967 resultados para Osteoclast precursor


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The application of click chemistry to develop libraries of organometallic ruthenium-arene complexes with potential anticancer properties has been investigated. A series of ruthenium-imidazole-triazole complexes, with hydrophobic tails, were prepared from a common precursor via click chemistry. The tail could be attached to the ligand prior to coordination to the ruthenium complex were screened for cytotoxicity in tumourigenic and non-tumourigenic cell lines, and while the compounds were only moderately cytotoxic, good selectivity for tumourigenic cells were abserved.


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INTRODUCTION: Central nervous system prophylaxis of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia has dropped rates of relapses but has been associated with neurotoxicity and imaging abnormalities. Predictors of neurotoxicity are lacking, because of inconsistency between clinical symptoms and imaging. Some have suggested that cerebrospinal fluid myelin basic protein (MBP) levels to be of potential interest. A retrospective analysis of MBP levels in correlation with clinical and radiologic data is presented. MATERIALS AND METHODS: MBP levels obtained at the time of intrathecals, charts, and neuroradiology reports were retrospectively analyzed. Academic achievement data were obtained from phone contacts with patients and families. RESULTS: We retrieved 1248 dosages of MBP in 83 patients, 381 neurologic examinations in 34 patients and 69 neuroradiologic investigations in 27 patients. Fifty-two patients had abnormal MBP levels. Radiologic anomalies were present in 47% of those investigated, 14% of them having school difficulties. Proportions of patients with school difficulties in the groups with abnormal MBP levels but no radiologic anomalies or with no radiologic investigations were 0% and 3%, respectively, which was lower than in the group of patients with normal MBP levels (100%, 22%, and 5%, respectively). DISCUSSION: Notwithstanding the retrospective character of our study, we conclude that there is limited usefulness of systematic dosage of MBP as indicator of treatment-induced neurotoxicity in acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients.


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Apoptosis is critically dependent on the presence of the ced-3 gene in Caenorhabditis elegans, which encodes a protein homologous to the mammalian interleukin (IL)-1 beta-converting enzyme (ICE). Overexpression of ICE or ced-3 promotes apoptosis. Cytotoxic T lymphocyte-mediated rapid apoptosis is induced by the proteases granzyme A and B. ICE and granzyme B share the rare substrate site of aspartic acid, after which amino acid cleavage of precursor IL-1 beta (pIL-1 beta) occurs. Here we show that granzyme A, but not granzyme B, converts pIL-1 beta to its 17-kD mature form. Major cleavage occurs at Arg120, four amino acids downstream of the authentic processing site, Asp116. IL-1 beta generated by granzyme A is biologically active. When pIL-1 beta processing is monitored in lipopolysaccharide-activated macrophage target cells attacked by cytotoxic T lymphocytes, intracellular conversion precedes lysis. Prior granzyme inactivation blocks this processing. We conclude that the apoptosis-inducing granzyme A and ICE share at least one downstream target substrate, i.e., pIL-1 beta. This suggests that lymphocytes, by means of their own converting enzyme, could initiate a local inflammatory response independent of the presence of ICE.


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The metasomatism observed in the oceanic and continental lithosphere is generally interpreted to represent a continuous differentiation process forming anhydrous and hydrous veins plus a cryptic enrichment in the surrounding peridotite. In order to constrain the mechanisms of vein formation and potentially clarify the nature and origin of the initial metasomatic agent, we performed a series of high-pressure experiments simulating the liquid line of descent of a basanitic magma differentiating within continental or mature oceanic lithosphere. This series of experiments has been conducted in an end-loaded piston cylinder apparatus starting from an initial hydrous ne-normative basanite at 1.5 GPa and temperature varying between 1,250 and 980°C. Near-pure fractional crystallization process was achieved in a stepwise manner in 30°C temperature steps and starting compositions corresponding to the liquid composition of the previous, higher-temperature glass composition. Liquids evolve progressively from basanite to peralkaline, aluminum-rich compositions without significant SiO2 variation. The resulting cumulates are characterized by an anhydrous clinopyroxene + olivine assemblage at high temperature (1,250-1,160°C), while at lower temperature (1,130-980°C), hydrous cumulates with dominantly amphibole + minor clinopyroxene, spinel, ilmenite, titanomagnetite and apatite (1,130-980°C) are formed. This new data set supports the interpretation that anhydrous and hydrous metasomatic veins could be produced during continuous differentiation processes of primary, hydrous alkaline magmas at high pressure. However, the comparison between the cumulates generated by the fractional crystallization from an initial ne-normative liquid or from hy-normative initial compositions (hawaiite or picrobasalt) indicates that for all hydrous liquids, the different phases formed upon differentiation are mostly similar even though the proportions of hydrous versus anhydrous minerals could vary significantly. This suggests that the formation of amphibole-bearing metasomatic veins observed in the lithospheric mantle could be linked to the differentiation of initial liquids ranging from ne-normative to hy-normative in composition. The present study does not resolve the question whether the metasomatism observed in lithospheric mantle is a precursor or a consequence of alkaline magmatism; however, it confirms that the percolation and differentiation of a liquid produced by a low degree of partial melting of a source similar or slightly more enriched than depleted MORB mantle could generate hydrous metasomatic veins interpreted as a potential source for alkaline magmatism by various authors.


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Trypomastigote forms of Trypanosoma cruzi were metabolically labeled with [14C]-ethanolamine and [3H]-palmitic acid. Lipids shed to the culture medium were analyzed and compared with the parasite components. Phosphatidylcholine and lysophosphatidylcholine accounted for 53% of the total incorporated precursor. Interestingly, phosphatidylethanolamine and its lyso derivative lysophosphatidylethanolamine, although present in significant amounts in the parasites, could not be detected in the shed material. Shed lipids were highly enriched in the desaturated fatty acids C16:1 and C18:1 when compared to the total fatty acid pool isolated from the parasites.


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Stem cell antigen-1 (Sca-1) has been used to identify cardiac stem cells in the mouse heart. To investigate the function of Sca-1 in aging and during the cardiac adaptation to stress, we used Sca-1-deficient mice. These mice developed dilated cardiomyopathy [end-diastolic left ventricular diameter at 18 wk of age: wild-type (WT) mice, 4.2 mm ± 0.3; Sca-1-knockout (Sca-1-KO) mice, 4.6 mm ± 0.1; ejection fraction: WT mice, 51.1 ± 2.7%; Sca-1-KO mice, 42.9 ± 2.7%]. Furthermore, the hearts of mice lacking Sca-1 demonstrated exacerbated susceptibility to pressure overload [ejection fraction after transaortic constriction (TAC): WT mice, 43.5 ± 3.2%; Sca-1-KO mice, 30.8% ± 4.0] and increased apoptosis, as shown by the 2.5-fold increase in TUNEL(+) cells in Sca-1-deficient hearts under stress. Sca-1 deficiency affected primarily the nonmyocyte cell fraction. Indeed, the number of Nkx2.5(+) nonmyocyte cells, which represent a population of cardiac precursor cells (CPCs), was 2-fold smaller in Sca-1 deficient neonatal hearts. In vitro, the ability of CPCs to differentiate into cardiomyocytes was not affected by Sca-1 deletion. In contrast, these cells demonstrated unrestricted differentiation into cardiomyocytes. Interestingly, proliferation of cardiac nonmyocyte cells in response to stress, as judged by BrdU incorporation, was higher in mice lacking Sca-1 (percentages of BrdU(+) cells in the heart after TAC: WT mice, 4.4 ± 2.1%; Sca-1-KO mice, 19.3 ± 4.2%). These data demonstrate the crucial role of Sca-1 in the maintenance of cardiac integrity and suggest that Sca-1 restrains spontaneous differentiation in the precursor population. The absence of Sca-1 results in uncontrolled precursor recruitment, exhaustion of the precursor pool, and cardiac dysfunction.


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Résumé : Les vertébrés ont recours au système immunitaire inné et adaptatif pour combattre les pathogènes. La découverte des récepteurs Toll, il y a dix ans, a fortement augmenté l'intérêt porté à l'immunité innée. Depuis lors, des récepteurs intracellulaires tels que les membres de la famille RIG-like helicase (RLHs) et NOD-like receptor (NLRs) ont été décrits pour leur rôle dans la détection des pathogènes. L'interleukine-1 beta (IL-1β) est une cytokine pro-inflammatoire qui est synthétisée sous forme de précurseur, la proIL-1β. La proIL-1β requiert d'être clivée par la caspase-1 pour devenir active. La caspase-1 est elle-même activée par un complexe appelé inflammasome qui peut être formé par divers membres de la famille NLR. Plusieurs inflammasomes ont été décrits tels que le NALP3 inflammasome ou l'IPAF inflammasome. Dans cette étude nous avons identifié la co-chaperone SGT1 et la chaperone HSP90 comme partenaires d'interaction de NALP3. Ces deux protéines sont bien connues chez les plantes pour leurs rôles dans la régulation des gènes de résistance (gène R) qui sont structurellement apparentés à la famille NLR. Nous avons pu montrer que SGT1 et HSP90 jouent un rôle similaire dans la régulation de NALP3 et des protéines R. En effet, nous avons démontré que les deux protéines sont nécessaires pour l'activité du NALP3 inflammasome. De plus, la HSP90 est également requise pour la stabilité de NALP3. En se basant sur ces observations, nous avons proposé un modèle dans lequel SGT1 et HSP90 maintiennent NALP3 inactif mais prêt à percevoir un ligand activateur qui initierait la cascade inflammatoire. Nous avons également montré une interaction entre SGT1 et HSP90 avec plusieurs NLRs. Cette observation suggère qu'un mécanisme similaire pourrait être impliqué dans la régulation des membres de la famille des NLRs. Ces dernières années, plusieurs PAMPs mais également des DAMPs ont été identifiés comme activateurs du NALP3 inflammasome. Dans la seconde partie de cette étude, nous avons identifié la réponse au stress du réticulum endoplasmique (RE) comme nouvel activateur du NALP3 inflammasome. Cette réponse est initiée lors de l'accumulation dans le réticulum endoplasmique de protéines ayant une mauvaise conformation ce qui conduit, en autre, à l'arrêt de la synthèse de nouvelles protéines ainsi qu'une augmentation de la dégradation des protéines. Les mécanismes par lesquels la réponse du réticulum endoplasmique induit l'activation du NALP3 inflammasome doivent encore être déterminés. Summary : Vertebrates rely on the adaptive and the innate immune systems to fight pathogens. Awarness of the importance of the innate system increased with the identification of Toll-like receptors a decade ago. Since then, intracellular receptors such as the RIG-like helicase (RLH) and the NOD-like receptor (NLR) families have been described for their role in the recognition of microbes. Interleukin- 1ß (IL-1ß) is a key mediator of inflammation. This proinflammatory cytokine is synthesised as an inactive precursor that requires processing by caspase-1 to become active. Caspase-1 is, itself, activated in a complex termed the inflammasome that can be formed by members of the NLR family. Various inflammasome complexes have been described such as the IPAF and the NALP3 inflammasome. In this study, we have identified the co-chaperone SGT1 and the chaperone HSP90 as interacting partners of NALP3. SGT1 and HSP90 are both known for their role in the activity of plant resistance proteins (R proteins) which are structurally related to the NLR family. We have shown that HSP90 and SGT1 play a similar role in the regulation of NALP3 and in the regulation of plant R proteins. Indeed, we demonstrated that both HSP90 and SGT1 are essential for the activity of the NALP3 inflammasome complex. In addition, HSP90 is required for the stability of NALP3. Based on these observations, we have proposed a model in which SGT1 and HSP90 maintain NALP3 in an inactive but signaling-competent state, ready to receive an activating ligand that induces the inflammatory cascade. An interaction between several NLR members, SGTI and HSP90 was also shown, suggesting that similar mechanisms could be involved in the regulation of other NLRs. Several pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) but also danger associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) have been identified as NALP3 activators. In the second part of this study, we have identified the ER stress response as a new NALP3 activator. The ER stress response is activated upon the accumulation of unfolded protein in the endoplasmic reticulum and results in a block in protein synthesis and increased protein degradation. The mechanisms of ER stress-mediated NALP3 activation remain to be determined.


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Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is characterized by chronic inflammation of the synovial joints resulting from hyperplasia of synovial fibroblasts and infiltration of lymphocytes, macrophages and plasma cells, all of which manifest signs of activation. All these cells proliferate abnormally, invade bone and cartilage, produce an elevated amount of pro-inflammatory cytokines, metalloproteinases and trigger osteoclast formation and activation. Some of the pathophysiological consequences of the disease may be explained by the inadequate apoptosis, which may promote the survival of autoreactive T cells, macrophages or synovial fibroblasts. Although RA does not result from single genetic mutations, elucidation of the molecular mechanisms implicated in joint destruction has revealed novel targets for gene therapy. Gene transfer strategies include inhibition of pro-inflammatory cytokines, blockade of cartilage-degrading metalloproteinases, inhibition of synovial cell activation and manipulation of the Th1-Th2 cytokine balance. Recent findings have iluminated the idea that induction of apoptosis in the rheumatoid joint can be also used to gain therapeutic advantage in the disease. In the present review we will discuss different strategies used for gene transfer in RA and chronic inflammation. Particularly, we will highlight the importance of programmed cell death as a novel target for gene therapy using endogenous biological mediators, such as galectin-1, a beta-galactoside-binding protein that induces apoptosis of activated T cells and immature thymocytes.


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The induction of proteinase inhibitor I synthesis in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) leaves in response to wounding is strongly inhibited by diethyldithiocarbamic acid (DIECA). DIECA also inhibits the induction of inhibitor I synthesis by the 18-amino acid polypeptide systemin, polygalacturonic acid (PCA), and linolenic acid, but not by jasmonic acid, suggesting that DIECA interferes with the octadecanoid signaling pathway. DIECA only weakly inhibited tomato lipoxygenase activity, indicating that DIECA action occurred at a step after the conversion of linolenic acid to 13(S)-hydroperoxylinolenic acid (HPOTrE). DIECA was shown to efficiently reduce HPOTrE to 13-hydroxylinolenic acid (HOTrE), which is not a signaling intermediate. Therefore, in vivo, DIECA is likely inhibiting the signaling pathway by shunting HPOTrE to HOTrE, thereby severely reducing the precursor pool leading to cyclization and eventual synthesis of jasmonic acid. Phenidone, an inhibitor of lipoxygenase, inhibited proteinase inhibitor I accumulation in response to wounding, further supporting a role for its substrate, linolenic acid, and its product, HPOTrE, as components of the signal-transduction pathway that induces proteinase inhibitor synthesis in response to wounding, systemin, and PCA.


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Bisphosphonate related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ) is defined as exposed necrotic bone appearing in the jaws of patients treated by systemic IV or oral BPs never irradiated in the head and neck area and that has persisted for more than 8 weeks. More than 90% of cases of osteonecrosis of the jaw have been in patients with cancer who received IV-BPs. The estimate of cumulative incidence of BRONJ in cancer patients with IV-BPs ranges from 0.8% to 18.6%. The pathogenesis of BRONJ appeared related to the potent osteoblast-inhibiting properties of BPs which act by blocking osteoclast recruitment, decreasing osteoclast activity and promoting osteoclast apoptosis. Dental extractions are the most potent local risk factor. Cancer patients wearing a denture could also be at increased risk of BRONJ. Non-healing mucosal breaches caused by dentures could be a portal for the oral flora to access bone, while the oral mucosa of patients on IV-BPs could also be defective. Whether periodontal disease is a risk factor for BRONJ remains controversial. Preventive measures are fundamental. Nevertheless, some teams have questioned its cost-effectiveness. The perceived limitations of surgical therapy of BRONJ led to the restriction of aggressive surgery to symptomatic patients with stage 3 BRONJ. The evidence-based literature on BRONJ is growing but there are still many controversial aspects.


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The Bacillus subtilis thermosensitive mutant ts-21 bears two C-G-->T-A transitions in the mnaA gene. At the nonpermissive temperature it is characterized by coccoid cell morphology and reduced cell wall phosphate content. MnaA converts UDP-N-acetylglucosamine into UDP-N-acetylmannosamine, a precursor of the teichoic acid linkage unit.


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The cellular protease subtilisin kexin isozyme-1 (SKI-1)/site-1 protease (S1P) is implicated in the proteolytic processing of the viral envelope glycoprotein precursor (GPC) of arenaviruses, a step strictly required for production of infectious progeny. The small molecule SKI-1/S1P inhibitor PF-429242 was shown to have anti-viral activity against Old World arenaviruses. Here we extended these studies and show that PF-429242 also inhibits GPC processing and productive infection of New World arenaviruses, making PF-429242 a broadly active anti-arenaviral drug. In combination therapy, PF-429242 potentiated the anti-viral activity of ribavirin, indicating a synergism between the two drugs. A hallmark of arenaviruses is their ability to establish persistent infection in vitro and in vivo. Notably, PF-429242 was able to efficiently and rapidly clear persistent infection by arenaviruses. Interruption of drug treatment did not result in re-emergence of infection, indicating that PF-429242 treatment leads to virus extinction.


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Rhinoviruses and enteroviruses are leading causes of respiratory infections. To evaluate genotypic diversity and identify forces shaping picornavirus evolution, we screened persons with respiratory illnesses by using rhinovirus-specific or generic real-time PCR assays. We then sequenced the 5 untranslated region, capsid protein VP1, and protease precursor 3CD regions of virus-positive samples. Subsequent phylogenetic analysis identified the large genotypic diversity of rhinoviruses circulating in humans. We identified and completed the genome sequence of a new enterovirus genotype associated with respiratory symptoms and acute otitis media, confirming the close relationship between rhinoviruses and enteroviruses and the need to detect both viruses in respiratory specimens. Finally, we identified recombinants among circulating rhinoviruses and mapped their recombination sites, thereby demonstrating that rhinoviruses can recombine in their natural host. This study clarifies the diversity and explains the reasons for evolution of these viruses.


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What abortion laws a liberal political community ought to have? Much has been said about the moral problem of abortion, but there has not been yet (to my knowledge) a fully articulate account of the bearing of the competing answers to this ethical problem on liberal public reason. The first part of my project consists in a critical review of the different attempts to solve the various philosophical puzzles, both metaphysical and moral, posed by the abortion problem. Why is it wrong to kill beings like you and me? By answering this question we shall gain a better insight into those properties we have that give us such strong reasons against killing beings like us. Here we face a tremendous philosophical diffuculty, for it is not possible to determine what the robustest account of the wrongness of killing is without dealing with deeper metaethical and metaphysical problems. Indeed, consequentialist and nonconsequentialist moral theories differ in what it is that makes an action morally wrong -is it just the outcome of the action as compared with the outcomes of its alternatives? Or is it something else? Also, what are we essentially? Is the foetus merely our precursor? Then killing a foetus is relevantly similar to contraception. Or is the foetus one of us? If so, when we kill it, are we depriving it of a future as valuable as ours? Perhaps the relation of identity (the fact that it is its future as opposed to someone else's) doesn't matter. That may be because the foetus is an aggregate of biological and psychological facts and perhaps aggregates are not substances. Or maybe it is a substance but only psychological realtions matter, not personal identity. The second part of my project has to do with the different status these metaphisical and ethical positions ought to have in liberal public reason. Though this is the part in which most research is still needed, my own intuition is that, given the depth of the philosphical views in competition, restrictive abortion laws ought to be considered unrespectful to citizens' autonomy.


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BACKGROUND: Within the frame of a twinning programme with Nicaragua, The La Mascota project, we evaluated in our study the contribution of cytogenetic characterization of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) as prognostic factor compared to clinical, morphological, and immunohistochemical parameters. METHODS: All patients with ALL treated at the only cancer pediatric hospital in Nicaragua during 2006 were studied prospectively. Diagnostic immunophenotyping was performed locally and bone marrow or blood samples were sent to the cytogenetic laboratory of Zurich for fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis and G-banding. RESULTS: Sixty-six patients with ALL were evaluated. Their mean age at diagnosis was 7.3 years, 31.8% were >or=10 years. Thirty-four patients (51.5%) presented with hyperleucocytosis >or=50 x 10(9)/L, 45 (68.2%) had hepatosplenomegaly. Immunophenotypically 63/66 patients (95%) had a B-precursor, 2 (3%) a T- and 1 (1.5%) a B-mature ALL. FISH analysis demonstrated a TEL/AML1 fusion in 9/66 (14%), BCR/ABL fusion in 1 (1.5%), MLL rearrangement in 2 (3.1%), iAMP21 in 2 (3.1%), MYC rearrangement in 1 (1.5%), and high-hyperdiploidy in 16 (24%). All patients but two with TEL/AML1 fusion and high-hyperdiploidy were clinically and hematologically in the standard risk group whereas those with poor cytogenetic factors had clinical high-risk features and were treated intensively. CONCLUSIONS: Compared to Europe, the ALL population in Nicaragua is older, has a higher proportion of poor prognostic clinical and hematological features and receives more intensive treatment, while patients with TEL/AML1 translocations and high-hyperdiploidy are clinically in the standard risk group. Cytogenetics did not contribute as an additional prognostic factor in this setting.