941 resultados para Permutation Polynomial


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Objective. The aim of this study was to verify the possibility of lactate minimum (LM) determination during a walking test and the validity of such LM protocol on predicting the maximal lactate steady-state (MLSS) intensity. Design. Eleven healthy subjects (24.2 ± 4.5 yr; 74.3 ± 7.7 kg; 176.9 ± 4.1 cm) performed LM tests on a treadmill, consisting of walking at 5.5 km h -1 and with 20-22% of inclination until voluntary exhaustion to induce metabolic acidosis. After 7 minutes of recovery the participants performed an incremental test starting at 7% incline with increments of 2% at each 3 minutes until exhaustion. A polynomial modeling approach (LMp) and a visual inspection (LMv) were used to identify the LM as the exercise intensity associated to the lowest [bLac] during the test. Participants also underwent to 24 constant intensity tests of 30 minutes to determine the MLSS intensity. Results. There were no differences among LMv (12.6 ± 1.7 %), LMp (13.1 ± 1.5 %), and MLSS (13.6 ± 2.1 %) and the Bland and Altman plots evidenced acceptable agreement between them. Conclusion. It was possible to identify the LM during walking tests with intensity imposed by treadmill inclination, and it seemed to be valid on identifying the exercise intensity associated to the MLSS. Copyright © 2012 Guilherme Morais Puga et al.


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Studies investigating the use of random regression models for genetic evaluation of milk production in Zebu cattle are scarce. In this study, 59,744 test-day milk yield records from 7,810 first lactations of purebred dairy Gyr (Bos indicus) and crossbred (dairy Gyr × Holstein) cows were used to compare random regression models in which additive genetic and permanent environmental effects were modeled using orthogonal Legendre polynomials or linear spline functions. Residual variances were modeled considering 1, 5, or 10 classes of days in milk. Five classes fitted the changes in residual variances over the lactation adequately and were used for model comparison. The model that fitted linear spline functions with 6 knots provided the lowest sum of residual variances across lactation. On the other hand, according to the deviance information criterion (DIC) and Bayesian information criterion (BIC), a model using third-order and fourth-order Legendre polynomials for additive genetic and permanent environmental effects, respectively, provided the best fit. However, the high rank correlation (0.998) between this model and that applying third-order Legendre polynomials for additive genetic and permanent environmental effects, indicates that, in practice, the same bulls would be selected by both models. The last model, which is less parameterized, is a parsimonious option for fitting dairy Gyr breed test-day milk yield records. © 2013 American Dairy Science Association.


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With the objective to quantify the okra crop's growth and macro and micronutrients accumulation during its life-cycle obtaining equations that best represent it, an experiment was carried out at Jaboticabal city, SP, Brazil, from January 14th to May 14th, 2009. The cv. Santa Cruz 47 was directly sowed into open soil furrows, in a spacing of 1 x 0,2 m. During the life-cycle were realized random samples of plants at 15 days intervals. The means were adjusted to polynomial regression equations set of non-linear parameters. After 50 days from sowing there has been a large increase of dry matter in plant' parts. At the final harvest, 120 days after sowing, the leaves, stems and fruits accounted for 21, 71 and 8%, respectively, from the total plant dry matter. The decreasing sequence of nutrient accumulation was K, Ca, N, Mg, P, Fe, B, Mn, Zn and Cu equivalent to 6,002.8; 4,733.8; 2,930.8; 1,196.3; 473.7; 436.2; 49.8; 10.4; 7.1; 7.1 e 1.5 mg plant-1. The quantity accumulated of culture were 146.5; 23.7; 300.1; 236.7; 59.8 e 21.8 kg ha-1 of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S, respectively, and 520.0; 76.0; 2,491.0; 355.0 e 355.0 de B, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn, respectively.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This work aimed to study the influence of sucrose in the culture medium for in vitro growth and acclimatization of the epiphytic orchid Cattleya loddigesii. Five sucrose treatments (absence, 10, 20, 30 and 40g L-1) were used in a randomic experimental design. Mature seeds were sowed in 1/2 MS culture medium and after 90 days the plantlets (1.0 +/-0.2 cm) were inoculated between the treatments, whereby they were remained more 90 days. After 180 days of the beginning of the experiment the plantlets were removed from the flasks and evaluated the number of roots, shoot length, number of leafs, total dry weight and photosynthetic pigments. Survival percentage was evaluated after 75 days of acclimatization. The data of biometric variables were analyzed by Anovaand polynomial regression (p<0.05). Theothers data were submitted to the Anova and the means compared by the Tukey test (p<0.05). The sucrose concentration of 20g L-1 favored the in vitro growth in all evaluated parameters, showed higher production of chlorophyll a, total chlorophyll and carotenoids, in addition to increased survival under ex vitro condition. The sucrose concentration of 20g L-1 in the culture medium was the most efficient among the tested concentrations both for in vitro growth and ex vitro establishment of Cattleya loddigesii.


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We study aperiodic and periodic tilings induced by the Rauzy fractal and its subtiles associated with beta-substitutions related to the polynomial x3-ax2-bx-1 for a≥b≥1. In particular, we compute the corresponding boundary graphs, describing the adjacencies in the tilings. These graphs are a valuable tool for more advanced studies of the topological properties of the Rauzy fractals. As an example, we show that the Rauzy fractals are not homeomorphic to a closed disc as soon as a≤2b-4. The methods presented in this paper may be used to obtain similar results for other classes of substitutions.© 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The tomato cultivation in the greenhouse has been expanded in the last years, mainly, in the South and Southeast regions of Brazil, whose purpose is to improve the productivity and the quality of the agricultural products, offering regularity in the production. The present study aimed to determine, along the crop cycle, the relationship between the leaf area index and the productivity, and at the end of the cycle, the components of production of the tomato in the greenhouse. The models were generated through polynomial equations of 1st and 2nd order, having as independent variable the number of days after the transplanting. It was verified that it is possible to determine, in the greenhouse, through mathematical models, the leaf area index of the tomato crop considering the days after the transplanting. Basing on values of leaf area index, the productivity of the crop and the period of the maximum productivity can be determined, aiding the farmers to determine the best sowing and transplanting time of the tomato crop.


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The effects of exogenous enzymes supplementation on kibble diets for dogs formulated with soybean meal (SBM) as a substitute for poultry by-product meal (PM) was investigated on nutrient digestibility, fermentation products formation, post-prandial urea response and selected faecal bacteria counts. Two kibble diets with similar compositions were used in two trials: PM-based diet (28.9% of PM; soybean hulls as a fibre source) and SBM-based diet (29.9% of SBM). In experiment 1, the SBM diet was divided into three diets: SBM-0, without enzyme addition; SBM-1, covered after extrusion with 7500U protease/kg and 45U cellulase/kg; and SBM-2, covered with 15000U protease/kg and 90U cellulase/kg. In experiment 2, the SBM diet was divided into three diets: SBM-0; SBM-1, covered with 140U protease/kg; 8U cellulase/kg, 800U pectinase/kg, 60U phytase/kg, 40U betaglucanase/kg and 20U xylanase/kg; and SMB-2, covered with 700U protease/kg, 40U cellulase/kg, 4000U pectinase/kg, 300U phytase/kg, 200U betaglucanase/kg and 100U xylanase/kg. Each experiment followed a block design with six dogs per diet. Data were submitted to analysis of variance and means compared by orthogonal and polynomial contrasts (p<0.05). In both experiments, nutrients and energy digestibility did not differ between diets (p>0.05). SBM consumption resulted in increased faecal moisture and production (p<0.05), without effect on faecal score. Higher concentration of propionate, acetate and lactate, and lower ammonia and pH were found in the faeces of dogs fed SBM (p<0.05). Higher post-prandial urea was verified in dogs fed SBM (p<0.05). In experiment 2, the addition of enzymes increased faecal concentration of propionate, acetate and total short-chain fatty acid (p<0.05) and tended to reduce post-prandial urea concentration (p=0.06). Although with similar digestibility, SBM shows a worse utilization of absorbed amino acids than the PM. Soybean oligosaccharides can beneficially change gut fermentation product formation. Enzymes can increase the gut fermentation activity and improve the SBM proteic value. © 2013 Blackwell Verlag GmbH.


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Objective: To investigate the effects of the standard (Class II) Balters bionator in growing patients with Class II malocclusion with mandibular retrusion by using morphometrics (thin-plate spline [TPS] analysis). Materials and Methods: Thirty-one Class II patients (17 male and 14 female) were treated with the Balters bionator (bionator group). Mean age at the start of treatment (T0) was 10.3 years, while it was 13 years at the end of treatment (T1). Mean treatment time was 2 years and 2 months. The control group consisted of 22 subjects (14 male and 8 female) with untreated Class II malocclusion. Mean age at T0 was 10.2 years, while it was 12.2 years at T1. The observation period lasted 2 years on average. TPS analysis evaluated statistical (permutation tests) differences in the craniofacial shape and size between the bionator and control groups. Results: Through TPS analysis (deformation grids) the bionator group showed significant shape changes in the mandible that could be described as a mandibular forward and downward displacement. The control group showed no statistically significant differences in the correction of Class II malocclusion. Conclusions: Bionator appliance is able to induce significant mandibular shape changes that lead to the correction of Class II dentoskeletal disharmony. © 2013 by The EH Angle Education and Research Foundation, Inc.


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Currently, there has been an increasing demand for operational and trustworthy digital data transmission and storage systems. This demand has been augmented by the appearance of large-scale, high-speed data networks for the exchange, processing and storage of digital information in the different spheres. In this paper, we explore a way to achieve this goal. For given positive integers n,r, we establish that corresponding to a binary cyclic code C0[n,n-r], there is a binary cyclic code C[(n+1)3k-1,(n+1)3k-1-3kr], where k is a nonnegative integer, which plays a role in enhancing code rate and error correction capability. In the given scheme, the new code C is in fact responsible to carry data transmitted by C0. Consequently, a codeword of the code C0 can be encoded by the generator matrix of C and therefore this arrangement for transferring data offers a safe and swift mode. © 2013 SBMAC - Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional.


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One of the major problems in landscaping in tropics is weed management. The herbaceous ornamental plant, Tagetes erecta L. (Asteraceae), is very popular for its beautiful flowers which can be used in landscape and also as cut flowers. The increase use of this plant and lack of selective herbicides led to the objective of this study to evaluate the herbicide metribuzin selectivity for this ornamental plant. The experimental design was completely randomized using four treatments (herbicide metribuzin doses: 0, 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 L ha-1, equivalent to 0, 240, 480 and 720 g ha-1) and five replicates. The herbicide was applied over the seedling of T. erecta as pre-emergence of the weed seeds. Evaluations were performed at 7, 14, 21 and 28 days after application (DAA) by visual analysis of the toxicity symptoms over the ornamental, using the European Weed Research Council (EWRC) scale (1 to 9), where 1 is the total absence of symptoms and 9 to death plants. Polynomial regression statistical analysis was used. It was verified that, from the dose of 1.0 L ha-1, T. erecta plants died by 14 DAA, which the most of them had presented a very strong toxicity symptom; for the 0.5 L ha-1 treatment the plants had survived until 28 DAA. However, most of them already exhibited the high toxicity level, dying at 35 DAA. Thus, metribuzin was not suitable for T. erecta even at the lowest rate tested in this study.


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The Brazilian Association of Simmental and Simbrasil Cattle Farmers provided 29,510 records from 10,659 Simmental beef cattle; these were used to estimate (co)variance components and genetic parameters for weights in the growth trajectory, based on multi-trait (MTM) and random regression models (RRM). The (co)variance components and genetic parameters were estimated by restricted maximum likelihood. In the MTM analysis, the likelihood ratio test was used to determine the significance of random effects included in the model and to define the most appropriate model. All random effects were significant and included in the final model. In the RRM analysis, different adjustments of polynomial orders were compared for 5 different criteria to choose the best fit model. An RRM of third order for the direct additive genetic, direct permanent environmental, maternal additive genetic, and maternal permanent environment effects was sufficient to model variance structures in the growth trajectory of the animals. The (co)variance components were generally similar in MTM and RRM. Direct heritabilities of MTM were slightly lower than RRM and varied from 0.04 to 0.42 and 0.16 to 0.45, respectively. Additive direct correlations were mostly positive and of high magnitude, being highest at closest ages. Considering the results and that pre-adjustment of the weights to standard ages is not required, RRM is recommended for genetic evaluation of Simmental beef cattle in Brazil. ©FUNPEC-RP.


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The invasive behavior of melaleuca (Melaleuca quinquenervia) plants in wetlands is due to its aggressive regeneration strategy, which is based on its seeds germination performance. Understanding of the eco-physiological aspects of the seed germination in melaleuca plants may significantly contribute for the development of management strategies. The objective of this research was to learn how the germination of M. quinquenervia seeds are affected by light and temperature. Melaleuca seeds were placed on filter paper moistened with 12 ml of distilled water at temperatures between 10 and 45°C. Germination was evaluated in dark and light conditions. Seed germination, first count of seed germination (seven days), germination speed index and germination mean time were determined up to 40 days after seeding, when germination had ceased in most of the treatments. After that period, the seeds were transferred to conditions of 30°C and light, which was found to be ideal in the previous phase. Seed germination was daily evaluated up to 63 days when it was again observed no longer to occur. The treatment repetitions were distributed in the growth-chamber according to a completely randomized design in a factorial scheme (eight temperatures x two light conditions) and four repetitions. The data were submitted to analysis of variance with the F test and the means were adjusted to polynomial and non linear regression models. The highest seed germination performance was observed to take place under conditions of 27.3°C with light. The temperatures of 35 and 40°C in the dark induced thermal inhibition of seed germination. The temperature of 45°C was lethal to the seeds.


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AIM: To compare five different protocols for estimating the lactate minimum speed (LMS) with that for estimating the maximal lactate steady state (MLSS) in Arabian horses, in order to obtain a more rapid method for monitoring aerobic capacity and prescribing training schedules. METHODS: Eight purebred Arabian horses were conditioned to exercise on a treadmill for 12 days then submitted to three to five exercise sessions to determine the MLSS. Blood samples were collected from a jugular catheter at specific intervals for measurement of lactate concentrations. The MLSS was the velocity maintained during the last 20 minutes of constant submaximal exercise, at which the concentration of lactate increased by no more than 1.0 mmol/L. The LMS test protocols (P1 - P5) included a warm-up period followed by a high-intensity gallop. The speed was then reduced to 4 m/s, and the incremental portion of the test was initiated. In P1, P2, and P3, the velocity increment was 0.5 m/s, and the duration of each incremental stage was three, five and seven minutes, respectively. In P4 and P5, the velocity increments were 1.0 and 1.5 m/s, respectively, and the duration of the stages was fixed at five minutes each. A second-degree polynomial function was fitted to the lactate-velocity curve, and the velocity corresponding to the lowest concentration of lactate was the LMS. RESULTS: Only the mean LMS determined by P1 and P2 did not differ from the velocity determined by the MLSS test (p > 0.1). There was a strong correlation (r >0.6) between P1 and the MLSS velocity. A limits of agreement plot revealed that the best agreement occurred between the MLSS test and P1 (mean bias = 0.14 m/s), followed by P2 (bias = -0.22 m/s). The lactate concentrations associated with the various LMS protocols did not differ. CONCLUSIONS: This study shows the variation between protocols of the LMS test for determining the onset of blood lactate accumulation but also reveals that, at least for Arabian horses, the P1 protocol of the LMS has good agreement with the MLSS. © 2013 Copyright New Zealand Veterinary Association.


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Given a strongly regular Hankel matrix, and its associated sequence of moments which defines a quasi-definite moment linear functional, we study the perturbation of a fixed moment, i.e., a perturbation of one antidiagonal of the Hankel matrix. We define a linear functional whose action results in such a perturbation and establish necessary and sufficient conditions in order to preserve the quasi-definite character. A relation between the corresponding sequences of orthogonal polynomials is obtained, as well as the asymptotic behavior of their zeros. We also study the invariance of the Laguerre-Hahn class of linear functionals under such perturbation, and determine its relation with the so-called canonical linear spectral transformations. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.