993 resultados para PHAGE DISPLAY LIBRARY


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As academic libraries are increasingly supported by a matrix of databases functions, the use of data mining and visualization techniques offer significant potential for future collection development and service initiatives based on quantifiable data. While data collection techniques are still not standardized and results may be skewed because of granularity problems, faulty algorithms, and a host of other factors, useful baseline data is extractable and broad trends can be identified. The purpose of the current study is to provide an initial assessment of data associated with science monograph collection at the Marston Science Library (MSL), University of Florida. These sciences fall within the major Library of Congress Classification schedules of Q, S, and T, excluding R, TN, TR, and TT. Overall strategy of this project is to look at the potential science audiences within the university community and analyze data related to purchasing and circulation patterns, e-book usage, and interlibrary loan statistics. While a longitudinal study from 2004 to the present would be ideal, this paper presents the results from the academic year July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009 which was chosen as the pilot period because all data reservoirs identified above were available.


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The author uses clicker technology to incorporate polling and multiple choice question techniques into library instruction classes. Clickers can be used to give a keener understanding of how many students grasp the concepts presented in a specific class session. Typically, a student that aces a definition-type question will fail to answer an application-type question correctly. Immediate, electronic feedback helps to calibrate teaching approaches and gather data about learning outcomes. This presentation will analyze learning outcomes specific to scientific disciplines, and demonstrate the usefulness of clickers to engage and sustain student learning.


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A rapid detection and identification of pathogens is important for minimizing transfer and spread of disease. A label-free and multiplex biosensor based on imaging ellipsometry (BIE) had been developed for the detection of phage M13KO7. The surface of silicon wafer is modified with aldehyde, and proteins can be patterned homogeneously and simultaneously on the surface of silicon wafer in an array format by a microfluidic system. Avidin is immobilized on the surface for biotin-anti-M13 immobilization by means of interaction between avidin and biotin, which will serve as ligand against phage M13KO7. Phages M13KO7 are specifically captured by the ligand when phage M13KO7 solution passes over the surface, resulting in a significant increase of mass surface concentration of the anti-M13 binding phage M13KO7 layer, which could be detected by imaging ellipsometry with a sensitivity of 10(9) pfu/ml. Moreover, atomic force microscopy is also used to confirm the fact that phage M13KO7 has been directly captured by ligands on the surface. It indicates that BIE is competent for direct detection of phage M13KO7 and has potential in the field of virus detection. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Be it a physical object or a mathematical model, a nonlinear dynamical system can display complicated aperiodic behavior, or "chaos." In many cases, this chaos is associated with motion on a strange attractor in the system's phase space. And the dimension of the strange attractor indicates the effective number of degrees of freedom in the dynamical system.

In this thesis, we investigate numerical issues involved with estimating the dimension of a strange attractor from a finite time series of measurements on the dynamical system.

Of the various definitions of dimension, we argue that the correlation dimension is the most efficiently calculable and we remark further that it is the most commonly calculated. We are concerned with the practical problems that arise in attempting to compute the correlation dimension. We deal with geometrical effects (due to the inexact self-similarity of the attractor), dynamical effects (due to the nonindependence of points generated by the dynamical system that defines the attractor), and statistical effects (due to the finite number of points that sample the attractor). We propose a modification of the standard algorithm, which eliminates a specific effect due to autocorrelation, and a new implementation of the correlation algorithm, which is computationally efficient.

Finally, we apply the algorithm to chaotic data from the Caltech tokamak and the Texas tokamak (TEXT); we conclude that plasma turbulence is not a low- dimensional phenomenon.


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Galaxies evolve throughout the history of the universe from the first star-forming sources, through gas-rich asymmetric structures with rapid star formation rates, to the massive symmetrical stellar systems observed at the present day. Determining the physical processes which drive galaxy formation and evolution is one of the most important questions in observational astrophysics. This thesis presents four projects aimed at improving our understanding of galaxy evolution from detailed measurements of star forming galaxies at high redshift.

We use resolved spectroscopy of gravitationally lensed z ≃ 2 - 3 star forming galaxies to measure their kinematic and star formation properties. The combination of lensing with adaptive optics yields physical resolution of ≃ 100 pc, sufficient to resolve giant Hii regions. We find that ~ 70 % of galaxies in our sample display ordered rotation with high local velocity dispersion indicating turbulent thick disks. The rotating galaxies are gravitationally unstable and are expected to fragment into giant clumps. The size and dynamical mass of giant Hii regions are in agreement with predictions for such clumps indicating that gravitational instability drives the rapid star formation. The remainder of our sample is comprised of ongoing major mergers. Merging galaxies display similar star formation rate, morphology, and local velocity dispersion as isolated sources, but their velocity fields are more chaotic with no coherent rotation.

We measure resolved metallicity in four lensed galaxies at z = 2.0 − 2.4 from optical emission line diagnostics. Three rotating galaxies display radial gradients with higher metallicity at smaller radii, while the fourth is undergoing a merger and has an inverted gradient with lower metallicity at the center. Strong gradients in the rotating galaxies indicate that they are growing inside-out with star formation fueled by accretion of metal-poor gas at large radii. By comparing measured gradients with an appropriate comparison sample at z = 0, we demonstrate that metallicity gradients in isolated galaxies must flatten at later times. The amount of size growth inferred by the gradients is in rough agreement with direct measurements of massive galaxies. We develop a chemical evolution model to interpret these data and conclude that metallicity gradients are established by a gradient in the outflow mass loading factor, combined with radial inflow of metal-enriched gas.

We present the first rest-frame optical spectroscopic survey of a large sample of low-luminosity galaxies at high redshift (L < L*, 1.5 < z < 3.5). This population dominates the star formation density of the universe at high redshifts, yet such galaxies are normally too faint to be studied spectroscopically. We take advantage of strong gravitational lensing magnification to compile observations for a sample of 29 galaxies using modest integration times with the Keck and Palomar telescopes. Balmer emission lines confirm that the sample has a median SFR ∼ 10 M_sun yr^−1 and extends to lower SFR than has been probed by other surveys at similar redshift. We derive the metallicity, dust extinction, SFR, ionization parameter, and dynamical mass from the spectroscopic data, providing the first accurate characterization of the star-forming environment in low-luminosity galaxies at high redshift. For the first time, we directly test the proposal that the relation between galaxy stellar mass, star formation rate, and gas phase metallicity does not evolve. We find lower gas phase metallicity in the high redshift galaxies than in local sources with equivalent stellar mass and star formation rate, arguing against a time-invariant relation. While our result is preliminary and may be biased by measurement errors, this represents an important first measurement that will be further constrained by ongoing analysis of the full data set and by future observations.

We present a study of composite rest-frame ultraviolet spectra of Lyman break galaxies at z = 4 and discuss implications for the distribution of neutral outflowing gas in the circumgalactic medium. In general we find similar spectroscopic trends to those found at z = 3 by earlier surveys. In particular, absorption lines which trace neutral gas are weaker in less evolved galaxies with lower stellar masses, smaller radii, lower luminosity, less dust, and stronger Lyα emission. Typical galaxies are thus expected to have stronger Lyα emission and weaker low-ionization absorption at earlier times, and we indeed find somewhat weaker low-ionization absorption at higher redshifts. In conjunction with earlier results, we argue that the reduced low-ionization absorption is likely caused by lower covering fraction and/or velocity range of outflowing neutral gas at earlier epochs. This result has important implications for the hypothesis that early galaxies were responsible for cosmic reionization. We additionally show that fine structure emission lines are sensitive to the spatial extent of neutral gas, and demonstrate that neutral gas is concentrated at smaller galactocentric radii in higher redshift galaxies.

The results of this thesis present a coherent picture of galaxy evolution at high redshifts 2 ≲ z ≲ 4. Roughly 1/3 of massive star forming galaxies at this period are undergoing major mergers, while the rest are growing inside-out with star formation occurring in gravitationally unstable thick disks. Star formation, stellar mass, and metallicity are limited by outflows which create a circumgalactic medium of metal-enriched material. We conclude by describing some remaining open questions and prospects for improving our understanding of galaxy evolution with future observations of gravitationally lensed galaxies.