972 resultados para Nile Tilapia
En este texto investigativo se realiza una avaluación financiera del proyecto Sistema Policultivo Bocachico – Tilapia Roja. Para llevar a cabo la investigación radica que en el momento en que se realizó el primer prototipo del Policultivo, no se tuvieron en cuenta aspectos de carácter financiero; además durante el proceso de estudio hemos aprendido elementos que ayudarían a mejorar el análisis financiero y económico del proyecto Policultivo. Con el estudio, los piscicultores e inversionistas dispondrán de unas herramientas calificadas y cualificadas que les permitan no sólo saber y estudiar el costo del montaje técnico de un policultivo, nociones de la piscicultura y cultivo de especies, sino, especialmente, conocer a través del uso de la metodología investigativa de la evaluación de proyectos, las fuentes más convenientes para el financiamiento, el potencial del negocio, un sostenido estudio de mercado y la generación de valor que representa el esfuerzo económico. Y por último distinguir el aporte eficaz que genera el proyecto en materia de desarrollo local o regional al contribuir con la generación de empleo, bienestar y al satisfacer ciertas necesidades sociales. Se pudo determinar que la producción y comercialización de Bocachico y Tilapia Roja mediante el Sistema Policultivos es factible, ya que mejora considerablemente los rendimientos de producción por unidad de área, y se aprovechan de la mejor manera los recursos disponibles. En el análisis se detectó que existe un gran potencial de demanda y de mercado, eficiente uso de los recursos financieros, técnicos, administrativos, legal, humanos, físicos y de infraestructura acorde con las necesidades del proyecto; y con una evaluación financiera que demuestra que el proyecto Sistema Policultivos es viable, rentable y se justifica realizar la inversión para desarrollarlo.
Lake Albert is one of the largest lakes in Uganda that still supports a multi-species fishery which as a result of variable adult sizes of the species, causes management challenges especially in relation to gear mesh size enforcement. Prior to the 1980s, commercial species were 17 large sized fishes especially Citharinus citharinus, Distichodus niloticus and Lates spp. that were confimed to inshore habitats of the lake and were thus rapidly over fished. Frame and catch assessment surveys conducted in this study revealed a >80% dominance of small size fish species (Neobola bredoi and Brycinus nurse) and a 40 -60% decrease in the contribution of the large commercial species. Sustainability of small size fish species is uncertain due to seasonal fluctuations and low beach value. At about 150,000 tons of fish recorded from Lake Albert and Albert Nile, the beach value was estimated at 55.3 million USD. Despite the noted decline in catches of the large sized fishes their contribution was more than 50% of total beach value. Therefore, management measures should couple value addition for the small sized species and maintain effort regulation targeting recovery of the large previously important commercial species.
Tesis (Maestria en Administración de Empresas ).--Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencas Administrativas y Contables. Maestria en Administración de Empresas, 2014
During the year 1969, the fishing industry maintained a rate of increase that had been witnessed in the three previous years. The total catch landed was estimated at 125300 metric tons, valued at shs 130,500,000/-at the lakeside,and about shs 260,000,000/-in the retail market. This was an increase of 16,900 metric tons over the 1968 figure. The largest increases again came from the Lake Kyoga area, where the Nile Perch and the introduced Tilapia species are still expanding. Large numbers of fishermen from other regions (i.e. from Lake Victoria) moved to Lake Kyoga where catches were high and remunerative. This intensified fishing on this lake, resulting in the high figure of catches recorded. As in the previous year, there was a marked increase in the use of large-mesh gill-nets for catching Nile Perch and Tilapia. Individual Tilapia nilotica of up to 5 kg were quite common, and Nile Perch weighing over 50 kg were also regularly taken. The marketing and distribution side of the industry was as active as ever: 87 people took out specific licences, and 640 fishmongers were licensed by different urban authorities. Elsewhere in the Districts, 7,950 fishmongers were licensed. Host of the fish landed was consumed within Uganda and exports accounted for dnly a very small fraction of the market, mainly composed of frozen fiilets to Kenyai and salted fish to the Republic of the Congo. Kampala market was the most important one, serving also as a central market from where fishmongers bought fish for distribution to rural areas.
) General (2) Legislation (3) Nets (4) Imports and Exports of Dried Fish (B) Economic:- (I) Lake Victoria (2) Lake Albert (including the Albert Nile (3) Lake Edward and Associated Fisheries (4) Lake Kyoga (5) Minor Lakes, Dams and the Victoria Nile (6) Introductions (7) Fish Transfers (8) Crocodiles:- (C) Angling Trout Nile Perch Barbel Tilapia Variabilis
Fisheries section of the annual report covers the following A. ADMINISTRATION (1) General, (2) Legislation, (3) Nets (4) Imports and Exports of Dried Fish, (B) ECONOMIC :( 1) Lake Victoria, (2) Lake Albert (including the Albert Nile), (3) Lake Edward and Associated Fisheries, (4) Report by Fish Culturist, (5) Lake Kyoga, (6) Minor Lakes and the Victoria Nile, (7) Dams,(8) Introductions,(9) Fish Transfers (10) Crocodiles:(i) Control,(ii) Industry, (iii) General (ll) General Notes, (C) ANGLING:Trout, Nile Perch Barbei, Tilapia variabilis.
A detailed study of the early life of fishes forms one of the very important aspects with respect to recruitment mechanism and proper uneterstanding of the dynamics leading to sustainance of fish populations. It should be the central theme of the fisheries biologist and managers to extract the bilogical information relevant to the proper understanding of this part of the population. A number of studies in the Mwanza gulf and Lake Victoria have emphasized the need to monitor the fishery by conducting observations of stock size, migration, catch effort data and growth of big specimen (Acere 1981, Goudsward et al 1984, Asila. Ogari 1988 and Okemwa 1984). The present paper discusses the preliminary information on the size structure, mortality and migration of juvenile Nile perch. The long term objectives of the programme is aimed at describing the size structure, growth, mortality, recruitment pattern and population dynamics of the Nile perch up to 30 cm total length in the, Mwanza Gulf.
This report is based on the investigation of the factors affecting population characteristics and relative abundance of Nile perch in selected sites of Kagegi Gulf Lake Victoria Uganda in the month of November 2006. Nine (9) stations were sampled at depth strata of 0-10, 10-20, 20-30 and 30-40 m the mean catch rates were as follows; 8.75±5.5, 4.77±2.3, 6.33±0.3 and 1.34±1.1 tonnes per square kilometer respectively. The catch rates differed at various depth levels with p-value of 0.2940 at 5% level of significance. Limnological parameters were temperature 25.15±0.28, 23.68±0.20, 24.74±0.13 and 25.3±0.20°C; pH of 8.0±0.00, 7.7±0.11; 7.66±0.33 and 6.32±0.14, dissolved oxygen 7.37±0.24, 6.44±0.30, 6.32±0.14 and 6.22±0.14 mg/l; Total nitrogen 589.82±97.2, 514.34±68.8, 690.44±257.8 and 809.03±45.02 µgL-respectively with a p-value of 0.4392 at 5% level of significance. Prey type of Nile perch indicated 65.2% of haplochromine in 0-10 m depth and other strata >10 metre were dominated by Caridina nilotica. Generally investigations indicated that the catch rates of Nile perch at Kagegi gulf in various depth strata probably depended on both the physical and chemical parameters mentioned above.
This study was undertaken in Napoleon gulf, Lake Victoria Uganda from July – December 2009. It was conducted in four landing sites; Bukaya (0.41103N, 33.19133E), Bugungu (0.40216N, 33.2028E), Busana (0.39062N, 33.25228E) and Kikondo (0.3995N, 33.21848E) all from Buikwe district (Formerly part of Mukono district). The main aim was to determine the effect of both hook size and bait type on the catch rate (mean weight) and size composition of Nile perch (Lates niloticus) (LINNE) fishery in the Napoleon Gulf, Lake Victoria. The main hook sizes investigated during the experiment were 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 that were dominantly used in harvesting Nile perch in Napoleon Gulf, Lake Victoria. In this study length, weight and bait type data were collected on site from each boat at that particular fishing spot; since most fishermen in the Napoleon Gulf could sell their fish immediately the catch is caught there and then. The results indicated a total of 873 Nile perch fish samples collected during the study. Statistical tests, descriptive statistics, regression and correlation were all carried out using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) in addition to Microsoft excel. The bait types in the Gulf ranged from 5-10 cm Total length (TL) haplochromine, 24.5-27 cm TL Mormyrus kannume and 9-24 cm TL Clarias species. The bait types had a significant effect on the catch rate and also on the size composition the fish harvested measured as Total length (ANCOVA F=8.231; P<0.05) despite the fact that bait type had no influence on mean weight of fish captured (ANCOVA F=2.898; P>0.05). Hook sizes used by the fishers had a significant effect on the both the size (TL) composition (ANCOVA F=3.847; P<0.05) and the mean weight (ANCOVA F=4.599; P<0.005) of the Nile perch captured. Investigations indicated hook sizes seven (7) and eight (8) were the ones that harvested the Nile perch above the slot size of 50 cm total length. In general hook sizes indicated to be the main drive in the harvesting of the Nile perch though bait type also contributed toward that. Generally there is need for management to put a law in place on the minimum hook size to be used on the harvesting of the Nile perch and also monitored by the Fisheries Management as a regulatory measure. In addition to that aquaculture should be encouraged to farm the fish for bait at a higher scale in the region in order to avoid depleting the wild stocks already in danger of extinction. Through this kind of venture, both biodiversity conservation and environmental sustainability will be observed in the Lake Victoria basin.
Age, growth, tagging of tilapia spp. and reproductive biology of siluroid catfishes in Lake Victoria
This report encompasses the time period 1 September 1973 through 31 July 1975. The research Officer's tour of duty officially terminated 30 September 1975, consisting of a regular 2-year tour of duty with three month extension of contract. During this time research into age and growth of several tropical species of fishes was conducted. In addition a closely related tagging program was initiated in order to determine both growth and movements of fishes. Lastly, some effort was directed towards aspects of the basic biology of several of the siluroid catfishes. This report delineates the relative effort into and success of the various research projects; presents results of research not previously offered, summarizes findings, and makes recommendations for future research endeavour. Two annual reports along with quarterly reports up to 30 June 1975 have been produced and are on file both at Headquarters in Jinja and the Kisumu Sub-station. These only will be referred to in some instances and built upon in others. Opinions offered, conclusions drawn and recommendation given within this report are solely those of the research officer employed in an official capacity for E.A.F.F.R.O.
The combined effects of lack of effective management measures, over-exploitation with destructive fishing gears, and interspecific competition, particularly among tilapiines have had profound effects on the fish stocks of Lakes Victoria and Kyoga. It has been proposed that these have been more important in the decline of the indigenous fisheries than predation or competition from Nile perch. The purpose of this paper is to provide an assessment of the dramatic changes in the fisheries of Lakes Victoria and Kyoga . Both lakes have experienced almost similar changes for which Lates could not have been wholly responsible.
The food of the Nile perch has changed since its introduction into Lakes Victoria, Kyoga and Nabugabo and stabilized on Caridina nilotica, Anisopteran nymphs, Rastrineobola argentea, Nile perch juveniles, and tilapiines. For the Nile perch to sustain production in these lakes, its is important that these prey species are properly managed.
This project survey on cost-net was conducted at the Northern portion of Lake Victoria and Upper Victoria Nile. The selected fish -Landing sites, where sampling exercises were carried out include: Loco, Jinja pier (covering Lake Victoria) and Railway bridge, New bridge and Kalange (covering upper Victoria Nile). Research was focused on the cast-net design, target commercial fish stocks, impact of cast-net on the fish stocks, mesh-size and techniques ofcast-netting. The research results show that cast-net fishery destroys fish breeding and nursery grounds and other fish ecosystem. The gear targets Oreochromis niloticus and Occassional by catches e.g. Lates niloticus, Mormyrus Kannume Bagrus docmak and Clarias gariepinus. The multi-panel cast-net of mesh-sizes ranging from i (5lmm) to 6' (152mm) were adaptable by fishermen but they mostly caught immature fish. Nevertheless, this gear showed highest efficiency compared to other gears used at the project area. These research results will be useful to researchers, extension workers and Fishenes, students under taking special research or study on this gear.
Males often use scent to communicate their domi- nance, and to mediate aggressive and breeding behaviors. In teleost fish, however, the chemical composition of male pher- omones is poorly understood. Male Mozambique tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus, use urine that signals social status and primes females to spawn. The urinary sex pheromone di- rected at females consists of 5β-pregnane-3α,17α,20β-triol 3- glucuronate and its 20α-epimer. The concentration of these is positively correlated with male social rank. This study tested whether dominant male urine reduces aggression in receiver males, and whether the pregnanetriol 3-glucuronates also re- duce male-male aggression. Males were allowed to fight their mirror image when exposed to either: i) water control or a chemical stimulus; ii) dominant male urine (DMU); iii) C18- solid phase (C18-SPE) DMU eluate; iv) C18-SPE DMU eluate plus filtrate; v) the two pregnanetriol 3-glucuronates (P3Gs); or vi) P3Gs plus DMU filtrate. Control males mounted an increas- ingly aggressive fight against their image over time. However, DMU significantly reduced this aggressive response. The two urinary P3Gs did not replicate the effect of whole DMU. Neither did the C18-SPE DMU eluate, containing the P3Gs, alone, nor the C18-SPE DMU filtrate to which the two P3Gs were added. Only exposure to reconstituted DMU (C18-SPE eluate plus filtrate) restored the aggression-reducing effect of whole DMU. Olfactory activity was present in the eluate and the polar filtrate in electro-olfactogram studies. We conclude that P3Gs alone have no reducing effect on aggression and that the urinary signal driving off male competition is likely to be a multi-component pheromone, with components present in both the polar and non-polar urine fractions.