999 resultados para NETTRA-G2-FIFO.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the shear bond strength of repairs in porcelain conditioned with laser. Sixty porcelain discs were made and six groups were formed (n = 10): G1: conditioning with laser with potency 760 mW; G2: conditioning with laser with potency 760 mW and application of 37% phosphoric acid for 15 s; G3: conditioning with laser with potency 900 mW; G4: conditioning with laser with potency 900 mW and application of 37% phosphoric acid for 15 s; G5: application of 37% phosphoric acid for 15 s (group control) and G6: application of 10% hydrofluoric acid for 2 min. The composite resin was insert of incremental layers at the porcelain surface aided with a metal matrix, and photoactivation for 20 s each increment. The specimens were submitted to a thermal cycling by 1000 cycles of 30 s in each bath with temperature between 5 and 55 degrees C. After the thermal cycling, specimens were submitted to the shear bond strength. The results were evaluated statistically through analysis of variance and Tukey's tests with 5% significance. The averages and standard deviation founded were: G1, 11.25 (+/- 3.10); G2, 12.32 (+/- 2.65); G3, 14.02 (+/- 2.38); G4, 13.44 (+/- 2,07); G5, 9.91 (-/+ 2,18); G6, 12.74 (+/- 2.67). The results showed that the femtosecond laser produced a shear bond strength of repairs in porcelain equal to the hydrofluoric acid and significantly superior to the use of phosphoric acid. Microsc. Res. Tech., 2012. (C) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The purpose of this in vitro study was to verify through micro tensile bond test the bond strength of an adhesive system irradiated with Nd:YAG laser in dentine previously treated with Er:YAG laser. Twenty caries free extracted human third molars were used. The teeth were divided in four experimental groups (n = 5): (G1) control group; (G2) irradiation of the adhesive system with the Nd:YAG laser; (G3) dentin treatment with Er:YAG laser; (G4) dentin treatment with Er:YAG laser followed by the irradiation of the adhesive system with Nd:YAG laser. The Er:YAG laser fluency parameter for the dentin treatment was of 60 J/cm(2). ne adhesive system was irradiated with the Nd:YAG laser with fluency of 100 J/cm(2). Dental restorations were performed with Adper Single Bond 2/Z250. One tooth from each group was prepared for the evaluation of the adhesive interface under SEM and bond failure tests were also performed and evaluated. The statistical analysis showed statistical significant difference between the groups G1 and G3, G1 and G4, G2 and G3, and G2 and G4; and similarity between the groups G1 and G2, and G3 and G4. The adhesive failures were predominant in all the experimental groups. The SEM analysis showed an adhesive interface with features confirming the results of the mechanical tests. The Nd:YAG laser on the adhesive system did not influence the bond strength in dentin treated or not with the Er:YAG laser.


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To evaluate the efficacy of ProTaper Universal rotary retreatment system and the influence of sealer type on the presence of filling debris in the reinstrumented canals viewed in an operative clinical microscope. Forty-five palatal root canals of first molars were filled with gutta-percha and one of the following sealers: G1, EndoFill; G2, AH Plus; G3, Sealapex. The canals were then reinstrumented with ProTaper Universal rotary system. Roots were longitudinally sectioned and examined under an operative clinical microscope (10x), and the amount of filling debris on canal walls was analyzed using the AutoCAD 2004 software. A single operator used a specific software tool to outline the canal area and the filling debris area in each third (cervical, middle, and apical), as well as the total canal area. Data were analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis test and Tukey test at P < 0.05. Sealapex demonstrated significant differences in the average of filling debris area/canal among the 3 thirds. This group revealed that apical third showed more debris than the both cervical and middle third (P < 0.0001). Endofill presented significantly more filling debris than Sealapex in the cervical third (P < 0.05). In the middle (P = 0.12) and apical third (P = 0.10), there were no differences amongst groups. Debris was left in all canal thirds, regardless of the retreatment technique. The greatest differences between techniques and sealers were found in the cervical third. Microsc. Res. Tech. 75:12331236, 2012. (C) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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INTRODUÇÃO: A hemiparesia após o acidente vascular encefálico (AVE) é a sequela mais frequente, prejudicando a velocidade de execução dos movimentos automáticos, diminuindo a autonomia do indivíduo e gerando incapacidade. OBJETIVOS: Analisar o efeito da espasticidade nos padrões lineares de marcha (PLM) em indivíduos hemiparéticos. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados dois grupos: 20 indivíduos com AVE (G1) e 20 indivíduos sadios, destros, sem sequela neurológica (G2), com média de idade de 54,2 e 52,6 anos respectivamente. Foram avaliados os PLM pelo protocolo de Nagazaki, o tônus muscular pela escala de Ashworth modificada e o arco de movimento por goniometria. Foi feita comparação dos parâmetros nos dois grupos pelo teste t de Student e correlação de Spearman com nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: A média da distância foi de 14,52 m e 32,16 m, e o tempo foi de 23,75 s e 19,02 s no G1 e G2 respectivamente (p < 0,0001). Na comparação entre os grupos, a amplitude média de passo e a velocidade média foram estatisticamente significantes (p < 0,05) e a cadência não mostrou significância (p = 0,1936). Quando os PLM foram comparados com o grau de espasticidade dos músculos gastrocnêmio e sóleo, mostraram associação negativa com distância, amplitude de passo e velocidade e associação positiva com o tempo (p < 0,05). CONCLUSÃO: Quanto maior o grau de espasticidade dos músculos gastrocnêmio e sóleo, menores serão os parâmetros lineares de marcha do indivíduo com sequela de hemiparesia pós-AVE.


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OBJETIVO: Determinar a influência do Laser Terapêutico de Baixa Potência sobre a placa de crescimento de ratos. MÉTODOS: Trinta ratos Wistar machos com 40 dias de idade foram divididos em dois grupos, G1 e G2. O grupo G1 foi submetido à irradiação com laser GaAlAs 830 nm, potência de saída de 40 mW, e densidade de energia de 10 J/cm2. A irradiação foi aplicada diariamente por um período máximo de 21 dias. O mesmo procedimento foi realizado no grupo G2, com a probe desativada. Cinco animais em cada grupo foram sacrificados nos dias 7, 14 e 21 e submetidas à análise histomorfométrica. RESULTADOS: em ambos os grupos, o disco fisário esteve radiograficamente visível em todos os momentos nas incidências craniocaudal e médio-lateral. No 21º dia a porcentagem de comprimento longitudinal do fêmur foi maior em G1 que em G2 em relação ao valor basal, e o número de condrócitos da zona hipertrófica foi maior em G1 que em G2. A zona de cartilagem calcificada estava maior em G1 em relação a G2 em todos os momentos de avaliação. A angiogênese foi maior em G1 que em G2 nos 14º e 21º dias. CONCLUSÃO: A terapia com laser terapêutico de baixa potência influenciou negativamente o disco fisário distal do fêmur de ratos.


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Although progression of fibrosis in the chronic hepatitis C depends on environmental, viral, and host factors, genetic polymorphisms have been associated recently with this progression, including the expression of integrins, adhesion proteins. Some integrins expressed on the platelet membrane show polymorphic antigenic determinants called human platelet antigens (HPA), where the major ones are HPA-1, -3, -5. The association between HCV infection and HPA-5b has been demonstrated. Similarly, the HPA profile could determine if HPA is related to progression of fibrosis. The goal of this study was to evaluate the association between the frequencies of HPA-1, -3, and -5 and degree of fibrosis in HCV-infected patients. Genomic DNA from 143 HCV-infected patients was used as the source for HPA genotyping by PCR-SSP or PCR-RFLP. Progression of fibrosis was evaluated using the METAVIR scoring system, and the patients were grouped according to degree of fibrosis into G1 (n = 81, with F1, portal fibrosis without septa or F2, few septa) and G2 (n = 62, with F3, numerous septa, or F4, cirrhosis). Statistical analysis was performed using the proportional odds model. The genotypic frequency of HPA-1a/1b was significantly higher in the patients in G2. To evaluate the influence of the time of infection to the development of fibrosis and its effect on the genetic factor HPA-1, 96 patients from 143 studied were evaluated considering the time of HCV infection, and these results suggest that the HPA-1a/1b genotype promotes the development of fibrosis in HCV infection with time. J. Med. Virol. 84: 56-60, 2012. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Our group has been investigating the immunomodulatory activity of propolis in stressed mice. In this work, we wish to report the action of propolis in chronically stressed mice, assessing the Toll-like receptor (TLR2 and TLR-4) expression by spleen cells and corticosterone levels as a stress indicator. Male C57BL/6 mice were divided into four groups: G1 was considered the control; G2 was treated with propolis (200mg kg(-1)); G3 was submitted to restraint stress for 14 days; and G4 was treated with propolis and immediately submitted to stress. After sacrifice, spleens were removed and TLR-2 and TLR-4 gene expression was analysed. TLR-2 and TLR-4 expression was increased in propolis-treated mice, and propolis administration to stressed mice prevented the inhibition of TLR-2 and TLR-4 expression. No differences were seen in the corticosterone levels among the groups. Propolis exerted an immunomodulatory action in chronically stressed mice, upregulating TLR-2 and TLR-4 mRNA expression, contributing to the recognition of microorganisms and favouring the initial steps of the immune response during stress.


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Extracts of the spice ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) are rich in gingerols and shogaols, which exhibit antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, anti mycobacterial, and anticarcinogenic proprieties. The present study evaluated the chemoprotective effects of a ginger extract on the DNA damage and the development of bladder cancer induced by N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxibutyl) nitrosamine (BBN)/N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU) in male Swiss mice. Groups G1-G3 were given 0.05% BBN in drinking water for 18 weeks and four i.p. injections of 30 mg/kg body weight MNU at 1, 3, 10, and 18 weeks. Group G4 and G5 received only the BBN or MNU treatments, respectively, and groups G6 and G7 were not treated with BBN or MNU. Additionally, Groups G2, G3, and G6 were fed diets containing 1, 2, and 2% ginger extract, respectively, while Groups G1, G4, G5, and G7 were fed basal diet. Samples of peripheral blood were collected during the experiment for genotoxicity analysis; blood collected 4 hr after each MNU dose was used for the analysis of DNA damage with the Comet assay (assay performed on leukocytes from all groups), while reficulocytes collected 24 hr after the last MNU treatment of Groups G5-G7 were used for the micronucleus assay. At the end of the experiment, the urinary bladder was removed, fixed, and prepared for histopathological, cell proliferation, and apoptosis evaluations. Ginger by itself was not genotoxic, and it did not alter the DNA damage levels induced by the BBN/MNU treatment during the course of the exposure. The incidence and multiplicity of simple and nodular hyperplasia and transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) were increased by the BBN/MNU treatment, but dietary ginger had no significant effect on these responses. However, in Group G2 (BBN/MNU/2% ginger-treated group), there was an increased incidence of Grade 2 TCC. The results suggest that ginger extract does not inhibit the development of BBN-induced mouse bladder tumors.


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Muscle growth in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) was studied focusing on histochemical, ultrastructural, and morphometric characteristics of muscle fibers. Based on body length (cm), we studied four groups: G1 = 1.36+/-0.09, G2 = 3.38+/-0.44, G3 = 8.90+/-1.47, and G4 = 28.30+/-3.29 (mean+/-S.D.). All groups showed intense reaction to NADH-TR in subdermal fibers and weak or no reaction in deep layer fibers. In G3 and G4, an intermediate layer was also observed with fibers presenting weak reaction; in G4, groups of fibers with intense reaction were observed in the subdermal region. The myosin ATPase (m-ATPase) activities were acid-stable and alkali-labile in subdermal fibers; most deep layer fibers were alkali-stable and acid-labile. Intermediate fibers were acid-labile and alkali-stable. Two fiber populations were observed near deep muscle layer: one large presenting weak acid- and alkali-stable and the other small alkali-stable.During growth, muscle fiber hypertrophy was more evident in intermediate and white fibers for G3 and G4. However, in these groups, the presence of fiber diameters less than or equal to21 mum suggested that there is still substantial fiber recruitment, confirmed by ultrastructural study, but hypertrophy is the main mechanism contributing to increase in muscular mass. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Dentre as numerosas terapias para minimizar as complicações diabéticas, os antioxidantes e flavonoides são testados na clínica médica. Foi analisado o efeito da naringerina sobre os parâmetros bioquímicos em ratos diabéticos induzidos por estreptozotocina (STZ - 60mg/kg, i.p.). Ratos machos foram divididos em 4 grupos: G1: controle não tratado; G2: ratos normais que receberam naringerina; G3: diabéticos não tratados; G4: ratos diabéticos que receberam naringerina. Naringerina (50mg/kg, i.p.), decresceu a hiperglicemia e a hiperlipidemia em ratos diabéticos. A concentração sérica de insulina em ratos tratados tendeu aumentar. A naringerina preveniu as alterações, provocadas pela estreptozotocina, na atividade hepática e cardíaca de ALT, AST e LDH, indicando o efeito protetor da naringerina sobre estes tecidos, contra toxicidade provocada pela STZ. O nível de glicogênio nos tecidos cardíaco e hepático elevou com a naringerina em ratos diabéticos. A naringerina melhorou o metabolismo da glicose e de lipídios e preveniu as complicações diabéticas.


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O principal objetivo deste estudo foi verificar o efeito do nível de performance aeróbia na relação entre os índices técnicos correspondentes à velocidade crítica (VC) e à velocidade máxima de 30 minutos (V30) em nadadores. Participaram deste estudo, 23 nadadores do gênero masculino com características antropométricas similares, divididos segundo o nível de performance aeróbia em grupo G1 (maior performance) (n = 13) e G2 (menor performance) (n = 10). Os indivíduos tinham pelo menos quatro anos de experiência no esporte e treinavam um volume semanal de 30.000 a 45.000m. A VC foi determinada através do coeficiente angular da regressão linear entre as distâncias (200 e 400m) e seus respectivos tempos. A V30 foi determinada através da máxima distância realizada em um teste de 30 minutos. Todas as variáveis foram determinadas no nado crawl. A VC foi significantemente maior do que a V30 no grupo G1 (1,30 ± 0,04 vs. 1,23 ± 0,06m.s-1) e no G2 (1,17 ± 0,08 vs. 1,07 ± 0,06m.s-1). As duas variáveis foram maiores no grupo G1. As taxas de braçada correspondentes à VC (TBVC) e à V30 (TBV30) obtidas nos grupos G1 (33,07 ± 4,34 vs. 31,38 ± 4,15 ciclos.min-1) e G2 (35,57 ± 6,52 vs. 33,54 ± 5,89 ciclos.min-1) foram similares entre si. A TBVC foi significantemente menor no grupo 1 do que no grupo 2, enquanto que a TBV30 não foi diferente entre os grupos. Os comprimentos de braçada correspondentes à VC (CBVC) e à V30 (CBV30) foram significantemente maiores no grupo G1 (2,41 ± 0,33 vs. 2,38 ± 0,30m.ciclo-1) do que no G2 (2,04 ± 0,43 vs. 1,97 ± 0,40m.ciclo-1), e similares entre si nos dois grupos. As correlações (r) entre a VC e a V30 e as variáveis técnicas correspondentes às duas velocidades foram significantes em todas as comparações (0,68 a 0,91). Portanto, a relação entre a velocidade e as variáveis técnicas correspondentes à VC e à V30 não é modificada pelo nível de performance aeróbia.