986 resultados para Monteiro Lobato


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Real operation scene This scene was recorded during a real Irradiation operation, more specifically during its final tasks (removing the irradiated sample). This scene was an extra recording to the script and planned ones. - Scene: Involved a number of persons, as: two operators, two personnel belonging to the radiological protection service, and the "client" who asked for the irradiation. Video file labels: "20140402150658_IPCAM": recorded by the left camera.


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Description of the Annotation files: Annotation files are supplied for each video, for benchmarking. Annotations correspond to ground truths of peoples' positions in the image plane, and also for their feet positions, when they were visible. Annotations were performed manually, with the aid of a code developed by (Silva et al., 2014; see the Thesis for details). Targets (people or feet) are marked at variable frame intervals and then linearly interpolated.


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Description of the Annotation files: Annotation files are supplied for each video, for benchmarking. Annotations correspond to ground truths of peoples' positions in the image plane, and also for their feet positions, when they were visible. Annotations were performed manually, with the aid of a code developed by (Silva et al., 2014; see the Thesis for details). Targets (people or feet) are marked at variable frame intervals and then linearly interpolated.


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Description of the Annotation files: Annotation files are supplied for each video, for benchmarking. Annotations correspond to ground truths of peoples' positions in the image plane, and also for their feet positions, when they were visible. Annotations were performed manually, with the aid of a code developed by (Silva et al., 2014; see the Thesis for details). Targets (people or feet) are marked at variable frame intervals and then linearly interpolated.


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Description of the Annotation files: Annotation files are supplied for each video, for benchmarking. Annotations correspond to ground truths of peoples' positions in the image plane, and also for their feet positions, when they were visible. Annotations were performed manually, with the aid of a code developed by (Silva et al., 2014; see the Thesis for details). Targets (people or feet) are marked at variable frame intervals and then linearly interpolated.


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This Database was generated during the development of a computer vision-based system for safety purposes in nuclear plants. The system aims at detecting and tracking people within a nuclear plant. Further details may be found in the related thesis. The research was developed through a cooperation between the Graduate Electrical Engineering Program of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (PEE/COPPE, UFRJ) and the Nuclear Engineering Institute of National Commission of Nuclear Energy (IEN, CNEN). The experimental part of this research was carried out in Argonauta, a nuclear research reactor belonging to IEN. The Database is made available in the sequel. All the videos are already rectified. The Projection and Homography matrices are given in the end, for both cameras. Please, acknowledge the use of this Database in any publication.


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Barreiras para a precisão em radioterapia: delimitação de volumes, erros de posicionamento, movimento dos órgãos. Revolução imagiológica na monitorização do tratamento: radiografia, EPID, CONE-BEAM CT. Objectivo do estudo: quantificar desvios de posicionamento em doentes com patologias de cabeça e pescoço e próstata nos tratamentos de Radioterapia.


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Understanding the impact of training sessions on the immune response is crucial for the adequate periodization of training, to prevent both a negative influence on health and a performance impairment of the athlete. This study evaluated acute systemic immune cell changes in response to an actual swimming session, during a 24-h recovery period, controlling for sex, menstrual cycle phases, maturity, and age group. Competitive swimmers (30 females, 15 ± 1.3 years old; and 35 males, 16.5 ± 2.1 years old) performed a high-intensity training session. Blood samples were collected before, immediately after, 2 h after, and 24 h after exercise. Standard procedures for the assessment of leukogram by automated counting (Coulter LH 750, Beckman) and lymphocytes subsets by flow cytometry (FACS Calibur BD, Biosciences) were used. Subjects were grouped according to competitive age groups and pubertal Tanner stages. Menstrual cycle phase was monitored. The training session induced neutrophilia, lymphopenia, and a low eosinophil count, lasting for at least 2 h, independent of sex and maturity. At 24 h postexercise, the acquired immunity of juniors (15-17 years old), expressed by total lymphocytes and total T lymphocytes (CD3+), was not fully recovered. This should be accounted for when planning a weekly training program. The observed lymphopenia suggests a lower immune surveillance at the end of the session that may depress the immunity of athletes, highlighting the need for extra care when athletes are exposed to aggressive environmental agents such as swimming pools


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Portugal é o país que mais transplantes hepáticos efectuou a nível mundial e o segundo com maior número de dadores por milhão de habitantes, com a região centro do país a liderar a doação de órgãos. Esta liderança na área da transplantação hepática contribui também para as elevadas taxas de sobrevivência destes doentes, suportada pela excelência técnica de uma equipa multidisciplinar diferenciada, complementada por recentes avanços terapêuticos. Portugal é, também a nível mundial, o país com maior número de casos de polineuropatia amiloidótica familiar (PAF), variante TTRmet30 (proteína transtirretina mutada) tipo português, diagnosticados, sendo em algumas regiões considerada como uma doença endémica. Apesar de novas terapêuticas em estudo (exemplo: Tafamidis), até à data o transplante hepático parece ser a única terapêutica com eficácia ao retardar ou mesmo na estabilização da evolução desta doença hereditária e degenerativa, progressiva e fatal no prazo de 10-15 anos após o início da sintomatologia.


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Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Marketing Digital. Orientado por Mestre Inês Veiga Pereira


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The main goal of this work is to solve mathematical program with complementarity constraints (MPCC) using nonlinear programming techniques (NLP). An hyperbolic penalty function is used to solve MPCC problems by including the complementarity constraints in the penalty term. This penalty function [1] is twice continuously differentiable and combines features of both exterior and interior penalty methods. A set of AMPL problems from MacMPEC [2] are tested and a comparative study is performed.


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Mathematical Program with Complementarity Constraints (MPCC) finds many applications in fields such as engineering design, economic equilibrium and mathematical programming theory itself. A queueing system model resulting from a single signalized intersection regulated by pre-timed control in traffic network is considered. The model is formulated as an MPCC problem. A MATLAB implementation based on an hyperbolic penalty function is used to solve this practical problem, computing the total average waiting time of the vehicles in all queues and the green split allocation. The problem was codified in AMPL.


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Mathematical Program with Complementarity Constraints (MPCC) finds applica- tion in many fields. As the complementarity constraints fail the standard Linear In- dependence Constraint Qualification (LICQ) or the Mangasarian-Fromovitz constraint qualification (MFCQ), at any feasible point, the nonlinear programming theory may not be directly applied to MPCC. However, the MPCC can be reformulated as NLP problem and solved by nonlinear programming techniques. One of them, the Inexact Restoration (IR) approach, performs two independent phases in each iteration - the feasibility and the optimality phases. This work presents two versions of an IR algorithm to solve MPCC. In the feasibility phase two strategies were implemented, depending on the constraints features. One gives more importance to the complementarity constraints, while the other considers the priority of equality and inequality constraints neglecting the complementarity ones. The optimality phase uses the same approach for both algorithm versions. The algorithms were implemented in MATLAB and the test problems are from MACMPEC collection.


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In this work we solve Mathematical Programs with Complementarity Constraints using the hyperbolic smoothing strategy. Under this approach, the complementarity condition is relaxed through the use of the hyperbolic smoothing function, involving a positive parameter that can be decreased to zero. An iterative algorithm is implemented in MATLAB language and a set of AMPL problems from MacMPEC database were tested.


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On this paper we present a modified regularization scheme for Mathematical Programs with Complementarity Constraints. In the regularized formulations the complementarity condition is replaced by a constraint involving a positive parameter that can be decreased to zero. In our approach both the complementarity condition and the nonnegativity constraints are relaxed. An iterative algorithm is implemented in MATLAB language and a set of AMPL problems from MacMPEC database were tested.