867 resultados para Problem drug use
Objectives: To estimate prevalence, age-of-onset, gender distribution and identify correlates of lifetime psychiatric disorders in the Sao Paulo Metropolitan Area (SPMA). Methods: The Sao Paulo Megacity Mental Health Survey assessed psychiatric disorders on a probabilistic sample of 5,037 adult residents in the SPMA, using the World Mental Health Survey Version of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview. Response rate was 81.3%. Results: Lifetime prevalence for any disorder was 44.8%; estimated risk at age 75 was 57.7%; comorbidity was frequent. Major depression, specific phobias and alcohol abuse were the most prevalent across disorders; anxiety disorders were the most frequent class. Early age-of-onset for phobic and impulse-control disorders and later age-of-onset for mood disorders were observed. Women were more likely to have anxiety and mood disorders, whereas men, substance use disorders. Apart from conduct disorders, more frequent in men, there were no gender differences in impulse-control disorders. There was a consistent trend of higher prevalence in the youngest cohorts. Low education level was associated to substance use disorders. Conclusions: Psychiatric disorders are highly prevalent among the general adult population in the SPMA, with frequent comorbidity, early age-of-onset for most disorders, and younger cohorts presenting higher rates of morbidity. Such scenario calls for vigorous public health action.
Abstract Background Hepatitis C chronic liver disease is a major cause of liver transplant in developed countries. This article reports the first nationwide population-based survey conducted to estimate the seroprevalence of HCV antibodies and associated risk factors in the urban population of Brazil. Methods The cross sectional study was conducted in all Brazilian macro-regions from 2005 to 2009, as a stratified multistage cluster sample of 19,503 inhabitants aged between 10 and 69 years, representing individuals living in all 26 State capitals and the Federal District. Hepatitis C antibodies were detected by a third-generation enzyme immunoassay. Seropositive individuals were retested by Polymerase Chain Reaction and genotyped. Adjusted prevalence was estimated by macro-regions. Potential risk factors associated with HCV infection were assessed by calculating the crude and adjusted odds ratios, 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) and p values. Population attributable risk was estimated for multiple factors using a case–control approach. Results The overall weighted prevalence of hepatitis C antibodies was 1.38% (95% CI: 1.12%–1.64%). Prevalence of infection increased in older groups but was similar for both sexes. The multivariate model showed the following to be predictors of HCV infection: age, injected drug use (OR = 6.65), sniffed drug use (OR = 2.59), hospitalization (OR = 1.90), groups socially deprived by the lack of sewage disposal (OR = 2.53), and injection with glass syringe (OR = 1.52, with a borderline p value). The genotypes 1 (subtypes 1a, 1b), 2b and 3a were identified. The estimated population attributable risk for the ensemble of risk factors was 40%. Approximately 1.3 million individuals would be expected to be anti-HCV-positive in the country. Conclusions The large estimated absolute numbers of infected individuals reveals the burden of the disease in the near future, giving rise to costs for the health care system and society at large. The known risk factors explain less than 50% of the infected cases, limiting the prevention strategies. Our findings regarding risk behaviors associated with HCV infection showed that there is still room for improving strategies for reducing transmission among drug users and nosocomial infection, as well as a need for specific prevention and control strategies targeting individuals living in poverty.
Since drug therapy in the elderly is complex and longterm and aged people commonly present some level of impairment and disability, medication adherence tend to decrease with age. Cognitive function is a key factor associated with medication adherence and professional or caregiver assistance may be necessary to maintain correct drug use. This study aims to analyze frail elderly outpatients aged 80 years or over diagnosed with dementia. The study is cross-sectional and is being conducted at the Ambulatory of Frailty of the University Hospital of the University of São Paulo (AF-UH). It is being based on information collected through an interview conducted with the patient or its caregiver. Medication adherence is assessed by the proportion of the prescribed drugs used in concordance with the prescription. Here it is presented the results of a pilot study. Thirty patients were included in the pilot study of which 23 (76.7%) were female and 7 (23.3%) males. The mean(SD) age, number of dwelling relatives, living children and prescribed drugs was, respectively, 86(5) years, 3(2), 3(2) and 6(3). The AF-UH consultation is the only regular physician encounter for 60.7% of the patients. Out of 30 patients, 5 (16.7%) live alone. Medication is a caregiver responsibility in 22 (73.4%) patients; the others (26.6%) self-administer their medicines. 13 (43.3%) of patients regularly use at least one drug not prescribed. Dementia was present in 8 patients all of which have a caregiver responsible for the management and,or the administration of the medicines; on the other hand, only 4 of the 22 nondemented patients (18.2%) have assistance of a caregiver (p<.001). The mean(SD) number of prescribed drugs was higher in nondemented patients [6.5(2.4)] than in those with dementia[3.5(2.3)] (p=.004). Educational level was similar between caregivers and patients (p=.503) as well as between caregivers of demented and non demented patients (p=.582). Among patients without dementia, those with caregiver assistance pre-presented the same mean(SD) medication adherence [0.93(0.14)] than those without it [0.78(0.28)] (p=.305). When compared to nondemented patients without caregivers, demented patients showed higher medication adherence [1.00(0.00)] (p=.013) since all of them used their drugs as recommended. The lower number of prescribed drugs and caregiver assistance seem to play an important role in the adherence of pharmacotherapy of demented patients in the studied population.
Between April 1997 and November 1999, I followed eight socially excluded female drug users in an attempt to describe their lives and living conditions. The study employs an ethnographic approach with the focus being directed at the specific woman and her life in relation to the social context where this life is lived. The study’s objective has been to describe the lives and living conditions of the eight drug-using women, as well as the extent of the opportunities available to them, as being determined by mechanisms of social exclusion. Their lives are understood on the basis of a feminist and social constructionist perspective where perceptions of ‘the drug-abusing woman’ are regarded as the result of constructions of gender and deviance. The theoretical perspectives proceeds from the idea that one is not born a woman but rather becomes one. The fundamental idea is that women become women by means of processes of femininisation, in the context of which certain ways of interpreting and presenting oneself as a woman are regarded as good and others as bad. Our images of ‘the female drug addict’ are based on how we define and interpret deviance and on the cultural and social thought and behaviour patterns we ascribe to people on the basis of bodily differences. It is images of ‘the good woman’ that defines what we regard as characteristic of ‘the bad woman’ and vice versa. The findings are organised into three main topics: femininity, living conditions and social control. The main findings are: The women described themselves as women by relating to normative messages about how women “are and should be”, and their drug use constituted a means of coping with life from their social position. Their life revolved to a large extent around money via a constant struggle to find enough to cover the rent, food and other basic necessities. And finally, how the women’s relations to societal institutions were formed by their social position as ‘female drug addicts’ and how the asymmetry of these relations produced certain fixed patterns of action for the parties involved.
The present work explores the psychosocial issues emerging from a large cross-sectional study aimed to assess the prevalence, clinical manifestations, and psychosocial correlates of hyperandrogenism in a population of Italian high school students. Participants were 1804 adolescents, aged between 15 and 19 years, who volunteered to fill in a package of self-report questionnaires (including the Psychosocial Index, the Symptom Questionnaire and Ryff’s Psychological Well-Being scales for the assessment of psychological aspects) and undergo a comprehensive physical examination. Significant gender differences were found with regard to psychological distress, with females reporting higher scores compared with males, but not on well-being dimensions. The relationships of well-being to distress were found to be complex. Although inversely associated, well-being and ill-being appeared to be distinct domains of mental functioning. The evaluation of the moderating effects of well-being in the association between stress and psychological distress indicated that well-being may act as a protective factor, contributing to less pronounced psychological distress as stress levels increased. Higher rates of somatic complaints were found among current smokers. However, substance use (i.e., smoking and drug use) was also found to be positively associated with some well-being dimensions. A considerable number of participants were found to present with disordered eating symptoms, particularly females, and associated higher stress levels and lower quality of life. Sport activities were found to favourably affect psychological health. As to clinical signs of hyperandrogenism, a significant impairment in psychosocial functioning was found among females, whereas no effects on psychological measures could be detected among males. Subgroups of adolescents with distinct clinical and psychological characteristics could be identified by means of cluster analysis. The present study provides new insights into better understanding of the complex relationships between well-being, distress and health status in the adolescent population, with important clinical implications.
Il danno epatico indotto dall'assunzione di farmaci viene comunemente indicato con il termine inglese DILI (Drug-Induced Liver Injury). Il paracetamolo rappresenta la causa più comune di DILI, seguito da antibiotici, FANS e farmaci antitubercolari. In particolare, i FANS sono una delle classi di farmaci maggiormente impiegate in terapia. Numerosi case report descrivono pazienti che hanno sviluppato danno epatico fatale durante il trattamento con FANS; molti di questi farmaci sono stati ritirati dal commercio in seguito a gravi reazioni avverse a carico del fegato. L'ultimo segnale di epatotossicità indotto da FANS è associato alla nimesulide; in alcuni paesi europei come la Finlandia, la Spagna e l'Irlanda, la nimesulide è stata sospesa dalla commercializzazione perché associata ad un'alta frequenza di epatotossicità. Sulla base dei dati disponibili fino a questo momento, l'Agenzia Europea dei Medicinali (EMA) ha recentemente concluso che i benefici del farmaco superano i rischi; un possibile aumento del rischio di epatotossicità associato a nimesulide rimane tuttavia una discussione aperta di cui ancora molto si dibatte. Tra le altre classi di farmaci che possono causare danno epatico acuto la cui incidenza tuttavia non è sempre ben definita sono gli antibiotici, quali amoxicillina e macrolidi, le statine e gli antidepressivi.Obiettivo dello studio è stato quello di determinare il rischio relativo di danno epatico indotto da farmaci con una prevalenza d'uso nella popolazione italiana maggiore o uguale al 6%. E’ stato disegnato uno studio caso controllo sviluppato intervistando pazienti ricoverati in reparti di diversi ospedali d’Italia. Il nostro studio ha messo in evidenza che il danno epatico da farmaci riguarda numerose classi farmacologiche e che la segnalazione di tali reazioni risulta essere statisticamente significativa per numerosi principi attivi. I dati preliminari hanno mostrato un valore di odds ratio significativo statisticamente per la nimesulide, i FANS, alcuni antibiotici come i macrolidi e il paracetamolo.
A critical point in the analysis of ground displacements time series is the development of data driven methods that allow the different sources that generate the observed displacements to be discerned and characterised. A widely used multivariate statistical technique is the Principal Component Analysis (PCA), which allows reducing the dimensionality of the data space maintaining most of the variance of the dataset explained. Anyway, PCA does not perform well in finding the solution to the so-called Blind Source Separation (BSS) problem, i.e. in recovering and separating the original sources that generated the observed data. This is mainly due to the assumptions on which PCA relies: it looks for a new Euclidean space where the projected data are uncorrelated. The Independent Component Analysis (ICA) is a popular technique adopted to approach this problem. However, the independence condition is not easy to impose, and it is often necessary to introduce some approximations. To work around this problem, I use a variational bayesian ICA (vbICA) method, which models the probability density function (pdf) of each source signal using a mix of Gaussian distributions. This technique allows for more flexibility in the description of the pdf of the sources, giving a more reliable estimate of them. Here I present the application of the vbICA technique to GPS position time series. First, I use vbICA on synthetic data that simulate a seismic cycle (interseismic + coseismic + postseismic + seasonal + noise) and a volcanic source, and I study the ability of the algorithm to recover the original (known) sources of deformation. Secondly, I apply vbICA to different tectonically active scenarios, such as the 2009 L'Aquila (central Italy) earthquake, the 2012 Emilia (northern Italy) seismic sequence, and the 2006 Guerrero (Mexico) Slow Slip Event (SSE).
Background There is an ongoing debate as to whether combined antiretroviral treatment (cART) during pregnancy is an independent risk factor for prematurity in HIV-1-infected women. Objective The aim of the study was to examine (1) crude effects of different ART regimens on prematurity, (2) the association between duration of cART and duration of pregnancy, and (3) the role of possibly confounding risk factors for prematurity. Method We analysed data from 1180 pregnancies prospectively collected by the Swiss Mother and Child HIV Cohort Study (MoCHiV) and the Swiss HIV Cohort Study (SHCS). Results Odds ratios for prematurity in women receiving mono/dual therapy and cART were 1.8 [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.85–3.6] and 2.5 (95% CI 1.4–4.3) compared with women not receiving ART during pregnancy (P=0.004). In a subgroup of 365 pregnancies with comprehensive information on maternal clinical, demographic and lifestyle characteristics, there was no indication that maternal viral load, age, ethnicity or history of injecting drug use affected prematurity rates associated with the use of cART. Duration of cART before delivery was also not associated with duration of pregnancy. Conclusion Our study indicates that confounding by maternal risk factors or duration of cART exposure is not a likely explanation for the effects of ART on prematurity in HIV-1-infected women.
Dual-boosted protease inhibitors (DBPI) are an option for salvage therapy for HIV-1 resistant patients. Patients receiving a DBPI in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study between January1996 and March 2007 were studied. Outcomes of interest were viral suppression at 24 weeks. 295 patients (72.5%) were on DBPI for over 6 months. The median duration was 2.2 years. Of 287 patients who had HIV-RNA >400?copies/ml at the start of the regimen, 184 (64.1%) were ever suppressed while on DBPI and 156 (54.4%) were suppressed within 24 weeks. The median time to suppression was 101 days (95% confidence interval 90-125 days). The median number of past regimens was 6 (IQR, 3-8). The main reasons for discontinuing the regimen were patient's wish (48.3%), treatment failure (22.5%), and toxicity (15.8%). Acquisition of HIV through intravenous drug use and the use of lopinavir in combination with saquinavir or atazanavir were associated with an increased likelihood of suppression within 6 months. Patients on DBPI are heavily treatment experienced. Viral suppression within 6 months was achieved in more than half of the patients. There may be a place for DBPI regimens in settings where more expensive alternates are not available.
We describe the largest outbreak of hepatitis B virus infection reported to date in the UK. Between July 2001 and December 2005, 237 cases were identified in Avon, South West England. The likely route of transmission was injecting drug use in 44% (104/237) and heterosexual intercourse in 30% (71/237) of cases. A case-control study in injectors showed that injecting crack cocaine [adjusted odds ratio (aOR) 23·8, 95% confidence interval (CI) 3·04-186, P<0·001] and sharing injecting paraphernalia in the year before diagnosis (aOR 16·67, 95% CI 1·78-100, P=0·010) were strongly associated with acute hepatitis B. In non-IDUs number of sexual partners and lack of consistent condom use were high compared to a national sample. We describe the control measures implemented in response to the outbreak. This outbreak has highlighted the problems associated with the low uptake from the national hepatitis B vaccination policy which targets high-risk groups, the difficulties of identifying those at risk of acquiring hepatitis B infection through heterosexual sex, and injecting crack cocaine as a risk factor for hepatitis B.
More than 250,000 hip fractures occur annually in the United States and the most common fracture location is the femoral neck, the weakest region of the femur. Hip fixation surgery is conducted to repair hip fractures by using a Kirschner (K-) wire as a temporary guide for permanent bone screws. Variation has been observed in the force required to extract the K-wire from the femoral head during surgery. It is hypothesized that a relationship exists between the K-wire pullout force and the bone quality at the site of extraction. Currently, bone mineral density (BMD) is used as a predictor for bone quality and strength. However, BMD characterizes the entire skeletal system and does not account for localized bone quality and factors such as lifestyle, nutrition, and drug use. A patient’s BMD may not accurately describe the quality of bone at the site of fracture. This study aims to investigate a correlation between the force required to extract a K-wire from femoral head specimens and the quality of bone. A procedure to measure K-wire pullout force was developed and tested with pig femoral head specimens. The procedure was implemented on 8 human osteoarthritic femoral head specimens and the average pullout force for each ranged from 563.32 ± 240.38 N to 1041.01 ± 346.84 N. The data exhibited significant variation within and between each specimen and no statistically significant relationships were determined between pullout force and patient age, weight, height, BMI, inorganic to organic matter ratio, and BMD. A new testing fixture was designed and manufactured to merge the clinical and research environments by enabling the physician to extract the K-wire from each bone specimen himself. The new device allows the physician to gather tactile feedback on the relative ease of extraction while load history is recorded similar to the previous procedure for data acquisition. Future work will include testing human bones with the new device to further investigate correlations for predicting bone quality.
BACKGROUND: Congestive heart failure (CHF) is a major public health problem. The use of B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) tests shows promising diagnostic accuracy. Herein, we summarize the evidence on the accuracy of BNP tests in the diagnosis of CHF and compare the performance of rapid enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and standard radioimmunosorbent assay (RIA) tests. METHODS: We searched electronic databases and the reference lists of included studies, and we contacted experts. Data were extracted on the study population, the type of test used, and methods. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) plots and summary ROC curves were produced and negative likelihood ratios pooled. Random-effect meta-analysis and metaregression were used to combine data and explore sources of between-study heterogeneity. RESULTS: Nineteen studies describing 22 patient populations (9 ELISA and 13 RIA) and 9093 patients were included. The diagnosis of CHF was verified by echocardiography, radionuclide scan, or echocardiography combined with clinical criteria. The pooled negative likelihood ratio overall from random-effect meta-analysis was 0.18 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.13-0.23). It was lower for the ELISA test (0.12; 95% CI, 0.09-0.16) than for the RIA test (0.23; 95% CI, 0.16-0.32). For a pretest probability of 20%, which is typical for patients with suspected CHF in primary care, a negative result of the ELISA test would produce a posttest probability of 2.9%; a negative RIA test, a posttest probability of 5.4%. CONCLUSIONS: The use of BNP tests to rule out CHF in primary care settings could reduce demand for echocardiography. The advantages of rapid ELISA tests need to be balanced against their higher cost.
BACKGROUND: According to current recommendations, HIV-infected women should have at least 1 gynecologic examination per year. OBJECTIVES: To analyze factors associated with frequency of gynecologic follow-up and cervical cancer screening among HIV-infected women followed in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study (SHCS). METHODS: Half-yearly questionnaires between April 2001 and December 2004. At every follow-up visit, the women were asked if they had had a gynecologic examination and a cervical smear since their last visit. Longitudinal models were fitted with these variables as outcomes. RESULTS: A total of 2186 women were included in the analysis. Of the 1146 women with complete follow-up in the SHCS, 35.3% had a gynecologic examination in each time period, whereas 7.4% had never gone to a gynecologist. Factors associated with a poor gynecologic follow-up were older age, nonwhite ethnicity, less education, underweight, obesity, being sexually inactive, intravenous drug use, smoking, having a private infectious disease specialist as a care provider, HIV viral load <400 copies/mL, and no previous cervical dysplasia. No association was seen for living alone, CD4 cell count, and positive serology for syphilis. CONCLUSIONS: Gynecologic care among well-followed HIV-positive women is poor and needs to be improved.
BACKGROUND: Patients coinfected with hepatitis C virus (HCV) and HIV experience higher mortality rates than patients infected with HIV alone. We designed a study to determine whether risks for later mortality are similar for HCV-positive and HCV-negative individuals when subjects are stratified on the basis of baseline CD4+ T-cell counts. METHODS: Antiretroviral-naive individuals, who initiated highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) between 1996 and 2002 were included in the study. HCV-positive and HCV-negative individuals were stratified separately by baseline CD4+ T-cell counts of 50 cell/microl increments. Cox-proportional hazards regression was used to model the effect of these strata with other variables on survival. RESULTS: CD4+ T-cell strata below 200 cells/microl, but not above, imparted an increased relative hazard (RH) of mortality for both HCV-positive and HCV-negative individuals. Among HCV-positive individuals, after adjustment for baseline age, HIV RNA levels, history of injection drug use and adherence to therapy, only CD4+ T-cell strata of <50 cells/microl (RH=4.60; 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.72-7.76) and 50-199 cells/microl (RH=2.49; 95% CI 1.63-3.81) were significantly associated with increased mortality when compared with those initiating therapy at cell counts >500 cells/microl. The same baseline CD4+ T-cell strata were found for HCV-negative individuals. CONCLUSION: In a within-groups analysis, the baseline CD4+ T-cell strata that are associated with increased RHs for mortality are the same for HCV-positive and HCV-negative individuals initiating HAART. However, a between-groups analysis reveals a higher absolute mortality risk for HCV-positive individuals.
OBJECTIVE: To characterize the impact of hepatitis C (HCV) serostatus on adherence to antiretroviral treatment (ART) among HIV-infected adults initiating ART. METHODS: The British Columbia HIV/AIDS Drug Treatment Program distributes, at no cost, all ART in this Canadian province. Eligible individuals used triple combination ART as their first HIV therapy and had documented HCV serology. Statistical analyses used parametric and non-parametric methods, including multivariate logistic regression. The primary outcome was > or = 95% adherence, defined as receiving > or = 95% of prescription refills during the first year of antiretroviral therapy. RESULTS: There were 1186 patients eligible for analysis, including 606 (51%) positive for HCV antibody and 580 (49%) who were negative. In adjusted analyses, adherence was independently associated with HCV seropositivity [adjusted odds ratio (AOR), 0.48; 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.23-0.97; P = 0.003], higher plasma albumin levels (AOR, 1.07; 95% CI, 1.01-1.12; P = 0.002) and male gender (AOR, 2.53; 95% CI, 1.04-6.15; P = 0.017), but not with injection drug use (IDU), age or other markers of liver injury. There was no evidence of an interaction between HCV and liver injury in adjusted analyses; comparing different strata of HCV and IDU confirmed that HCV was associated with poor adherence independent of IDU. CONCLUSIONS: HCV-coinfected individuals and those with lower albumin are less likely to be adherent to their ART.