977 resultados para Proximity detectors.


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Unlike most previous studies on vortex- induced vibrations of a cylinder far from a boundary, this paper focuses On the influences of close proximity of a submarine pipeline to a rigid seabed boundary upon the dynamic responses of the pipeline in ocean currents. The effects of gap-to-diameter ratio and those of the stability parameter on the amplitude and frequency responses of a pipeline are investigated experimentally with a novel hydro-elastic facility. A comparison is made between the present experimental results Of the amplitude and frequency responses for the pipes with seabed boundary effects and those for wall-free cylinders given by Govardhan and Williamson (2000) and Anand ( 1985). The comparison shows that the close proximity of a pipeline to seabed has much influence on the vortex- induced vibrations of the pipeline. Both the width of the lock-in ranges in terms of V, and the dimensionless amplitude ratio A(max)/D become larger with the decrease of the gap-to-diameter ratio e/D. Moreover, the vibration of the pipeline becomes easier to occur and its amplitude response becomes more intensive with the decrease of the stability parameter, while the pipeline frequency responses are affected slightly by the stability parameter.


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Turbulence, as naturally occurs in the atmosphere, is known to become highly anisotropic in the presence of the flow induced by a propeller. This turbulent distortion, caused by the streamtube contraction, significantly affects the tonal content of the radiated noise due to turbulence ingestion. We present here an analytic framework in which turbulent distortion may be assessed for any irrotational mean flow which approaches uniform axial flow far upstream. Sound spectra are presented for the case of two rotors in close proximity, for which the distortion is asymmetric. Quantities such as the turbulence spectrum at the rotor face and sound directivity then vary with azimuthal angle φ. © 2010 by Rosalyn A.V. Robison & N. Peake.


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A gray, fine-grained arkosic sandstone tablet bearing an inscription in ancient Hebrew from the First Temple Period contains a rich assemblage of particles accumulated in the covering patina. Two types of patina cover the tablet: a thin layer of black to orange iron-oxide-rich layer, a product of micro-biogenic processes, and a light beige patina that contains feldspars, carbonate, iron oxide, subangular quartz grains, carbon ash particles and gold globules (1 to 4 microns [1 micron = 0.001 millimeter] in diameter). The patina covers the rock surface as well as the engraved lettering grooves and blankets and thus post-dates the incised inscription as well as a crack that runs across the stone and several of the engraved letters. Radiocarbon analyses of the carbon particles in the patina yield a calibrated radiocarbon age of 2340 to 2150 Cal BP. The presence of microcolonial fungi and associated pitting in the patina indicates slow growth over many years. The occurrence of pure gold globules and carbon ash particles is evidence of a thermal event in close proximity to the tablet (above 1000 degrees Celsius). This study supports the antiquity of the patina, which in turn, strengthens the contention that the inscription is authentic.


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We report on the fabrication and field emission of carbon nanotube lateral field emitters. Due to its high aspect ratio and mechanical strength, we use vertically aligned multi-wall carbon nanotubes prepared by plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition as cathodes, which makes the fabrication of cantilever type lateral field emitters possible. The emission characteristics show that the field emission initiates at 11-17 V. The device has high geometrical enhancement factors (9.3 × 106 cm-1) compared to standard Spindt tips, which may be due to increased field concentration at the nanotube tip and the close proximity of the anode (<1 μm). The relative ease of fabrication compared to vertical field emitters and enhanced field emission characteristics observed makes the carbon nanotube lateral field emitter a good candidate for future integrated nano-electronic devices.


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The experimental results for the excited time of the nonequlibrium radiation and the ionization behind strong shock waves are presented. Using an optical multichannel analyzer, InSb infrared detectors and near-free-molecular Langmuir probes, the infrared radiation, the electron density of air and the nonequilibrium radiation spectra at different moments of the relaxation process in nitrogen test gas behind normal shock waves were obtained, respectively, in hydrogen oxygen combustion driven shock tubes.


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Abstract: During extensive salvage excavations carried out during the years 2004-2008 in a large Early Islamic industrial area at the vicinities of Ramla, in Central Israel, an unparalleled industrial device was unearthed. The star-shaped, soil embedded installation, whose lower part was preserved, consisted of a central pottery jar surrounded by five minor jars, linked by ceramic pipes. Evidence of heat was observed mainly around the central vessel, and metal hollow cones perforated in the tip were found inside the surrounding jars. Although the manufacturing procedures and operation techniques of the installation are not completely clear, it is proposed that the installation is part of an industrial workshop or an alchemy laboratory. Both industry and alchemy were well-developed during the Early Islamic period and very often closely related, to the point that sometimes it is difficult to distinguish between them. The identification proposed is based on comparisons with tools described in literary sources, and somewhat later drawings and etchings. Circumstantial ceramic evidence was found, as well as the proximity of a bathhouse whose guests could have been the consumers of perfumes and unguents seem to reinforce this possibility. Due to the poor state of preservation of the device and the lack of available comparisons, the identification proposed here is tentative, and future research coupled with eventual new discoveries is needed in order to clarify this matter.


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Ideally we would like subjects of experiments to be perfect strangers so that the situation they face at the lab is not just part of a long run interaction. Unfortunately, it is not easy to reach those conditions and experimenters try to mitigate any effects from those out-of-the-lab relationships by, for instance, randomly matching subjects. However, even if this type of procedure is used, there is a positive probability that a subject may face a friend or an acquaintance. We find evidence that social proximity between subjects is irrelevant to experiment results in dictator games. Thus, although ideal conditions are not met, relations between subjects do not contaminate the results of experiments.


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The digital management of collections in museums, archives, libraries and galleries is an increasingly important part of cultural heritage studies. This paper describes a representation for folk song metadata, based on the Web Ontology Language (OWL) implementation of the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model. The OWL representation facilitates encoding and reasoning over a genre ontology, while the CIDOC model enables a representation of complex spatial containment and proximity relations among geographic regions. It is shown how complex queries of folk song metadata, relying on inference and not only retrieval, can be expressed in OWL and solved using a description logic reasoner.


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ABSTRACT: The Potomac River Fisheries Program is concerned with the longterm effects of power plant ichthyoplankton entrainment on striped bass(hforone smatilis) recruitment. Since striped bass population fluctuations are determined strongly by environmental conditions during spawning and early development, assessment of power plant-induced ichthyoplankton mortalities must consider the mechanisms controlling spawning success. Ichthyoplankton distributions for 1974, spawning population abundance and fecundity, and environmental conditions were considered for analysis. Loss of the early part of the spawn (including the peak) accounted for the highest mortalities among ichthyoplankton. This was due to the proximity of these distributions to the salt wedge where transport into regions un!ivorable to survival seems to have occurred. The later, successful portion of the spawn occurred further upstream, in fresh tidal portions of the river. The sequence of events Ieading to an assessment of factors affecting ichthyoplankton surnnl are evaluated. Due to high early mortalities in ichthyoplankton, 1974 spawning success was low, and a poor yearclass is projected.


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Most of the existing researches either focus on vortex-induced-vibrations (VIV) of a pipeline near a rigid boundary, or on seabed scour around a fixed pipeline. In the fields, pipeline vibration and seabed scour are actually always coupled. Based on the similarity analysis, a series of tests were conducted with a hydro-elastic facility to investigate the influence of pipe vibration on the local scour and the effects of scour process on the pipeline dynamic responses. Experimental results indicate that, there exist two phases in the process of sand scouring around the pipeline with small embedment, i.e. Phase I: scour beneath pipe without VIV, and Phase II: scour with VIV of pipe. It is also found that the gap-to-diameter ratio (e/D) has much effect upon the scour depth for the fixed pipes. For a given value of e/D, the vibrating pipes with close proximity to seabed may induce a deeper scour hole than the fixed ones. Within the examined gap-to-diameter ratio range (425 < e/D < 0.75), the influences of gap-to-diameter ratio on the maximum values of scour-depth for the case of vibrating pipes are not as much as those for the case of fixed pipes.


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Ichthyoplankton was sampled at 14 stations with 60 cm bongo nets fitted with 0.333 mm mesh in basins throughout Florida Bay in 1994-1995. In addition, I compared collections made using an epibenthic sled to those made with standard ichthyoplankton bongo nets at four stations during July 1997-November,1999 to determine ifthe two types of gear are complementary. In 1994-1995, in descending order of abundance, Clupeiformes, Gobiidae, Callionymidae, Sciaenidae, Labrisomidae, Soleidae and Blenniidae dominated the ichthyoplankton. Densities of clupeiforms were generally very high (> 100 larvae 100 m-3) or high (10.0 - 99.9 larvae 100 m-3). Gobiid larvae were ubiquitous with highest densities occurring in waters in close proximity to the Gulf of Mexico (109.7 larvae 100 m-3), lowest in two ofthree eastern Florida Bay stations (<1.0 larva 100 m-3). Spotted seatrout, Cynoscion nebulosus, dominated larval sciaenid collections and the only other sciaenid identified to species was the sand seatrout, Cynoscion arenarius. Taxa differed markedly between collections taken by epibenthic sled and standard ichthyoplankton bongo nets. Taxa collected with standard ichthyoplankton gear were those that spawn in Florida Bay and have pelagic larvae (i.e., engraulids and gobiids). Taxa collected with the sled were small resident species that have benthic larvae (i.e., syngnathids and cyprinodonts) or taxa that spawn outside the bay, but use the bay as a nursery area (i.e., gerreids and haemulids). Recently-settled red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus, were collected with the epibenthic sled in November 1999, although juveniles of this important gamefish are rare in the bay.


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With the near extinction of many spawning aggregations of large grouper and snapper throughout the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and tropical Atlantic, we need to provide baselines for their conservation. Thus, there is a critical need to develop techniques for rapidly assessing the remaining known (and unknown) aggregations. To this end we used mobile hydroacoustic surveys to estimate the density, spatial extent, and total abundance of a Nassau grouper spawning aggregation at Little Cayman Island, Cayman Islands, BWI. Hydroacoustic estimates of abundance, density, and spatial extent were similar on two sampling occasions. The location and approximate spatial extent of the Nassau grouper spawning aggregation near the shelf-break was corroborated by diver visual observations. Hydroacoustic density estimates were, overall, three-times higher than the average density observed by divers; however, we note that in some instances diver-estimated densities in localized areas were similar to hydroacoustic density estimates. The resolution of the hydroacoustic transects and geostatistical interpolation may have resulted in over-estimates in fish abundance, but still provided reasonable estimates of total spatial extent of the aggregation. Limitations in bottom time for scuba and visibility resulted in poor coverage of the entire Nassau grouper aggregation and low estimates of abundance when compared to hydroacoustic estimates. Although the majority of fish in the aggregation were well off bottom, fish that were sometimes in close proximity to the seafloor were not detected by the hydroacoustic survey. We conclude that diver observations of fish spawning aggregations are critical to interpretations of hydroacoustic surveys, and that hydroacoustic surveys provide a more accurate estimate of overall fish abundance and spatial extent than diver observations. Thus, hydroacoustics is an emerging technology that, when coupled with diver observations, provides a comprehensive survey method for monitoring spawning aggregations of fish.


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RRAs were carried out in two Small Tank Cascade systems (STCs) of North West Province, Sri Lanka (less than 1000 ha total watershed area). A total of 21 tanks and 7 villages were investigated with primary emphasis on two upper watershed communities. The two systems differ primarily in their resource base; namely rainfall, natural forests and proximity to large scale perennial irrigation resources. [PDF contains 86 pages]


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There is an increasing number of Ambient Intelligence (AmI) systems that are time-sensitive and resource-aware. From healthcare to building and even home/office automation, it is now common to find systems combining interactive and sensing multimedia traffic with relatively simple sensors and actuators (door locks, presence detectors, RFIDs, HVAC, information panels, etc.). Many of these are today known as Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). Quite frequently, these systems must be capable of (1) prioritizing different traffic flows (process data, alarms, non-critical data, etc.), (2) synchronizing actions in several distributed devices and, to certain degree, (3) easing resource management (e.g., detecting faulty nodes, managing battery levels, handling overloads, etc.). This work presents FTT-MA, a high-level middleware architecture aimed at easing the design, deployment and operation of such AmI systems. FTT-MA ensures that both functional and non-functional aspects of the applications are met even during reconfiguration stages. The paper also proposes a methodology, together with a design tool, to create this kind of systems. Finally, a sample case study is presented that illustrates the use of the middleware and the methodology proposed in the paper.