904 resultados para PASSIVE FIT


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Esta investigación pretende (re)pensar el fitness como práctica socio-cultural moderna, observando aquellos discursos que la atraviesan y constituyen. Entre otros, se destaca el análisis de significaciones que son particulares al contexto de los gimnasios, en los cuales se desarrollan ideales distintivos de belleza o de salud, métodos de entrenamiento que responden a ?escuelas? o tendencias empresariales, ?habilidades corporales? que son ponderadas o menospreciadas, sentidos y sensibilidades legitimadostransmitidos como valores o técnicas y prácticas específicas condicionadas por los materiales utilizados. Para ello se propone reflexionar acerca de la compañía internacional ?BodySystems?, indagando aquellas prácticas desarrolladas en sus sucursales de La Plata, a través de tres técnicas de recolección de datos: el análisis de los documentos que la empresa proporciona a sus instructores, el estudio de los discursos que se desprenden de las clínicas que la compañía dicta cada tres meses y la reflexión sobre las entrevistas realizadas a los profesionales que desempeñan sus actividades en estos establecimientos. Para ello, se ponen en juego dos categorías de análisis que son características de la cultura fitness: los agentes que participan en los gimnasios constituyéndose en clientes de un cuerpo yla construcción y reproducción del "fit-body" característico de las empresas gímnicas


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In Canada, increases in rural development has led to a growing need to effectively manage the resulting municipal and city sewage without the addition of significant cost- and energy- expending infrastructure. Storring Septic Service Limited is a family-owned, licensed wastewater treatment facility located in eastern Ontario. It makes use of a passive waste stabilization pond system to treat and dispose of waste and wastewater in an environmentally responsible manner. Storring Septic, like many other similar small-scale wastewater treatment facilities across Canada, has the potential to act as a sustainable eco-engineered facility that municipalities and service providers could utilize to manage and dispose of their wastewater. However, it is of concern that the substantial inclusion of third party material could be detrimental to the stability and robustness of the pond system. In order to augment the capacity of the current facility, and ensure it remains a self-sustaining system with the capacity to safely accept septage from other sewage haulers, it was hypothesized that pond effluent treatment could be further enhanced through the incorporation of one of three different technology solutions, which would allow the reduction of wastewater quality parameters below existing regulatory effluent discharge limits put in place by Ontario’s Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change (MOECC). Two of these solutions make use of biofilm technologies in order to enhance the removal of wastewater parameters of interest, and the third utilizes the natural water filtration capabilities of zebra mussels. Pilot-scale testing investigated the effects of each of these technologies on treatment performance under both cold and warm weather operation. This research aimed to understand the important mechanisms behind biological filtration methods in order to choose and optimize the best treatment strategy for full-scale testing and implementation. In doing so, a recommendation matrix was elaborated provided with the potential to be used as a universal operational strategy for wastewater treatment facilities located in environments of similar climate and ecology.


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Increasing energy efficiency in the residential sector, while maintaining adequate home ventilation for health and well-being, is proving to be a challenge. This study assesses the efficacy of passive ventilation strategies designed to comply with building regulations and imposed after housing energy-efficiency retrofits. In particular, it focuses on the provision of ventilation using background through-wall vents, which remains a common strategy in a number of European countries including Ireland and the UK, where vent sizes, related to floor area, are stipulated in building regulations. A collective of social housing, with background through-wall vents installed post thermal retrofit, is taken as a case study. These homes are modelled to interrogate the impact of the passive ventilation strategy on house air exchange rate and thermal heating energy loads. The reaction of occupants to through-wall vent installation is decidedly negative and many block vents to limit thermal discomfort and heat loss. Simulation studies show significant external air ingress through vents. A wide range of effective air change rates are observed when vents are sized without reference to building airtightness, and significant energy penalties result for the leakier homes. This study evaluates the provision of passive through-wall ventilation as part of a retrofit programme and shows it to have a number of drawbacks that may impact on the health of the building and its occupants and ultimately be at odds with the aims of achieving energy efficiency in the residential sector.


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We report on the first demonstration of passive all-optical plasma lensing using a two-stage setup. An intense femtosecond laser accelerates electrons in a laser wakefield accelerator (LWFA) to 100 MeVover millimeter length scales. By adding a second gas target behind the initial LWFAstage we introduce a robust and independently tunable plasma lens. We observe a density dependent reduction of the LWFA electron beam divergence from an initial value of 2.3 mrad, down to 1.4 mrad (rms), when the plasma lens is in operation. Such a plasma lens provides a simple and compact approach for divergence reduction well matched to the mm-scale length of the LWFA accelerator. The focusing forces are provided solely by the plasma and driven by the bunch itself only, making this a highly useful and conceptually new approach to electron beam focusing. Possible applications of this lens are not limited to laser plasma accelerators. Since no active driver is needed the passive plasma lens is also suited for high repetition rate focusing of electron bunches. Its understanding is also required for modeling the evolution of the driving particle bunch in particle driven wake field acceleration.


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Esta investigación pretende (re)pensar el fitness como práctica socio-cultural moderna, observando aquellos discursos que la atraviesan y constituyen. Entre otros, se destaca el análisis de significaciones que son particulares al contexto de los gimnasios, en los cuales se desarrollan ideales distintivos de belleza o de salud, métodos de entrenamiento que responden a ?escuelas? o tendencias empresariales, ?habilidades corporales? que son ponderadas o menospreciadas, sentidos y sensibilidades legitimadostransmitidos como valores o técnicas y prácticas específicas condicionadas por los materiales utilizados. Para ello se propone reflexionar acerca de la compañía internacional ?BodySystems?, indagando aquellas prácticas desarrolladas en sus sucursales de La Plata, a través de tres técnicas de recolección de datos: el análisis de los documentos que la empresa proporciona a sus instructores, el estudio de los discursos que se desprenden de las clínicas que la compañía dicta cada tres meses y la reflexión sobre las entrevistas realizadas a los profesionales que desempeñan sus actividades en estos establecimientos. Para ello, se ponen en juego dos categorías de análisis que son características de la cultura fitness: los agentes que participan en los gimnasios constituyéndose en clientes de un cuerpo yla construcción y reproducción del "fit-body" característico de las empresas gímnicas


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This work presents a computational, called MOMENTS, code developed to be used in process control to determine a characteristic transfer function to industrial units when radiotracer techniques were been applied to study the unit´s performance. The methodology is based on the measuring the residence time distribution function (RTD) and calculate the first and second temporal moments of the tracer data obtained by two scintillators detectors NaI positioned to register a complete tracer movement inside the unit. Non linear regression technique has been used to fit various mathematical models and a statistical test was used to select the best result to the transfer function. Using the code MOMENTS, twelve different models can be used to fit a curve and calculate technical parameters to the unit.


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This paper presents a study that was undertaken to examine human interaction with a pedagogical agent and the passive and active detection of such agents within a synchronous, online environment. A pedagogical agent is a software application which can provide a human like interaction using a natural language interface. These may be familiar from the smartphone interfaces such as ‘Siri’ or ‘Cortana’, or the virtual online assistants found on some websites, such as ‘Anna’ on the Ikea website. Pedagogical agents are characters on the computer screen with embodied life-like behaviours such as speech, emotions, locomotion, gestures, and movements of the head, the eye, or other parts of the body. The passive detection test is where participants are not primed to the potential presence of a pedagogical agent within the online environment. The active detection test is where participants are primed to the potential presence of a pedagogical agent. The purpose of the study was to examine how people passively detected pedagogical agents that were presenting themselves as humans in an online environment. In order to locate the pedagogical agent in a realistic higher education online environment, problem-based learning online was used. Problem-based learning online provides a focus for discussions and participation, without creating too much artificiality. The findings indicated that the ways in which students positioned the agent tended to influence the interaction between them. One of the key findings was that since the agent was focussed mainly on the pedagogical task this may have hampered interaction with the students, however some of its non-task dialogue did improve students' perceptions of the autonomous agents’ ability to interact with them. It is suggested that future studies explore the differences between the relationships and interactions of learner and pedagogical agent within authentic situations, in order to understand if students' interactions are different between real and virtual mentors in an online setting.


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Ankle sprains are the most common injuries in sports, usually causing damage to the lateral ligaments. Recurrence has as usual result permanent instability, and thus loss of proprioception. This fact, together with residual symptoms, is what is known as chronic ankle instability, CAI, or FAI, if it is functional. This problem tries to be solved by improving musculoskeletal stability and proprioception by the application of bandages and performing exercises. The aim of this study has been to review articles (meta-analisis, systematic reviews and revisions) published in 2009-2015 in PubMed, Medline, ENFISPO and BUCea, using keywords such as “sprain instability”, “sprain proprioception”, “chronic ankle instability”. Evidence affirms that there does exist decreased proprioception in patients who suffer from CAI. Rehabilitation exercise regimen is indicated as a treatment because it generates a subjective improvement reported by the patient, and the application of bandages works like a sprain prevention method limiting the range of motion, reducing joint instability and increasing confidence during exercise. As podiatrists we should recommend proprioception exercises to all athletes in a preventive way, and those with CAI or FAI, as a rehabilitation programme, together with the application of bandages. However, further studies should be generated focusing on ways of improving proprioception, and on the exercise patterns that provide the maximum benefit.


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Tutkin, millaisia merkityksiä keholle annetaan Fit-lehdessä, joka on yksi Suomen näkyvimpiä naisille suunnattuja kuntoilulehtiä. Kysyn, millaiseksi naiskeho oletetaan, mihin se pystyy, mitä siltä odotetaan, kuinka sitä liikutetaan ja miksi sitä liikutetaan. Analysoin lehden vuosikertaa 2014 pohtien, millaiseksi voitaisiin kuvailla lehden välittämää kehollisuusparadigmaa eli käsitystä, jota pidetään tällä hetkellä totena ja oikeana kun puhe on naiskehoista fitness-trendin läpäisemän liikunnan kontekstissa. Paradigman käsitteellä tähdennän kehopuheeseen liittyvää tiedon rakentuneisuutta ja kytköstä valtasuhteisiin. Katson, että nykyinen liikuntakulttuuri hahmottaa kehollisuutta yksipuolisesti biologislääketieteellisen käsitteistön kautta. Miellän oman tutkimukseni fenomenologisesti värittyneeksi kriittiseksi luennaksi, joka pyrkii sulkeistamaan normalisoituneet käsitykset, jotta voisi syntyä entistä tiedostetumpaa keskustelua kehoista ja liikunnasta. Inspiroidun Martin Heideggerin sekä Luce Irigarayn kirjoituksista ja sovellan näitä teoretisointeja uusmateriaalisen feministisen ajattelun hengessä. Lähestyn Fit-lehden kehollisuusparadigmaa kahden näkökulman kautta: Fantasioidun kehollisuuden kautta katsottuna orientaatiossa näkyy rakkaus kehoa kohtaan. Negatiivinen kehollisuus puolestaan näyttää, kuinka suuntautumista liikkumiseen ohjaa usein inhoon, vihaan tai pelkoon kytkeytyvä huolehtiminen. Johtopäätökseni on, että vallitseva kehollisuusparadigma nojaa kartesiolaiseen dualismiin, teknisrationaaliseen eetokseen, rakkauden fantasian toisteisuuteen ja negatiivisen kehollisuuden ulossulkemiseen. Fit-lehden välittämän kehollisuusparadigman puitteissa liikkujan keskittyminen omaan kehoon lopulta etäännyttää häntä kehostaan. Tämän kodittomuuden tilalle tarjoan tulkintani kinesteettisestä kehollisuudesta vaihtoehtoisena näkökulmana liikkujan kehollisuuteen. Tähän mennessä tutkimus on soveltanut kinesteettisyyttä kapeasti vain tanssiin, mutta en näe mitään syytä, miksei kinesteettisen kehollisuuden lähtökohtia voitaisi siirtää myös osaksi käytännön fitness-liikuntaa. Tarvitsemme käytännön, joka tunnustaa kehon moninaisuuden ja sallii liikkujan kotiutua kehoonsa. Luonnostelen reittiä tähän käytäntöön moniaistisen eläytymisen, tunnustelevan kielen kehittelyn, negatiivisen kehollisuuden kokemisen ja ihmettelyssä viipymisen kautta.


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It has been established that Wingate-based high-intensity training (HIT) consisting of 4 to 6 x 30-s all-out sprints interspersed with 4-min recovery is an effective training paradigm. Despite the increased utilisation of Wingate-based HIT to bring about training adaptations, the majority of previous studies have been conducted over a relatively short timeframe (2 to 6 weeks). However, activity during recovery period, intervention duration or sprint length have been overlooked. In study 1, the dose response of recovery intensity on performance during typical Wingate-based HIT (4 x 30-s cycle all-out sprints separated by 4-min recovery) was examined and active recovery (cycling at 20 to 40% of V̇O2peak) has been shown to improve sprint performance with successive sprints by 6 to 12% compared to passive recovery (remained still), while increasing aerobic contribution to sprint performance by ~15%. In the following study, 5 to 7% greater endurance performance adaptations were achieved with active recovery (40%V̇O2peak) following 2 weeks of Wingate-based HIT. In the final study, shorter sprint protocol (4 to 6 x 15-s sprints interspersed with 2 min of recovery) has been shown to be as effective as typical 30-s Wingate-based HIT in improving cardiorespiratory function and endurance performance over 9 weeks with the improvements in V̇O2peak being completed within 3 weeks, whereas exercise capacity (time to exhaustion) being increased throughout 9 weeks. In conclusion, the studies demonstrate that active recovery at 40% V̇O2peak significantly enhances endurance adaptations to HIT. Further, the duration of the sprint does not seem to be a driving factor in the magnitude of change with 15 sec sprints providing similar adaptations to 30 sec sprints. Taken together, this suggests that the arrangement of recovery mode should be considered to ensure maximal adaptation to HIT, and the practicality of the training would be enhanced via the reduction in sprint duration without diminishing overall training adaptations.