815 resultados para Pedagogical practical


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Solving the riddle of a thrombocytopenic patient is a difficult and fascinating task. The spectrum of possible aetiologies is wide, ranging from an in vitro artefact to severe treatment-resistant thrombocytopenic bleeding conditions, or even life-threatening prothrombotic states. Moreover, thrombocytopenia by itself does not protect from thrombosis and sometimes a patient with a low platelet count requires concomitant antithrombotic treatment as well. In order to identify and treat the cause and the effects of the thrombocytopenia, you have to put together several pieces of information, solving a unique jig-jaw puzzle. The present work is not a textbook article about thrombocytopenia, rather a collection of differential diagnostic thoughts, treatment concepts, and some basic knowledge, that you can retrieve when facing your next thrombocytopenic patient. Enjoy reading it, but most importantly enjoy taking care of patients with a low platelet count. I bet the present work will assist you in this challenging and rewarding clinical task.


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How do university training and subsequent practical experience affect expertise in clinical psychology? To answer this question we developed methods to assess psychological knowledge and the competence to diagnose, construct case conceptualizations, and plan psychotherapeutic treatment: a knowledge test and short case studies in a first study, and a complex, dynamically evolving case study in the second study. In our cross-sectional studies, psychology students, trainees in a certified postgraduate psychotherapist curriculum, and behavior therapists with more than 10 years of experience were tested (100 in total: 20 each of novice, intermediate, and advanced university students, postgraduate trainees, and therapists). Clinical knowledge and competence increased up to the level of trainees but unexpectedly decreased at the level of experienced therapists. We discuss the results against the background of expertise research and the training of clinical psychologists (in Germany). Important factors for the continuing professional development of psychotherapists are proposed.


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Seit mehr als zwanzig Jahren werden in der tertiären Lehramtsausbildung Schulpraktika reformiert und neuerdings in ihrem zeitlichen Umfang relativ zur Studienzeit vergrößert. Zum Gegenstand reger Forschungsaktivitäten avancierten Schulpraktika jedoch erst im letzten Jahrzehnt. Hiermit werden ein Überblick über das Forschungsfeld (Grundlagen der schulpraktischen Komponenten der Lehrerbildung; Forschungsmethodik) vorgelegt und aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse zu zentralen Aspekten der Wirksamkeit von Praktika und Effekten von Mentoring präsentiert. In englischsprachigen bzw. deutschsprachigen Beiträgen wird der Forschungsstand in Deutschland, den Niederlanden, Österreich und der Schweiz sowie den USA aufgezeigt. Der Band richtet sich an Personen, die in der Lehrerbildung tätig sind, also an Dozent/inn/en in Hochschulen und Seminaren, an Lehrerbildungsforscher/innen sowie an Fachpersonen in der Bildungsadministration und interessierte Studierende.


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The present study seeks to obtain deeper insight into the learning processes in practical training in primary teacher education in Upper Austria. Based on the offer-and-use model of instruction, 230 diary entries of 46 student teachers (28 students in their third semester, 18 students in their fifth semester) were analysed with legard to the learning topics, learning sourcesJ and Ìealning processes involved in practical training. The results show a variety of learning forms, ranging from the unreflective imitation of school mentors' practices to active knowledge construction. In addition, they illustrate that the available learning offers were suboptimally utilized by stuclent teachers who failed to work systernatically and continuously on their professional development.


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Malnutrition occurs in 30 - 60 % of hospitalized medical or surgical patients, as well as out-patients. Serious consequences at various levels were observed. Malnutrition influences negatively the quality of life, the immune system, muscle strength and worsens the prognosis of the patient. Interventions for a rapid and simple identification and effective treatment of this condition are essential and cost saving. Screening tools for the identification of patients at nutritional risk are very useful in daily practice. The systematic identification of patients with potential or apparent malnutrition is very important allowing an effective nutritional treatment at an early time. The medical team in charge should perform the nutritional risk screening and the following assessment to recognize the nutritional problems and to solve them in an interdisciplinary and -professional team.


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The field of animal syndromic surveillance (SyS) is growing, with many systems being developed worldwide. Now is an appropriate time to share ideas and lessons learned from early SyS design and implementation. Based on our practical experience in animal health SyS, with additions from the public health and animal health SyS literature, we put forward for discussion a 6-step approach to designing SyS systems for livestock and poultry. The first step is to formalise policy and surveillance goals which are considerate of stakeholder expectations and reflect priority issues (1). Next, it is important to find consensus on national priority diseases and identify current surveillance gaps. The geographic, demographic, and temporal coverage of the system must be carefully assessed (2). A minimum dataset for SyS that includes the essential data to achieve all surveillance objectives while minimizing the amount of data collected should be defined. One can then compile an inventory of the data sources available and evaluate each using the criteria developed (3). A list of syndromes should then be produced for all data sources. Cases can be classified into syndrome classes and the data can be converted into time series (4). Based on the characteristics of the syndrome-time series, the length of historic data available and the type of outbreaks the system must detect, different aberration detection algorithms can be tested (5). Finally, it is essential to develop a minimally acceptable response protocol for each statistical signal produced (6). Important outcomes of this pre-operational phase should be building of a national network of experts and collective action and evaluation plans. While some of the more applied steps (4 and 5) are currently receiving consideration, more emphasis should be put on earlier conceptual steps by decision makers and surveillance developers (1-3).


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Introduction: Video‐Supported Learning is particularly effective when it comes to skills and behaviors. Video registration of patient‐physician interviews, class room instruction or practical skills allow it to learners themselves, their peers, and their tutors to assess the quality of the learner's performance, to give specific feedback, and to make suggestions for improvement. Methods: In Switzerland, four pedagogical universities and two medical faculties joined to initiate the development of a national infrastructure for Video Supported Learning. The goal was to have a system that is simple to use, has most steps automated, provides the videos over the Internet, and has a sophisticated access control. Together with SWITCH, the national IT‐Support‐Organisation for Swiss Universities, the program iVT (Individual Video Training) was developed by integrating two preexisting technologies. The first technology is SWITCHcast, a podcast system. With SWITCHcast, videos are automatically uploaded to a server as soon as the registration is over. There the videos are processed and converted to different formats. The second technology is the national Single Logon System AAI (Authentification and Authorization Infrastructure) that enables iVT to link each video with the corresponding learner. The learner starts the registration with his Single Logon. Thus, the video can unambiguously be assigned. Via his institution's Learning Management System (LMS), the learner can access his video and give access to his video to peers and tutors. Results: iVT is now used at all involved institutions. The system works flawlessly. In Bern, we use iVT for the communications skills training in the forth and sixth year. Since students meet with patient actors alone, iVT is also used to certify attendance. Students are encouraged to watch the videos of the interview and the feedback of the patient actor. The offer to discuss a video with a tutor was not used by the students. Discussion: We plan to expand the use of iVT by making peer assessment compulsory. To support this, annotation capabilities are currently added to iVT. We also want to use iVT in training of practical skills, again for self as well as for peer assessment.  At present, we use iVT for quality control of patient actor's performance.