973 resultados para Railway Architectured


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El tren de alta velocidad (TAV) está viviendo un auge importante en España. Ello implica una transformación territorial como resultado de una modificación del comportamiento de los viajeros debido a una mejora en el transporte ferroviario interurbano. En este contexto hay un elemento que ha obtenido una atención insuficiente. Se trata del acceso a la estación como parte fundamental del viaje puerta-a-puerta. Para hacer frente a la carencia de datos estadísticos sobre este aspecto, hemos realizado una encuesta a los viajeros de alta velocidad en la línea Madrid – Barcelona, que ayuda responder a la pregunta: ¿Cómo llega el viajero a la estación? Es imprescindible conocer este aspecto para planificar y realizar actuaciones de mejora intermodal adecuadas. Los resultados muestran que el acceso en vehículo privado es preponderante y que existe la necesidad de ofrecer más alternativas atractivas para acceder a las estaciones. Se concluye además que las estaciones centrales son preferibles, ya que generan una movilidad más sostenible.


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La reciente implantación y extensión de la red de alta velocidad ferroviaria en España está permitiendo relanzar un debate que en muchas ciudades no había sido resuelto de forma satisfactoria: la integración del ferrocarril en el medio urbano. En muchos casos, la llegada del nuevo tren se ha convertido en un instrumento urbanístico de primer orden, ya que conlleva una transformación de gran calado. En este artículo se realiza una lectura transversal, a través de las experiencias de diferentes ciudades españolas, para desarrollar una clasificación de las formas de integración de la alta velocidad ferroviaria y su impacto en la estructura urbana.


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Avalanche hazard maps of high accuracy are difficult to produce. For land-use planning and management purposes, a good knowledge of extreme run-out zones and frequencies of avalanches is required. In the present work, vegetation recognition (especially focused on Pinus uncinata trees) and dendrochronological techniques are used to characterize avalanches that have occurred in historical times, helping to determine both the extent of large or extreme avalanches and their occurrence in time. Vegetation was studied at the Canal del Roc Roig (eastern Pyrenees, Spain) avalanche path. The avalanches descending this path affect the railway that reaches the Vall de Núria resort and the run-up to the opposite slope. During winter 1996, two important avalanches affecting this path were well documented. These are compared with the results of the vegetation study, consisting of an inventory of flora, the recording of vegetation damages along eight transverse profiles at different altitudes on the path and a dendrochronological sampling campaign. The data obtained contributed to a characterization of the predominant snow accumulation in the starting zone, the 1996 avalanches and the range of frequencies of large avalanches. Also, traces of avalanches that increase the path mapped in the avalanche paths map published by the Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya in 2000 were identified, improving the initial existing information.


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Avalanche hazard maps of high accuracy are difficult to produce. For land-use planning and management purposes, a good knowledge of extreme run-out zones and frequencies of avalanches is required. In the present work, vegetation recognition (especially focused on Pinus uncinata trees) and dendrochronological techniques are used to characterize avalanches that have occurred in historical times, helping to determine both the extent of large or extreme avalanches and their occurrence in time. Vegetation was studied at the Canal del Roc Roig (eastern Pyrenees, Spain) avalanche path. The avalanches descending this path affect the railway that reaches the Vall de Núria resort and the run-up to the opposite slope. During winter 1996, two important avalanches affecting this path were well documented. These are compared with the results of the vegetation study, consisting of an inventory of flora, the recording of vegetation damages along eight transverse profiles at different altitudes on the path and a dendrochronological sampling campaign. The data obtained contributed to a characterization of the predominant snow accumulation in the starting zone, the 1996 avalanches and the range of frequencies of large avalanches. Also, traces of avalanches that increase the path mapped in the avalanche paths map published by the Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya in 2000 were identified, improving the initial existing information.


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VR Osakeyhtiö on siirtymässä kohti prosessijohtamista, joka on seurausta toiminnan kehittämisohjelmalle. Tämän avulla pyritään kehittämään toimintoja, jotta pystytään olemaan kilpailukykyisiä myös tulevaisuudessa, kun rautatieliikenne tulee avautumaan. Työn keskeinen tavoite oli kehittää VR Kunnossapitopalvelujen ja sen asiakkaiden välistä toimintaa. Tarkoituksena oli tehdä prosessi, joka samalla kuvaisi tätä rajapintaa ja selkiyttäisi kokonaisuutta. Työssäni tutustuin yrityksen eri osastoihin, niiden toimintoihin ja millä tavalla ne liittyivät Kunnossapitopalveluihin ja sen toimintoihin. Tavara- ja henkilöliikenteelle tehdyissä prosesseissa on kuvattu rajapinnassa tapahtuvaa toimintaa ja informaatiota Kunnossapitopalvelujen ja asiakkaiden välillä. Ne auttavat hahmottamaan kokonaisuuden, missä toimitaan sekä kertoo karkeasti mitä kaikkea yhteensovittamiseen liittyy eri suunnittelujaksoilla. Prosesseja tulee jatkuvasti kehittää, jotta ne pysyisivät ajan tasalla. Tätä tullaan varmasti tekemään prosessien omistajien johdolla.


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Työn tavoitteena on tutkia syyskuussa 2006 auenneen Lahti-Kerava Oikoradan ensivaikutuksia linja-autoliikenteeseen. Vaikutuksia tutkitaan kolmelta eri kannalta, joita ovat linja-autoyritykset, matkustajat ja kunnat. Työstä on rajattu pois Helsingin sopimusliikenne eli YTV-alue. Tutkimus on kvalitatiivinen, ymmärtämään pyrkivä ja hyvin empiriapainotteinen. Tutkimus toteutetaan pääsääntöisesti analysoimalla tilastollista tietoa ja tekemällä teemahaastatteluja. Lisäksi vaikutuksia matkustajille tutkitaan matkustajatutkimuksen avulla. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että matkustajamäärät ovat linja-autoliikenteessä vähentyneet huomattavasti Lahti-Helsinki-Lahti sekä Mäntsälä-Helsinki-Mäntsälä - väleillä oikoradan henkilöjunaliikenteen alkamisen jälkeen. Matkustajatutkimus osoittaa, että matkustaja valitsee linja-auton tälle välille sopivan matkareitin, pysäkille pääsemisen helppouden ja luotettavuuden vuoksi. Juna puolestaan valitaan sen nopeuden ja hinnan vuoksi tutkitulla välillä.


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The social saving literature has highlighted the indispensable role that railways played before 1914 in several Latin American export-oriented economies, such as Mexico, Brazil and Argentina. The article analyses the case of Uruguay, a country that, by 1914, had built one of the densest railway networks in Latin America. The article shows that, in contrast to what happened in other economies of the region, the resource saving effects of the Uruguayan railways during the first globalisation were tiny due to the small share that railway output accounted for within the country's gross domestic product (GDP). Three complementary reasons are suggested to explain that result, namely: the geographical structure of the country; its sectoral specialisation; and the small scale of the Uruguayan economy. Due to these three characteristics, Uruguay was unable to benefit from railways in the way that other export-oriented Latin American economies did during the first period of globalisation. This conclusion draws attention to the geographic-specific character of railway technology.


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Characterizing the geological features and structures in three dimensions over inaccessible rock cliffs is needed to assess natural hazards such as rockfalls and rockslides and also to perform investigations aimed at mapping geological contacts and building stratigraphy and fold models. Indeed, the detailed 3D data, such as LiDAR point clouds, allow to study accurately the hazard processes and the structure of geologic features, in particular in vertical and overhanging rock slopes. Thus, 3D geological models have a great potential of being applied to a wide range of geological investigations both in research and applied geology projects, such as mines, tunnels and reservoirs. Recent development of ground-based remote sensing techniques (LiDAR, photogrammetry and multispectral / hyperspectral images) are revolutionizing the acquisition of morphological and geological information. As a consequence, there is a great potential for improving the modeling of geological bodies as well as failure mechanisms and stability conditions by integrating detailed remote data. During the past ten years several large rockfall events occurred along important transportation corridors where millions of people travel every year (Switzerland: Gotthard motorway and railway; Canada: Sea to sky highway between Vancouver and Whistler). These events show that there is still a lack of knowledge concerning the detection of potential rockfalls, making mountain residential settlements and roads highly risky. It is necessary to understand the main factors that destabilize rocky outcrops even if inventories are lacking and if no clear morphological evidences of rockfall activity are observed. In order to increase the possibilities of forecasting potential future landslides, it is crucial to understand the evolution of rock slope stability. Defining the areas theoretically most prone to rockfalls can be particularly useful to simulate trajectory profiles and to generate hazard maps, which are the basis for land use planning in mountainous regions. The most important questions to address in order to assess rockfall hazard are: Where are the most probable sources for future rockfalls located? What are the frequencies of occurrence of these rockfalls? I characterized the fracturing patterns in the field and with LiDAR point clouds. Afterwards, I developed a model to compute the failure mechanisms on terrestrial point clouds in order to assess the susceptibility to rockfalls at the cliff scale. Similar procedures were already available to evaluate the susceptibility to rockfalls based on aerial digital elevation models. This new model gives the possibility to detect the most susceptible rockfall sources with unprecented detail in the vertical and overhanging areas. The results of the computation of the most probable rockfall source areas in granitic cliffs of Yosemite Valley and Mont-Blanc massif were then compared to the inventoried rockfall events to validate the calculation methods. Yosemite Valley was chosen as a test area because it has a particularly strong rockfall activity (about one rockfall every week) which leads to a high rockfall hazard. The west face of the Dru was also chosen for the relevant rockfall activity and especially because it was affected by some of the largest rockfalls that occurred in the Alps during the last 10 years. Moreover, both areas were suitable because of their huge vertical and overhanging cliffs that are difficult to study with classical methods. Limit equilibrium models have been applied to several case studies to evaluate the effects of different parameters on the stability of rockslope areas. The impact of the degradation of rockbridges on the stability of large compartments in the west face of the Dru was assessed using finite element modeling. In particular I conducted a back-analysis of the large rockfall event of 2005 (265'000 m3) by integrating field observations of joint conditions, characteristics of fracturing pattern and results of geomechanical tests on the intact rock. These analyses improved our understanding of the factors that influence the stability of rock compartments and were used to define the most probable future rockfall volumes at the Dru. Terrestrial laser scanning point clouds were also successfully employed to perform geological mapping in 3D, using the intensity of the backscattered signal. Another technique to obtain vertical geological maps is combining triangulated TLS mesh with 2D geological maps. At El Capitan (Yosemite Valley) we built a georeferenced vertical map of the main plutonio rocks that was used to investigate the reasons for preferential rockwall retreat rate. Additional efforts to characterize the erosion rate were made at Monte Generoso (Ticino, southern Switzerland) where I attempted to improve the estimation of long term erosion by taking into account also the volumes of the unstable rock compartments. Eventually, the following points summarize the main out puts of my research: The new model to compute the failure mechanisms and the rockfall susceptibility with 3D point clouds allows to define accurately the most probable rockfall source areas at the cliff scale. The analysis of the rockbridges at the Dru shows the potential of integrating detailed measurements of the fractures in geomechanical models of rockmass stability. The correction of the LiDAR intensity signal gives the possibility to classify a point cloud according to the rock type and then use this information to model complex geologic structures. The integration of these results, on rockmass fracturing and composition, with existing methods can improve rockfall hazard assessments and enhance the interpretation of the evolution of steep rockslopes. -- La caractérisation de la géologie en 3D pour des parois rocheuses inaccessibles est une étape nécessaire pour évaluer les dangers naturels tels que chutes de blocs et glissements rocheux, mais aussi pour réaliser des modèles stratigraphiques ou de structures plissées. Les modèles géologiques 3D ont un grand potentiel pour être appliqués dans une vaste gamme de travaux géologiques dans le domaine de la recherche, mais aussi dans des projets appliqués comme les mines, les tunnels ou les réservoirs. Les développements récents des outils de télédétection terrestre (LiDAR, photogrammétrie et imagerie multispectrale / hyperspectrale) sont en train de révolutionner l'acquisition d'informations géomorphologiques et géologiques. Par conséquence, il y a un grand potentiel d'amélioration pour la modélisation d'objets géologiques, ainsi que des mécanismes de rupture et des conditions de stabilité, en intégrant des données détaillées acquises à distance. Pour augmenter les possibilités de prévoir les éboulements futurs, il est fondamental de comprendre l'évolution actuelle de la stabilité des parois rocheuses. Définir les zones qui sont théoriquement plus propices aux chutes de blocs peut être très utile pour simuler les trajectoires de propagation des blocs et pour réaliser des cartes de danger, qui constituent la base de l'aménagement du territoire dans les régions de montagne. Les questions plus importantes à résoudre pour estimer le danger de chutes de blocs sont : Où se situent les sources plus probables pour les chutes de blocs et éboulement futurs ? Avec quelle fréquence vont se produire ces événements ? Donc, j'ai caractérisé les réseaux de fractures sur le terrain et avec des nuages de points LiDAR. Ensuite, j'ai développé un modèle pour calculer les mécanismes de rupture directement sur les nuages de points pour pouvoir évaluer la susceptibilité au déclenchement de chutes de blocs à l'échelle de la paroi. Les zones sources de chutes de blocs les plus probables dans les parois granitiques de la vallée de Yosemite et du massif du Mont-Blanc ont été calculées et ensuite comparés aux inventaires des événements pour vérifier les méthodes. Des modèles d'équilibre limite ont été appliqués à plusieurs cas d'études pour évaluer les effets de différents paramètres sur la stabilité des parois. L'impact de la dégradation des ponts rocheux sur la stabilité de grands compartiments de roche dans la paroi ouest du Petit Dru a été évalué en utilisant la modélisation par éléments finis. En particulier j'ai analysé le grand éboulement de 2005 (265'000 m3), qui a emporté l'entier du pilier sud-ouest. Dans le modèle j'ai intégré des observations des conditions des joints, les caractéristiques du réseau de fractures et les résultats de tests géoméchaniques sur la roche intacte. Ces analyses ont amélioré l'estimation des paramètres qui influencent la stabilité des compartiments rocheux et ont servi pour définir des volumes probables pour des éboulements futurs. Les nuages de points obtenus avec le scanner laser terrestre ont été utilisés avec succès aussi pour produire des cartes géologiques en 3D, en utilisant l'intensité du signal réfléchi. Une autre technique pour obtenir des cartes géologiques des zones verticales consiste à combiner un maillage LiDAR avec une carte géologique en 2D. A El Capitan (Yosemite Valley) nous avons pu géoréferencer une carte verticale des principales roches plutoniques que j'ai utilisé ensuite pour étudier les raisons d'une érosion préférentielle de certaines zones de la paroi. D'autres efforts pour quantifier le taux d'érosion ont été effectués au Monte Generoso (Ticino, Suisse) où j'ai essayé d'améliorer l'estimation de l'érosion au long terme en prenant en compte les volumes des compartiments rocheux instables. L'intégration de ces résultats, sur la fracturation et la composition de l'amas rocheux, avec les méthodes existantes permet d'améliorer la prise en compte de l'aléa chute de pierres et éboulements et augmente les possibilités d'interprétation de l'évolution des parois rocheuses.


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This paper analyzes Spanish infrastructure policy since the early 1700s: Road building in the eighteenth century, railway creation and expansion in the nineteenth, motorway expansion in the twentieth, and high speed rail development in the twenty-first. The analysis reveals a long-term pattern, in which infrastructure policy in Spain has been driven not by the requirements of commerce and economic activity, but rather by the desire to centralize transportation around the country’s political capital.


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Avec cette thèse de doctorat nous proposons une réflexion transversale concernant les relations entre infrastructures de transport et développement territorial dans des espaces dits « intermédiaires ». Le concept d'espace intermédiaire, relativement nouveau en géographie, est conçu en fonction d'une double approche : celle des infrastructures où les espaces intermédiaires constituent des zones de transit obligées entre des pôles urbains hiérarchiquement supérieurs (par rapport une échelle horizontale) et celle des frontières où les espaces intermédiaires constituent des territoires de coopération entre différents niveaux politico-institutionnels (par rapport à une échelle verticale). Cette problématique de recherche est traitée aussi bien du point de vue théorique qu'avec des études de cas portant sur les effets des nouvelles infrastructures de transports dans la région transfrontalière insubrique (entre le Canton du Tessin et la Lombardie). L'objectif visé est de défendre un scénario d'organisation spatiale polycentrique à plusieurs niveaux comme solution pour le développement durable et cohérent de ces espaces intermédiaires. Ainsi, pour le « niveau macro », nous proposons une analyse des changements d'accessibilité spatiale et des potentiels de développement territorial pour les agglomérations concernées par la mise en service du nouveau tunnel ferroviaire de base du Monte Ceneri (TBC) et de la nouvelle ligne Lugano/Como-Mendrisio-Varese-Malpensa (FMV) à l'horizon 2020. Pour le « niveau meso », nous analysons les effets de la nouvelle ligne FMV en termes de potentiel de densification polycentrique autours des gares ferroviaires. Pour le « niveau micro », nous proposons une analyse sur les comportements de mobilité ainsi que des améliorations ciblées du système de transport pour la ville de Mendrisio visant à promouvoir le développement polycentrique de cette commune. De plus, un système d'analyse permettant de mettre en lien les divers facteurs explicatifs dans l'analyse des relations entre les nouvelles infrastructures de transport et les effets sur la mobilité et le développement territorial est également élaboré et testé dans notre recherche. -- With this Ph.D. thesis we investigate the relationship between transport infrastructures and territory development inside the so called "in-between spaces". The idea of "in-between space", relatively novel in geography, is the formal outcome of a double approach: the one of the infrastructures, saying that these spaces can be described as areas of constrained transit between urban centres of superior hierarchical level (on a horizontal scale), and the one of the borders, stating that in-between spaces are areas of cooperation between various political-institutional levels. The above mentioned research issues are deepened both at theoretical and empirical level, being the latter based on field studies of the cross-boundary Western-Lombard area (between the Swiss canton of Ticino and the Italian region of Lombardy). This research pursues the goal of defending the argument that a multi-level polycentric spatial scenario can be a possible solution fora sustainable development of the above described in- between areas. From a "macro" perspective, what we submit here is an analysis on the expected changes in spatial accessibility and on the potential territorial development for the built-up areas influenced by the construction of the new train tunnel of the Monte Ceneri (TBC) and of the new railway line Lugano/Como-Mendrisio-Varese-Malpensa (FMV). At a "meso" level we analyse the effects exerted by the new FMV line taking into account the potential densification of the areas surrounding the railway stations. Finally, at a "micro" level, we analyse the mobility behaviours in the town of Mendrisio and we propose some possible improvements to the local public transport system, with the scope to promote a polycentric development of this municipality. Moreover, we developed and tested an analytic system able to define the existing links between the various explaining factors characterizing the relationship between new transport infrastructures and effects on mobility. -- With this Ph.D. thesis we investigate the relationship between transport infrastructures and territory development inside the so called "in-between spaces". The idea of "in-between space", relatively novel in geography, is the formal outcome of a double approach: the one of the infrastructures, saying that these spaces can be described as areas of constrained transit between urban centres of superior hierarchical level (on a horizontal scale), and the one of the borders, stating that in-between spaces are areas of cooperation between various political-institutional levels. The above mentioned research issues are deepened both at theoretical and empirical level, being the latter based on field studies of the cross-boundary Western-Lombard area (between the Swiss canton of Ticino and the Italian region of Lombardy). This research pursues the goal of defending the argument that a multi-level polycentric spatial scenario can be a possible solution for a sustainable development of the above described in- between areas. From a "macro" perspective, what we submit here is an analysis on the expected changes in spatial accessibility and on the potential territorial development for the built-up areas influenced by the construction of the new train tunnel of the Monte Ceneri (TBC) and of the new railway line Lugano/Como-Mendrisio-Varese-Malpensa (FMV). At a "meso" level we analyse the effects exerted by the new FMV line taking into account the potential densification of the areas surrounding the railway stations. Finally, at a "micro" level, we analyse the mobility behaviours in the town of Mendrisio and we propose some possible improvements to the local public transport system, with the scope to promote a polycentric development of this municipality. Moreover, we developed and tested an analytic system able to define the existing links between the various explaining factors characterizing the relationship between new transport infrastructures and effects on mobility.


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This paper examines the direct and indirect impacts of transport infrastructure on industrial employment. We estimate regressions with spatial econometric methods using data from the Spanish regions for the period 1995-2008. We find that the density of motorways and the amount of port traffic (particularly general non-containerized and container traffic) are significant determinants of industrial employment in the region, while the effects of railway density and the amount of airport traffic are unclear. Our empirical analysis shows the existence of significant negative spatial spillovers for the density of motorways and levels of container port traffic while the impact of general non-containerized port traffic seems to be mainly local.


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The role of transport in the economy is twofold. As a sector of economic activity it contributes to a share of national income. On the other hand, improvements in transport infrastructure create room for accelerated economic growth. As a means to support railways as a safe and environmentally friendly transportation mode, the EU legislation has required the opening of domestic railway freight for competition from beginning of year 2007. The importance of railways as a mode of transport has been great in Finland, as a larger share of freight has been carried on rails than in Europe on average. In this thesis it is claimed that the efficiency of goods transport can be enhanced by service specific investments. Furthermore, it is stressed that simulation can and should be used to evaluate the cost-efficiency of transport systems on operational level, as well as to assess transportation infrastructure investments. In all the studied cases notable efficiency improvements were found. For example in distribution, home delivery of groceries can be almost twice as cost efficient as the current practice of visiting the store. The majority of the cases concentrated on railway freight. In timber transportation, the item with the largest annual transport volume in domestic railway freight in Finland, the transportation cost could be reduced most substantially. Also in international timber procurement, the utilization of railway wagons could be improved by combining complementary flows. The efficiency improvements also have positive environmental effects; a large part of road transit could be moved to rails annually. If impacts of freight transport are included in cost-benefit analysis of railway investments, up to 50 % increase in the net benefits of the evaluated alternatives can be experienced, avoiding a possible inbuilt bias in the assessment framework, and thus increasing the efficiency of national investments in transportation infrastructure. Transportation systems are a typical example of complex real world systems that cannot be analysed realistically by analytical methods, whereas simulation allows inclusion of dynamics and the level of detail required. Regarding simulation as a viable tool for assessing the efficiency of transportation systems finds support also in the international survey conducted for railway freight operators; operators use operations research methods widely for planning purposes, while simulation is applied only by the larger operators.


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Matkustajainformaatio junassa koostuu vaunujen ulkopuolisilla kylkinäytöillä esitettävistä junan lähtö-, väli- ja määräasematiedoista yhdessä junan ja vaunujen myyntinumeroiden kanssa sekä vaunujen sisäpuolella automaattisista kuulutuksista ja matkustamon näytöillä esitettävästä staattisesta ja vaihtuvasta informaatiosta. Työssä toteutetaan matkustajainformaatiojärjestelmä käytettäväksi matkustajunissa. Järjestelmään syötetään ennen matkan alkua junan tiedot, jonka jälkeen se toimii automaattisesti ilman tarvetta junahenkilökunnan toimenpiteille. Poikkeustilanteissa junahenkilökunta voi estää järjestelmän toiminnan tai valita esiohjelmointuja erikoiskuulutuksia. Toteuttamismenetelmäksi valittiin C-ohjelmointikieli Linux-käyttöjärjestelmällä varustetulla sulautetulla rautatiekäyttöön suunnitellulla laitealustalla.


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Venäjän lainsäädäntö mahdollistaa erilaisten rajoitusten asettamisen liikenteelle kelirikkoajan aikana ja alhaisten painorajoitusten asettaminen on tällöin yleistä. Kelirikon aikaisiin rajoituksiin liittyvä lainsäädäntö on pääosin tarkoituksenmukainen, mutta sitä sovelletaan tavalla, jolla vaikeutetaan huomattavasti yritysten toimintaa ja tarvittavien kuljetusten järjestämistä. Diplomityössä tutkitaan kelirikon vaikutuksia liiketoimintaan erityisesti caseyksikössä, joka on metsäteollisuusyhtiön Venäjällä sijaitseva tuotantoyksikkö. Venäläinen liiketoimintaympäristö eroaa huomattavasti suomalaisesta, ja kelirikon aikana korostuvat etenkin korruption ja henkilökohtaisten suhteiden merkitys. Suuri osa havaituista sallitun painon ylityksistä hoidetaan kelirikon aikana maksamalla epävirallisia maksuja suoraan tarkastajille. Myös virallisia kulkulupia myydään, mutta niiden hankinta on kallista ja aikaa vievää. Työn lähtökohta kiteytyy lainsäädännön, viranomaisten tulkinnan ja todellisen tilanteen välisten ristiriitojen avaamiseen ja selvittämiseen, ja tavoitteena on ollut mahdollisimman objektiivisen kokonaiskuvan luominen tilanteesta. Case-yksikössä on kehitetty vaihtoehtoisia toimintamalleja kelirikkoajan kuljetusten varmistamiseksi. Rautatiekuljetusten määrää on lisätty huomattavasti ja välivarastointiterminaalin rakentamista on suunniteltu. Vaihtoehtoiset toimintamallit aiheuttavat kuitenkin huomattavia lisäkustannuksia. Tutkimuksen tuottamien tietojen avulla case-yhtiössä voidaan jatkossa arvioida todellisia riskejä sekä vaihtoehtoisten toimintamallien tarpeellisuutta ja kustannustehokkuutta aikaisempaa tarkemmin.


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Suomessa rautatiellä käytetään muutamia tuhansia sähköisesti ohjattavia vaihteita, joiden toiminta varmistetaan määräajoin tehtävillä huolloilla. Työssä on tutkittu, onko kehitteillä olevalla vaihteenohjaimella mahdollista mitata ja analysoida vaihteen kunnonvalvontaan liittyviä suureita. Tutkimuksessa on tutustuttu rautatietekniikkaan sekä vaihdetta ohjaavaan vaihteenkääntölaitteeseen. Tutkimuksen perusteella on kehitetty sulautettuun järjestelmään perustuva mittaus- ja analysointijärjestelmäsovellus, joka tekee mittauksia, havaintoja ja johtopäätöksiä vaihteen toiminnasta. Mittaukset on suoritettu moottoria ohjaavista johtimista ja mittaustulokset on tallennettu analysointia ja jatkokäsittelyä varten. Ohjelmiston toimintaa on varmistettu mittauksilla sekä laboratorio-olosuhteissa että oikealla vaihteella testausympäristössä. Saatujen tulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että kehitetyllä laitteistolla on mahdollista toteuttaa vaihdetta diagnosoivia mittauksia riittävän laadukkaasti ja tarkasti. Työssä kehitetty järjestelmäalusta soveltuu käytettäväksi vaihteen diagnostiikan jatkokehittämiselle.