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A simple variant of trait group selection, employing predators as themechanism underlying group selection, supports contingent reproductivesuicide as altruism (i.e., behavior lowering personal fitness whileaugmenting that of another) without kin assortment. The contingentsuicidal type may either saturate the population or be polymorphicwith a type avoiding suicide, depending on parameters. In addition tocontingent suicide, this randomly assorting morph may also exhibitcontinuously expressed strong altruism (sensu Wilson 1979) usuallythought restricted to kin selection. The model will not, however,support a sterile worker caste as such, where sterility occurs beforelife history events associated with effective altruism; reproductivesuicide must remain fundamentally contingent (facultative sensu WestEberhard 1987; Myles 1988) under random assortment. The continuouslyexpressed strong altruism supported by the model may be reinterpretedas probability of arbitrarily committing reproductive suicide, withoutbenefit for another; such arbitrary suicide (a "load" on "adaptive"suicide) is viable only under a more restricted parameter spacerelative to the necessarily concomitant adaptive contingent suicide.
O trabalho científico realizado no âmbito dos regulamentos dos cursos de graduação para a obtenção de grau de licenciatura na Universidade Jean Piaget de Cabo Verde, pretende analisar a utilização da VPN, mais concretamente na Universidade Jean Piaget de Cabo Verde. Durante a elaboração desse trabalho será feito uma breve introdução sobre redes de computadores, sobre segurança na rede, um enquadramento teórico sobre VPN, bem como a sua contextualização num ambiente organizacional, mostrando as várias vantagens do seu uso, custo e beneficio e por fim o caso prático na Universidade Jean Piaget.
The Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division receives hundreds of calls and consumer complaints every year. Follow these tips to avoid unexpected expense and disappointments. This record is about: Prevent Identity Theft Take Control of Your Personal Information
El projecte tracta d'un portal web que té com a funció principal mostrar informació de diferents pàgines web en una sola plana web a través dels RSS. La web mostra la informació de diferents maneres: - L'usuari visitant podrà consultar aquella informació que desitgi d'entre tota la informació general de la que disposa la web. - L'usuari registrat pot personalitzar aquella informació que és del seu interès i organitzar-la al gust. Es disposa d'una part per l'administració de la web on es gestiona tota la informació general i es poden consultar informes analítics.
Objetivo: Evaluar la relación entre los factores de riesgo psicosocial y los indicadores de malestar percibido (mal estado de salud general y mental e insatisfacción laboral), según el desempeño de la función de mando, y examinar si el patrón de asociación entre estas dimensiones difiere al ocupar un puesto de jefatura.
The Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division receives hundreds of calls and consumer complaints every year. Follow these tips to avoid unexpected expense and disappointments. This record is about:Consumer “Private Right of Action” -- What Consumers Need to Know
[Traditions. Asie. Inde. Chotā Nāgpur]
[Traditions. Asie. Inde. Madhya Pradesh. Chhattisgarh]
[Traditions. Asie. Inde. Madhya Pradesh. Chhattisgarh]
[Traditions. Asie. Inde. Chotā Nāgpur]
[Traditions. Asie. Inde. Madhya Pradesh. Baghelkhand]
[Traditions. Asie. Inde. Chotā Nāgpur]
[Traditions. Asie. Inde. Madhya Pradesh. Maharashtra]