952 resultados para Performance Rating System


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This research investigated the effects of changing the cementitious content required at a given water-to-cement ratio (w/c) on workability, strength, and durability of a concrete mixture. An experimental program was conducted in which 64 concrete mixtures with w/c ranging between 0.35 and 0.50, cementitious content ranging from 400 to 700 per cubic yard (pcy), and containing four different supplementary cementitious material (SCM) combinations were tested. The fine-aggregate to total-aggregate ratio was fixed at 0.42 and the void content of combined aggregates was held constant for all the mixtures. Fresh (i.e., slump, unit weight, air content, and setting time) and hardened properties (i.e., compressive strength, chloride penetrability, and air permeability) were determined. The hypothesis behind this study is that when other parameters are kept constant, concrete properties such as strength, chloride penetration, and air permeability will not be improved significantly by increasing the cement after a minimum cement content is used. The study found that about 1.5 times more paste is required than voids between the aggregates to obtain a minimum workability. Below this value, water-reducing admixtures are of no benefit. Increasing paste thereafter increased workability. In addition, for a given w/c, increasing cementitious content does not significantly improve compressive strength once the critical minimum has been provided. The critical value is about twice the voids content of the aggregate system. Finally, for a given w/c, increasing paste content increases chloride penetrability and air permeability.


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In three-dimensional (3D) coronary magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), the in-flow contrast between the coronary blood and the surrounding myocardium is attenuated as compared to thin-slab two-dimensional (2D) techniques. The application of a gadolinium (Gd)-based intravascular contrast agent may provide an additional source of signal and contrast by reducing T(1blood) and supporting the visualization of more distal or branching segments of the coronary arterial tree. In six healthy adults, the left coronary artery (LCA) system was imaged pre- and postcontrast with a 0.075-mmol/kg bodyweight dose of the intravascular contrast agent B-22956. For imaging, an optimized free-breathing, navigator-gated and -corrected 3D inversion recovery (IR) sequence was used. For comparison, state-of-the-art baseline 3D coronary MRA with T(2) preparation for non-exogenous contrast enhancement was acquired. The combination of IR 3D coronary MRA, sophisticated navigator technology, and B-22956 allowed for an extensive visualization of the LCA system. Postcontrast, a significant increase in both the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR; 46%, P < 0.05) and contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR; 160%, P < 0.01) was observed, while vessel sharpness of the left anterior descending (LAD) artery and the left coronary circumflex (LCX) were improved by 20% (P < 0.05) and 18% (P < 0.05), respectively.


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Extracorporeal life support systems (ECLS) have become common in cardiothoracic surgery, but are still "Terra Incognita" in other medical fields due to the fact that perfusion units are normally bound to cardiothoracic centres. The Lifebridge B2T is an ECLS that is meant to be used as an easy and fast-track extracorporeal cardiac support to provide short-term perfusion for the transport of a patient to a specialized centre. With the Lifebridge B2T it is now possible to provide extracorporeal bypass for patients in hospitals without a perfusion unit. The Lifebridge B2T was tested on three calves to analyze the handling, performance and security of this system. The Lifebridge B2T safely can be used clinically and can provide full extracorporeal support for patients in cardiac or pulmonary failure. Flows up to 3.9 +/- 0.2l/min were reached, with an inflow pressure of -103 +/- 13mmHg, using a 21Fr. BioMedicus (Medtronic, Minneapolis, MN, USA) venous cannula. The "Plug and Play" philosophy, with semi-automatic priming, integrated check-list, a long battery time of over two hours and instinctively designed user interface, makes this device very interesting for units with high-risk interventions, such as catheterisation labs. If a system is necessary in an emergency unit, the Lifebridge can provide a high security level, even in centres not acquainted with cardiopulmonary bypass.


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Performance-related pay within public organizations is continuing to spread. Although it can help to strengthen an entrepreneurial spirit in civil servants, its implementation is marred by technical, financial, managerial and cultural problems. This article identifies an added problem, namely the contradiction that exists between a managerial discourse that emphasizes the team and collective performance, on the one hand, and the use of appraisal and reward tools that are above all individual, on the other. Based on an empirical survey carried out within Swiss public organizations, the analysis shows that the team is currently rarely taken into account and singles out the principal routes towards an integrated system for the management and rewarding of civil servants.


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Abstract: As a part of an innovation project funded by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Highways for LIFE program, a full-depth precast, ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) waffle deck panel and appropriate connections suitable for field implementation of waffle decks were developed. Following a successful full-scale validation test on a unit consisting of two panels with various types of connections under laboratory conditions, the waffle deck was installed successfully on a replacement bridge in Wapello County, Iowa. The subsequent load testing confirmed the desirable performance of the UHPC waffle deck bridge. Using the lessons from the completed project and outcomes from a series of simple and detailed finite element analyses of waffle decks, this report was developed to serve as a guide for broadening the design and installation of the UHPC waffle deck panel in new and existing bridges. Following an introduction to UHPC and waffle deck panels and a summary of completed work, this document presents information on waffle deck design, design of connections, redecking using waffle deck panels, and guidance on precast fabrication, construction, and installation of UHPC waffle deck panels.


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The objective of this work, Pilot Project - Demonstration of Capabilities and Benefits of Bridge Load Rating through Physical Testing, was to demonstrate the capabilities for load testing and rating bridges in Iowa, study the economic benefit of performing such testing, and perform outreach to local, state, and national engineers on the topic of bridge load testing and rating. This report documents one of three bridges inspected, load tested, and load rated as part of the project, the Sioux County Bridge (FHWA #308730), including testing procedures and performance of the bridge under static loading along with the calculated load rating from the field-calibrated analytical model. Two parallel reports document the testing and load rating of the Ida County Bridge (FHWA #186070) and the Johnson County Bridge (FHWA #205750). A tech brief provides overall information about the project.


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The objective of this work, Pilot Project - Demonstration of Capabilities and Benefits of Bridge Load Rating through Physical Testing, was to demonstrate the capabilities for load testing and rating bridges in Iowa, study the economic benefit of performing such testing, and perform outreach to local, state, and national engineers on the topic of bridge load testing and rating. This report documents one of three bridges inspected, load tested, and load rated as part of the project, the Ida County Bridge (FHWA #186070), including testing procedures and performance of the bridge under static loading along with the calculated load rating from the field-calibrated analytical model. Two parallel reports document the testing and load rating of the Sioux County Bridge (FHWA #308730) and the Johnson County Bridge (FHWA #205750). A tech brief provides overall information about the project.


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The objective of this work, Pilot Project - Demonstration of Capabilities and Benefits of Bridge Load Rating through Physical Testing, was to demonstrate the capabilities for load testing and rating bridges in Iowa, study the economic benefit of performing such testing, and perform outreach to local, state, and national engineers on the topic of bridge load testing and rating. This report documents one of three bridges inspected, load tested, and load rated as part of the project, the Johnson County Bridge (FHWA #205750), including testing procedures and performance of the bridge under static loading along with the calculated load rating from the field-calibrated analytical model. Two parallel reports document the testing and load rating of the Sioux County Bridge (FHWA #308730) and the Ida County Bridge (FHWA #186070). A tech brief provides overall information about the project.


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The objective of this work, Pilot Project - Demonstration of Capabilities and Benefits of Bridge Load Rating through Physical Testing, was to demonstrate the capabilities for load testing and rating bridges in Iowa, study the economic benefit of performing such testing, and perform outreach to local, state, and national engineers on the topic of bridge load testing and rating. The three final reports document one each of three bridges inspected, load tested, and load rated as part of the project. The bridges include the Sioux County Bridge (FHWA #308730), the Ida County Bridge (FHWA #186070), and the Johnson County Bridge (FHWA #205750). Actions included testing procedures and performance of the bridge under static loading along with the calculated load rating from the field-calibrated analytical model. A Tech Transfer Summary provides overall information about the project.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of cement paste quality on the concrete performance, particularly fresh properties, by changing the water-to-cementitious materials ratio (w/cm), type and dosage of supplementary cementitious materials (SCM), and airvoid system in binary and ternary mixtures. In this experimental program, a total matrix of 54 mixtures with w/cm of 0.40 and 0.45; target air content of 2%, 4%, and 8%; a fixed cementitious content of 600 pounds per cubic yard (pcy), and the incorporation of three types of SCMs at different dosages was prepared. The fine aggregate-to- total aggregate ratio was fixed at 0.42. Workability, rheology, air-void system, setting time, strength, Wenner Probe surface resistivity, and shrinkage were determined. The effects of paste variables on workability are more marked at the higher w/cm. The compressive strength is strongly influenced by the paste quality, dominated by w/cm and air content. Surface resistivity is improved by inclusion of Class F fly ash and slag cement, especially at later ages. Ternary mixtures performed in accordance with their ingredients. The data collected will be used to develop models that will be part of an innovative mix proportioning procedure.


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Crashworthy, work-zone, portable sign support systems accepted under NCHRP Report No. 350 were analyzed to predict their safety peformance according to the TL-3 MASH evaluation criteria. An analysis was conducted to determine which hardware parameters of sign support systems would likely contribute to the safety performance with MASH. The acuracy of the method was evaluated through full-scale crash testing. Four full-scale crash tests were conducted with a pickup truck. Two tall-mounted, sign support systems with aluminum sign panels failed the MASH criteria due to windshield penetration. One low-mounted system with a vinyl, roll-up sign panel failed the MASH criteria due to windshield and floorboard penetration. Another low-mounted system with an aluminum sign panel successfully met the MASH criteria. Four full-scale crash tests were conducted with a small passenger car. The low-mounted tripod system with an aluminum sign panel failed the MASH criteria due to windshield penetration. One low-mounted system with aluminum sign panel failed the MASH criteria due to excessive windshield deformation, and another similar system passed the MASH criteria. The low-mounted system with a vinyl, roll-up sign panel successfully met the MASH criteria. Hardware parameters of work-zone sign support systems that were determined to be important for failure with MASH include sign panel material, the height to the top of the mast, the presence of flags, sign-locking mechanism, base layout and system orientation. Flowcharts were provided to assist manufacturers when designing new sign support systems.


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This work compares the detector performance and image quality of the new Kodak Min-R EV mammography screen-film system with the Fuji CR Profect detector and with other current mammography screen-film systems from Agfa, Fuji and Kodak. Basic image quality parameters (MTF, NPS, NEQ and DQE) were evaluated for a 28 kV Mo/Mo (HVL = 0.646 mm Al) beam using different mAs exposure settings. Compared with other screen-film systems, the new Kodak Min-R EV detector has the highest contrast and a low intrinsic noise level, giving better NEQ and DQE results, especially at high optical density. Thus, the properties of the new mammography film approach those of a fine mammography detector, especially at low frequency range. Screen-film systems provide the best resolution. The presampling MTF of the digital detector has a value of 15% at the Nyquist frequency and, due to the spread size of the laser beam, the use of a smaller pixel size would not permit a significant improvement of the detector resolution. The dual collection reading technology increases significantly the low frequency DQE of the Fuji CR system that can at present compete with the most efficient mammography screen-film systems.


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The work of the Department of Natural Resources impacts the lives of all Iowans. Iowans deserve a clean environment and quality natural areas for public use and enjoyment. This report reflects the progress made during fiscal year 2013 (FY13) toward our goals and provides information regarding the condition of our state’s natural resources and the effectiveness of our programs. In FY13, we continued to improve collaboration with other executive branch agencies. The DNR and DOT work very closely on the issuance of permits needed for road and bridge constructions, but recently we have also been working together to meet the administrative needs of the agencies. The DNR is working closely with the DOT to adopt an Electronic Records Management System used by the DOT. This system will improve accessibility to public documents and reduce the amount of paper files retained in storage. The DNR also continues to improve collaboration with other agencies, such as the Iowa Economic Development Authority as we work closely with them on business development in the state. The DNR strives to continually improve our customer service and how we can meet Iowan’s needs. As an example, the online reservation system for campground reservations has grown over the past eight years so that now 88% of the camping reservations are made online. The DNR continues to improve our online presence and accessibility. In FY13 the Iowa Legislature approved paying off the State’s bond debt used to construct Honey Creek Resort State Park. By removing this debt, the DNR will be able to focus more on the future of the Resort, rather than the past debt. Finally, in August of 2012, the DNR was faced with a tragic accident, where a seasonal parks employee died after rolling a mower into a lake. This incident has caused us to establish a Safety Program at the DNR and to review all of our departmental safety trainings, programs, and equipment. By focusing on our employee’s safety and well being, it is another way that we can demonstrate that at the DNR, our employees are our greatest asset.


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This report pursuant to Department of Management procedures provides an overview of the State Public Defender’s fiscal year 2013 operations related to court-appointed counsel, claims processing, and other indigent defense matters. This information, in accordance with the Accountable Government Act, is meant to help improve decision making and increase accountability to stakeholders and the citizens of Iowa. Iowa’s indigent defense system remains strong. The more than 200 employees of the State Public Defender System have been efficiently providing high quality representation on more cases than ever before. In Fiscal Year 2013, public defender offices closed more than 91,000 cases, at an average cost per case of $282.02, and there was a final finding of ineffective assistance of counsel in less than .002% of these cases. Similarly, more than 1,000 contract attorneys continue to provide high quality representation throughout all 99 of Iowa’s counties. In Fiscal Year 2013, 60,929 claims were submitted to the indigent defense fund, at an average cost per claim of $507.86. This was an decrease of nearly 350 claims from Fiscal Year 2012, and the total amount spent from the indigent defense fund increased slightly.


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Agency Performance Plan, Public Employment Relations Board