905 resultados para Mosaic aleatori


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Relaxation of imprinting at the insulin-like growth factor II (IFG-II)/H19 locus is a major mechanism involved in the onset of sporadic Wilms tumor and several other embryonal tumors. The high prevalence of histologically abnormal foci in kidney adjacent to Wilms tumors suggests that tumor-predisposing genetic/epigenetic lesion might also be found at high frequency in Wilms tumor-bearing kidneys. Focusing on Wilms tumors with relaxation of IFG-II imprinting, we determined the frequency of epigenetic change at the IFG-II/H19 locus in adjacent kidney. In all kidneys adjacent to these Wilms tumors, we detected substantial mosaicism for a population of cells with relaxation of IFG-II imprinting and biallelic H19 methylation, regardless of whether the patient had a tumor-predisposing syndrome or not. The high proportion of epigenetically modified cells among “normal” tissue indicates that the epigenetic error occurred very early in development, before the onset of Wilms tumor. Not only does this suggest that the major Wilms tumor-predisposing event occurs within the first few days of development, but it also suggests that sporadic Wilms tumor may represent one end of a spectrum of overgrowth disorders characterized by mosaic epigenetic change at the IFG-II/H19 locus.


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Two potential outcomes of a coevolutionary interaction are an escalating arms race and stable cycling. The general expectation has been that arms races predominate in cases of polygenic inheritance of resistance traits and permanent cycling predominates in cases in which resistance is controlled by major genes. In the interaction between Depressaria pastinacella, the parsnip webworm, and Pastinaca sativa, the wild parsnip, traits for plant resistance to insect herbivory (production of defensive furanocoumarins) as well as traits for herbivore “virulence” (ability to metabolize furanocoumarins) are characterized by continuous heritable variation. Furanocoumarin production in plants and rates of metabolism in insects were compared among four midwestern populations; these traits then were classified into four clusters describing multitrait phenotypes occurring in all or most of the populations. When the frequency of plant phenotypes belonging to each of the clusters is compared with the frequency of the insect phenotypes in each of the clusters across populations, a remarkable degree of frequency matching is revealed in three of the populations. That frequencies of phenotypes vary among populations is consistent with the fact that spatial variation occurs in the temporal cycling of phenotypes; such processes contribute in generating a geographic mosaic in this coevolutionary interaction on the landscape scale. Comparisons of contemporary plant phenotype distributions with phenotypes of herbarium specimens collected 9–125 years ago from across a similar latitudinal gradient, however, suggest that for at least one resistance trait—sphondin concentration—interactions with webworms have led to escalatory change.


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We identified a new Drosophila gene, peter pan (ppan), in a screen for larval growth–defective mutants. ppan mutant larvae do not grow and show minimal DNA replication but can survive until well after their heterozygotic siblings have pupariated. We cloned the ppan gene by P-element plasmid rescue. ppan belongs to a highly conserved gene family that includes Saccharomyces cerevisiae SSF1 and SSF2, as well as Schizosaccharomyces pombe, Arabidopsis, Caenorhabditis elegans, mouse, and human homologues. Deletion of both SSF1 and SSF2 in yeast is lethal, and depletion of the gene products causes cell division arrest. Mosaic analysis of ppan mutant clones in Drosophila imaginal disks and ovaries demonstrates that ppan is cell autonomous and required for normal mitotic growth but is not absolutely required for general biosynthesis or DNA replication. Overexpression of the wild-type gene causes cell death and disrupts the normal development of adult structures. The ppan gene family appears to have an essential and evolutionarily conserved role in cell growth.


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By examining the front of virus invasion in immature pea embryos infected with pea seed-borne mosaic virus (PSbMV), the selective control of different host genes has been observed. From our observations, the early responses to PSbMV replication can be grouped into three classes, inhibited host gene expression, induced host gene expression, and no effect on a normal host function. The expression of two heat-inducible genes encoding HSP70 and polyubiquitin was induced coordinately with the onset of virus replication and the down-regulation of two other genes encoding lipoxygenase and heat shock cognate protein. The down-regulation was part of a general suppression of host gene expression that may be achieved through the degradation of host transcripts. We discuss the possibilities of whether the induction of HSP70 and polyubiquitin genes represents a requirement for the respective protein products by the virus or is merely a consequence of the depletion of other host transcripts. The former is feasible, as the induction of both genes does result in increased HSP70 and ubiquitin accumulation. This also indicates that, in contrast to some animal virus infections, there is not a general inhibition of translation of host mRNAs following PSbMV infection. This selective control of host gene expression was observed in all cell types of the embryo and identifies mechanisms of cellular disruption that could act as triggers for symptom expression.


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Positive-strand RNA virus genomes are substrates for translation, RNA replication, and encapsidation. To identify host factors involved in these functions, we used the ability of brome mosaic virus (BMV) RNA to replicate in yeast. We report herein identification of a mutation in the essential yeast gene DED1 that inhibited BMV RNA replication but not yeast growth. DED1 encodes a DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp)-box RNA helicase required for translation initiation of all yeast mRNAs. Inhibition of BMV RNA replication by the mutant DED1 allele (ded1–18) resulted from inhibited expression of viral polymerase-like protein 2a, encoded by BMV RNA2. Inhibition of RNA2 translation was selective, with no effect on general cellular translation or translation of BMV RNA1-encoded replication factor 1a, and was independent of p20, a cellular antagonist of DED1 function in translation. Inhibition of RNA2 translation in ded1–18 yeast required the RNA2 5′ noncoding region (NCR), which also conferred a ded1–18-specific reduction in expression on a reporter gene mRNA. Comparison of the similar RNA1 and RNA2 5′ NCRs identified a 31-nucleotide RNA2-specific region that was required for the ded1–18-specific RNA2 translation block and attenuated RNA2 translation in wild-type yeast. Further comparisons and RNA structure predictions suggest a modular arrangement of replication and translation signals in RNA1 and RNA2 5′ NCRs that appears conserved among bromoviruses. The 5′ attenuator and DED1 dependence of RNA2 suggest that, despite its divided genome, BMV regulates polymerase translation relative to other replication factors, just as many single-component RNA viruses use translational read-through and frameshift mechanisms to down-regulate polymerase. The results show that a DEAD-box helicase can selectively activate translation of a specific mRNA and may provide a paradigm for translational regulation by other members of the ubiquitous DEAD-box RNA helicase family.


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Gephyrin is essential for both the postsynaptic localization of inhibitory neurotransmitter receptors in the central nervous system and the biosynthesis of the molybdenum cofactor (Moco) in different peripheral organs. Several alternatively spliced gephyrin transcripts have been identified in rat brain that differ in their 5′ coding regions. Here, we describe gephyrin splice variants that are differentially expressed in non-neuronal tissues and different regions of the adult mouse brain. Analysis of the murine gephyrin gene indicates a highly mosaic organization, with eight of its 29 exons corresponding to the alternatively spliced regions identified by cDNA sequencing. The N- and C-terminal domains of gephyrin encoded by exons 3–7 and 16–29, respectively, display sequence similarities to bacterial, invertebrate, and plant proteins involved in Moco biosynthesis, whereas the central exons 8, 13, and 14 encode motifs that may mediate oligomerization and tubulin binding. Our data are consistent with gephyrin having evolved from a Moco biosynthetic protein by insertion of protein interaction sequences.


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Duplexes constituted by closed or open RNA circles paired to single-stranded oligonucleotides terminating with 3′-CCAOH form resected pseudoknots that are substrates of yeast histidyl-tRNA synthetase. Design of this RNA fold is linked to the mimicry of the pseudoknotted amino acid accepting branch of the tRNA-like domain from brome mosaic virus, known to be charged by tyrosyl-tRNA synthetases, with RNA minihelices recapitulating accepting branches of canonical tRNAs. Prediction of the histidylation function of the new family of minimalist tRNA-like structures relates to the geometry of resected pseudoknots that allows proper presentation to histidyl-tRNA synthetase of analogues of the histidine identity determinants N-1 and N73 present in tRNAs. This geometry is such that the analogue of the major N-1 histidine determinant in the RNA circles faces the analogue of the discriminator N73 nucleotide in the accepting oligonucleotides. The combination of identity elements found in tRNAHis species from archaea, eubacteria, and organelles (G-1/C73) is the most efficient for determining histidylation of the duplexes. The inverse combination (C-1/G73) leads to the worst histidine acceptors with charging efficiencies reduced by 2–3 orders of magnitude. Altogether, these findings open new perspectives for understanding evolution of tRNA identity and serendipitous RNA functions.


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Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) and tomato aspermy virus (TAV) belong to the Cucumovirus genus. They have a tripartite genome consisting of single-stranded RNAs, designated 1, 2, and 3. Previous studies have shown that viable pseudorecombinants could be created in vitro by reciprocal exchanges between CMV and TAV RNA 3, but exchanges of RNAs 1 and 2 were replication deficient. When we coinoculated CMV RNAs 2 and 3 along with TAV RNAs 1 and 2 onto Nicotiana benthamiana, a hybrid quadripartite virus appeared that consisted of TAV RNA 1, CMV RNAs 2 and 3, and a distinctive chimeric RNA originating from a recombination between CMV RNA 2 and the 3′-terminal 320 nucleotides of TAV RNA 2. This hybrid arose by means of segment reassortment and RNA recombination to produce an interspecific hybrid with the TAV helicase subunit and the CMV polymerase subunit. To our knowledge, this is the first report demonstrating the evolution of a new plant or animal virus strain containing an interspecific hybrid replicase complex.


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Within the mammalian inner ear there are six separate sensory regions that subserve the functions of hearing and balance, although how these sensory regions become specified remains unknown. Each sensory region is populated by two cell types, the mechanosensory hair cell and the supporting cell, which are arranged in a mosaic in which each hair cell is surrounded by supporting cells. The proposed mechanism for creating the sensory mosaic is lateral inhibition mediated by the Notch signaling pathway. However, one of the Notch ligands, Jagged1 (Jag1), does not show an expression pattern wholly consistent with a role in lateral inhibition, as it marks the sensory patches from very early in their development—presumably long before cells make their final fate decisions. It has been proposed that Jag1 has a role in specifying sensory versus nonsensory epithelium within the ear [Adam, J., Myat, A., Roux, I. L., Eddison, M., Henrique, D., Ish-Horowicz, D. & Lewis, J. (1998) Development (Cambridge, U.K.) 125, 4645–4654]. Here we provide experimental evidence that Notch signaling may be involved in specifying sensory regions by showing that a dominant mouse mutant headturner (Htu) contains a missense mutation in the Jag1 gene and displays missing posterior and sometimes anterior ampullae, structures that house the sensory cristae. Htu/+ mutants also demonstrate a significant reduction in the numbers of outer hair cells in the organ of Corti. Because lateral inhibition mediated by Notch predicts that disruptions in this pathway would lead to an increase in hair cells, we believe these data indicate an earlier role for Notch within the inner ear.


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RNA-mediated, posttranscriptional gene silencing has been determined as the molecular mechanism underlying transgenic virus resistance in many plant virus-dicot host plant systems. In this paper we show that transgenic virus resistance in sugarcane (Saccharum spp. hybrid) is based on posttranscriptional gene silencing. The resistance is derived from an untranslatable form of the sorghum mosaic potyvirus strain SCH coat protein (CP) gene. Transgenic sugarcane plants challenged with sorghum mosaic potyvirus strain SCH had phenotypes that ranged from fully susceptible to completely resistant, and a recovery phenotype was also observed. Clones derived from the same transformation event or obtained after vegetative propagation could display different levels of virus resistance, suggesting the involvement of a quantitative component in the resistance response. Most resistant plants displayed low or undetectable steady-state CP transgene mRNA levels, although nuclear transcription rates were high. Increased DNA methylation was observed in the transcribed region of the CP transgenes in most of these plants. Collectively, these characteristics indicate that an RNA-mediated, homology-dependent mechanism is at the base of the virus resistance. This work extends posttranscriptional gene silencing and homology-dependent virus resistance, so far observed only in dicots, to an agronomically important, polyploid monocot.


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We describe the isolation of an Arabidopsis gene that is closely related to the animal ZnT genes (Zn transporter). The protein encoded by the ZAT (Zn transporter of Arabidopsis thaliana) gene has 398 amino acid residues and is predicted to have six membrane-spanning domains. To obtain evidence for the postulated function of the Arabidopsis gene, transgenic plants with the ZAT coding sequence under control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter were analyzed. Plants obtained with ZAT in the sense orientation exhibited enhanced Zn resistance and strongly increased Zn content in the roots under high Zn exposure. Antisense mRNA-producing plants were viable, with a wild-type level of Zn resistance and content, like plants expressing a truncated coding sequence lacking the C-terminal cytoplasmic domain of the protein. The availability of ZAT can lead to a better understanding of the mechanism of Zn homeostasis and resistance in plants.


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It has previously been shown that the N-terminal domain of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) nitrate reductase (NR) is involved in the inactivation of the enzyme by phosphorylation, which occurs in the dark (L. Nussaume, M. Vincentz, C. Meyer, J.P. Boutin, and M. Caboche [1995] Plant Cell 7: 611–621). The activity of a mutant NR protein lacking this N-terminal domain was no longer regulated by light-dark transitions. In this study smaller deletions were performed in the N-terminal domain of tobacco NR that removed protein motifs conserved among higher plant NRs. The resulting truncated NR-coding sequences were then fused to the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S RNA promoter and introduced in NR-deficient mutants of the closely related species Nicotiana plumbaginifolia. We found that the deletion of a conserved stretch of acidic residues led to an active NR protein that was more thermosensitive than the wild-type enzyme, but it was relatively insensitive to the inactivation by phosphorylation in the dark. Therefore, the removal of this acidic stretch seems to have the same effects on NR activation state as the deletion of the N-terminal domain. A hypothetical explanation for these observations is that a specific factor that impedes inactivation remains bound to the truncated enzyme. A synthetic peptide derived from this acidic protein motif was also found to be a good substrate for casein kinase II.


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Flock house virus (FHV), a single-stranded RNA insect virus, has previously been reported to cross the kingdom barrier and replicate in barley protoplasts and in inoculated leaves of several plant species [Selling, B. H., Allison, R. F. & Kaesberg, P. (1990) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 87, 434–438]. There was no systemic movement of FHV in plants. We tested the ability of movement proteins (MPs) of plant viruses to provide movement functions and cause systemic spread of FHV in plants. We compared the growth of FHV in leaves of nontransgenic and transgenic plants expressing the MP of tobacco mosaic virus or red clover necrotic mosaic virus (RCNMV). Both MPs mobilized cell-to-cell and systemic movement of FHV in Nicotiana benthamiana plants. The yield of FHV was more than 100-fold higher in the inoculated leaves of transgenic plants than in the inoculated leaves of nontransgenic plants. In addition, FHV accumulated in the noninoculated upper leaves of both MP-transgenic plants. RCNMV MP was more efficient in mobilizing FHV to noninoculated upper leaves. We also report here that FHV replicates in inoculated leaves of six additional plant species: alfalfa, Arabidopsis, Brassica, cucumber, maize, and rice. Our results demonstrate that plant viral MPs cause cell-to-cell and long-distance movement of an animal virus in plants and offer approaches to the study of the evolution of viruses and mechanisms governing mRNA trafficking in plants as well as to the development of promising vectors for transient expression of foreign genes in plants.


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Dystrobrevin is a component of the dystrophin-associated protein complex and has been shown to interact directly with dystrophin, α1-syntrophin, and the sarcoglycan complex. The precise role of α-dystrobrevin in skeletal muscle has not yet been determined. To study α-dystrobrevin's function in skeletal muscle, we used the yeast two-hybrid approach to look for interacting proteins. Three overlapping clones were identified that encoded an intermediate filament protein we subsequently named desmuslin (DMN). Sequence analysis revealed that DMN has a short N-terminal domain, a conserved rod domain, and a long C-terminal domain, all common features of type 6 intermediate filament proteins. A positive interaction between DMN and α-dystrobrevin was confirmed with an in vitro coimmunoprecipitation assay. By Northern blot analysis, we find that DMN is expressed mainly in heart and skeletal muscle, although there is some expression in brain. Western blotting detected a 160-kDa protein in heart and skeletal muscle. Immunofluorescent microscopy localizes DMN in a stripe-like pattern in longitudinal sections and in a mosaic pattern in cross sections of skeletal muscle. Electron microscopic analysis shows DMN colocalized with desmin at the Z-lines. Subsequent coimmunoprecipitation experiments confirmed an interaction with desmin. Our findings suggest that DMN may serve as a direct linkage between the extracellular matrix and the Z-discs (through plectin) and may play an important role in maintaining muscle cell integrity.


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Antisense-mediated gene silencing (ASGS) and posttranscriptional gene silencing (PTGS) with sense transgenes markedly reduce the steady-state mRNA levels of endogenous genes similar in transcribed sequence. RNase protection assays established that silencing in tobacco plants transformed with plant-defense-related class I sense and antisense chitinase (CHN) transgenes is at the posttranscriptional level. Infection of tobacco plants with cucumber mosaic virus strain FN and a necrotizing strain of potato virus Y, but not with potato virus X, effectively suppressed PTGS and ASGS of both the transgenes and homologous endogenes. This suggests that ASGS and PTGS share components associated with initiation and maintenance of the silent state. Small, ca. 25-nt RNAs (smRNA) of both polarities were associated with PTGS and ASGS in CHN transformants as reported for PTGS in other transgenic plants and for RNA interference in Drosophila. Similar results were obtained with an antisense class I β-1,3-glucanase transformant showing that viral suppression and smRNAs are a more general feature of ASGS. Several current models hold that diverse signals lead to production of double-stranded RNAs, which are processed to smRNAs that then trigger PTGS. Our results provide direct evidence for mechanistic links between ASGS and PTGS and suggest that ASGS could join a common PTGS pathway at the double-stranded RNA step.