803 resultados para One’s voice and identity


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The overall aim of this study is to analyse history teachers’ understanding of the school subject history. The aim have also been to uncover what factors the history teachers say have affected their understanding of the school subject. Based on survey and interview methods, the question that this study deals with is: in the light of which general understanding of the school subject history, do the teachers make didactic choices on a daily basis? The first theme is biographical. The teachers’ life-history is taken into consideration and several factors in the teachers’ background and the school environment have been identified. It also seems as if the teachers’ understanding of the school subject goes from an elementary and searching approach to one that is more complex and convinced. The second theme is a more structural approach. The results shows three major orientations among the teachers’ general understanding namely, educational (bildung) orientation, critical orientation and identity orientation. Even though a main orientation can be seen among the teachers, an important result is also that the orientation is overall complex. At the most general level some patterns can be seen. First the connection between the teachers’ biography and their general understanding of the school subject. In the understanding of the school subject, it is also notable that teachers relate in different ways to history as science, history as identity and history from an ideological viewpoint. It is also possible to note some signs of change in the school subject history that follows a lager historiographical context.


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Fashion, late modernity and identity A common discussion in the late modern era is the role that tradition plays concerning individual identity. This forms a background to our article that focuses on consumer culture and one of its characteristics – fashion. To what extent does consumer culture and fashion contribute to the undermining of traditions, and how does this affect individual identity? We discuss two interpretations of consumption in shaping individual identity: the first interpretation maintains that by consumption individuals obtain an increasing freedom of choicemaking them free from the power of tradition, and thereby responsible for their lifestyle choices. According to the second interpretation, the free choice is illusory. This choiceis strongly influenced by factors such as social class and producers’ manipulative skills. Contrasting classical social theorists with contemporary fashion theory we argue that late modern fashion is characterized by quick changes and pluralism that often stand in contrast to tradition. We further discuss the increased importance of taste and new diffusion patterns as signs of a more individualized fashion, and discuss neo-tribalism as a post-traditional kind of community.


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Biopolitics, Civil Society and Political Eschatology: Foucault’s distrust in the population’s inherent forces Michel Foucault’s scepticism toward discourses on the organic vitality of populations is not only explainable by his attention to the dark ‘underside of biopolitics – the risks of persecution of individuals, who threaten the population’s vitality from the inside. Moreover, it should be understood in light of Foucault’s acute sensitivity to the deep-seated, conflict-ridden nature of the population in terms of its inherent potential for cultural clashes, violent struggles, suspicions, hatred, or, in short, the perpetual conflicts of civil society. Foucault’s work led him to a position of ambiguous support for the state and to a more evident distrust in the forces of the population. He used the term “political eschatologies” about antipolitical visions that pronounce the end of politics in a final accord where social contradictions dissolve and the community will prevail over the state. Foucault played on the religious significations of the term, especially in regard to the religious, fanatic rejection of the duality between state and civil society, a rejection that rests on the belief in a completion of historical and political time and the final salvation of all in “the city of God”. The article demonstrates Foucault’s highly ambiguous view of civil society, it examines his discussion Ferguson’s work on civil society, and it considers Foucault’s use of the term “political eschatologies” to indicate the dangers of extreme, anti-state, political movements. It challenges the image of Foucault as an unequivocal proponent of grass roots and identity politics.  


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Forgiveness, reconciliation and implacability in narratives of survivors after the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina In this article I analyze verbally portrayed experiences of 27 survivors from the 1990s’ war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. One aim of the article is to analyze markers for reconciliation and implacability, the second is to describe the terms for reconciliation which are actualized in those stories. The interactive dynamics, which occurred during the war, make the post-war reconciliation wartime associated. Narratives about reconciliation, implacability and terms for reconciliation, are not only formed in relation to the war as a whole but also in relation to one’s own and others’ wartime actions. The narratives about reconciliation become an arena in which we and them are played against each other in different ways – not least by rejecting the others’ acts during the war. In the interviewees stories implacability is predominant but reconciliation is presented as a possibility if certain conditions are met. These conditions are, for instance, justice for war victims, perpetrators’ recognition of crime and perpetrators’ emotional commitment (for example the display of remorse and shame).


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In the shadow of ethno-cultural stereotypes: gender, equity and ethnic relations in Sweden Scientific debates about cultural differences between ”Swedes” and migrants/ethnic minorities in Sweden have fuelled stereotypical categorizations and a socio-cultural demarcation between ”us” and ”them”. The authors argue that this development has underpinned constructions of foreignness. In the light of a critical review of the current debate on honour related violence, the authors discuss – inspired by Georg Simmel’s and Erving Goffman’s classic texts on the stranger, the stigma and the construction of foreignness – alternative understandings of culture and politics of belonging with a focus on gender, agency and identity formation. Formation of cultural and ethnic identity should be related, the authors conclude, to a dynamic interplay between the past and the present. Moreover, the social dimension should be highlighted, in order to avoid a stigmatizing culturalism.


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The art of choosing the right tram – A study of urban segregation, choice of school and young people’s life plans When discussing barriers to integration and young people’s choice of school, research often focuses on language skills, cultural capital, supportive environments and other more obvious, distinct and material aspects that have an impact on educational achievement. In the present study, we have instead chosen to look at how young immigrants construct their inner career landscapes and life-plans, and how this relates to their perception of ethnicity, neighbourhood and identity. The sample used here consists of altogether twenty individuals. The interviews were used to explore certain designated dimensions and processes. All interviews were conducted in the school environment, in classrooms and other locations. The students attended two different inner-city schools. A narrative-sociological approach is used in the analysis. The young people’s perceptions and narratives are analysed in relation to concepts such as: territorial stigmatization, identity, self-perception and modifications of life plans. The findings show that the feelings of otherness which originates in housing conditions, experiences of exclusion and the everyday life of many immigrants, are transposed into the school area and transformed into strategies and life plans.


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The overall purpose of this thesis and the four independent studies it builds upon is to examine how categorizations and identity positions are constructed and negotiated in the educational program Swedish for immigrants (SFI) both historically and among participants in the program at the beginning of the 21th century. The analytical focus is on the discourses that frame the development of the SFI program with a specific interest in categorizations and identity in relation to gender, language and national belonging. The empirical material includes historical texts (curricula, commission reports, public inquiries, political propositions, laws) from 1965 to 2010, as well as approximately 95 hours of audio and video recorded data and ethnographic field notes from five SFI classrooms. The results are presented primarily in the four articles but partly also in the thesis itself. Our analysis in the first study, that takes a sociohistorical perspective as a point of departure, indicates shifts in discourses with regards to the categories and aims of the educational program, thus, making certain identity positions more accessible than others at specific times. Using the approach of nexus analysis, the theoretical framework employed in the second study approaches language policies n terms of a dialectical elationship between policy and the learning that takes lace in the language focused classroom. Feminist and postcolonial frameworks re employed ore pecifically in the third and fourth studies. The historical nalysis presented in article three shows how the categories of “immigrant” and Swedes” ave been produced and negotiated in discourses on gender and gender quality in the SFI program since the early 1970s. The fourth study highlights he omplex relationship between gender equality and integration policies, as well as he perception of gender equality as a central part of Swedishness”, negotiated in he everyday conversations in the SFI classroom. Overall, the results illuminate he circulation of discourses both cross ime and between policy and classrooms. oreover, it contributes to a critical discussion about the intersection of language, ender and national elonging in the negotiation of boundaries between insiders and outsiders in Swedish society.


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In the home of others: exploring new sites and methods when investigating the doings of gender, class and ethnicity What role does the experience of being in and observing other people’s home play informing one’s gender and class identities and family aspirations? And how can it be explored? Through the traditions of socialization theory the everyday/-night experiences of family life are objectified into an institution (the family) with abstracted relations (mother-father-child) and functions (”primary socialization”). This is a view directly related to ruling relations through which the family is institutionalized, by rules and regulations, and made accountable as such. Hereby the question of experiences of other sites (and localities!) and other relations when forming one’s gender and family aspirations are not raised. In this article it is argued that when using an alternative approach (the method of inquiry proposed by Dorothy E. Smith) and alternative methods (memory work) the door to other homes is opened. Using experience stories a picture is drawn where new sites and relations are made visible as crucial contexts where gender and family life is explored and learned. By illuminating the ”work knowledge” of family life another way of mapping is presented, a way that extends and transforms the traditions within family research.


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The outcome of an audience study supports theories stating that stories are a primary means by which we make sense of our experiences over time. Empirical examples of narrative impact are presented in which specific fiction film scenes condense spectators' lives, identities and beliefs. One conclusion is that spectators test the emotional realism of the narative for greater significance, connecting diegetic fiction experiences with their extra-diegetic world in their quest for meaning, self and identity. The 'banal' notion of the mediatization of religion theory is questioned as unsatisfactory in the theoretical context of individualized meaning-making processes. As a semantically negatively charged concept, it is problematic when analyzing empirical examples of spectators' use of fictional narratives, especially when trying to characterize the idiosyncratic and complex interplay between spectators' fiction emotions and their testing of mediated narratives in an exercise to find moral significance in extra-filmic life. Instead vernacular meaning-making is proposed.


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O Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (IMPA) foi o primeiro órgão de pesquisa criado pelo Conselho Nacional de Pesquisas (CNPq), em 1952. Desde seu início o IMPA dedicou-se à pesquisa científica em matemática do mais alto nível e promoveu a formação de novos pesquisadores, promovendo também a difusão e aprimoramento da cultura matemática no país. Mais recentemente, passou a dedicar-se também às aplicações da matemática em outras áreas do conhecimento e em setores tecnológicos. Ao longo de mais de cinqüenta anos de trabalho, consolidou-se como o centro de referência em pesquisa matemática e formação de novos pesquisadores no Brasil e na América Latina. Tendo em vista a relevância da instituição para os rumos da pesquisa na área no país, este trabalho de conclusão de curso tem como objetivo estabelecer as diretrizes para a criação do Centro de Memória do Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (CEMIMPA), que seria um espaço para produção e re-elaboração de identidade e memória institucional – seguindo uma tendência que se afirma, no Brasil, desde a década de 1970. Discute-se aqui a trajetória do IMPA, os conceitos sobre memória, acervo e identidade para conseguir demarcar as linhas gerais do CEMIMPA e precisar sua importância para a instituição. A criação de um centro de memória como o que propomos, ajudaria a dar visibilidade à história do IMPA, de seus pesquisadores, suas áreas de atuação para além dos limites do cenário da pesquisa matemática, alcançando um público cada vez mais amplo e diverso. Isto poderia influenciar de forma ainda mais vigorosa a formação de jovens em geral, e em particular, de futuros matemáticos. Também poderá incrementar as pesquisas sobre a história da matemática no Brasil e a trajetória dos pesquisadores que a fizerem e dela fazem parte.


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Esta dissertação analisa a relação entre agricultores ecologistas organizados em uma associação e mediadores sociais vinculados a uma ONG do Rio Grande do Sul. Parte-se da hipótese de que a construção da simetria pretendida nesta relação encobre interesses sobre os quais não se fala, mas que compõe as bases de uma disputa velada estruturada no espaço social no qual interagem agricultores e mediadores, entre outros agentes. Busca-se, a partir de dados empíricos, problematizar alguns elementos que estão ocultos ou que não são considerados relevantes, exatamente por estarem subjacentes à doxa que configura a relação em questão. Para isso, foram empregados conceitos como espaço social, capital, participação, mediação, interdependência e identidade. Trata-se, portanto, de evidenciar como se processa a relação de poder existente entre estes agentes dotados de volume e estrutura de capital diferenciados e de compreender como são constituídas as identidades do agricultor ecologista e do mediador social que estão envolvidos com esta proposta distinta de se fazer agricultura. Nesse sentido, a trajetória destes grupos, os agentes influentes nessa constituição, as disputas estabelecidas no campo das diferentes propostas de se fazer agricultura e os contextos onde se desenvolvem as relações são algumas das dimensões empíricas que foram consideradas para o desenvolvimento das análises contidas nessa dissertação. Assim, verificou-se que a pretensão, anunciada por certos agentes, de uma horizontalidade entre os agricultores ecologistas e os mediadores sociais é ilusória. A diversidade de interesses e de atuações que os mobilizam ao redor da agricultura ecológica geram disputas e, ao mesmo tempo, uma interdependência entre eles. Porém, a lógica desse jogo social está, em grande medida, determinada pelo agente de maior poder e, ainda que haja variações, são os mediadores sociais que mais produzem interferência no curso desse jogo. Ficou constatado, finalmente, que é nesse cenário de posições e contraposições, ação e reação, que vão se constituindo as fronteiras das identidades desses agentes e a realidade de suas relações.


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The employees' partlclpation in the cultural transltIon process occurred in Companhia Siderúrgica de Tubarão (CST) was helpful in the identification of the group of measures that started to be managed in order to be established in the run of the control assumption. The company, in order to acquire proper features, had to change prior values, behaviors and identities through strategies shared by ali the organization members, thus, creating a new culture. The CST was seen as a company controlling and coordinating a group of people. It counted on vertical hierarchical leveis, departments and authority relations. It was neve r taken into account that the company could have its own personality, like each person that worked there. Before getting through this cultural transition process, that extremely changed its values, the company had a dominating culture, with a centralized administration. This way, it influenced the conduct of ali its members, in a controlling environment. When the company realized the necessity of investments in cultural changing programs, in order to eliminate the pathologies and disfunctions that were hitting its business structure, causing damage to productivity and to the quality of the results, it condensed energies in one direction implementing the participation of ali its leaderships as implementing and multiplier elements to orientate and facilitate the achievement of its goals. Trying to understand better the influences suffered by the changes brought by globalization and privatization, some theorical and operational concepts of culture and identity were developed in this study, mainly in the first chapters. In the research extension, several aspects of this complex anthropological and sociological concept of culture were managed, such as affectiveness, cognitive process, valuation process and everything that could be related to or that give elligibility to this concept and to the phenomenon this concept will consist in.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi o de identificar que dimensões institucionais do circo preservadas nas organizações, podem ter sido responsáveis por sua. sobrevivência e capacidade de adaptação diante das inúmeras dificuldades e adversidades enfrentadas ao longo de sua existência secular. Dedicada ao entretenimento e à diversão, esta instituição de origem pré- industrial, resguarda características corporativas e familiares. No entanto, sua estrutura organizacional e suas praticas administrativas aproximam-se das características hoje consideradas tendências das organizações do próximo século. Os resultados do estudo mostram que as organizações circenses guardam características pré e pós industriais. Soube preservar valores e identidade enquanto utilizou-se de todos os beneficios da contemporaneidade. Dessa forma, chega ao século XXI, sobrevivente, como uma organização sui generis e um dos mais bem sucedidos empreendimentos em sua categoria. Mostra também que num século onde a ocupação do tempo livre com atividades culturais, de lazer e entretenimento será objetivo de muitas organizações, o circo pode vir a fornecer bom material de análise.


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O telefone celular teve uma grande evolução nos últimos anos, o que antes era utilizado exclusivamente para transmissão de voz, hoje tem características avançadíssimas incluindo várias evoluções tecnológicas. Dentro deste aspecto, a inovação que o LTE (Long Term Evolution) vem demonstrando em suas características realmente se destacam em relação as tecnologias que a antecederam e representa grande evolução se comparada com as outras. Foi desenvolvida no âmbito do projeto 3GPP e (3rd Generation Partners Project) promovido pelo Instituto Europeu de Normalização na área de Telecomunicações ETSI (European Telecommunications Standard Institute). As operadoras que demonstram interesse em disponibilizar esta tecnologia buscam introduzir a flexibilidade do LTE para ir ao encontro dos objetivos de suas redes existentes, espectro e negócios para banda larga móvel e serviços multimídia. O LTE promete taxas de download de 326,4Mbps, taxas de upload de 86,4Mbps, RTT ( ROUND TRIP TIME ) menos de 10 mile segundos e raio das células podendo atingir até 100km. O sistema 4G (LTE) é um sistema integrado completamente baseado em IP, que é resultado de tecnologias conectadas por fios e sem fios disponibilizando um custo acessível, atendendo as exigências de uma rede de comunicação (Wireless), serviços de transferência de mensagens multimídias, conversa com vídeo, televisão móvel de alta definição, serviços mínimos como voz e dados entre outras vantagens. Desta forma, este estudo tem por objetivo analisar quais são as oportunidades e os desafios no mercado de telefonia móvel de Telecomunicações ao implantar o sistema de tecnologia LTE demonstrando o benefício dos fabricantes e operadoras no sentido econômico e tecnológico.


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O presente estudo avança a compreensão da performance empresarial ao propor que condições dos setores, especificamente a concentração setorial, moderam a relação entre instituições e desempenho das firmas. Já é sabido que o ambiente institucional impacta o desempenho das firmas (Makino, Isobe, & Chan, 2004) e que as reformas pró-mercado contribuem para que esse efeito seja positivo, tanto para firmas domésticas como estrangeiras (Cuervo-Cazurra & Dau, 2009). A explicação desse efeito é baseada na economia dos custos de transação (Coase, 1937; Commons, 1934). Contudo, não se sabe se o efeito é o mesmo para todos os setores e se fatores moderam a relação. Esta tese contou com 230.222 observações referentes a 10.903 empresas em 64 países em um intervalo de 23 anos coletados em diferentes bancos de dados. Foi testada a interação de seis variáveis institucionais com o índice Herfindahl-Hirschman (HHI) para três variáveis dependentes diferentes: retorno sobre ativos (ROA), retorno sobre patrimônio líquido (ROE) e crescimento de vendas composto de três anos. Duas estratégias empíricas foram utilizadas: modelos com efeitos fixos e modelos hierárquicos (multinível). Os resultados confirmaram a hipótese de que a interação do HHI é significante e negativa com quatro variáveis institucionais: voice and accountability, efetividade do governo, qualidade regulatória e controle da corrupção. Concentração setorial modera o efeito do ambiente institucional na performance empresarial. Em contextos onde as instituições são sólidas, a força de agentes como sindicatos, associações, imprensa e consumidor assume poder de barganha, refreando o poder das empresas e o oportunismo. Regras legais, direito comum e instituições tendem a limitar o poder unilateral em relações contratuais de todos os tipos, independe da fonte do poder (Macneil, 1980). Observou-se adicionalmente que a proteção ao oportunismo se dá principalmente por meio das instituições informais, como a proteção à democracia, direitos do consumidor e controle da corrupção. Ao propiciar poder aos outros agentes que interagem com as empresas, instituições fortes garantem o enforcement de compromissos contratuais, em particular os contratos sociais (Argyres & Liebeskind, 1999). Como implicações, essa tese propõe que estratégias de expansão dentro do setor, aquisição de participação de mercado e fusões e aquisições dentro do setor são mais adequadas em ambientes institucionais mais fracos que em ambientes fortes. Empresas que possuem alta participação de mercado devem reconhecer o impacto negativo que podem sofrer em seu desempenho a partir de melhorias institucionais. Finalmente, o estudo reforça a importância do reconhecimento por parte de governos de que setores e firmas se beneficiam de forma desigual das mudanças institucionais. O conhecimento prévio desses impactos pode servir de direcionamento para a formulação de políticas públicas justas e eficientes. As principais limitações estão relacionadas à base de dados, exclusivamente composta de empresas com capital aberto, a forma pela qual a classificação de algumas empresas diversificadas foi feita e o fato dessa tese não investigar diretamente o poder de barganha nem ao menos o oportunismo, mas somente o poder moderador da concentração setorial no efeito das instituições no desempenho.