997 resultados para Nitrogen transformation


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The recombination property of nitrogen (N)-related acceptor-bound states in ZnO has been investigated by photoluminescence (PL), time-resolved PL, and selective PL. Several possible recombination processes were discussed by analyzing the relaxation and recombination properties under large Coulomb interaction. It is strongly suggested that bound exciton emission dominates the recombination process related to the N acceptor. The recombination lifetime is 750 ps and the binding energy is 67 meV for N-acceptor-bound exciton at low temperature. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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We study the mutual passivation of shallow donor and isovalent N in GaAs. We find that all the donor impurities, Si-Ga, Ge-Ga, S-As, and Se-As, bind to N in GaAsN, which has a large N-induced band-gap reduction relative to GaAs. For a group-IV impurity such as Si, the formation of the nearest-neighbor Si-Ga-N-As defect complex creates a deep donor level below the conduction band minimum (CBM). The coupling between this defect level with the CBM pushes the CBM upwards, thus restoring the GaAs band gap; the lowering of the defect level relative to the isolated Si-Ga shallow donor level is responsible for the increased electrical resistivity. Therefore, Si and N mutually passivate each other's electrical and optical activities in GaAs. For a group-VI shallow donor such as S, the binding between S-As and N-As does not form a direct bond; therefore, no mutual passivation exists in the GaAs(S+N) system.


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Electron mobility limited by nitrogen vacancy scattering was taken into account to evaluate the quality of n-type GaN grown by metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy. Two assumptions were made for this potential for the nitrogen vacancy (1) it acts in a short range, and (2) does not diverge at the vacancy core. According to the above assumptions, a general expression to describe the scattering potential U(r) = - U-0 exp[- (r/beta)(n)], (n = 1, 2,...,infinity) was constructed, where beta is the potential well width. The mobilities for n = 1, 2, and infinity were calculated based on this equation, corresponding to the simple exponential, Gaussian and square well scattering potentials, respectively. In the limiting case of kbeta << 1 (where k is the wave vector), all of the mobilities calculated for n = 1, 2, and infinity showed a same result but different prefactor. Such difference was discussed in terms of the potential tail and was found that all of the calculated mobilities have T-1/2 temperature and beta(-6) well width dependences. A mobility taking account of a spatially complicate scattering potential was studied and the same temperature dependence was also found. A best fit between the calculated results and experimental data was obtained by taking account of the nitrogen vacancy scattering. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The optimal entanglement manipulation for a single copy of mixed states of two qubits is to transform it to a Bell diagonal state. In this paper we derive an explicit form of the local operation that can realize such a transformation. The result obtained is universal for arbitrary entangled two-qubit states and it discloses that the corresponding local filter is not unique for density matrices with rank n = 2 and can be exclusively determined for that with n = 3 and 4. As illustrations, a four-parameter family of mixed states are explored, the local filter as well as the transformation probability are given explicitly, which verify the validity of the general result.


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We have investigated the optical transitions in Ga1-yInyNxAs1-x/GaAs single and multiple quantum wells using photovoltaic measurements at room temperature. From a theoretical fit to the experimental data, the conduction band offset Q(c), electron effective mass m(e)*, and band gap energy E-g were estimated. It was found that the Q(c) is dependent on the indium concentration, but independent on the nitrogen concentration over the range x=(0-1)%. The m(e)* of GaInNAs is much greater than that of InGaAs with the same concentration of indium, and increases as the nitrogen concentration increases up to 1%. Our experimental results for the m(e)* and E-g of GaInNAs are quantitatively explained by the two-band model based on the strong interaction of the conduction band minimum with the localized N states. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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Fourier transformation (FT) has been used in the theoretical line shape analysis of Franz-Keldysh oscillations (FKOs) in detail by numerical simulations. FKOs from the surface-intrinsic-n(+) GaAs structure were obtained in photoreflectance (PR) measurements with various modulation light intensities and with different strengths of bias light illumination, which were used to change the static electric field in the intrinsic layer of the sample. The FT spectra of the PR spectra, including the real part, imaginary part, and the modulus, were very consistent with the theoretical line shapes. The ratio of the square root of the reduced mass (root mu (L)/root mu (H)) and the ratio of transition strength of the electron heavy hole to the electron light hole were obtained from the PT spectra. In addition, the electric field in the intrinsic layer of the sample without and with bias illumination and the modulation field induced by photomodulation were also obtained. (C) 2000 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-8979(00)02123-X].


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Fourier transformation (FT) method has been used in the theoretical lineshape analysis of the Franz-Keldysh Oscillation (FKO) in detail by numerical simulation. The FKO of a set of GaAs SIN+ samples was obtained in photoreflectance measurements. The FT spectra of a part of the samples,including of the real part,imaginary part, and mode of the FT,are well consistent with the theoretical lineshapes. The ratio of the square root of the reduced mass of the light hole (LH) to the heavy hole (HH), root mu(1)/root mu(h), obtained in the analysis was in the range of 0.805 to 0.816 for different samples. In addition,the built-in electric field F-1, and the modulation field delta F = F-1 - F-2 induced by photo-modulation were also obtained in the analysis. However,for a few samples great difference was found in the lineshape of the real part and imaginary part of their FT spectra from the theoretical lineshape. In this case the mode of the FT spectra still can be used to obtain useful information.


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Electron mobility limited by nitrogen vacancy scattering was taken into account to evaluate the quality of n-type GaN grown by metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy. The nitrogen vacancy scattering potential used for our mobility calculation has to satisfy two requirements: such potential is (1) spatially short range, and (2) finite and not divergent at the vacancy core. A square-well potential was adopted to calculate the mobility, because it satisfies not only these two requirements, but also simplifies the calculation. As a result, the estimated mobility shows a T-1/2 temperature dependence, and is very sensitive to the potential well width. After introducing the nitrogen vacancy scattering, we obtained the best fitting between the calculated and experimental results for our high quality sample, and it was found that the measured mobility is dominated by ion impurity and dislocation scatterings at the low temperatures, but dominated by optical phonon and nitrogen vacancy scatterings at the high temperatures. (C) 2000 American Institute of Physics. [S0003-6951(00)04112-7].


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The photoluminescence (PL) properties of nitrogen-doped ZnSe epilayers grown on semi-insulating GaAs(100) substrates by MBE using a rf-plasma source for N doping were investigated. The PL peak which can be related to N acceptor was observed in the PL spectra of ZnSe:N smaples. At 10K, as the excitation power density increases, the energy of donor-acceptor pair(DAP) emission shows a blue-shift and its intensity tends to saturate. As the temperature increases over a range from 10K to 300K, the relative PL intensity of donor bound exciton to that of the acceptor bound exciton increases due to the transfer between two bound excitons.


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We have investigated the photoluminescence (PL) properties of nitrogen-doped ZnSe epilayers grown by molecular beam epitaxy using a nitrogen radio frequency-plasma source. The PL data shows that the relative intensity of the donor-bound exciton (I-2) emission to the acceptor-bound exciton (I-1) emission strongly depends on both the excitation power and the temperature. This result is explained by a thermalization model of the bound exciton which involved in the capture and emission between the neutral donor bound exciton, the neutral acceptor bound exciton and the free exciton. Quantitative analysis with the proposed mechanism is in good agreement with the experimental data. (C) 1999 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-8979(99)09102-1].


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With different implantation energies, nitrogen ions were implanted into SIMOX wafers in our work. And then the wafers were subsequently annealed to form separated by implantation of oxygen and nitrogen (SIMON) wafers. Secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS) was used to observe the distribution of nitrogen and oxygen in the wafers. The result of electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) was suggested by the dandling bonds densities in the wafers changed with N ions implantation energies. SIMON-based SIS capacitors were made. The results of the C-V test confirmed that the energy of nitrogen implantation affects the properties of the wafers, and the optimum implantation energy was determined. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Liquid nitrogen is very important for MBE system. Most MBE systems use the liquid nitrogen to absorb the impurity molecules. If MBE cryoshroud is lack of liquid nitrogen, the pressure of the growth chamber will grow. This will affect the film quality. But too much liquid nitrogen is a waste. We have developed a liquid nitrogen flowrate alarm system to monitor the liquid nitrogen status in MBE cryoshroud. In this method, a temperature sensor is placed at the end of the cryoshroud. The temperature varies with changing of the liquid nitrogen status in cryoshroud. If the liquid nitrogen level in the cryoshroud is too low or too high, the LNFA will send out an alarm to warn the user to adjust the liquid nitrogen flowrate. In our experiments, we found this method works well, and the temperature responds sensitively. With the help of this system, people can view the liquid nitrogen status of the entire growth process. Compare with other method. it is very cheap.


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This work was supported by the National Research Projects of China (grant numbers are 60525406, 60736031, 60806018, 60906026, 2006CB604903, 2007AA03Z446 and 2009AA03Z403, 10990100, respectively). The authors would like to thank P Liang, Y Hu, H Sun, X L Zhang, B J Sun, H L Zhen and N Li for their help in processing and characterization.


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The release of heavy metals from the combustion of hazardous wastes is an environmental issue of increasing concern. The species transformation characteristics of toxic heavy metals and their distribution are considered to be a complex problem of mechanism. The behavior of hazardous dyestuff residue is investigated in a tubular furnace under the general condition of hazardous waste pyrolysis and gasfication. Data interpretation has been aided by parallel theoretical study based on a thermodynamic equilibrium model based on the principle of Gibbs free energy minimization. The results show that Ni, Zn, Mn, and Cr are more enriched in dyestuff residue incineration than other heavy metals (Hg, As, and Se) subjected to volatilization. The thermodynamic model calculation is used for explaining the experiment data at 800 degrees C and analyzing species transformation of heavy metals. These results of species transformation are used to predict the distribution and emission characteristics of trace elements. Although most trace element predictions are validated by the measurements, cautions are in order due to the complexity of incineration systems.