氧化种群的生物量增长与氨氧化趋势一致,初始生物量7.75 mg/L(蛋白含量),3-5天后生物量快速增长,并达到最高63.06 mg/L(蛋白含量)。电镜图片显示,种群外包裹一层粘液。离心除去菌体后,检测培养液总有机碳和糖的含量,同样表现出与生物量增长相似的特征,分别由初始的3.73、2.35 mg/L,3-5内天迅速增加,并分别达到最大值35.19、27.45 mg/L。经初步分离、纯化并对纯化菌株进行测序,获得了10株异养微生物分别为布鲁氏菌科苍白杆菌属、纤维单孢菌、类芽孢菌属、黄杆菌属、无色杆菌、鞘脂单胞菌、嗜麦芽寡养单胞菌、噬氢菌属、硫红球菌、假单胞菌;DGGE显示,约有20分条离带,我们对其中的两条优势条带进行切割回收测序,鉴定为欧洲亚硝化单胞菌(Nitrosomonas eur)。 第二部分:混合种群自养-异养菌共生的可能机制。在对微生物种群特征初步分析基础上,针对胞外糖类组分可能被微生物代谢分解,我们重点对微生物细胞蛋白质与糖类进行分析。采用超声结合RIPA裂解液裂解,SDS-PAGE电泳分析混合种群总蛋白种类,并通过氨基酸分析仪及红外光谱法分析氨基酸组成及蛋白红外特征。采用超声破碎结合反复冻融对细胞样品进行处理,提取液采用醇沉、Sevage脱氮白,凝胶过滤方法脱盐和分级分离。对提取物的糖分析包括:紫外扫描,红外光谱,核磁共振,单糖组成分析;扫描电镜观察菌群破裂现象。SDS-PAGE分析结果表明:氨氧化种群不同生长阶段都显示出42kD蛋白表达量很高,d4时42kD蛋白表达已经很强,4-7d内一直持续这种过量表达,直到d8后表达开始减弱。说明42kD蛋白可能与氨氧化密切相关。红外光谱分析显示:细胞提取物的特征峰分布在3427.42cm-1、1718.18 cm-1和1681.72 cm-1、1160.07和1086.74 cm-1,分别对应为OH、 C=O、C-O-C基团,表明具有蛋白的典型特征;氨基酸分析显示蛋白中的Gly,Asp,Ala,Glu含量相对较高。 提取物中胞外多糖分离谱图得到不均一组分,共得到6个收集峰;紫外扫描在201-213 nm处有多糖吸收峰,同样表明多糖成分不均一性;多糖红外光谱特征峰主要分别在3400.49 cm-1、2920.28 cm-1、1154.54和1087.52 cm-1,对应OH、-CH2- or CH 、C-O-H or C-O-C等多糖特征基团;多糖提取物核磁共振1H d4.3~5.9之间出现强吸收峰,这是1H中,多糖存在的明显证据,1H NMR中,其中O-乙酰基的甲基上的氢信号为d1.1~1.3之间。糖肟全苯甲酸酯衍生物的HPLC测定中,得到单一的单糖峰,由于时间问题,还未进行更深入的试验;电镜图片显示,种群中的细胞有大量的破裂现象。 实验表明,自养氨氧化混合种群显示出快速的氨氧化速率,氨氧化过程生物量和有机质的增加明显。微生物种群包裹粘液层,并分离纯化出大量的异养菌;去除菌体后的游离培养液中存在有机质(包括多糖)说明无机自养生长体系中存在异养菌生长、繁殖的二次碳源;细胞提取物中蛋白条带数目多、种类丰富;细胞多糖提取物具有明显的多糖特征,以及单糖的存在。结合种群的显微特征和游离体系中的有机质的检测结果,我们认为,无机自养生长体系中,种群细胞生长过程中发生的破裂现象可能是导致大量的蛋白、多糖释放到游离胞外,并成为其他异养菌生长的碳源和氮源。这可能是自养体系中,大量异养菌共生的可能机制,至于是什么原因引起种群生长过程中产生的破裂现象,还有待下一步深入研究。 A group of mixed autotrophic ammonia oxidizing populations, having much biological characteristic tested by concerned personnel for pilot test: Performed rapid population growth and obtained high biomass in inorganic environment; Not only maintained a high rate of ammoxidation, promoted a wealth of heterotrophic microbial populations growth in a totally inorganic and autotrophic growth environment; Placed in heterotrophic and anaerobic environment,had the performance characteristics that could rapidly produce hydrogen.For such a special ecological system, Study its symbiotic mechanism and the connection between these populations of carbon and energy issues, will have a very important significance. We intended from the characteristics of the population, the secretion product of cell surface, free substance in the liquid medium like polysaccharide, protein and fatty acids carrying out research. Part I: The basic features of mixed autotrophic ammonia oxidizing populations . Use inorganic liquid medium, processed study for ammonia oxidation characteristics of the population; we used scanning electron microscopy to get micro-features of autotrophic ammonia oxidizing populations .The medium was carried out settlement and centrifugal then removed the microbial populations, after all of that we analysis the water phase for total organic carbon(TOC), carbohydrate and other substances; Solid ammonia oxidizing medium was adopted to separation and purification of population, DGGE means was for structure analysis of microbial population. The results showed that after the inoculum of bacteria (2 / 5000 (V / V)), ammonia in the culture medium (200 mg / L) was rapid degradation in 3-5 days; ammonia and nitrite have the negative correlation between changes in the trend, then only a small amount of nitrate content (<30mg / L). The biomass growth of ammoxidation population in line with the trend of ammonia oxidation, the initial volume of it was 7.75 mg / L (protein content), in 3-5 days upto 63.06 mg / L (protein content). Electron microscope image showed, the populations were wrapped in a layer of mucus, including the a large number ruptted micorbe , Centrifuge to remove bacteria, then detected the medium for total organic carbon and sugar content, result took on the same characteristics with biomass growth, that were from the initial 3.73、2.35 mg / L respectively, in 3-6 days achieved rapid increase in the maximum to 35.19、27.45 mg / L respectively. After initial separation、 purification ,then processed sequencing to strains purified and got the result that there were 10 heterotrophic microorganisms : Brucella Branch pale bacillus, Cellu lomonas, Bacillus species category, a Flavobacterium, colorless Bacteria, Aeromonas sheath fat, little support maltophilia Aeromonas, macrophages species hydrogen, sulphur-MI, Pseudomonas bacteria spores; DGGE display, there were 20 separation bands approximately. Part II: Mixed populations that autotrophic - heterotrophic bacteria symbiotic mechanism. On the basis of preliminary analysis of microbial population characteristics, aiming at extracellular carbohydrate components might be decomposition by microbial, we focused on microbial cell protein and carbohydrate analysis. Using ultrasound combined with RIPA lysis cracking the cells, SDS-PAGE electrophoresis analysis the total protein species of the population, and through the amino acid analyzer studied the compositions of amino acid and infrared spectroscopy analysis of a protein infrared characteristics. Using ultrasound combined with repeatedly freezing and thawing to treated the cell sample, then took the means that alcohol precipitation, deproteinization by Sevage, gel filtration aimed at desalination and grade separation to deal with the lysates . The extraction of sugar analysis included: UV scanning, IR, NMR, single-sugar composition analysis. SDS-PAGE analysis showed that: 42 kD protein expression was very high at different growth stages of mixed autotrophic ammonia oxidizing populations , on the fourth day, 42 kD protein expression had been very strong, 4-7d, it had continued this excessive expression, then started to weaken after 7 days. 42 kD protein that might be closely associated with ammonia oxidation. Infrared spectral analysis showed that: cell extracts with the characteristic that the peak distribution in 3427.42 cm-1、1718.18 cm-1 and 1681.72 cm-1、1160.07 cm-1 and 1086.74 cm-1 corresponding to OH、C = O、C-O-C Groups which had the typical characteristics of protein; and analysis showed that amino acids including Gly, Asp, Ala, Glu ,the content in the protein is relatively high. Exopolysaccharide in the extracts had the separation map that it was uneven, received a total of six collection peaks by the detection mode of phenol-sulphruic acid method ; ultraviolet scan in the 201-213 nm department had polysaccharide absorbing peak, the same ingredients that polysaccharide heterogeneity; infrared polysaccharide spectral characteristics of the main peak at 3400.49 cm-1, 2920.28 cm-1, 1154.54 and 1087.52 cm-1, corresponding OH,-CH2-or CH, C-O-H or C-O-C;and other characteristics of polysaccharide group; 1H NMR of polysaccharide extract appeared absorption peak between d4.3 ~5.9, which is the apparent evidence of polysaccharide, In 1H NMR, the hydrogen signal of one of O-acetyl was between 1.1 to 1.3. The determination of Sugar oxime whole benzoate derivatives by HPLC, there was a single-sugar peak, as a matter of time, yet more in-depth test. Summary: Mixed autotrophic ammonia oxidizing populations show us that it had the ability in ammonia oxidizing and it was great, organic matter and biomass increased significantly in the process of ammonia oxidation. Microbial populations was wrapped up slime layer, the phenomenon of cell breakdown obviously, and there were a lot of separation and purification of the heterotrophic bacteria; a lot of organic matter (including polysaccharides)remined in the medium that removal of cell indicated the inorganic system existed secondary carbon sources that could be used by the heterotrophic bacteria ; there were a large number proteins bands of cell extract, rich variety; cell extracts of polysaccharide had obvious characteristics of polysaccharide, and the existence evidence of single-sugar. Combined population of microscopic characteristics and free of organic matter in the test results, we believe that the health of inorganic system, population growth occurred in the course of the breakdown of the phenomenon is likely to lead to a lot of protein and polysaccharide released into the extracellular free, And other heterotrophic bacteria use them to the growth as carbon and nitrogen. This may be autotrophic system, the large number of heterotrophic bacteria symbiotic mechanism.


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A gene, pfa1, encoding an autotransporter was cloned from a pathogenic Pseudomonas fluorescens strain, TSS, isolated from diseased fish. The expression of pfa1 is enhanced during infection and is regulated by growth phase and growth conditions. Mutation of pfa1 significantly attenuates the overall bacterial virulence of TSS and impairs the abilities of TSS in biofilm production, interaction with host cells, modulation of host immune responses, and dissemination in host blood. The putative protein encoded by pfa1 is 1,242 amino acids in length and characterized by the presence of three functional domains that are typical for autotransporters. The passenger domain of PfaI contains a putative serine protease (Pap) that exhibits apparent proteolytic activity when expressed in and purified from Escherichia coli as a recombinant protein. Consistent with the important role played by PfaI in bacterial virulence, purified recombinant Pap has a profound cytotoxic effect on cultured fish cells. Enzymatic analysis showed that recombinant Pap is relatively heat stable and has an optimal temperature and pH of 50 degrees C and pH 8.0. The domains of PfaI that are essential to autotransporting activity were localized, and on the basis of this, a PfaI-based autodisplay system (named AT1) was engineered to facilitate the insertion and transport of heterologous proteins. When expressed in E. coli, AT1 was able to deliver an integrated Edwardsiella tarda immunogen (Et18) onto the surface of bacterial cells. Compared to purified recombinant Et18, Et18 displayed by E. coli via AT1 induced significantly enhanced immunoprotection.


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VhhP2 is an Outer membrane protein identified in a pathogenic Vibrio harveyi strain, T4, isolated from diseased fish. When used as a Subunit Vaccine, purified recombinant VhhP2 affords high level of protection upon Japanese flounder against V harveyi challenge. Vaccination with VhhP2 induced the expression of a number of immune-related genes, especially those encoding immunoglobulin M (IgM) and major histocompatibility complex (MHC) II alpha. A VhhP2 surface display system, in the form of the fish commensal strain FIR harboring the vhhP2-expressing plasmid pJVP, was constructed. PF3/pJVP is able to produce and present recombinant VhhP2 on cell surface. Vaccination of fish with live PF3/pJVP via intraperitoneal injection elicited Strong immunoprotection. Vaccination of fish orally with live PF3/pJVP embedded in alginate microspheres also induced effective immunoprotection. In addition, a VhhP2-based surface display system was created, in which VhhP2 serves as a carrier for the Surface delivery of a heterologous Edwardsiella tarda immunogen, Et18, that is fused in-frame to VhhP2. DH5 alpha/pJVP18, which expresses and surface-displays the VhhP2-Et18 chimera, proved to be an effective vaccine that call protect fish against infections by V. harveyi and E. tarda to the extents comparable to those produced by vaccination with purified recombinant VhhP2 and Et18, respectively. These data suggest that VhhP2 may be applied as a vaccine and a vaccine carrier against infections by V. harveyi and other pathogens such as F. tarda. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.