787 resultados para Postural


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Objetivo: Investigar os efeitos imediatos do Kinesio Taping® no desempenho neuromuscular do Quadríceps Femoral (QF) de indivíduos submetidos à reconstrução do Ligamento Cruzado Anterior (LCA). Metodologia: trata-se de um ensaio clínico e randomizado composto por 45 indivíduos do sexo masculino que se encontravam entre 12ª e 17ª semanas após reconstrução do LCA. Todos foram submetidos a uma avaliação inicial composta pela análise do equilíbrio postural, através da baropodometria; determinação do Senso de Posição Articular (SPA), seguidas das avaliações isocinéticas excêntricas e concêntricas a 600/s, concomitante com a captação do sinal eletromiográfico do músculo Vasto Lateral (VL). Posteriormente foram alocados de forma aleatória em Grupo Controle (GC), Grupo Placebo (GP) e Grupo Experimental (GE). Os indivíduos do GE foram submetidos ao protocolo sugerido (aplicação do Kinesio Taping® no QF do membro acometido), enquanto os do GP utilizaram a aplicação do Kinesio Taping® sem as recomendações propostas pelo método. Já os indivíduos do GC permaneceram em repouso por dez minutos, sendo todos os indivíduos submetidos a uma reavaliação de forma idêntica à primeira. Foram analisadas as seguintes variáveis: pico de torque médio, pico de torque/peso corporal, potência muscular e erro absoluto do SPA para a dinamometria; amplitude ântero-posterior e médio-lateral para a baropodometria; e a amplitude de ativação muscular (Root Means Square - RMS) por meio da eletromiografia de superfície. Resultados: Nenhuma das variáveis analisadas apresentou diferenças intergrupo ou intragrupo. Conclusão: O Kinesio Taping® não altera o desempenho neuromuscular do quadríceps femoral de indivíduos submetidos à reconstrução do LCA para nenhuma das variáveis analisadas.


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Introdução: a Vertigem Posicional Paroxística Benigna (VPPB) é uma das principais causas de tontura em idosos. O tratamento mais empregado para essa afecção é a Manobra de Reposicionamento Canalítico (MRC). Apesar de útil na resolução clínica da sintomatologia vertiginosa e do nistagmo, os pacientes podem continuar demonstrando prejuízo na estabilidade postural após serem submetidos à MRC. Outra opção não farmacológica disponível são os exercícios de Reabilitação Vestibular (RV) que podem ser direcionados à melhora do equilíbrio postural dos idosos, porém há escassez de estudos que avaliem a efetividade da RV no equilíbrio postural de idosos com VPPB. Objetivo: analisar a efetividade da Terapia de Reabilitação Vestibular associada às Manobras de Reposicionamento Canalítico em comparação às Manobras de Reposicionamento Canalítico no tratamento de idosos com Vertigem Posicional Paroxística Benigna (VPPB) crônica. Métodos: participaram do presente ensaio clínico controlado, randomizado e cego 14 idosos de ambos os sexos e idade igual ou superior a 65 anos e com diagnóstico de VPPB crônica. Os idosos foram randomizados em dois grupos, sendo sete (mediana: 69 anos, 65-78) para o grupo experimental e sete (mediana: 73 anos, 65-76) para o grupo controle. Ambos os grupos foram submetidos a Manobras de Reposicionamento Canalítico (MRC) para VPPB e somente o grupo experimental à Terapia de Reabilitação Vestibular (TRV) associada às MRC. Os efeitos da TRV foram mensurados em relação à conversão do teste de Dix-Hallpike de positivo para negativo, recorrência da VPPB, número de manobras para obter a negativação do teste de Dix-Hallpike, sintomatologia da tontura, qualidade de vida e ao equilíbrio estático e dinâmico. Os idosos foram submetidos a uma avaliação inicial (T0), em uma semana (T1), cinco (T5), nove (T9) e treze semanas (T13). Em todas as avaliações o teste de Dix-Hallpike foi realizado com o auxílio do sistema de Videonistagmoscopia (SVNC) da Contronic - Brasil, e em caso positivo, nova MRC foi empregada. As diferenças entre os grupos foram analisadas pelos testes de Mann Whitney e exato de Fisher e para elucidar as diferenças intra-grupo os testes não paramétricos de Friedman e Wilcoxon foram usados. Resultados: nenhuma diferença significativa foi encontrada na conversão do teste de Dix-Hallpike de positivo para negativo, na recorrência da VPPB e no número de manobras para a negativação do teste de Dix-Hallpike, entre os grupos ao longo do ensaio. Também não foram encontradas diferenças entre os grupos na sintomatologia da tontura, qualidade de vida e equilíbrio estático. Contudo, diferenças significativas foram observadas nos aspectos do equilíbrio dinâmico entre os grupos (p< 0,05). Na análise intra-grupo ambos os grupos obtiveram melhora em todas as medidas de desfecho, porém o grupo controle não obteve melhora no equilíbrio dinâmico. Conclusões: a TRV adicional não influenciou na conversão do teste de Dix-Hallpike de positivo para negativo, na recorrência da VPPB, no número de manobras para a negativação do teste de Dix-Hallpike, na redução da sintomatologia da tontura e na qualidade de vida dos idosos com VPPB crônica. Porém, os participantes que receberam a TRV adicional demonstraram melhores resultados no equilíbrio dinâmico do que aqueles que foram submetidos somente às MRC. Os resultados desse estudo deverão repercutir nas estratégias de reabilitação baseadas em evidências nos pacientes idosos com disfunções otoneurológicas.


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Introduction: Kinesio Taping (KT) has been used in healthy people to improve neuromuscular performance, however, few studies have evaluated its chronic effects, despite being suggested. Objective: To analyze the chronic effects of KT on neuromuscular performance of the quadriceps, the oscillation of the center of pressure and lower limb function in healthy women. Methods: blinded, randomized, controlled trial, composed of 60 women (mean age 21.9 ± 3.3 years and BMI 22.3 ± 2.2 kg / m2) submitted to the evaluation of oscillation of the center of pressure through the baropodometry, the lower limb function by the hop test, isokinetic knee performance, the electromyographic activity of the vastus lateralis (VL) and joint position sense of the knee (JPS). Then, participants were randomly divided into three groups of twenty: control - did not apply the KT; placebo - application of KT without tension on the quadriceps; Kinesio Taping - application of KT with tension in the same muscle group. The evaluations were conducted in five moments: prior to application of KT, immediately after the application, 24h, 48h after application and 24 hours after its removal (72h). SPSS 20.0 was used for statistical analysis. The KS test was used to verify the data normality, the Levene test for homogeneity of variances and a mixed-model ANOVA 3x5 to check intra and inter-group differences. Results: there was no difference in peak torque, the power, nor the electromyographic activity or SPA (p> 0.05) between groups. The displacement speed of center of pressure reduced immediately after the application on kinesio taping group (p <0.001), but with no differences between the groups (p = 0.28). There was a reduction in the time of peak torque among the three groups in the evaluations after KT application (p <0.001) and an increase in single hop in all groups (p <0.001), but with no differences between them. Conclusion: KT can not change, in a chronic way, the lower limb function, the oscillation of the center of pressure, the isokinetic performance, the JPS of the knee and the electromyographic activity of VL muscle in healthy women.


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Objective: to investigate the immediate effect of the vibrating platform on the neuromuscular performance of the quadriceps femoris and on the postural oscillation of subjects submitted to Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) reconstruction. Materials and methods: this study is a randomized and blind clinical trial. Forty-four male volunteers (average age of 27,4 ±6,2 IMC of 26,85± 3,8 Kg/m² and post surgery timeframe of 17± 1,4 weeks) were randomized into two groups: OFF platform (n=22, protocol of exercise over the vibrating platform off) and ON platform (n=22 protocol of exercise over the vibrating platform on, 50Hz frequency and 4mm of amplitude). All volunteers were submitted to assessment the isokinetic evaluation of the quadriceps femoris (isometric and isokinetic at 60°/s) and of the electromyography activity of the muscles Vasto Lateralis (VL) and Vasto Medialis (VM), besides the postural oscillation (baropodometry) in two distinct moments: before and immediately after the intervention protocol. The data was analyzed through the SPSS 20.0 software, with a 5% significance level. To verify the homogeneity of the groups it was used an ANOVA one way, and a ANOVA mixed model to compare the intra and inter groups. Results: it was observed differences between the pre and the post, to latero lateral velocity, isometric torque peak and total work in comparison with intragroup. However, it wasn’t verified any difference in comparing the intergroup in the preevaluation and in the post-evaluation protocol over the vibrating platform. Conclusion: the use of the vibrating platform doesn’t change as an immediate manner the isokinetic performance of the quadriceps femoris, the electromyography activity of the VL and the VM, also doesn’t interfere with the postural oscillation of individuals that were submitted to the ACL reconstruction.


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Introduction: Gait after stroke is characterized by a significant asymmetry between the lower limbs, with predominant use of the non-paretic lower limb (NPLL) over using the paretic lower limb. Accordingly, it has been suggested that adding load/weight to the NPLL as a form of restricting the movement of this limb may favor the use of the paretic limb, reducing interlimb asymmetry. However, few studies have been conducted up to this moment, which only investigated the immediate effects of this practice. Objectives: 1) Investigating whether there is an influence of adding load to the NPLL during treadmill training on cardiovascular parameters and on gait performance of individuals with stroke, compared to treadmill training without load addition; 2) Analyzing the effects of treadmill training with and without load added to the NPLL on kinematic parameters of each lower limb during gait; 3) Analyzing the effects of treadmill training with and without load added to the NPLL on measurements of functional mobility and postural balance of these patients. Materials and Methods: This is a randomized single blinded clinical trial involving 38 subjects, with a mean age of 56.5 years, at the subacute post-stroke phase (with mean time since stroke of 4.5 months). Participants were randomly assigned into an experimental group (EG) or control group (CG). EG (n= 19) was submitted to gait training on a treadmill with the addition of load to the NPLL by ankle weights equivalent to 5% of body weight. CG (n= 19) was only submitted to gait training on a treadmill. Behavioral strategies which included home exercises were also applied to both groups. The interventions occurred daily for two consecutive weeks (Day 1 to Day 9), being of 30 minutes duration each. Outcome measures: postural balance (Berg Functional Balance Scale – BBS), functional mobility (Timed Up and Go – TUG; kinematic variables of 180° turning) and kinematic gait variables were assessed at baseline (Day 0), after four training sessions (Day 4), after nine training sessions (Day 9), and 40 days after completion of training (Follow-up). Cardiovascular parameters (mean arterial pressure and heart rate) were evaluated at four moments within each training session. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to compare outcomes between EG and CG in the course of the study (Day 0, Day 4, Day 9 and Follow-up). Unpaired t-tests allowed for intergroup comparison at each training session. 5% significance was used for all tests. Results: 1) Cardiovascular parameters (systemic arterial pressure, heart rate and derivated variables) did not change after the interventions and there were no differences between groups within each training session. There was an improvement in gait performance, with increased speed and distance covered, with no statistically significant difference between groups. 2) After the interventions, patients had increased paretic and non-paretic step lengths, in addition to exhibiting greater hip and knee joint excursion on both lower limbs. The gains were observed in the EG and CG, with no statistical difference between the groups and (mostly) maintained at follow-up. 3) After the interventions, patients showed better postural balance (higher scores on BBS) and functional mobility (reduced time spent on the TUG test and better performance on the 180° turning). All gains were observed in the EG and CG, with no statistically significant difference between groups and were maintained at follow-up. Conclusions: The addition of load to the NPLL did not affect cardiovascular parameters in patients with subacute stroke, similar to treadmill training without load, thus seemingly a safe training to be applied to these patients. However, the use of the load did not bring any additional benefits to gait training. The gait training program (nine training sessions on a treadmill + strategies and exercises for paretic limb stimulation) was useful for improving gait performance and kinematics, functional mobility and postural balance, and its use is suggested to promote the optimization of these outcomes in the subacute phase after stroke.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of a fall prevention program on older adults as well as to explore the perceptions of older adults have on fall risk and the fall prevention program. This research was completed in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada with participants above the age of 65. The 10-week fall prevention program focused on balance, strength, and flexibility and was followed by focus groups with the control and intervention groups. Pre and post-test measures (postural sway, TUG test, foam and dome test, ABC Scale, ESE Scale, FES Scale, SAFFE) were completed to determine if the fall prevention program decreased fall risk. The results of the quantitative portion of the study did not produce significant results however the qualitative portion was very informative. Five themes emerged from the focus group data: risk factor awareness, confidence, connectedness, quality of life, and program promotion. This research highlights the importance of fall prevention programs for older adults, not only to keep them healthy, but also for the personal and social benefits they facilitate.


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La enfermedad de Parkinson (EP) es una enfermedad progresiva, crónica e incapacitante cuyos síntomas principales son el temblor de reposo, la rigidez y la bradicinesia, apareciendo en el transcurso del tiempo la inestabilidad postural. Las alteraciones cognitivas y del estado de ánimo son otra de las características de esta enfermedad, pudiendo constituir una de sus complicaciones más incapacitantes. Ni el deterioro cognitivo leve (DCL) ni la demencia (D-EP) son fáciles de definir ni de evaluar. Algunos autores describen el DCL como una fase premórbida de la demencia (Pigott et al, 2015) aunque no todos los pacientes evolucionan a D-EP. La prevalencia de la D-EP es de 20-40% (Aarsland, Anderson et al, 2001), siendo algunos de los factores de riesgo la edad avanzada al diagnóstico, los síntomas motores más graves, sobre todo los relacionados con el trastorno de la marcha y la inestabilidad postural, el deterioro cognitivo leve, la depresión, el déficit temprano en fluidez verbal, la aparición de alucinaciones o la escasa respuesta al tratamiento con levodopa (Emre, 2003). El perfil de demencia en la EP es de tipo frontosubcortical, con déficits en las funciones atencionales y ejecutivas, mnésicas, visoespaciales, la fluidez verbal y las praxias...


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Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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The purpose of this review was to examine the utility and accuracy of commercially available motion sensors to measure step-count and time spent upright in frail older hospitalized patients. A database search (CINAHL and PubMed, 2004–2014) and a further hand search of papers’ references yielded 24 validation studies meeting the inclusion criteria. Fifteen motion sensors (eight pedometers, six accelerometers, and one sensor systems) have been tested in older adults. Only three have been tested in hospital patients, two of which detected postures and postural changes accurately, but none estimated step-count accurately. Only one motion sensor remained accurate at speeds typical of frail older hospitalized patients, but it has yet to be tested in this cohort. Time spent upright can be accurately measured in the hospital, but further validation studies are required to determine which, if any, motion sensor can accurately measure step-count.


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Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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El presente trabajo parte de un Programa "Espalda Sana" que aborda los problemas de columna que padecen las personas, y que desde el 2013 presenta un desafío desde la dimensión preventiva en el marco de la construcción de Escuelas Saludables en el Uruguay