949 resultados para ORGANIC MATERIAL


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Site 722 provides high resolution records of percent CaCO3, magnetic susceptibility, d18O, organic carbon, and coarse fraction for the past 3.4 m.y. from the crest of the Owen Ridge, northwestern Arabian Sea. Within this time interval, most of the carbonate percent variations can be attributed to terrigenous dilution and do not reflect changes in the carbonate system. From the late Pliocene to Present, the average rate of calcium carbonate accumulation increases from 1 to 3 g/cm**2/k.y. and the average accumulation of organic carbon decreases from 75 to 30 mg/cm**2/k.y. The carbonate component is more dissolved in the older interval. The long-term variations in carbonate accumulation may reflect a greater input of organic matter in the late Pliocene, which decomposes to produce CO2 and dissolve carbonate. Magnetic susceptibility and % noncarbonate (100 - CaCO3%) reflect changes in the amount of the lithogenic component in the sediments. The period of variation of lithogenic material is the same period as the original forcing of the regional summer monsoon, however, the timing matches global aridity patterns and global ice volume (sea level) changes. This preliminary analysis suggests that the high frequency variation of lithogenic material persists for at least the last 3.4 m.y. Within the last million years, calcium carbonate accumulation has a large amplitude signal that covaries with major changes in ice volume. Both calcium carbonate and noncarbonate (mostly terrigenous) accumulation are greatest during glacial stages. Interglacial intervals are characterized by low mass accumulation rates, increased foraminifer fragmentation, and increased opal concentration. The accumulation of organic carbon matches the high frequency changes in sedimentation rates. We attribute this high correlation to enhanced preservation of organic carbon by increased sedimentation rate. Of the three major biological components studied, only opal exhibits the variations expected for a biological productivity system forced by monsoonal upwelling driven by changes in northern hemisphere summer radiation.


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Organic petrological and geochemical analyses were performed on samples cored on Broken Ridge and Ninetyeast Ridge in the Central Indian Ocean during Leg 121. Organic carbon (Corg) contents are less than 1% in each individual sample and average Corg values calculated for larger stratigraphic units are less than 0.2%. Generally, there is more organic matter in Cretaceous sediments than in Tertiary. In the Cretaceous, the bulk of the organic matter consists of terrigenous debris, but a significant contribution of marine-derived organic matter was found in some samples, especially in the early Maestrichtian on Broken Ridge (Site 754). The youngest Pliocene-Pleistocene sediments at Site 758 (northern part of Ninetyeast Ridge) contain a significant amount of clastic material transported to the site by the (distal) Bengal Fan. In these sediments, Corg contents of up to 0.9% were measured and are due to the inflow of terrigenous organic debris. Corg values are positively correlated with bulk sediment accumulation rates (i.e., sediments contain more organic matter at times of faster deposition). The size of terrigenous organic particles is generally small in all sediments. The extremely small number of particles in the Cretaceous sediments at Site 758 and their smaller grain size, compared to the Cretaceous sediments on Broken Ridge, indicate that Cretaceous surface water paleocurrents flowed from southeast to northwest in the Proto-Indian Ocean. In the central Indian Ocean, sediments deposited above the carbonate compensation depth consist of nannofossil and foraminiferal oozes. In contrast to Corg values, calcite contents in the sediments are negatively correlated with bulk sediment accumulation rates (i.e., carbonate oozes were deposited only during times of extremely slow sedimentation). Therefore, older sediments deposited in the young and still narrow Indian Ocean accumulated faster and are less carbonate-rich than Neogene sediments, although carbonate accumulation rates were higher.


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Analysis of contribution of micronodules of sand and silt size to chemical composition of various types of pelagic sediments, as well as use of published data indicate that in some types of bottom sediments micronodules are the principal carriers of manganese and nickel. These elements appear to constitute smaller fractions of colloidal iron and manganese hydroxides, as well as terrigenous material.