924 resultados para Power Electronics Converters


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This paper presents a novel power control strategy that decouples the active and reactive power for a synchronous generator connected to a power network. The proposed control paradigm considers the capacitance of the transmission line along with its resistance and reactance as-well. Moreover the proposed controller takes into account all cases of R-X relationships, thus allowing it to function in Virtual Power Plant (VPP) structures which operate at both medium voltage (MV) and low voltage (LV) levels. The independent control of active and reactive power is achieved through rotational transformations of the terminal voltages and currents at the synchronous generator's output. This paper details the control technique by first presenting the mathematical and electrical network analysis of the methodology and then successfully implementing the control using MATLAB-SIMULINK simulation.


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The ability of a piezoelectric transducer in energy conversion is rapidly expanding in several applications. Some of the industrial applications for which a high power ultrasound transducer can be used are surface cleaning, water treatment, plastic welding and food sterilization. Also, a high power ultrasound transducer plays a great role in biomedical applications such as diagnostic and therapeutic applications. An ultrasound transducer is usually applied to convert electrical energy to mechanical energy and vice versa. In some high power ultrasound system, ultrasound transducers are applied as a transmitter, as a receiver or both. As a transmitter, it converts electrical energy to mechanical energy while a receiver converts mechanical energy to electrical energy as a sensor for control system. Once a piezoelectric transducer is excited by electrical signal, piezoelectric material starts to vibrate and generates ultrasound waves. A portion of the ultrasound waves which passes through the medium will be sensed by the receiver and converted to electrical energy. To drive an ultrasound transducer, an excitation signal should be properly designed otherwise undesired signal (low quality) can deteriorate the performance of the transducer (energy conversion) and increase power consumption in the system. For instance, some portion of generated power may be delivered in unwanted frequency which is not acceptable for some applications especially for biomedical applications. To achieve better performance of the transducer, along with the quality of the excitation signal, the characteristics of the high power ultrasound transducer should be taken into consideration as well. In this regard, several simulation and experimental tests are carried out in this research to model high power ultrasound transducers and systems. During these experiments, high power ultrasound transducers are excited by several excitation signals with different amplitudes and frequencies, using a network analyser, a signal generator, a high power amplifier and a multilevel converter. Also, to analyse the behaviour of the ultrasound system, the voltage ratio of the system is measured in different tests. The voltage across transmitter is measured as an input voltage then divided by the output voltage which is measured across receiver. The results of the transducer characteristics and the ultrasound system behaviour are discussed in chapter 4 and 5 of this thesis. Each piezoelectric transducer has several resonance frequencies in which its impedance has lower magnitude as compared to non-resonance frequencies. Among these resonance frequencies, just at one of those frequencies, the magnitude of the impedance is minimum. This resonance frequency is known as the main resonance frequency of the transducer. To attain higher efficiency and deliver more power to the ultrasound system, the transducer is usually excited at the main resonance frequency. Therefore, it is important to find out this frequency and other resonance frequencies. Hereof, a frequency detection method is proposed in this research which is discussed in chapter 2. An extended electrical model of the ultrasound transducer with multiple resonance frequencies consists of several RLC legs in parallel with a capacitor. Each RLC leg represents one of the resonance frequencies of the ultrasound transducer. At resonance frequency the inductor reactance and capacitor reactance cancel out each other and the resistor of this leg represents power conversion of the system at that frequency. This concept is shown in simulation and test results presented in chapter 4. To excite a high power ultrasound transducer, a high power signal is required. Multilevel converters are usually applied to generate a high power signal but the drawback of this signal is low quality in comparison with a sinusoidal signal. In some applications like ultrasound, it is extensively important to generate a high quality signal. Several control and modulation techniques are introduced in different papers to control the output voltage of the multilevel converters. One of those techniques is harmonic elimination technique. In this technique, switching angles are chosen in such way to reduce harmonic contents in the output side. It is undeniable that increasing the number of the switching angles results in more harmonic reduction. But to have more switching angles, more output voltage levels are required which increase the number of components and cost of the converter. To improve the quality of the output voltage signal with no more components, a new harmonic elimination technique is proposed in this research. Based on this new technique, more variables (DC voltage levels and switching angles) are chosen to eliminate more low order harmonics compared to conventional harmonic elimination techniques. In conventional harmonic elimination method, DC voltage levels are same and only switching angles are calculated to eliminate harmonics. Therefore, the number of eliminated harmonic is limited by the number of switching cycles. In the proposed modulation technique, the switching angles and the DC voltage levels are calculated off-line to eliminate more harmonics. Therefore, the DC voltage levels are not equal and should be regulated. To achieve this aim, a DC/DC converter is applied to adjust the DC link voltages with several capacitors. The effect of the new harmonic elimination technique on the output quality of several single phase multilevel converters is explained in chapter 3 and 6 of this thesis. According to the electrical model of high power ultrasound transducer, this device can be modelled as parallel combinations of RLC legs with a main capacitor. The impedance diagram of the transducer in frequency domain shows it has capacitive characteristics in almost all frequencies. Therefore, using a voltage source converter to drive a high power ultrasound transducer can create significant leakage current through the transducer. It happens due to significant voltage stress (dv/dt) across the transducer. To remedy this problem, LC filters are applied in some applications. For some applications such as ultrasound, using a LC filter can deteriorate the performance of the transducer by changing its characteristics and displacing the resonance frequency of the transducer. For such a case a current source converter could be a suitable choice to overcome this problem. In this regard, a current source converter is implemented and applied to excite the high power ultrasound transducer. To control the output current and voltage, a hysteresis control and unipolar modulation are used respectively. The results of this test are explained in chapter 7.


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Nonthermal plasma (NTP) treatment of exhaust gas is a promising technology for both nitrogen oxides (NOX) and particulate matter (PM) reduction by introducing plasma into the exhaust gases. This paper considers the effect of NTP on PM mass reduction, PM size distribution, and PM removal efficiency. The experiments are performed on real exhaust gases from a diesel engine. The NTP is generated by applying high-voltage pulses using a pulsed power supply across a dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) reactor. The effects of the applied high-voltage pulses up to 19.44 kVpp with repetition rate of 10 kHz are investigated. In this paper, it is shown that the PM removal and PM size distribution need to be considered both together, as it is possible to achieve high PM removal efficiency with undesirable increase in the number of small particles. Regarding these two important factors, in this paper, 17 kVpp voltage level is determined to be an optimum point for the given configuration. Moreover, particles deposition on the surface of the DBD reactor is found to be a significant phenomenon, which should be considered in all plasma PM removal tests.


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Parallel interleaved converters are finding more applications everyday, for example they are frequently used for VRMs on PC main boards mainly to obtain better transient response. Parallel interleaved converters can have their inductances uncoupled, directly coupled or inversely coupled, all of which have different applications with associated advantages and disadvantages. Coupled systems offer more control over converter features, such as ripple currents, inductance volume and transient response. To be able to gain an intuitive understanding of which type of parallel interleaved converter, what amount of coupling, what number of levels and how much inductance should be used for different applications a simple equivalent model is needed. As all phases of an interleaved converter are supposed to be identical, the equivalent model is nothing more than a separate inductance which is common to all phases. Without utilising this simplification the design of a coupled system is quite daunting. Being able to design a coupled system involves solving and understanding the RMS currents of the input, individual phase (or cell) and output. A procedure using this equivalent model and a small amount of modulo arithmetic is detailed.


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Interleaved switching and coupled inductors are proven methods for reducing DC-DC converter output ripple. This paper furthers discussions of these techniques to arrangements of many buck converters connected in parallel. The different possible arrangements of the DC-DC converters are discussed and criteria for fair comparisons between them are chosen. The effects of interleaved switching on ripple values are presented and subsequent effects of coupling the inductors is then investigated. A generalised solution for current ripple in n coupled inductor converters is presented. Simulations are used to verify the solution and characterise the converter and output ripple for all configurations.


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An accurate PV module electrical model is presented based on the Shockley diode equation. The simple model has a photo-current current source, a single diode junction and a series resistance, and includes temperature dependences. The method of parameter extraction and model evaluation in Matlab is demonstrated for a typical 60W solar panel. This model is used to investigate the variation of maximum power point with temperature and isolation levels. A comparison of buck versus boost maximum power point tracker (MPPT) topologies is made, and compared with a direct connection to a constant voltage (battery) load. The boost converter is shown to have a slight advantage over the buck, since it can always track the maximum power point.


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A design for a cascaded multilevel DC-DC converter is proposed. The applications of a multilevel converter and the design issues involved in changing from a single converter to multiple converters are discussed. Implementation of the multilevel system using multiple Cuk converters is suggested and explanations of design decisions are given. The merits of the proposed design are discussed.


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Voltage unbalance is a major power quality problem in low voltage residential feeders due to the random location and rating of single-phase rooftop photovoltaic cells (PV). In this paper, two different improvement methods based on the application of series (DVR) and parallel (DSTATCOM) custom power devices are investigated to improve the voltage unbalance problem in these feeders. First, based on the load flow analysis carried out in MATLAB, the effectiveness of these two custom power devices is studied vis-à-vis the voltage unbalance reduction in urban and semi-urban/rural feeders containing rooftop PVs. Their effectiveness is studied from the installation location and rating points of view. Later, a Monte Carlo based stochastic analysis is carried out to investigate their efficacy for different uncertainties of load and PV rating and location in the network. After the numerical analyses, a converter topology and control algorithm is proposed for the DSTATCOM and DVR for balancing the network voltage at their point of common coupling. A state feedback control, based on pole-shift technique, is developed to regulate the voltage in the output of the DSTATCOM and DVR converters such that the voltage balancing is achieved in the network. The dynamic feasibility of voltage unbalance and profile improvement in LV feeders, by the proposed structure and control algorithm for the DSTATCOM and DVR, is verified through detailed PSCAD/EMTDC simulations.


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To minimise the number of load sheddings in a microgrid (MG) during autonomous operation, islanded neighbour MGs can be interconnected if they are on a self-healing network and an extra generation capacity is available in the distributed energy resources (DER) of one of the MGs. In this way, the total load in the system of interconnected MGs can be shared by all the DERs within those MGs. However, for this purpose, carefully designed self-healing and supply restoration control algorithm, protection systems and communication infrastructure are required at the network and MG levels. In this study, first, a hierarchical control structure is discussed for interconnecting the neighbour autonomous MGs where the introduced primary control level is the main focus of this study. Through the developed primary control level, this study demonstrates how the parallel DERs in the system of multiple interconnected autonomous MGs can properly share the load of the system. This controller is designed such that the converter-interfaced DERs operate in a voltage-controlled mode following a decentralised power sharing algorithm based on droop control. DER converters are controlled based on a per-phase technique instead of a conventional direct-quadratic transformation technique. In addition, linear quadratic regulator-based state feedback controllers, which are more stable than conventional proportional integrator controllers, are utilised to prevent instability and weak dynamic performances of the DERs when autonomous MGs are interconnected. The efficacy of the primary control level of the DERs in the system of multiple interconnected autonomous MGs is validated through the PSCAD/EMTDC simulations considering detailed dynamic models of DERs and converters.


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A comparison of relay power minimisation subject to received signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at the receiver and SNR maximisation subject to the total transmitted power of relays for a typical wireless network with distributed beamforming is presented. It is desirable to maximise receiver quality-of-service (QoS) and also to minimise the cost of transmission in terms of power. Hence, these two optimisation problems are very common and have been addressed separately in the literature. It is shown that SNR maximisation subject to power constraint and power minimisation subject to SNR constraint yield the same results for a typical wireless network. It proves that either one of the optimisation approaches is sufficient.


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Interfacing converters used in connecting energy storage systems like supercapacitors and battery banks to wind power systems introduce additional cost and power losses. This paper therefore presents a direct integration scheme for supercapacitors used in mitigating short-term power fluctuations in wind power systems. This scheme uses a dual inverter topology for both grid connection and interfacing a supercapacitor bank. The main inverter of the dual inverter system is powered by the rectified output of a wind turbine-coupled permanent-magnet synchronous generator. The auxiliary inverter is directly connected to the supercapacitor bank. With this approach, an interfacing converter is not required, and there are no associated costs and power losses incurred. The operation of the proposed system is discussed in detail. Simulation and experimental results are presented to verify the efficacy of the proposed system in suppressing short-term wind power fluctuations.


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Design of a series-connected photovoltaic generator (SPVG) capable of enhancing power quality is investigated. Analysis of the SPVG operations under disturbance conditions shows explicitly how achievable network voltage quality is affected by the SPVG injected power and its apparent power rating, and that voltage quality can be significantly improved even with a modest level of energy storage capacity incorporated in the SPVG. A control system for the SPVG is also proposed. Both simulation and laboratory tests confirm the efficacy of the distributed generator system.


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A statistical approach is used in the design of a battery-supercapacitor energy storage system for a wind farm. The design exploits the technical merits of the two energy storage mediums, in terms of the differences in their specific power and energy densities, and their ability to accommodate different rates of change in the charging/discharging powers. By treating the input wind power as random and using a proposed coordinated power flows control strategy for the battery and the supercapacitor, the approach evaluates the energy storage capacities, the corresponding expected life cycle cost/year of the storage mediums, and the expected cost/year of unmet power dispatch. A computational procedure is then developed for the design of a least-cost/year hybrid energy storage system to realize wind power dispatch at a specified confidence level.


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In this paper, a wind energy conversion system interfaced to the grid using a dual inverter is proposed. One of the two inverters in the dual inverter is connected to the rectified output of the wind generator while the other is directly connected to a battery energy storage system (BESS). This approach eliminates the need for an additional dc-dc converter and thus reduces power losses, cost, and complexity. The main issue with this scheme is uncorrelated dynamic changes in dc-link voltages that results in unevenly distributed space vectors. A detailed analysis on the effects of these variations is presented in this paper. Furthermore, a modified modulation technique is proposed to produce undistorted currents even in the presence of unevenly distributed and dynamically changing space vectors. An analysis on the battery charging/discharging process and maximum power point tracking of the wind turbine generator is also presented. Simulation and experimental results are presented to verify the efficacy of the proposed modulation technique and battery charging/discharging process.


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A robust and reliable grid power interface system for wind turbines using a permanent-magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) is proposed in this paper, where an integration of a generator-side three-switch buck-type rectifier and a grid-side Z-source inverter is employed as a bridge between the generator and the grid. The modulation strategy for the proposed topology is developed from space-vector modulation and Z-source network operation principles. Two PMSG control methods, namely, unity-power-factor control and rotor-flux-orientation control (Id = 0), are studied to establish an optimized control scheme for the generator-side three-switch buck-type rectifier. The system control scheme decouples active- and reactive-power control through voltage-oriented control and optimizes PMSG control for the grid- and generator-side converters independently. Maximum power point tracking is implemented by adjusting the shoot-through duty cycles of the Z-source network. The design considerations of the passive components are also provided. The performances and practicalities of the designed architecture have been verified by simulations and experiments.