744 resultados para Policy-makers
La sequía afecta a todos los sectores de la sociedad y se espera que su frecuencia e intensidad aumente debido al cambio climático. Su gestión plantea importantes retos en el futuro. El enfoque de riesgo, que promueve una respuesta proactiva, se identifica como un marco de gestión apropiado que se está empezando a consolidar a nivel internacional. Sin embargo, es necesario contar con estudios sobre las características de la gestión de la sequía bajo este enfoque y sus implicaciones en la práctica. En esta tesis se evalúan diversos elementos que son relevantes para la gestión de la sequía, desde diferentes perspectivas, con especial énfasis en el componente social de la sequía. Para esta investigación se han desarrollado cinco estudios: (1) un análisis de las leyes de emergencia aprobadas durante la sequía 2005-2008 en España; (2) un estudio sobre la percepción de la sequía de los agricultores a nivel local; (3) una evaluación de las características y enfoque de gestión en seis casos de estudio a nivel europeo; (4) un análisis sistemático de los estudios de cuantificación de la vulnerabilidad a la sequía a nivel global; y (5) un análisis de los impactos de la sequía a partir en una base de datos europea. Los estudios muestran la importancia de la capacidad institucional como un factor que promueve y facilita la adopción del enfoque de riesgo. Al mismo tiempo, la falta de estudios de vulnerabilidad, el escaso conocimiento de los impactos y una escasa cultura de la evaluación post-sequía destacan como importantes limitantes para aprovechar el conocimiento que se genera en la gestión de un evento. A través del estudio de las leyes de sequía se evidencia la existencia de incoherencias entre cómo se define el problema de la sequía y las soluciones que se plantean, así como el uso de un discurso de securitización para perseguir objetivos más allá de la gestión de la sequía. El estudio de percepción permite identificar la existencia de diferentes problemas y percepciones de la sequía y muestra cómo los regantes utilizan principalmente los impactos para identificar y caracterizar la severidad de un evento, lo cual difiere de las definiciones predominantes a otros niveles de gestión. Esto evidencia la importancia de considerar la diversidad de definiciones y percepciones en la gestión, para realizar una gestión más ajustada a las necesidades de los diferentes sectores y colectivos. El análisis de la gestión de la sequía en seis casos de estudio a nivel europeo ha permitido identificar diferentes niveles de adopción del enfoque de riesgo en la práctica. El marco de análisis establecido, que se basa en seis dimensiones de análisis y 21 criterios, ha resultado ser una herramienta útil para diagnosticar los elementos que funcionan y los que es necesario mejorar en relación a la gestión del riesgo a la sequía. El análisis sistemático de los estudios de vulnerabilidad ha evidenciado la heterogeneidad en los marcos conceptuales utilizados así como debilidades en los factores de vulnerabilidad que se suelen incluir, en muchos casos derivada de la falta de datos. El trabajo sistemático de recolección de información sobre impactos de la sequía ha evidenciado la escasez de información sobre el tema a nivel europeo y la importancia de la gestión de la información. La base de datos de impactos desarrollada tiene un gran potencial como herramienta exploratoria y orientativa del tipo de impactos que produce la sequía en cada región, pero todavía presenta algunos retos respecto a su contenido, proceso de gestión y utilidad práctica. Existen importantes limitaciones vinculadas con el acceso y la disponibilidad de información y datos relevantes vinculados con la gestión de la sequía y todos sus componentes. La participación, los niveles de gestión, la perspectiva sectorial y las relaciones entre los componentes de gestión del riesgo considerados constituyen aspectos críticos que es necesario mejorar en el futuro. Así, los cinco artículos en su conjunto presentan ejemplos concretos que ayudan a conocer mejor la gestión de la sequía y que pueden resultar de utilidad para políticos, gestores y usuarios. ABSTRACT Drought affects all sectors and their frequency and intensity is expected to increase due to climate change. Drought management poses significant challenges in the future. Undertaking a drought risk management approach promotes a proactive response, and it is starting to consolidate internationally. However, it is still necessary to conduct studies on the characteristics of drought risk management and its practical implications. This thesis provides an evaluation of various relevant aspects of drought management from different perspectives and with special emphasis on the social component of droughts. For the purpose of this research a number of five studies have been carried out: (1) analysis of the emergency laws adopted during the 2005-2008 drought in Spain; (2) study of farmers perception of drought at a local level; (3) assessment of the characteristics and drought management issues in six case studies across Europe; (4) systematic analysis of drought vulnerability assessments; and (5) analysis of drought impacts from an European impacts text-based database. The results show the importance of institutional capacity as a factor that promotes and facilitates the adoption of a risk approach. In contrast, the following issues are identified as the main obstacles to take advantage of the lessons learnt: (1) lack of vulnerability studies, (2) limited knowledge about the impact and (3) limited availability of post-drought assessments Drought emergency laws evidence the existence of inconsistencies between drought problem definition and the measures proposed as solutions. Moreover, the securitization of the discourse pursue goals beyond management drought. The perception of drought by farmers helps to identify the existence of several definitions of drought. It also highlights the importance of impacts in defining and characterizing the severity of an event. However, this definition differs from the one used at other institutional and management level. As a conclusion, this remarks the importance of considering the diversity of definitions and perceptions to better tailor drought management to the needs of different sectors and stakeholders. The analysis of drought management in six case studies across Europe show different levels of risk adoption approach in practice. The analytical framework proposed is based on six dimensions and 21 criteria. This method has proven to be a useful tool in diagnosing the elements that work and those that need to be improved in relation to drought risk management. The systematic analysis of vulnerability assessment studies demonstrates the heterogeneity of the conceptual frameworks used. Driven by the lack of relevant data, the studies point out significant weaknesses of the vulnerabilities factors that are typically included The heterogeneity of the impact data collected at European level to build the European Drought Impact Reports Database (EDII) highlights the importance of information management. The database has great potential as exploratory tool and provides indicative useful information of the type of impacts that occurred in a particular region. However, it still presents some challenges regarding their content, the process of data collection and management and its usefulness. There are significant limitations associated with the access and availability of relevant information and data related to drought management and its components. The following improvement areas on critical aspects have been identified for the near future: participation, levels of drought management, sectorial perspective and in-depth assessment of the relationships between the components of drought risk management The five articles presented in this dissertation provides concrete examples of drought management evaluation that help to better understand drought management from a risk-based perspective which can be useful for policy makers, managers and users.
Durante las últimas décadas el objetivo principal de la silvicultura y la gestión forestal en Europa ha pasado de ser la producción de madera a ser la gestión sostenible de los ecosistemas, por lo que se deben considerar todos los bienes y servicios que proporcionan los bosques. En consecuencia, es necesario contar con información forestal periódica de diversos indicadores forestales a nivel europeo para apoyar el desarrollo y la implementación de políticas medioambientales y que se realice una gestión adecuada. Para ello, se requiere un seguimiento intensivo sobre el estado de los bosques, por lo que los Inventarios Forestales Nacionales (IFN), (principal fuente de información forestal a gran escala), han aumentado el número de variables muestreadas para cumplir con los crecientes requerimientos de información. Sin embargo, las estimaciones proporcionadas por los diferentes países no son fácilmente comparables debido a las diferencias en las definiciones, los diseños de muestreo, las variables medidas y los protocolos de medición. Por esto, la armonización de los datos que proporcionan los diferentes países es fundamental para la contar con una información forestal sólida y fiable en la Unión europea (UE). La presente tesis tiene dos objetivos principales: (i) establecer el diseño de una metodología para evaluar la biodiversidad forestal en el marco del Inventario forestal nacional de España teniendo en cuenta las diferentes iniciativas nacionales e internacionales, con el objetivo de producir estimaciones comparables con las de otros países de la UE y (ii) armonizar los indicadores más relevantes para satisfacer los requerimientos nacionales e internacionales. Como consecuencia del estudio realizado para alcanzar el primer objetivo, la metodología diseñada para estimar la biodiversidad fue adoptada por el Tercer Inventario forestal nacional. Ésta se componía de indicadores agrupados en: cobertura del suelo, composición de árboles y especies de arbustos, riqueza de especies herbáceas y helechos, especies amenazadas, estructura, madera muerta, y líquenes epífitos. Tras el análisis del diseño metodológico y de los datos proporcionados, se observó la conveniencia de modificarla con el fin de optimizar los costes, viabilidad, calidad y cantidad de los datos registrados. En consecuencia, en el Cuarto Inventario Forestal Nacional se aplica una metodología modificada, puesto que se eliminó el muestreo de especies herbáceas y helechos, de líquenes epífitos y de especies amenazadas, se modificaron los protocolos de la toma de datos de estructura y madera muerta y se añadió el muestreo de especies invasoras, edad, ramoneo y grado de naturalidad de la masa. En lo que se refiere al segundo objetivo, se ha avanzado en la armonización de tres grupos de variables considerados como relevantes en el marco de los IFN: los indicadores de vegetación no arbórea (que juegan un papel relevante en los ecosistemas, es donde existe la mayor diversidad de plantas y hasta ahora no se conocían los datos muestreados en los IFN), la determinación de los árboles añosos (que tienen un importante papel como nicho ecológico y su identificación es especialmente relevante para la evaluación de la biodiversidad forestal) y el bosque disponible para el suministro de madera (indicador básico de los requerimientos internacionales de información forestal). Se llevó a cabo un estudio completo de la posible armonización de los indicadores de la vegetación no arbórea en los IFN. Para ello, se identificaron y analizaron las diferentes definiciones y diseños de muestreo empleados por los IFN, se establecieron definiciones de referencia y se propusieron y analizaron dos indicadores que pudiesen ser armonizados: MSC (mean species cover) que corresponde a la media de la fracción de cabida cubierta de cada especie por tipo de bosque y MTC (mean total cover). Se estableció una nueva metodología que permite identificar los árboles añosos con los datos proporcionados por los inventarios forestales nacionales con el objetivo de proporcionar una herramienta eficaz para facilitar la gestión forestal considerando la diversidad de los sistemas forestales. Se analizó el concepto de "bosque disponible para el suministro de madera" (FAWS) estudiando la consistencia de la información internacional disponible con el fin de armonizar su estimación y de proporcionar recomendaciones para satisfacer los requerimientos europeos. Como resultado, se elaboró una nueva definición de referencia de FAWS (que será adoptada por el proceso paneuropeo) y se analiza el impacto de la adopción de esta nueva definición en siete países europeos. El trabajo realizado en esta tesis, puede facilitar el suministrar y/o armonizar parcial o totalmente casi la mitad de los indicadores de información forestal solicitados por los requerimientos internacionales (47%). De éstos, prácticamente un 85% tienen relación con los datos inventariados empleando la metodología propuesta para la estimación de la biodiversidad forestal, y el resto, con el establecimiento de la definición de bosque disponible para el suministro de madera. No obstante, y pese a que esta tesis supone un avance importante, queda patente que las necesidades de información forestal son cambiantes y es imprescindible continuar el proceso de armonización de los IFN europeos. ABSTRACT Over the last few decades, the objectives on forestry and forest management in Europe have shifted from being primarily focused on wood production to sustainable ecosystem management, which should consider all the goods and services provided by the forest. Therefore, there is a continued need for forest indicators and assessments at EU level to support the development and implementation of a number of European environmental policies and to conduct a proper forest management. To address these questions, intensive monitoring on the status of forests is required. Therefore, the scope of National Forest Inventories (NFIs), (primary source of data for national and large-area assessments), has been broadened to include new variables to meet these increasing information requirements. However, estimates produced by different countries are not easily comparable because of differences in NFI definitions, plot configurations, measured variables, and measurement protocols. As consequence, harmonizing data produced at national level is essential for the production of sound EU forest information. The present thesis has two main aims: (i) to establish a methodology design to assess forest biodiversity in the frame of the Spanish National Forest Inventory taking into account the different national and international initiatives with the intention to produce comparable estimates with other EU countries and (ii) to harmonize relevant indicators for national and international requirements. In consequence of the work done related to the first objective, the established methodology to estimate forest biodiversity was adopted and launched under the Third National Forest Inventory. It was composed of indicators grouped into: cover, woody species composition, richness of herbaceous species and ferns, endangered species, stand structure, dead wood, and epiphytic lichens. This methodology was analyzed considering the provided data, time costs, feasibility, and requirements. Consequently, in the ongoing Fourth National Forest Inventory a modified methodology is applied: sampling of herbaceous species and ferns, epiphytic lichens and endangered species were removed, protocols regarding structure and deadwood were modified, and sampling of invasive species, age, browsing impact and naturalness were added. As regards the second objective, progress has been made in harmonizing three groups of variables considered relevant in the context of IFN: Indicators of non-tree vegetation (which play an important role in forest ecosystems, it is where the highest diversity of plants occur and so far the related sampled data in NFIs were not known), the identification of old-growth trees (which have an important role as ecological niche and its identification is especially relevant for the assessment of forest biodiversity) and the available forest for wood supply (basic indicator of international forestry information requirements). A complete analysis of ground vegetation harmonization possibilities within NFIs frame was carried on by identifying and analyzing the different definitions and sampling techniques used by NFIs, providing reference definitions related to ground vegetation and proposing and analyzing two ground vegetation harmonized indicators: “Mean species cover” (MSC) and “Mean total cover” (MTC) for shrubs by European forest categories. A new methodology based on NFI data was established with the aim to provide an efficient tool for policy makers to estimate the number of old-growth trees and thus to be able to perform the analysis of the effect of forest management on the diversity associated to forest systems. The concept of “forest available for wood supply” (FAWS) was discussed and clarified, analyzing the consistency of the available international information on FAWS in order to provide recommendations for data harmonization at European level regarding National Forest Inventories (NFIs). As a result, a new reference definition of FAWS was provided (which will be adopted in the pan-European process) and the consequences of the use of this new definition in seven European countries are analyzed. The studies carried on in this thesis, can facilitate the supply and/or harmonization partially or fully of almost half of the forest indicators (47%) needed for international requirements. Of these, nearly 85% are related to inventoried data using the proposed methodology for the estimation of forest biodiversity, and the rest, with the establishment of the definition of forest available for wood supply. However, despite this thesis imply an important development, forest information needs are changing and it is imperative to continue the process of harmonization of European NFIs.
La habitabilidad precaria (HaP) constituye hoy el primer problema mundial del urbanismo, la ordenación del territorio y varias otras disciplinas, como la arquitectura y varias ingenierías que, en conjunto, estructuran e impulsan el sector de la construcción mundial que se centra en atender el alojamiento humano en su diversidad de funciones. En la Conferencia Habitat II, celebrada en 1996 en Estambul, ante el desmesurado crecimiento cuantitativo de la HaP mundial, se planteó la prioridad de prevenir el problema de los nuevos asentamientos precarios: “paliar los problemas relacionados con los asentamientos humanos espontáneos mediante programas y políticas que se anticipen a los asentamientos no planeados”1, sin embargo, tras casi veinte años, aún no existe una herramienta sustantiva y específica que facilite a los políticos responsables de gestionar el desarrollo urbano en ciudades con bajos recursos de países en desarrollo, tomar decisiones que transformen de la forma más eficiente posible el fenómeno de la proliferación de asentamientos informales en una oportunidad de progreso y prosperidad para sus ciudades. La presente tesis parte de la convicción, que trata de fundamentar objetivamente a lo largo del desarrollo de su documentación, de que dicha herramienta fundamental ha de buscarse, a partir de la teoría Habitabilidad Básica, como un soporte esencial con el que reconducir los futuros procesos de ocupación espontánea periurbana. El propósito de la investigación se concreta en caracterizar, y conocer la óptima aplicabilidad, de un instrumento operativo elemental que ayude en la toma de decisiones estratégicas de las autoridades responsables sobre la mejor ubicación de los asentamientos que, hasta la existencia y aplicabilidad de este instrumento, se consideran espontáneos. Asentamientos espontáneos éstos que, en condiciones normales quedarían sujetos durante años a la precariedad mientras que por medio de tal instrumento abandonarían su génesis espontánea para acceder a través de planificación elemental a condiciones de Habitabilidad Básica. La materialización concreta de esta herramienta sería un plano sintético de directrices de ordenación territorial y urbana denominado Plano de Elección del Sitio (PES). Diseñado como un Modelo Teórico Elemental, su aplicación estaría preferentemente orientada a ciudades pequeñas de países en desarrollo que presenten escaso nivel institucional, limitada capacidad económica y técnica, así como ausencia o ineficacia en su planeamiento. A través de un proceso de investigación basado en: la mencionada teoría de la Habitabilidad Básica, la literatura científica de la materia y las experiencias de casos recientes de planificación urbana mediante la aplicación de sistemas de información del suelo, se propone una caracterización y aplicabilidad preliminar de la herramienta. Tras analizar pormenorizadamente sus fortalezas y debilidades y contando con la participación de un grupo de expertos independientes, el trabajo concluye con una nueva caracterización de la herramienta y la reformulación de la hipótesis inicial. ABSTRACT Nowadays, the precarious habitability (PHa) is the main problem of urbanism around the world, land-use planning and several other disciplines such as architecture and different engineering studies that, as a whole, structure and boost the global construction sector which focuses on meeting the Human accommodation in its functional diversity. In the Habitat II Conference in Istanbul in 1996, in light of the excessive quantitative growth of the global PHa, the priority of preventing the problem of new squatter settlements was raised: "to alleviate the problems related to spontaneous human settlements through programs and policies that anticipate unplanned settlements"2, however, after nearly twenty years, there is still no substantive and specific tool to facilitate policy makers to manage urban development for towns with low-income in developing countries, taking decisions that transform as efficiently as possible the phenomenon of the proliferation of informal settlements into an opportunity for progress and prosperity for their cities. This thesis is based on the conviction, which tries to objectively substantiate along the development of its documentation, that this fundamental tool has to be sought from the Basic Habitability theory as an essential support to redirect the future processes of peri-urban spontaneous occupation. The purpose of the research is carried out to characterize, and know the optimum applicability of a basic operational tool to assist in the strategic decisions making of the responsible authorities on the best location of settlements that, until the existence and applicability of this instrument, are considered spontaneous. Spontaneous settlements which, under normal conditions would be subject to the precariousness for years while under that instrument they would abandon their spontaneous genesis for accessing by elemental planning to the Basic Habitability. The concretionary materialization of this tool would be a synthetic guidelines plan of territorial and urban planning called Site Election Plan (SEP). Designed as a Elementary Theoretical Model, its application would preferably be oriented for small towns in developing countries that represent a low institutional, economic and technical limited capacity, as well as the absence or ineffectiveness in their planning. Throughout a research process based on: the aforementioned theory of Basic Habitability, the scientific literature of the subject and the experiences of recent cases of urban planning through the application of soil information systems, characterization and preliminary applicability of the tool is proposed. After attentively analyzing their strengths and weaknesses and with the participation of a group of independent experts, the paper concludes with a new characterization of the tool and the reformulation of the initial hypothesis.
As sustainability reporting (SR) practices have being increasingly adopted by corporations over the last twenty years, most of the existing literature on SR has stressed the role of external determinants (such as institutional and stakeholder pressures) in explaining this uptake. However, given that recent evidence points to a broader range of motives and uses (both external and internal) of SR, we contend that its role within company-level activities deserves greater academic attention. In order to address this research gap, this paper seeks to provide a more detailed examination of the organizational characteristics acting as drivers and/or barriers of SR integration within corporate sustainability practices at the company-level. More specifically, we suggest that substantive SR implementation can be predicted by assessing the level of fit between the organization and the SR framework being adopted. Building on this hypothesis, our theoretical model defines three forms of fit (technical, cultural and political) and identifies organizational characteristics associated to each of these fits. Finally, implications for academic research, businesses and policy-makers are derived.
As sustainability reporting (SR) practices have being increasingly adopted by corporations over the last twenty years, most of the existing literature on SR has stressed the role of external determinants (such as institutional and stakeholder pressures) in explaining this uptake. However, given that recent evidence points to a broader range of motives and uses (both external and internal) of SR, we contend that its role within company-level activities deserves greater academic attention. In order to address this research gap, this paper seeks to provide a more integrated perspective of both institutional and efficiency explanations of SR dynamics, as well as to highlight the role of company-level characteristics in explaining its contribution to sustainability management practices. More specifically, we suggest that substantive SR implementation can be predicted by assessing the level of fit between the organization and the SR framework being adopted. Building on this idea, our theoretical model defines three forms of fit (technical, cultural and political) and identifies organizational characteristics associated to each of these fits. Finally, implications for academic research, businesses and policy-makers are derived.
This mixed method study aimed to redress the gap in the literature on academic service-learning partnerships, especially in Eastern settings. It utilized Enos and Morton's (2003) theoretical framework to explore these partnerships at the American University in Cairo (AUC). Seventy-nine community partners, administrators, faculty members, and students from a diverse range of age, citizenship, racial, educational, and professional backgrounds participated in the study. Qualitative interviews were conducted with members of these four groups, and a survey with both close-ended and open-ended questions administered to students yielded 61 responses. Qualitative analyses revealed that the primary motivators for partners' engagement in service-learning partnerships included contributing to the community, enhancing students' learning and growth, and achieving the civic mission of the University. These partnerships were characterized by short-term relationships with partners' aspiring to progress toward long-term commitments. The challenges to these partnerships included issues pertaining to the institution, partnering organizations, culture, politics, pedagogy, students, and faculty members. Key strategies for improving these partnerships included institutionalizing service-learning in the University and cultivating an institutional culture supportive of community engagement. Quantitative analyses showed statistically significant relationships between students' scores on the Community Awareness and Interpersonal Effectiveness scales and their overall participation in community service activities inside and outside the classroom, as well as a statistically significant difference between their scores on the Community Awareness scale and department offering service-learning courses. The study's outcomes underscore the role of the local culture in shaping service-learning partnerships, as well as the role of both curricular and extracurricular activities in boosting students' awareness of their community and interpersonal effectiveness. Cultivating a culture of community engagement and building support mechanisms for engaged scholarship are among the critical steps required by public policy-makers in Egypt to promote service-learning in Egyptian higher education. Institutionalizing service-learning partnerships at AUC and enhancing the visibility of these partnerships on campus and in the community are essential to the future growth of these collaborations. Future studies should explore factors affecting community partners' satisfaction with these partnerships, top-down and bottom-up support to service-learning, the value of reflection to faculty members, and the influence of students' economic backgrounds on their involvement in service-learning partnerships.
Expulsion from school is life changing. This single event can alter the trajectory of a student's life--for better or for worse. How life changes is unique for each individual student. Risk and protective factors that impact an individual student's resilience determine the level of positive or negative outcomes experienced as a result of expulsion. Educators have the opportunity to take advantage of this disruption in students' education to improve the trajectory of students' lives. However, without thoughtful intervention from caring educators, this interruption in students' education may have an irreparable destructive impact on students' future. The purpose of this study was to understand the expulsion experience from the point of view of the student in order to represent this critical stakeholder group in future policy and program development, implementation, and decision-making. Students' narratives are a means for members of the educational community to access students' experiences and perceptions in order to understand the impact of expulsion on students' lives. Students' perspectives are presented through thick description in this narrative case study. The experience of these eight students is evidence that expulsion can change students' lives in a positive way. Knowing this, responsible educators must develop interventions for expelled students that channel the positive life-changing potential of this experience. Educators must develop interventions focused on bringing forth protective factors that are documented to increase resilience and to make students less susceptible to the risks inherent in removing them from school. Recommendations for educators and policy-makers are presented to assist educators in preventing expulsion and improving educational and socio-emotional outcomes for expelled students.
Globally, increasing demands for biofuels have intensified the rate of land-use change (LUC) for expansion of bioenergy crops. In Brazil, the world\'s largest sugarcane-ethanol producer, sugarcane area has expanded by 35% (3.2 Mha) in the last decade. Sugarcane expansion has resulted in extensive pastures being subjected to intensive mechanization and large inputs of agrochemicals, which have direct implications on soil quality (SQ). We hypothesized that LUC to support sugarcane expansion leads to overall SQ degradation. To test this hypothesis we conducted a field-study at three sites in the central-southern region, to assess the SQ response to the primary LUC sequence (i.e., native vegetation to pasture to sugarcane) associated to sugarcane expansion in Brazil. At each land use site undisturbed and disturbed soil samples were collected from the 0-10, 10-20 and 20-30 cm depths. Soil chemical and physical attributes were measured through on-farm and laboratory analyses. A dataset of soil biological attributes was also included in this study. Initially, the LUC effects on each individual soil indicator were quantified. Afterward, the LUC effects on overall SQ were assessed using the Soil Management Assessment Framework (SMAF). Furthermore, six SQ indexes (SQI) were developed using approaches with increasing complexity. Our results showed that long-term conversion from native vegetation to extensive pasture led to soil acidification, significant depletion of soil organic carbon (SOC) and macronutrients [especially phosphorus (P)] and severe soil compaction, which creates an unbalanced ratio between water- and air-filled pore space within the soil and increases mechanical resistance to root growth. Conversion from pasture to sugarcane improved soil chemical quality by correcting for acidity and increasing macronutrient levels. Despite those improvements, most of the P added by fertilizer accumulated in less plant-available P forms, confirming the key role of organic P has in providing available P to plants in Brazilian soils. Long-term sugarcane production subsequently led to further SOC depletions. Sugarcane production had slight negative impacts on soil physical attributes compared to pasture land. Although tillage performed for sugarcane planting and replanting alleviates soil compaction, our data suggested that the effects are short-term with persistent, reoccurring soil consolidation that increases erosion risk over time. These soil physical changes, induced by LUC, were detected by quantitative soil physical properties as well as by visual evaluation of soil structure (VESS), an on-farm and user-friendly method for evaluating SQ. The SMAF efficiently detected overall SQ response to LUC and it could be reliably used under Brazilian soil conditions. Furthermore, since all of the SQI values developed in this study were able to rank SQ among land uses. We recommend that simpler and more cost-effective SQI strategies using a small number of carefully chosen soil indicators, such as: pH, P, K, VESS and SOC, and proportional weighting within of each soil sectors (chemical, physical and biological) be used as a protocol for SQ assessments in Brazilian sugarcane areas. The SMAF and SQI scores suggested that long-term conversion from native vegetation to extensive pasture depleted overall SQ, driven by decreases in chemical, physical and biological indicators. In contrast, conversion from pasture to sugarcane had no negative impacts on overall SQ, mainly because chemical improvements offset negative impacts on biological and physical indicators. Therefore, our findings can be used as scientific base by farmers, extension agents and public policy makers to adopt and develop management strategies that sustain and/or improving SQ and the sustainability of sugarcane production in Brazil.
The Municipality of Anchorage (MOA) is required to better manage, operate and control municipal solid waste (MSW) after the Anchorage Assembly instituted a Zero Waste Policy. Two household curbside recycling programs (CRPs), pay-as-you-throw (PAYT) and single-stream, were compared and evaluated to determine an optimal municipal solid waste diversion method for households within the MOA. The analyses find: (1) a CRP must be designed from comprehensive analysis, models and data correlation that combine demographic and psychographic variables; and (2) CRPs can be easily adjusted towards community-specific goals using technology, such as Geographic Information System (GIS) and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). Combining resources of policy-makers, businesses, and other viable actors are necessary components to produce a sustainable, economically viable curbside recycling program.