744 resultados para Precious stones.
In archaeometry, the advantages of a combined use of Raman spectroscopy and X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy are extensively discussed for applications such as the analysis of paintings, manuscripts, pottery, etc. Here, we demonstrate for the first time the advantage of using both techniques for analysing glyptics. These engraved gemstones or glass materials were originally used as stamps, to identify the owner, for instance on letters, but also on wine vessels. For this research, a set of 64 glyptics (42 Roman glass specimens and 22 modern ones), belonging to the collection of the museum ‘Quinta das Cruzes’ in Funchal (Madeira, Portugal), was analysed with portable Raman spectroscopy and handheld X-ray fluorescence (hXRF). These techniques were also used to confirm the gemological identification of these precious objects and can give extra information about the glass composition. Raman spectroscopy identifies the molecular composition as well as on the crystalline phases present. On the other hand, hXRF results show that the antique Roman glass samples are characterised with low Pb and Sn levels and that the modern specimens can be discriminated in two groups: lead-based and non-lead-based ones.
Análise do padrão de distribuição espacial de espécies florestais em 8 hectares na Amazônia Central.
Objetivou-se analisar a distribuição espacial explícita de espécies florestais de interesse comercial. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida em Silves, na Precious Woods Amazon Ltda. (PWA), em 8 ha contínuos.
In this dissertation, we focus on developing new green bio-based gel systems and evaluating both the cleaning efficiency and the release of residues on the treated surface, different micro or no destructive techniques, such as optical microscopy, TGA, FTIR spectroscopy, HS-SPME and micro-Spatially Offset Raman spectroscopy (micro-SORS) were tested, proposing advanced analytical protocols. In the first part, a ternary PHB-DMC/BD gel system composed by biodiesel, dimethyl carbonate and poly-3 hydroxybutyrate was developed for cleaning of wax-based coatings applied on indoor bronze. The evaluation of the cleaning efficacy of the gel was carried out on a standard bronze sample which covered a layer of beeswax by restores of Opificio delle Pietre Dure in Florence, and a real case precious indoor bronze sculpture Pulpito della Passione attributed to Donatello. Results obtained by FTIR analysis showed an efficient removal of the wax coating. In the second part, two new kinds of combined gels based on electrospun tissues (PVA and nylon) and PHB-GVL gel were developed for removal of dammar varnish from painting. The electrospun tissue combined gels exhibited good mechanical property, and showed good efficient in cleaning over normal gel. In the third part, green deep eutectic solvent which consists urea and choline chloride was proposed to produce the rigid gel with agar for the removal of proteinaceous coating from oil painting. Rabbit glue and whole egg decorated oil painting mock-ups were selected for evaluating its cleaning efficiency, results obtained by ATR analysis showed the DES-agar gel has good cleaning performance. Furthermore, we proposed micro-SORS as a valuable alternative non-destructive method to explore the DES diffusion on painting mock-up. As a result, the micro-SORS was successful applied for monitoring the liquid diffusion behavior in painting sub-layer, providing a great and useful instrument for noninvasive residues detection in the conservation field.
L’elaborato di tesi ha come soggetto i sei cimiteri ebraici detenuti e utilizzati dalle Nazioni israelitiche di Ferrara nel corso della storia, ossia i quattro terreni italo-ashkenaziti e i due terreni ispano-levantini. Nella prima parte della tesi si approfondiscono gli avvicendamenti e l’evoluzione delle varie aree di inumazione attraverso una grande quantità di fonti documentarie inedite, in prevalenza rintracciate nel fondo ferrarese dei CAHJP di Gerusalemme. Le ricostruzioni storiche sono infatti arricchite dai dati contenuti nei pinqasim comunitari, registri redatti dai Consigli o dalle Confraternite ebraiche durante il regolare svolgimento delle proprie attività. In questa prima sezione sono stati inoltre inseriti due significativi approfondimenti legati ai cimiteri ebraici di Ferrara: il primo sulla violazione delle sepolture e il secondo sulle interdizioni e il riutilizzo delle stele funerarie. La ricerca si conclude con l’analisi delle fonti epigrafiche tuttora presenti in città. Dopo un’introduzione metodologica e contestuale sulle testimonianze funerarie superstiti, è presentato – sulla base dell’eterogeneità temporale, stilistica e contenutistica – un campione di circa 100 lapidi conservate nel grande cimitero ebraico di via delle Vigne, di cui è stato trascritto e tradotto l’epitaffio.
Questo progetto di ricerca si pone l'obiettivo di gettare luce sul commercio delle spezie nel Medioevo, a partire dai preziosi dati contenuti nei registri del dazio di Bologna (1388-1448), nei quali venivano raccolti tutti i prodotti afferenti al cosiddetto "dazio della mercanzia" che transitavano in città per poi proseguire il viaggio verso altre destinazioni. Nel Medioevo, Bologna rappresentava un importante snodo per collegare i principali empori del mare Adriatico (prima fra tutti Venezia) con i mercati della Toscana, come Firenze, Pisa e il suo sbocco marittimo, Porto Pisano, da cui le spezie salpavano in direzione di altre regioni europee, come la Francia, l'Inghilterra, la penisola iberica e le Fiandre. I quantitativi di spezie giornalieri, mensili, annuali e totali costituiscono un dato inedito ed inaspettato: infatti, un prodotto tradizionalmente descritto dalla storiografia come raro, prezioso e difficile da reperire, affluiva in realtà con sorprendente costanza e raggiungendo volumi molto elevati. Considerando che Bologna, nonostante la sua importanza nel panorama italiano, rappresentava pur sempre uno snodo "minore" nella complessa rete di circuiti commerciali su cui erano solite viaggiare le spezie (come le grandi rotte marittime, per esempio), questi quantitativi tanto elevati di spezie ci obbligano a riflettere su quanto detto sino ad ora sul commercio di questi prodotti nel Medioevo e a mettere i dati bolognesi a confronto con quelli provenienti da altre fonti. Affiancando al tradizionale metodo storiografico un approccio "empirico", che tenga conto delle caratteristiche materiali ed organolettiche delle spezie, nonché delle informazioni provenienti da un ampio numero di fonti – non necessariamente legate al periodo preso in esame – è possibile riaprire il dibattito attorno a questo tema, che ha ancora molto da offrire alla ricerca storico alimentare.
The properties of the mitochondrial F1FO-ATPase activated by the natural cofactor Mg2+ or by Ca2+, were studied, mainly on heart mitochondria from swine, widely used in translational medicine. The Ca2+ driven conformational changes in the F1FO-ATPase form the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP), which triggers regulated cell death and is involved in severe pathologies. The Ca2+-activated F1FO-ATPase hydrolyzes ATP with kinetics slightly different from those of the Mg2+-ATPase. Known F1-ATPase inhibitors inhibit both the Ca2+-activated F1FO-ATPase and the mPTP formation strengthening the molecular link between them. The different Gd3+ effects on the Ca2+- and Mg2+-activated F1FO-ATPases confirm their difference as also phenylglyoxal which preferentially inhibits the Ca2+-activated F1FO-ATPase. The effects of phenylarsine and dibromobimane, which interact with differently distant Cys thiols, show that mPTP opening is ruled by nearby or distant dithiols. Bergamot polyphenols and melatonin inhibit the mPTP and ROS formation. H2S, a known cardiovascular protector, unaffects the F1FO-ATPase, but inhibits Ca2+ absorption and indirectly the mPTP, both in swine heart and mussel midgut gland mitochondria. New generation triazoles inhibit the Ca2+-activated F1FO-ATPase and the mPTP, but unaffect the Mg2+-activated F1FOATPase. In parallel, the energy metabolism was investigated in mammalian cells. In boar sperm ATP is mainly produced by mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS), even if it decreases over time because of less active mitochondria. Insufficient ATP may induce sperm dysfunction. Also, canine mesenchymal stem cells rely on OXPHOS; those from umbilical cord which produce more ATP than those from adipose tissue, seem preferable for transplant studies. The intestinal porcine enterocyte cell line IPEC-J2, used for human gut research, responds to different fetal bovine serum concentrations by remodeling OXPHOS without altering the bioenergetic parameters. The IPEC-J2 bioenergetics is modulated by Vitamin K vitamers. These data shoulder cell bioenergetics as precious tool for medical research.
Bivalvia represents an ancient taxon including around 25,000 living species that have adapted to a wide range of environmental conditions, and show a great diversity in body size, shell shapes, and anatomic structure. Bivalves are characterized by highly variable genome sizes and extremely high levels of heterozygosity, which obstacle complete and accurate genome assemblies and hinder further genomic studies. Moreover, some bivalve species presented a stable evolutionary exception to the strictly maternal inheritance of mitochondria, namely doubly uniparental inheritance (DUI), making these species a precious model to study mitochondrial biology. During my PhD, I focused on a DUI species, the Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum, and my work was two-folded. First, taking advantage of a newly assembled draft genome and a large RNA-seq dataset from different tissues of both sexes, I investigated 1) the role of gene expression and alternative splicing in tissue differentiation; 2) the relationship across tissue specificity, regulatory network connectivity, and sequence evolution; 3) sexual contrasting genetic markers potentially associated with sexual differentiation. The detailed information for this part is in Chapter 2. Second, using the same RNA-seq data, I investigated how nuclear oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) genes coordinate with two divergent mitochondrial genomes in DUI species (mito-nuclear coordination and coevolution). To address this question, I compared transcription, polymorphism, and synonymous codon usage in the mitochondrial and nuclear OXPHOS genes of R. philippinarum in Chapter 3. To my knowledge, this thesis represents the first study exploring the role of alternative splicing in tissue differentiation, and the first study analyzing both transcriptional regulation and sequence evolution to investigate the coordination of OXPHOS genes in bivalves.
The scope of the thesis is to broaden the knowledge about axially loaded pipe piles, that can play as foundations for offshore wind turbines based on jacket structures. The goal of the work was pursued by interpreting experimental data on large-scale model piles and by developing numerical tools for the prediction of their monotonic response to tensile and compressive loads to failure. The availability of experimental results on large scale model piles produced in two different campaigns at Fraunhofer IWES (Hannover, Germany) represented the reference for the whole work. Data from CPTs, blow counts during installation and load-displacement curves allowed to develop considerations on the experimental results and comparison with empirical methods from literature, such as CPT-based methods and Load Transfer methods. The understanding of soil-structure interaction mechanisms has been involved in the study in order to better assess the mechanical response of the sand with the scope to help in developing predictive tools of the experiments. A lack of information on the response of Rohsand 3152 when in contact with steel was highlighted, so the necessity of better assessing its response was fulfilled with a comprehensive campaign of interface shear test. It was found how the response of the sand to ultimate conditions evolve with the roughness of the steel, which is a precious information to take account of when attempting the prediction of a pile capacity. Parallel to this topic, the work has developed a numerical modelling procedure that was validated on the available large-scale model piles at IWES. The modelling strategy is intended to build a FE model whose mechanical properties of the sand come from an interpretation of commonly available geotechnical tests. The results of the FE model were compared with other predictive tools currently used in the engineering practice.
The constantly increasing demand of clean water has become challenging to deal with over the past years, water being an ever more precious resource. In recent times, the existing wastewater treatments had to be integrated with new steps, due to the detection of so-called organic micropollutants (OMPs). These compounds have been shown to adversely affect the environment and possibly human health, even when found in very low concentrations. In order to remove OMPs from wastewater, one possible technique is a hybrid process combining filtration and adsorption. In this work, polyethersulfone multi-channel mixed-matrix membranes with embedded powdered activated carbon (PAC) were tested to investigate the membrane’s adsorption and desorption performance. Micropollutants retention was analyzed using the pharmaceutical compounds diclofenac (DCF), paracetamol (PARA) and carbamazepine (CBZ) in filtration mode, combining the PAC adsorption process with the membrane’s ultrafiltration. Desorption performance was studied through solvent regeneration, using seven different solvents: pure water, pure ethanol, mixture of ethanol and water in different concentration, sodium hydroxide and a mixture of ethanol and sodium hydroxide. Regeneration experiments were carried out in forward-flushing. At first regeneration efficiency was investigated using a single-solute solution (diclofenac in water). The mixture Ethanol/Water (50:50) was found to be the most efficient with long-term retention of 59% after one desorption cycle. It was, therefore, later tested on a membrane previously loaded with a multi-solute solution. Three desorption cycles were performed after which, retention (after 30 min) reached values of 87% for PARA and 72% for CBZ and 55% for DCF, which indicates decent regenerability. A morphological analysis on the membranes confirmed that, in any case, the regeneration cycles did not affect either the membranes’ structure, or the content and distribution of PAC in the matrix.