843 resultados para Neonatal screening
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A radiossenssibilidade em crianças é superior à dos adultos, pelo que a avaliação dos parâmetros de dose utilizados em pediatria, principalmente em recém-nascidos, assume particular importância. Também importante é a avaliação da quantidade de dose de radiação a que os pacientes, pelo simples facto de estarem perto, ou na vizinhança, de outros que vão realizar exames radiológicos, estão sujeitos. Neste estudo, efectuado no Hospital D. Estefânia em Lisboa, avaliou-se a dose de radiação ionizante com dosímetros (ATOMTEX 3509B) no paciente examinado e no paciente adjacente. Foram calculadas as doses à entrada da pele (DEP) utilizando os parâmetros físicos empregados. Nos 28 exames efectuados por 8 técnicos diferentes, as leituras obtidas com os dosímetros eram praticamente insignificantes, quer para o paciente examinado (énero feminino e 0.04 énero masculino) quer para o adjacente (0 ). Os valores de DEP calculados estavam abaixo do limite recomendado internacionalmente para recém-nascidos, de 80 μGy. Apesar de haver uma diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os pesos das crianças do género masculino e feminino, não se verificou uma diferença semelhante para as DEP calculadas. Este estudo demonstrou que a DEP calculada com os parâmetros físicos utilizados ficava abaixo da DEP recomendada internacionalmente, e que as leituras obtidas nos pacientes examinados, bem como no paciente adjacente, atingiram níveis insignificantes.
This paper examines the importance of vision screening for hearing-impaired children and proposes and evaluates a vision screening program for the Central Institute for the Deaf.
This paper discusses the use of otoacoustic emissions (OAEs) in performing outpatient hearing screening for children, birth to age five.
This paper reviews parental reactions to their newborn newly diagnosed with a hearing loss.
This paper identifies risk factors associated with hearing loss in newborns, including family history, craniofacial abnormalities, and ototoxic medications.
This paper compares conventional auditory brainstem response tests (ABRs) and Maximum Length Sequence auditory brainstem response tests (MLS ABRs). The results found that the faster MLS ABRs could prove an accurate screening tool for auditory sensitivity.
This paper investigates parental response to the results of screening programs mandated by Universal Newborn Hearing Screening (UHHS), a Missouri law requiring hearing screenings of all newborns that went into effect January 1, 2002.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a hearing screening program, particularly focusing on hit and false positive rates in the NICU and WBN at a top-rated birthing hospital in Saint Louis, MO. Additionally, the study examined how these rates may be influenced by risk factors for hearing loss.
This paper describes parental response to Universal Newborn Hearing Screening (UNHS).
This paper evaluates the routine of one pediatrics facility interested in incorporating a hearing screening protocol into their practice and suggests such a protocol using distortion product otoacoustic emission tests (DPOAE).
Auditory brainstem response with alternative transducers: implications for newborn hearing screening
This paper studies the efficacy of a bone-conducted transducer compared to a traditional air conduction transducer for auditory brainstem response screening of newborns.
This paper studies the success of the renovation of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at St. Louis Children's Hospital in reducing noise levels and improving the work environment.
This paper is a review of a study to determine whether the use of otoscopic examination and middle ear impedance measurement are feasible tools for use by an audiologist during a screening program.