935 resultados para Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase


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Previous experiments had shown no differences in desensitization in cells with mutations of the adenylyl cyclase or the cAMP-dependent protein kinase and had ruled out this kinase as a mediator of desensitization; however, the assays of adenylyl cyclase had been made at high concentrations of free magnesium. The work presented in this dissertation documents a role for cAMP-dependent protein kinase which became apparent with assays at low concentrations of free magnesium. (1) The adenylyl cyclase in membranes from wild type S49 lymphoma cells showed substantial desensitization after incubation of the intact cells with low concentrations of epinephrine (5-20 nM). This desensitization was heterologous, that is it reduced the subsequent responses of the adenylyl cyclase to both epinephrine and prostaglandin-E$\sb1$. (2) The adenylyl cyclase in membranes of S49 cyc$\sp-$ cells, which do not make cAMP in response to hormones, and S49 kin$\sp-$ cells, which lack cAMP-dependent protein kinase activity, showed no heterologous desensitization following incubation of the intact cells with low concentrations of hormones. (3) Heterologous desensitization of the adenylyl cyclase was induced by incubations of wild type cells with forskolin, which activates the adenylyl cyclase downstream of the hormone receptors, or dibutyryl-cAMP, which activates the cAMP-dependent protein kinase directly. (4) Site-directed mutagenesis was used to delete the cAMP-dependent protein kinase consensus phosphorylation sequences on the $\beta$-adrenergic receptor. Heterologous desensitization occurred in intact L-cells expressing the wild type receptor or the receptor lacking the C-terminal phosphorylation site; however, only homologous desensitization occurred when the phosphorylation site on the third intracellular loop of the receptor was deleted. (5) To test directly the effects of cAMP-dependent protein kinase on the adenylyl cyclase the catalytic subunit of the kinase was purified from bovine heart and incubated with adenylyl cyclase in plasma membrane preparations. In this cell-free system the kinase caused rapid heterlogous reductions of the responsiveness of the S49 wild type adenylyl cyclase. Additionally, the adenylyl cyclase in kin$\sp-$ membranes, which showed only homologous desensitization in the intact cell, was desensitization by cell-free incubation with the kinase.^ The epinephrine responsiveness was not affected in L-cell membranes expressing the $\beta$-adrenergic receptor lacking the cAMP-dependent protein kinase consensus sequence on the third intracellular loop. ^


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Activation of protein kinase C (PKC) causes multiple effects on adenylyl cyclase (AC), (i) an inhibition of (hormone) receptor/G$\sb{\rm s}$ coupling, consistent with PKC modification of the receptor and (ii) a postreceptor sensitization consistent with a PKC-mediated modification of the stimulatory (G$\sb{\rm s}$) or inhibitory (G$\sb{\rm i}$) G-proteins or the catalyst (C) of AC. In L cells expressing the wild-type beta-adrenergic receptor ($\beta$AR) 4-$\beta$ phorbol 12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA) caused 2-3-fold increases in the K$\sb{\rm act}$ and V$\sb{\rm max}$ for epinephrine-stimulated AC activity and an attenuation of GTP-mediated inhibition of AC. Deletion of a concensus site for PKC phosphorylation (amino acids 259-262) from the $\beta$AR eliminated the PMA-induced increase in the K$\sb{\rm act}$, but had no effect on the other actions of PMA. PMA also increased the K$\sb{\rm act}$ and V$\sb{\rm max}$ for prostaglandin E$\sb1$ (PGE$\sb1$)-stimulated AC and the V$\sb{\rm max}$ for forskolin-stimulated AC. Maximal PMA-induced sensitizations were observed when AC was assayed in the presence of 10 $\mu$M GTP and 0.3 mM (Mg$\sp{++}$).^ Liao et al. (J. Biol. Chem. 265:11273-11284 (1990)) have shown that the P$\sb2$ purinergic receptor agonist ATP stimulates hydrolysis of 4,5 inositol bisphosphate (PIP$\sb2$) by phospholipase C (PLC) in L cells. To determine if agonists that stimulate PLC and PMA had similar effects on AC function we compared the effects of ATP and PMA. ATP caused a rapid 50-150% sensitization of PGE$\sb1$-, epinephrine-, and forskolin-stimulated AC activity with an EC$\sb{50}$ of 3 $\mu$M ATP. The sensitization was similar (i.e. Mg$\sp{++}$ and GTP sensitivity) to that caused by 10 nM PMA. However, unlike PMA ATP did not affect the K$\sb{\rm act}$ for hormone-stimulated AC and its effects were unaltered by down-regulation of PKCs following long term PMA treatment. Our results demonstrate that a PKC concensus site in the $\beta$AR, is required for the PMA-induced decrease in receptor/G$\sb{\rm s}$ coupling. Our data also indicate that activation of P$\sb2$ purinergic receptors by ATP may be important in the sensitization of AC in L cells. The mechanism behind this effect remains to be determined. ^


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The uptake, metabolism, and metabolic effects of the antitumor tricyclic nucleoside (TCN, NSC-154020) were studied in vitro. Uptake of TCN by human erythrocytes was concentrative, resulting mainly from the rapid intracellular phosphorylation of TCN. At high TCN doses, however, unchanged TCN was also concentrated within the erythrocytes. The initial linear rate of TCN uptake was saturable and obeyed Michaelis-Menten kinetics. TCN was metabolized chiefly to its 5'-monophosphate not only by human erythrocytes but also by wild-type Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. In addition, three other metabolites were detected by means of high-performance liquid chromatography. The structures of these metabolites were elucidated by ultraviolet spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, and further confirmed by incubations with catabolic enzymes and intact wild-type or variant CHO cells. All were novel types of oxidative degradation products of TCN. Two are proposed to be (alpha) and (beta) anomers of a D-ribofuranosyl nucleoside with a pyrimido{4,5-c}pyridazine-4-one base structure. The third metabolite is most likely the 5'-monophosphate of the (beta) anomer. A CHO cell line deficient in adenosine kinase activity failed to phosphorylate either TCN or the (beta) anomer. No further phosphorylation of the 5'-monophosphates by normal cells occurred. Although the pathways leading to the formation of these TCN metabolites have not been proven, a mechanism is proposed to account for the above observations. The same adenosine kinase-deficient CHO cells were resistant to 500 (mu)M TCN, while wild-type cells could not clone in the presence of 20 (mu)M TCN. Simultaneous addition of purines, pyrimidines, and purine precursors failed to reverse this toxicity. TCN-treatment strongly inhibited formate or glycine incorporation into ATP and GTP of wild-type CHO cells. Hypoxanthine incorporation inhibited to a lesser degree, with the inhibition of incorporation into GTP being more pronounced. Although precursor incorporation into GTP was inhibited, GTP concentrations were elevated rather than reduced after 4-hr incubations with 20 (mu)M or 50 (mu)M TCN. These results suggested an impairment of GTP utilization. TCN (50 (mu)M) inhibited leucine and thymidine incorporation into HClO(,4)-insoluble material to 30-35% of control throughout 5-hr incubations. Incorporation of five other amino acids was inhibited to the same extent as leucine. Pulse-labeling assays (45 min) with uridine, leucine, and thymidine failed to reveal selective inhibition of DNA or protein synthesis by 0.05-50 (mu)M TCN; however, the patterns of inhibition were similar to those of known protein synthesis inhibitors. TCN 5'-monophosphate inhibited leucine incorporation by rabbit reticulocyte lysates; the inhibition was 2000 times less potent than that of cycloheximide. The 5'-monophosphate failed to inhibit a crude nuclear DNA-synthesizing system. Although TCN 5'-monophosphate apparently inhibits purine synthesis de novo, its cytotoxicity is not reversed by exogenous purines. Consequently, another mechanism such as direct inhibition of protein synthesis is probably a primary mechanism of toxicity. ^


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OBJECTIVES Emdogain, containing an extract of fetal porcine enamel matrix proteins, is a potent stimulator of in vitro osteoclastogenesis. The underlying molecular mechanisms are, however, unclear. MATERIAL AND METHODS Here, we have addressed the role of transforming growth factor-beta receptor type 1 (TGF-βRI) kinase activity on osteoclastogenesis in murine bone marrow cultures. RESULTS Inhibition of TGF-βRI kinase activity with SB431542 abolished the effect of Emdogain on osteoclastogenesis induced by receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa-B ligand or tumor necrosis factor-alpha. SB431542 also suppressed the Emdogain-mediated increase of OSCAR, a co-stimulatory protein, and dendritic cell-specific transmembrane protein and Atp6v0d2, the latter two being involved in cell fusion. Similar to transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-β), Emdogain could not compensate for the inhibition of IL-4 and IFNγ on osteoclast formation. When using the murine macrophage cell line RAW246.7, SB431542 and the smad-3 inhibitor SIS3 blocked Emdogain-stimulated expression of the transcription factor NFATc1. CONCLUSIONS Taken together, the data suggest that TGF-βRI kinase activity is necessary to mediate in vitro effects of Emdogain on osteoclastogenesis. CLINICAL RELEVANCE Based on these in vitro data, we can speculate that at least part of the clinical effects of Emdogain on osteoclastogenesis is mediated via TGF-β signaling.


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Background and Purpose Ceramide kinase (CerK) catalyzes the generation of ceramide-1-phosphate which may regulate various cellular functions, including inflammatory reactions and cell growth. Here, we studied the effect of a recently developed CerK inhibitor, NVP-231, on cancer cell proliferation and viability and investigated the role of cell cycle regulators implicated in these responses. Experimental Approach The breast and lung cancer cell lines MCF-7 and NCI-H358 were treated with increasing concentrations of NVP-231 and DNA synthesis, colony formation and cell death were determined. Flow cytometry was performed to analyse cell cycle distribution of cells and Western blot analysis was used to detect changes in cell cycle regulator expression and activation. Key Results In both cell lines, NVP-231 concentration-dependently reduced cell viability, DNA synthesis and colony formation. Moreover it induced apoptosis, as measured by increased DNA fragmentation and caspase-3 and caspase-9 cleavage. Cell cycle analysis revealed that NVP-231 decreased the number of cells in S phase and induced M phase arrest with an increased mitotic index, as determined by increased histone H3 phosphorylation. The effect on the cell cycle was even more pronounced when NVP-231 treatment was combined with staurosporine. Finally, overexpression of CerK protected, whereas down-regulation of CerK with siRNA sensitized, cells for staurosporine-induced apoptosis. Conclusions and Implications Our data demonstrate for the first time a crucial role for CerK in the M phase control in cancer cells and suggest its targeted inhibition, using drugs such as NVP-231, in combination with conventional pro-apoptotic chemotherapy.


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Time-dependent refractoriness of calcium (Ca2+) release in cardiac myocytes is an important factor in determining whether pro-arrhythmic release patterns develop. At the subcellular level of the Ca2+ spark, recent studies have suggested that recovery of spark amplitude is controlled by local sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) refilling whereas refractoriness of spark triggering depends on both refilling and the sensitivity of the ryanodine receptor (RyR) release channels that produce sparks. Here we studied regulation of Ca2+ spark refractoriness in mouse ventricular myocytes by examining how β-adrenergic stimulation influenced sequences of Ca2+ sparks originating from individual RyR clusters. Our protocol allowed us to separately measure recovery of spark amplitude and delays between successive sparks, and data were interpreted quantitatively through simulations with a stochastic mathematical model. We found that, compared with spark sequences measured under control conditions: (1) β-adrenergic stimulation with isoproterenol accelerated spark amplitude recovery and decreased spark-to-spark delays; (2) activating protein kinase A (PKA) with forskolin accelerated amplitude recovery but did not affect spark-to-spark delays; (3) inhibiting PKA with H89 retarded amplitude recovery and increased spark- to-spark delays; (4) preventing phosphorylation of the RyR at serine 2808 with a knock-in mouse prevented the decrease in spark-to-spark delays seen with β-adrenergic stimulation; (5) inhibiting either PKA or Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) during β-adrenergic stimulation prevented the decrease in spark-to-spark delays seen) without inhibition. The results suggest that activation of either PKA or CaMKII is sufficient to speed SR refilling, but activation of both kinases appears necessary to observe increased RyR sensitivity. The data provide novel insight into β-adrenergic regulation of Ca2+ release refractoriness in mouse myocytes.


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AIMS Tumour buds in colorectal cancer represent an aggressive subgroup of non-proliferating and non-apoptotic tumour cells. We hypothesize that the survival of tumour buds is dependent upon anoikis resistance. The role of tyrosine kinase receptor B (TrkB), a promoter of epithelial-mesenchymal transition and anoikis resistance, in facilitating budding was investigated. METHODS AND RESULTS Tyrosine kinase receptor B immunohistochemistry was performed on a multiple-punch tissue microarray of 211 colorectal cancer resections. Membranous/cytoplasmic and nuclear expression was evaluated in tumour and buds. Tumour budding was assessed on corresponding whole tissue slides. Relationship to Ki-67 and caspase-3 was investigated. Analysis of Kirsten Ras (KRAS), proto-oncogene B-RAF (BRAF) and cytosine-phosphate-guanosine island methylator phenotype (CIMP) was performed. Membranous/cytoplasmic and nuclear TrkB were strongly, inversely correlated (P < 0.0001; r = -0.41). Membranous/cytoplasmic TrkB was overexpressed in buds compared to the main tumour body (P < 0.0001), associated with larger tumours (P = 0.0236), high-grade budding (P = 0.0011) and KRAS mutation (P = 0.0008). Nuclear TrkB was absent in buds (P <0.0001) and in high-grade budding cancers (P =0.0073). Among patients with membranous/cytoplasmic TrkB-positive buds, high tumour membranous/cytoplasmic TrkB expression was a significant, independent adverse prognostic factor [P = 0.033; 1.79, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.05-3.05]. Inverse correlations between membranous/cytoplasmic TrkB and Ki-67 (r = -0.41; P < 0.0001) and caspase-3 (r =-0.19; P < 0.05) were observed. CONCLUSIONS Membranous/cytoplasmic TrkB may promote an epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT)-like phenotype with high-grade budding and maintain viability of buds themselves.


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OBJECTIVES In cardiac muscle, ischemia reperfusion (IR) injury is attenuated by mitochondrial function, which may be upregulated by focal adhesion kinase (FAK). The aim of this study was to determine whether increased FAK levels reduced rhabdomyolysis in skeletal muscle too. MATERIAL AND METHODS In a translational in vivo experiment, rat lower limbs were subjected to 4 hours of ischemia followed by 24 or 72 hours of reperfusion. FAK expression was stimulated 7 days before (via somatic transfection with pCMV-driven FAK expression plasmid) and outcomes were measured against non-transfected and empty transfected controls. Slow oxidative (i.e., mitochondria-rich) and fast glycolytic (i.e., mitochondria-poor) type muscles were analyzed separately regarding rhabdomyolysis, apoptosis, and inflammation. Severity of IR injury was assessed using paired non-ischemic controls. RESULTS After 24 hours of reperfusion, marked rhabdomyolysis was found in non-transfected and empty plasmid-transfected fast-type glycolytic muscle, tibialis anterior. Prior transfection enhanced FAK concentration significantly (p = 0.01). Concomitantly, levels of BAX, promoting mitochondrial transition pores, were reduced sixfold (p = 0.02) together with a blunted inflammation (p = 0.01) and reduced rhabdomyolysis (p = 0.003). Slow oxidative muscle, m. soleus, reacted differently: although apoptosis was detectable after IR, rhabdomyolysis did not appear before 72 hours of reperfusion; and FAK levels were not enhanced in ischemic muscle despite transfection (p = 0.66). CONCLUSIONS IR-induced skeletal muscle rhabdomyolysis is a fiber type-specific phenomenon that appears to be modulated by mitochondria reserves. Stimulation of FAK may exploit these reserves constituting a potential therapeutic approach to reduce tissue loss following acute limb IR in fast-type muscle.


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Eph family receptor tyrosine kinases signal axonal guidance, neuronal bundling, and angiogenesis; yet the signaling systems that couple these receptors to targeting and cell-cell assembly responses are incompletely defined. Functional links to regulators of cytoskeletal structure are anticipated based on receptor mediated cell-cell aggregation and migratory responses. We used two-hybrid interaction cloning to identify EphB1-interactive proteins. Six independent cDNAs encoding the SH2 domain of the adapter protein, Nck, were recovered in a screen of a murine embryonic library. We mapped the EphB1 subdomain that binds Nck and its Drosophila homologue, DOCK, to the juxtamembrane region. Within this subdomain, Tyr594 was required for Nck binding. In P19 embryonal carcinoma cells, activation of EphB1 (ELK) by its ligand, ephrin-B1/Fc, recruited Nck to native receptor complexes and activated c-Jun kinase (JNK/SAPK). Transient overexpression of mutant EphB1 receptors (Y594F) blocked Nck recruitment to EphB1, attenuated downstream JNK activation, and blocked cell attachment responses. These findings identify Nck as an important intermediary linking EphB1 signaling to JNK.


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Innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) are critical for maintaining epithelial barrier integrity at mucosal surfaces; however, the tissue-specific factors that regulate ILC responses remain poorly characterized. Using mice with intestinal epithelial cell (IEC)-specific deletions in either inhibitor of κB kinase (IKK)α or IKKβ, two critical regulators of NFκB activation, we demonstrate that IEC-intrinsic IKKα expression selectively regulates group 3 ILC (ILC3)-dependent antibacterial immunity in the intestine. Although IKKβ(ΔIEC) mice efficiently controlled Citrobacter rodentium infection, IKKα(ΔIEC) mice exhibited severe intestinal inflammation, increased bacterial dissemination to peripheral organs, and increased host mortality. Consistent with weakened innate immunity to C. rodentium, IKKα(ΔIEC) mice displayed impaired IL-22 production by RORγt(+) ILC3s, and therapeutic delivery of rIL-22 or transfer of sort-purified IL-22-competent ILCs from control mice could protect IKKα(ΔIEC) mice from C. rodentium-induced morbidity. Defective ILC3 responses in IKKα(ΔIEC) mice were associated with overproduction of thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) by IECs, which negatively regulated IL-22 production by ILC3s and impaired innate immunity to C. rodentium. IEC-intrinsic IKKα expression was similarly critical for regulation of intestinal inflammation after chemically induced intestinal damage and colitis. Collectively, these data identify a previously unrecognized role for epithelial cell-intrinsic IKKα expression and TSLP in regulating ILC3 responses required to maintain intestinal barrier immunity.


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Death-associated protein kinase 2 (DAPK2) is a Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent Ser/Thr kinase that possesses tumor-suppressive functions and regulates programmed cell death, autophagy, oxidative stress, hematopoiesis, and motility. As only few binding partners of DAPK2 have been determined, the molecular mechanisms governing these biological functions are largely unknown. We report the identification of 180 potential DAPK2 interaction partners by affinity purification-coupled mass spectrometry, 12 of which are known DAPK binding proteins. A small subset of established and potential binding proteins detected in this screen was further investigated by bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) assays, a method to visualize protein interactions in living cells. These experiments revealed that α-actinin-1 and 14-3-3-β are novel DAPK2 binding partners. The interaction of DAPK2 with α-actinin-1 was localized at the plasma membrane, resulting in massive membrane blebbing and reduced cellular motility, whereas the interaction of DAPK2 with 14-3-3-β was localized to the cytoplasm, with no impact on blebbing, motility, or viability. Our results therefore suggest that DAPK2 effector functions are influenced by the protein's subcellular localization and highlight the utility of combining mass spectrometry screening with bimolecular fluorescence complementation to identify and characterize novel protein-protein interactions.


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Both of the sphingosine kinase (SK) subtypes SK-1 and SK-2 catalyze the production of the bioactive lipid molecule sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P). However, the subtype-specific cellular functions are largely unknown. In this study, we investigated the cellular function of SK-2 in primary mouse renal mesangial cells (mMC) and embryonic fibroblasts (MEF) from wild-type C57BL/6 or SK-2 knockout (SK2ko) mice. We found that SK2ko cells displayed a significantly higher proliferative and migratory activity when compared to wild-type cells, with concomitant increased cellular activities of the classical extracellular signal regulated kinase (ERK) and PI3K/Akt cascades, and of the small G protein RhoA. Furthermore, we detected an upregulation of SK-1 protein and S1P3 receptor mRNA expression in SK-2ko cells. The MEK inhibitor U0126 and the S1P1/3 receptor antagonist VPC23019 blocked the increased migration of SK-2ko cells. Additionally, S1P3ko mesangial cells showed a reduced proliferative behavior and reduced migration rate upon S1P stimulation, suggesting a crucial involvement of the S1P3 receptor. In summary, our data demonstrate that SK-2 exerts suppressive effects on cell growth and migration in renal mesangial cells and fibroblasts, and that therapeutic targeting of SKs for treating proliferative diseases requires subtype-selective inhibitors.


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Intravital imaging has revealed that T cells change their migratory behavior during physiological activation inside lymphoid tissue. Yet, it remains less well investigated how the intrinsic migratory capacity of activated T cells is regulated by chemokine receptor levels or other regulatory elements. Here, we used an adjuvant-driven inflammation model to examine how motility patterns corresponded with CCR7, CXCR4, and CXCR5 expression levels on ovalbumin-specific DO11.10 CD4(+) T cells in draining lymph nodes. We found that while CCR7 and CXCR4 surface levels remained essentially unaltered during the first 48-72 h after activation of CD4(+) T cells, their in vitro chemokinetic and directed migratory capacity to the respective ligands, CCL19, CCL21, and CXCL12, was substantially reduced during this time window. Activated T cells recovered from this temporary decrease in motility on day 6 post immunization, coinciding with increased migration to the CXCR5 ligand CXCL13. The transiently impaired CD4(+) T cell motility pattern correlated with increased LFA-1 expression and augmented phosphorylation of the microtubule regulator Stathmin on day 3 post immunization, yet neither microtubule destabilization nor integrin blocking could reverse TCR-imprinted unresponsiveness. Furthermore, protein kinase C (PKC) inhibition did not restore chemotactic activity, ruling out PKC-mediated receptor desensitization as mechanism for reduced migration in activated T cells. Thus, we identify a cell-intrinsic, chemokine receptor level-uncoupled decrease in motility in CD4(+) T cells shortly after activation, coinciding with clonal expansion. The transiently reduced ability to react to chemokinetic and chemotactic stimuli may contribute to the sequestering of activated CD4(+) T cells in reactive peripheral lymph nodes, allowing for integration of costimulatory signals required for full activation.


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BACKGROUND Endometriosis, the growth of endometrial tissue outside the uterine cavity, is associated with chronic pelvic pain, subfertility and an increased risk of ovarian cancer. Current treatments include the surgical removal of the lesions or the induction of a hypoestrogenic state. However, a reappearance of the lesion after surgery is common and a hypoestrogenic state is less than optimal for women of reproductive age. Additional approaches are required. Endometriosis lesions exist in a unique microenvironment characterized by increased concentrations of hormones, inflammation, oxidative stress and iron. This environment influences cell survival through the binding of membrane receptors and a subsequent cascading activation of intracellular kinases that stimulate a cellular response. Many of these kinase signalling pathways are constitutively activated in endometriosis. These pathways are being investigated as therapeutic targets in other diseases and thus may also represent a target for endometriosis treatment. METHODS To identify relevant English language studies published up to 2015 on kinase signalling pathways in endometriosis, we searched the Pubmed database using the following search terms in various combinations; 'endometriosis', 'inflammation', 'oxidative stress', 'iron', 'kinase', 'NF kappa', 'mTOR', 'MAPK' 'p38', 'JNK', 'ERK' 'estrogen' and progesterone'. Further citing references were identified using the Scopus database and finally current clinical trials were searched on the clinicaltrials.gov trial registry. RESULTS The current literature on intracellular kinases activated by the endometriotic environment can be summarized into three main pathways that could be targeted for treatments: the canonical IKKβ/NFκB pathway, the MAPK pathways (ERK1/2, p38 and JNK) and the PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway. A number of pharmaceutical compounds that target these pathways have been successfully trialled in in vitro and animal models of endometriosis, although they have not yet proceeded to clinical trials. The current generation of kinase inhibitors carry a potential for adverse side effects. CONCLUSIONS Kinase signalling pathways represent viable targets for endometriosis treatment. At present, however, further improvements in clinical efficacy and the profile of adverse effects are required before these compounds can be useful for long-term endometriosis treatment. A better understanding of the molecular activity of these kinases, including the specific extracellular compounds that lead to their activation in endometriotic cells specifically should facilitate their improvement and could potentially lead to new, non-hormonal treatments of endometriosis.


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Many human diseases, including cancers, result from aberrations of signal transduction pathways. The recent understanding of the molecular biochemistry of signal transduction in normal and transformed cells enable us to have a better insight about cancer and design new drugs to target this abnormal signaling in the cancer cells. Tyrosine kinase pathway plays a very important role in normal and cancer cells. Enhanced activity of tyrosine kinases has been associated with many human cancer types. Therefore, identifying the type of tyrosine kinases involved in a particular cancer type and blocking these tyrosine kinase pathways may provide a way to treat cancer. Receptor tyrosine kinase expression, namely epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) family, was examined in the oral squamous cell carcinoma patients. The expression levels of different members of the EGFR family were found to be significantly associated with shorter patients' survival. Combining EGFR, HER-2/neu, and HER-3 expression can significantly improve the predicting power. The effect of emodin, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, on these receptors in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma cell lines was examined. Emodin was found to suppress the tyrosine phosphorylation of HER-2/neu and EGF-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of EGFR. Emodin also induced apoptosis and downregulated the expression of anti-apoptotic protein bcl-2 in oral squamous cell carcinoma cells. It is known that tyrosine kinase pathways are involved in estrogen receptor signaling pathway. Therefore, the effects of inhibiting the tyrosine kinase pathway in estrogen receptor-positive breast cancers was studied. Emodin was found to act similarly to antiestrogens, capable of inhibiting estrogen-stimulated growth and DNA synthesis, and the phosphorylation of Rb protein. Interestingly, emodin, and other tyrosine kinase inhibitors, such as RG 13022 and genistein, depleted cellular levels of estrogen receptor protein. Emodin-induced depletion of estrogen receptor was mediated by the proteasome degradation pathway. In summary, we have demonstrated that tyrosine kinase pathways play an important role in oral squamous cell carcinoma and estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer. Targeting the tyrosine kinases by inhibitors, such as emodin, may provide a potential way to treat the cancer patients. ^