953 resultados para RESPIRATORY RHYTHM
Máster en Oceanografía
Programa de doctorado en Oceanografía
[ES] Respiration is a key ecological index. For either individuals or communities, it can be use to assess carbon and energy, demand and expenditure as well as carbon flow rates through food webs. When combined with productivity measurements it can establish the level of metabolic balance. When combined with measurements of respiratory capacity, it can indicate physiological state. Here, we report pilot studies the metabolism of the green algae, Ulva rotundata that inhabits intertidal pools of Gran Canaria. As a starting point we used the electron transport system (ETS) to differentiate between different growing conditions in the natural environment. We suspected different levels of stress associated with these conditions and looked for the influence of this stress in the ETS measurements. This technique has been successfully applied to study bacteria, phytoplankton and zooplankton in the ocean, but it has not been used to study sessile marine macroalgae. These neritic and littoral macrophytes have major ecological and industrial importance, yet little is known about their respiratory physiology. Such knowledge would strengthen our understanding of the resources of the coastal ocean and facilitate its development and best use. Here, we modified the ETS methodology for Ulva rotundata. With this modified ETS assay we investigated the capacity of Ulva to resist anoxia. We measured respiration with optodes (Fibox 4, Presens) in the dark to the point of oxygen exhaustion and through 24 h of anoxia. Then we exposed the Ulva to light and followed the oxygen increase due to photosynthesis. We discuss here the capacity of Ulva to survive during anoxia.
Trabajo realizado por: Maldonado, F.; Packard, T.; Gómez, M.; Santana Rodríguez, J. J
Programa de doctorado en Oceanografía. La fecha de publicación es la fecha de lectura
[EN]Due to the increasing atmospheric CO2, several on-going research programs, including the German-led KOSMOS GC14 experiment, are evaluating the impact of acidification on marine organisms, intent to predict their future. In the KOSMOS GC14 mesocosm experiment we assessed the effect of different CO2 concentrations on metabolism in microplankton (0.7-50µm size) and in biogenic particles harvested by sediment traps.
[ES]La presente tesis, se centra en el estudio del Sistema de Transporte de Electrones (ETS) en organismos del plancton marino, los factores que lo influencian la interpretación de estas mediciones y su detección mediante espectrofotometría y espectrofluorometría, en muestras oceánicas naturales y en cultivos de organismos marinos. Se pudo establecer, la biomasa, la respiración (R) y la respiración potencial (ɸ), en tres transectos en los océanos Índico y Atlántico Norte Sur. A su vez, se determino el estado fisiológico, en tres tamaños del zooplancton, midiendo la relación R/ɸ. Se exploró los efectos de la inanición sobre la R y la variación con respecto a la ɸ en el zooplancton
[EN]The increase in the anthropogenic CO2 released to the atmosphere, induces an increase in the dissolved CO2 in the ocean, causing elevated pCO2 values and a pH decrease. Due to the increasing atmospheric CO2, several on-going research programs are evaluating the impact of acidification on marine organisms, intent to predict their future. In this mesocosm experiment (KOSMOS 14GC), we assessed the effect of different CO2 concentrations on metabolism in microplankton (0.7-50μm size) and in biogenic particles harvested by sediment traps.
Diseases due to mutations in mitochondrial DNA probably represent the most common form of metabolic disorders, including cancer, as highlighted in the last years. Approximately 300 mtDNA alterations have been identified as the genetic cause of mitochondrial diseases and one-third of these alterations are located in the coding genes for OXPHOS proteins. Despite progress in identification of their molecular mechanisms, little has been done with regard to the therapy. Recently, a particular gene therapy approach, namely allotopic expression, has been proposed and optimized, although the results obtained are rather controversial. In fact, this approach consists in synthesis of a wild-type version of mutated OXPHOS protein in the cytosolic compartment and in its import into mitochondria, but the available evidence is based only on the partial phenotype rescue and not on the demonstration of effective incorporation of the functional protein into respiratory complexes. In the present study, we took advantage of a previously analyzed cell model bearing the m.3571insC mutation in MTND1 gene for the ND1 subunit of respiratory chain complex I. This frame-shift mutation induces in fact translation of a truncated ND1 protein then degraded, causing complex I disassembly, and for this reason not in competition with that allotopically expressed. We show here that allotopic ND1 protein is correctly imported into mitochondria and incorporated in complex I, promoting its proper assembly and rescue of its function. This result allowed us to further confirm what we have previously demonstrated about the role of complex I in tumorigenesis process. Injection of the allotopic clone in nude mice showed indeed that the rescue of complex I assembly and function increases tumor growth, inducing stabilization of HIF1α, the master regulator of tumoral progression, and consequently its downstream gene expression activation.
Speeding the VO2 kinetics results in a reduction of the O2 deficit. Two factors might determine VO2 kinetics: oxygen delivery to muscle (Tschakovsky and Hughson 1999) and a muscle 'metabolic inertia' (Grassi et al. 1996). Therefore, in study 1 we investigated VO2 kinetics and cardiovascular system adaptations during step exercise transitions in different regions of the moderate domain. In study 2 we investigated muscle oxygenation and cardio-pulmonary adaptations during step exercise tests before, after and over a period of training. Study 1 methods: Seven subjects (26 ± 8 yr; 176 ± 5 cm; 69 ± 6 kg) performed 4 types of step transition from rest (0-50W; 0-100W) or elevate baseline (25-75W; 25-125W). GET and VO2max were assessed before testing. O2 uptake and were measured during testing. Study 2 methods: 10 subjects (25 ± 4 yr; 175 ± 9 cm; 71 ± 12 kg) performed a step transition test (0 to 100 W) before, after and during 4 weeks of endurance training (ET). VO2max and GET were assessed before and after of ET (40 minutes, 3 times a week, 60% O2max). VO2 uptake, Q and deoxyheamoglobin were measured during testing. Study 1 results: VO2 τ and the functional gain were slower in the upper regions of the moderate domain. Q increased more abruptly during rest to work condition. Q τ was faster than VO2 τ for each exercise step. Study 2 results: VO2 τ became faster after ET (25%) and particularly after 1 training session (4%). Q kinetics changed after 4 training sessions nevertheless it was always faster than VO2 τ. An attenuation in ∆[HHb] /∆VO2 was detectible. Conclusion: these investigations suggest that muscle fibres recruitment exerts a influence on the VO2 response within the moderate domain either during different forms of step transition or following ET.