1000 resultados para Porous filters


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The tap-length, or the number of the taps, is an important structural parameter of the linear MMSE adaptive filter. Although the optimum tap-length that balances performance and complexity varies with scenarios, most current adaptive filters fix the tap-length at some compromise value, making them inefficient to implement especially in time-varying scenarios. A novel gradient search based variable tap-length algorithm is proposed, using the concept of the pseudo-fractional tap-length, and it is shown that the new algorithm can converge to the optimum tap-length in the mean. Results of computer simulations are also provided to verify the analysis.


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The applicability of BET model for calculation of surface area of activated carbons is checked by using molecular simulations. By calculation of geometric surface areas for the simple model carbon slit-like pore with the increasing width, and by comparison of the obtained values with those for the same systems from the VEGA ZZ package (adsorbate-accessible molecular surface), it is shown that the latter methods provide correct values. For the system where a monolayer inside a pore is created the ASA approach (GCMC, Ar, T = 87 K) underestimates the value of surface area for micropores (especially, where only one layer is observed and/or two layers of adsorbed Ar are formed). Therefore, we propose the modification of this method based on searching the relationship between the pore diameter and the number of layers in a pore. Finally BET; original andmodified ASA; and A, B and C-point surface areas are calculated for a series of virtual porous carbons using simulated Ar adsorption isotherms (GCMC and T = 87 K). The comparison of results shows that the BET method underestimates and not, as it was usually postulated, overestimates the surface areas of microporous carbons.


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This dissertation deals with aspects of sequential data assimilation (in particular ensemble Kalman filtering) and numerical weather forecasting. In the first part, the recently formulated Ensemble Kalman-Bucy (EnKBF) filter is revisited. It is shown that the previously used numerical integration scheme fails when the magnitude of the background error covariance grows beyond that of the observational error covariance in the forecast window. Therefore, we present a suitable integration scheme that handles the stiffening of the differential equations involved and doesn’t represent further computational expense. Moreover, a transform-based alternative to the EnKBF is developed: under this scheme, the operations are performed in the ensemble space instead of in the state space. Advantages of this formulation are explained. For the first time, the EnKBF is implemented in an atmospheric model. The second part of this work deals with ensemble clustering, a phenomenon that arises when performing data assimilation using of deterministic ensemble square root filters in highly nonlinear forecast models. Namely, an M-member ensemble detaches into an outlier and a cluster of M-1 members. Previous works may suggest that this issue represents a failure of EnSRFs; this work dispels that notion. It is shown that ensemble clustering can be reverted also due to nonlinear processes, in particular the alternation between nonlinear expansion and compression of the ensemble for different regions of the attractor. Some EnSRFs that use random rotations have been developed to overcome this issue; these formulations are analyzed and their advantages and disadvantages with respect to common EnSRFs are discussed. The third and last part contains the implementation of the Robert-Asselin-Williams (RAW) filter in an atmospheric model. The RAW filter is an improvement to the widely popular Robert-Asselin filter that successfully suppresses spurious computational waves while avoiding any distortion in the mean value of the function. Using statistical significance tests both at the local and field level, it is shown that the climatology of the SPEEDY model is not modified by the changed time stepping scheme; hence, no retuning of the parameterizations is required. It is found the accuracy of the medium-term forecasts is increased by using the RAW filter.


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Ensemble clustering (EC) can arise in data assimilation with ensemble square root filters (EnSRFs) using non-linear models: an M-member ensemble splits into a single outlier and a cluster of M−1 members. The stochastic Ensemble Kalman Filter does not present this problem. Modifications to the EnSRFs by a periodic resampling of the ensemble through random rotations have been proposed to address it. We introduce a metric to quantify the presence of EC and present evidence to dispel the notion that EC leads to filter failure. Starting from a univariate model, we show that EC is not a permanent but transient phenomenon; it occurs intermittently in non-linear models. We perform a series of data assimilation experiments using a standard EnSRF and a modified EnSRF by a resampling though random rotations. The modified EnSRF thus alleviates issues associated with EC at the cost of traceability of individual ensemble trajectories and cannot use some of algorithms that enhance performance of standard EnSRF. In the non-linear regimes of low-dimensional models, the analysis root mean square error of the standard EnSRF slowly grows with ensemble size if the size is larger than the dimension of the model state. However, we do not observe this problem in a more complex model that uses an ensemble size much smaller than the dimension of the model state, along with inflation and localisation. Overall, we find that transient EC does not handicap the performance of the standard EnSRF.


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The migration of liquids in porous media, such as sand, has been commonly considered at high saturation levels with liquid pathways at pore dimensions. In this letter we reveal a low saturation regime observed in our experiments with droplets of extremely low volatility liquids deposited on sand. In this regime the liquid is mostly found within the grain surface roughness and in the capillary bridges formed at the contacts between the grains. The bridges act as variable-volume reservoirs and the flow is driven by the capillary pressure arising at the wetting front according to the roughness length scales. We propose that this migration (spreading) is the result of interplay between the bridge volume adjustment to this pressure distribution and viscous losses of a creeping flow within the roughness. The net macroscopic result is a special case of non-linear diffusion described by a superfast diffusion equation (SFDE) for saturation with distinctive mathematical character. We obtain solutions to a moving boundary problem defined by SFDE that robustly convey a time power law of spreading as seen in our experiments.


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We consider the problem of determining the pressure and velocity fields for a weakly compressible fluid flowing in a three-dimensional layer, composed of an inhomogeneous, anisotropic porous medium, with vertical side walls and variable upper and lower boundaries, in the presence of vertical wells injecting and/or extracting fluid. Numerical solution of this three-dimensional evolution problem may be expensive, particularly in the case that the depth scale of the layer h is small compared to the horizontal length scale l, a situation which occurs frequently in the application to oil and gas reservoir recovery and which leads to significant stiffness in the numerical problem. Under the assumption that $\epsilon\propto h/l\ll 1$, we show that, to leading order in $\epsilon$, the pressure field varies only in the horizontal directions away from the wells (the outer region). We construct asymptotic expansions in $\epsilon$ in both the inner (near the wells) and outer regions and use the asymptotic matching principle to derive expressions for all significant process quantities. The only computations required are for the solution of non-stiff linear, elliptic, two-dimensional boundary-value, and eigenvalue problems. This approach, via the method of matched asymptotic expansions, takes advantage of the small aspect ratio of the layer, $\epsilon$, at precisely the stage where full numerical computations become stiff, and also reveals the detailed structure of the dynamics of the flow, both in the neighbourhood of wells and away from wells.


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We describe a novel method for determining the pressure and velocity fields for a weakly compressible fluid flowing in a thin three-dimensional layer composed of an inhomogeneous, anisotropic porous medium, with vertical side walls and variable upper and lower boundaries, in the presence of vertical wells injecting and/or extracting fluid. Our approach uses the method of matched asymptotic expansions to derive expressions for all significant process quantities, the computation of which requires only the solution of linear, elliptic, two-dimensional boundary value and eigenvalue problems. In this article, we provide full implementation details and present numerical results demonstrating the efficiency and accuracy of our scheme.


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The Sea and Land Surface Temperature Radiometer (SLSTR) is a nine channel visible and infrared high precision radiometer designed to provide climate data of global sea and land surface temperatures. The SLSTR payload is destined to fly on the Ocean and Medium-Resolution Land Mission for the ESA/EU Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) Programme Sentinel-3 mission to measure the sea and land temperature and topography for near real-time environmental and atmospheric climate monitoring of the Earth. In this paper we describe the optical layout of infrared optics in the instrument, spectral thin-film multilayer design, and system channel throughput analysis for the combined interference filter and dichroic beamsplitter coatings to discriminate wavelengths at 3.74, 10.85 & 12.0 μm. The rationale for selection of thin-film materials, deposition technique, and environmental testing, inclusive of humidity, thermal cycling and ionizing radiation testing are also described.


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There is considerable interest in the use of porous asphalt (PA) surfacing on highways since physical and subjective assessments of noise have indicated a significant advantage over conventional non-porous surfaces such as hot rolled asphalt (HRA) used widely for motorway surfacing in the UK. However, it was not known whether the benefit of the PA surface was affected by the presence of roadside barriers. Noise predictions have been made using the Boundary Element Method (BEM) approach to determine the extent to which the noise reducing benefits of PA could be added to the screening effects of noise barriers in order to obtain the overall reduction in noise levels


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Expressions for the viscosity correction function, and hence bulk complex impedance, density, compressibility, and propagation constant, are obtained for a rigid frame porous medium whose pores are prismatic with fixed cross-sectional shape, but of variable pore size distribution. The lowand high-frequency behavior of the viscosity correction function is derived for the particular case of a log-normal pore size distribution, in terms of coefficients which can, in general, be computed numerically, and are given here explicitly for the particular cases of pores of equilateral triangular, circular, and slitlike cross-section. Simple approximate formulae, based on two-point Pade´ approximants for the viscosity correction function are obtained, which avoid a requirement for numerical integration or evaluation of special functions, and their accuracy is illustrated and investigated for the three pore shapes already mentioned


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In this paper it is shown that a number of theoretical models of the acoustical properties of rigid frame porous media, especially those involving ratios of Bessel functions of complex argument, can be accurately approximated and greatly simplified by the use of Padé approximation techniques. In the case of the model of Attenborough [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 81, 93–102 (1987)] rational approximations are produced for the characteristic impedance, propagation constant, dynamic compressibility, and dynamic density, as a function of frequency and the material parameters. The model proposed by Stinson and Champoux


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Two recent works have adapted the Kalman–Bucy filter into an ensemble setting. In the first formulation, the ensemble of perturbations is updated by the solution of an ordinary differential equation (ODE) in pseudo-time, while the mean is updated as in the standard Kalman filter. In the second formulation, the full ensemble is updated in the analysis step as the solution of single set of ODEs in pseudo-time. Neither requires matrix inversions except for the frequently diagonal observation error covariance. We analyse the behaviour of the ODEs involved in these formulations. We demonstrate that they stiffen for large magnitudes of the ratio of background error to observational error variance, and that using the integration scheme proposed in both formulations can lead to failure. A numerical integration scheme that is both stable and is not computationally expensive is proposed. We develop transform-based alternatives for these Bucy-type approaches so that the integrations are computed in ensemble space where the variables are weights (of dimension equal to the ensemble size) rather than model variables. Finally, the performance of our ensemble transform Kalman–Bucy implementations is evaluated using three models: the 3-variable Lorenz 1963 model, the 40-variable Lorenz 1996 model, and a medium complexity atmospheric general circulation model known as SPEEDY. The results from all three models are encouraging and warrant further exploration of these assimilation techniques.