832 resultados para Minas y riquezas minerales-México-Bibliografia


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El objetivo del presente proyecto es realizar el pre-diseño de una instalación solar mixta fotovoltaica-térmica para satisfacer la demanda eléctrica para iluminación y para parte de las necesidades de energía térmica para agua caliente de una vivienda. El proyecto define las condiciones técnicas de la instalación a partir de la radiación solar registrada en la localización elegida. Además de incluir el estudio económico y los planos correspondientes que indican la viabilidad del mismo. Como puntos a destacar en el proyecto, se puede tomar los datos obtenidos de generación eléctrica y térmica, la viabilidad técnica y económica y el análisis de la incipiente tecnología de paneles híbridos fotovoltaicos-térmicos. La incorporación de las energías renovables es ya una realidad para las viviendas de nueva construcción, en cambio son pocas las nuevas instalaciones en edificios o viviendas ya construidas. Es importante promover este tipo de tecnologías con objetivo de reducir la dependencia actual de los combustibles fósiles y evitar así sus efectos nocivos al medio ambiente. ABSTRACT The purpose of this project is to carry out the draft design of a solar mixed photovoltaic-thermal installation to satisfy the electrical and thermal demand in a building, for lighting as well as for some of the energy required for water heating. The project defines the technical conditions of the system, given the solar radiation registered in the chosen location. It also includes the economic analysis and the respective plans that indicates the viability of the project. The highlights of the project are the following: electricity and thermal energy generation data, the technical and financial viability and the analysis of the new technology of the Photovoltaic-Thermal hybrid solar collectors. The inclusion of renewable energies is already a living reality for newly constructed buildings. By contrast, they are rarely implemented in old buildings. In order to be able to reduce the fossil fuels dependency, and in doing so, avoid its damaging effects on the environment, it is very important to promote the use of these cleaner technologies.


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Definición, construcción y puesta en marcha de un trazador de Curvas I-V en placas fotovoltaicas con fines docentes, comparándolo con otros métodos de medida. Para lo cual se han realizado diferentes ensayos: Barrido de Curva V-I módulo KC50 Barrido de Curva V-I módulo KC85GX-2P Barrido de Curva V-I con sombreado de células Barrido de Curva V-I con conexión en serie y en paralelo Barrido de Curva V-I sin diodos “by-pass” Barrido de Curva V-I con conexión en serie y en paralelo sin diodos “by-pass” Abstract Definition, construction and startup of a tracer IV curves in photovoltaic panels for teaching purposes, compared to other measurement methods. The trials completed can be summarized as follows: Sweep curve V-I module KC50. Sweep curve V-I module KC85GX-2P Sweep curve V-I with shaded cells. Sweep curve V-I with series and parallel connections. Sweep curve V-I without “by-pass” diode. Sweep curve V-I with series and parallel connections without “by-pass” diodes.


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Este Proyecto estudia la implantación de una central termoeléctrica para la generación de energía en la provincia de Orense. Se trata de una instalación que hace uso de biomasa forestal con el fin de producir energía eléctrica renovable de una manera responsable. En primer lugar se estudia en profundidad la disponibilidad de la biomasa presente en la región que dará lugar al emplazamiento de la instalación, en pos de una posterior toma de decisión acerca del correcto dimensionamiento de la planta, así como la ubicación óptima de la misma. Se ha logrado dar una alternativa a la dependencia energética a partir de una energía renovable limpia, como la cadena integrada de producción eléctrica. Considerando con rigor tanto las políticas de globalización regionales como internacionales orientadas a lograr un desarrollo sostenible y a la lucha contra el cambio climático, como la cadena integrada de producción eléctrica. Una vez puestos en situación, se analiza las diferentes técnicas utilizadas para el aprovechamiento energético con la biomasa disponible. Se trata de encontrar la mejor alternativa capaz de optimizar los recursos energéticos de la zona para la generación de energía eléctrica. Abstract This project is based on the study of a power plant located in the province of Ourense and its fundamental target is aimed to the generation of electricity. The importance of this plant is its commitment within renewable resources that enhance the use of forest biomass in order to produce electrical power in a responsible way. In the first place, it is necessary to deeply investigate the characteristics of the available biomass present in the place of interest, which will define the size and location of the power plant. This project gives an alternative to the energetic dependence from a renewable point of view, considering rigorously globalized politics intended for a sustainable energetic progress within the introduction of ambitious measures against climate change.


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Este proyecto tiene por objeto desarrollar una sistemática de control metrológico para vigilar la exactitud de los medidores volumétricos de desplazamiento positivo que operan en las compañías logísticas de hidrocarburos para la transferencia de custodia que están en el cargadero y se ensayan in situ para obtener su meter factor. El punto de partida son las hojas primarias de las calibraciones generadas frente a sus patrones y el prover que nos facilitan las compañías. Dado el elevado número de ensayos y debido a que estos medidores no tienen gráficos de control estables, el enfoque del tratamiento ha sido un etiquetado para realizar un control de inestabilidad y calidad de los ensayos y así, determinar equipos anómalos. Para la búsqueda de equipos atípicos se ha desarrollado el filtro de Tukey para el estudio de la estadística descriptiva de los valores del meter factor. Entre los dos métodos se han obtenido una clasificación de equipos vigilables, recalibrables y sustituibles para facilitar a las compañías logísticas. ABSTRACT The aim of this project is to develop a systematic metrological control to monitor the accuracy of the positive displacement flow meters operating in oil logistics companies for custody transfer which are in the loading track facilities and it are tested in-situ to obtain the meter factor. Due to the high number of assays that meters don´t have stable graphics of control, the approach of data processing has been a labeled to perform an instability and quality control of assays for establish anomalous meters. To find outliers meters is developed the filter of Turkey to study the descriptive statistics of meter factor values. Between both analytical methods is obtained a classification of controllable, recalibrables and replaceable meters to provide to the logistic company.


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Following recent accounting and ethical scandals within the Telecom Industry like Gowex case, old cards are laid on the table: what kind of management and control are we doing on our businesses and what use do we give to the specific tools we have at our disposition? There are indicators, that on a very specific, concise and accurate manner, aside from brief, allow us to analyze and capture the complexity of a business and also they constitute an important support when making optimal decisions. These instruments or indicators show, a priori, all relevant data from a purely economic perspective, while there also exist, the possibility of including factors that are not of this nature strictly. For instance, there are indicators that take into account the customer?s satisfaction, the corporate reputation among others. Both kind of performance indicators form, together, an integral dashboard while the pure economic side of it could be considered as a basic dashboard. Based on DuPont?s methodology, we will be able to calculate the ROI (Return on Investment) of a company from the disaggregation of very useful and much needed indicators like the ROE (Return on Equity) or the ROA (Return on Assets); thereby, we will be able to get to know, to control and, hence, to optimize the company?s leverage level, its liquidity ratio or its solvency ratio, among others; as well as the yield we will be able to obtain if our decisions and management are optimal related to the bodies of assets. Bear in mind and make the most of the abovementioned management tools and indicators that we have at our disposition, allow us to act knowing our path and taking full responsibility, as well as, to obtain the maximum planned benefits, instead of leaving them to be casual. We will be able to avoid errors that can lead the company to an unfortunate and non-desirable situation and, of course, we will detect, way in advance, the actual needs of the business in terms of accounting and financial sanitation before irreversible situations are reached.


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Accommodation is a first need and one of the most important decisions that university students have to decide taking into account their limited budget. The satisfaction grade of these students is the relevant aspect for the administrators and managers of the university residences, because it allows assuring the viability and sustainability of this kind of accommodation. In a situation of decline in rate of retention of students into the residence, coupled with an environment of economic crisis. Hence, of disposable income reduction, it seems essential to get to know what factors affect the motivation to remain into the university residence more than others when it comes to the final choice. The offer?s increase of different kind of accommodation is another variable to be considered when taking the decision related to the management of this kind of accommodation. Thus, there is the need to know which are the key factors and to obtain information about these variables in order to go deep into the relevance grade with the aim to pursue the strategic objectives, that will allow to improve the relationship with the customer and to respond to his accommodation? needs. This article researches the motivation elements that lead the students to remain in a university residence or to abandon it in exchange or a different accommodation, as per example shared flats or individual apartments. This research work intends to be useful for the university residence?s managers in order to increase its incomes, to raise the satisfaction degree among its residents and to obtain better end results in the management of these properties. The fieldwork conducted in the Residencia Universitaria Gómez Pardo (RUGP), Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), for four semesters, which means students from 27 different grades (undergraduates) and 81 surveys finished, shows the following conclusions. Not only the relation with the residence?s personnel but also the quality and quantity of the feeding and the availability and quality of the internet service, constitute key factors when it comes to make the decision of remaining or of abandoning the residence when the semester comes to its end.


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When we look to perform a work for developing a framework to create a business and take it correctly, there are always some persons looking as a challenge those bases and finding a mistake. The way to work in these situations is not a matter of law, is a matter of devoting time to identify these situations. It is always said that the evil goes a step ahead. The business ethics have been altered for quite time by some would-be entrepreneurs. These people have learned to play with business ethics to show your business as prosperous as something that is sought to highlight and adulterate their results quickly. Once the company reaches an international dimension, many companies take on global responsibility and, in these cases where you can see if the objective has been to obtain a rapid capital increase or growth is in line with its proportions. A business ethics is based on establishing a strong base so that interest is encouraged from an early time. Good staff, organizational level should be achieved and not only at the company but, out of the company too. Thus, you can create a secure base to convince potential investors and employees about the business. There are no freeways in business ethics and all fast track can be or a genius or leads to failure. We must find where these jumps are occurring, such errors or corrections to business ethics and their rules. Thus we can differentiate a company or an entrepreneur who is working correctly from the cloaking. Starting from the basics of business ethics and studying the different levels from the personal to the prospect that the company shows in the world. Lets see where these changes are occurring and how we can fight against them and anticipate the market to possible cases of fraud or strange movements seeking to attract the unwary


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El presente Proyecto tiene como propósito el estudio de la viabilidad de la implantación de energía geotérmica de muy baja entalpia para la climatización de un edificio empresarial en Madrid. Para ello se emplearon cálculos teóricos y simulaciones realizadas mediante programas informaticos especializados con el fin de estimar los parámetros técnicos necesarios para su viabilidad. Se estimo el suministro de la potencia necesaria a través de tres bombas de calor tipo agua-agua que sustituyen a las bombas de calor aire-agua individuales anteriormente instaladas. El intercambio de calor se realiza a través de sondas geotérmicas U-Simple. Se dimensionaron los colectores, bombas de circulación, deposito de inercia y vaso de expansión necesarios para funcionamiento del sistema. El estudio económico determino la necesidad de una alta inversión inicial, con una rentabilidad a medio plazo. Además de los beneficios económicos se realizo un estudio de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero demostrando la reducción de los mismos, lo que refleja que además de ser una tecnología económicamente viable es una energía limpia. ABSTRACT The objective of the present project is to evaluate the viability of the imposition of a low-enthalpy geothermal energy system for air conditioning in a business building in Madrid. In this study, both theoretical calculations and numerical simulations in specialized programs were used in order to estimate the technical parameters needed for its viability. We estimated the necessary power supply, which is delivered by three heat water-water pumps that substitute the individual heat air-water pumps previously installed. The heat exchange is achieved through geothermal vertical simple-U probes. Also in this work we have measured the collectors, flow pumps, inertia deposit and the water expansion vessel needed for the proper operation of the system. The economic study determined the need of a high initial investment with mid-term profit. In addition to the economic benefits, the greenhouse gases emissions were evaluated, finding that the geothermal energy system implies a reduction of these emissions. This reflects the fact that, in addition to being economically viable, the geothermal energy is considered a clean energy.


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Las zeolitas comprenden un grupo de aluminosilicatos cristalinos e hidratados de aluminio, con cationes alcalinos y alcalino-térreos, y con una ordenación tridimensional (tectosilicatos) donde predomina una estructura abierta que les aporta gran capacidad para incorporar y ceder agua y cationes, sin cambios importantes en el edificio cristalino. Constituyen el grupo mineral más variado y extenso de los que forman la corteza terrestre (Bosch, P. y Schifter, I. 1997)


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A pesar de su geología tan antigua, compleja y variada, España no posee grandes yacimientos de zeolitas. Los estudios realizados hasta la fecha sólo han revelado pequeños indicios relacionados con las formaciones volcánicas y volcanosedimentarias de la Península Ibérica y del Archipiélago Canario. No fue hasta el año 2005 cuando investigadores de la Escuela de Minas y Energía de Madrid (Calvo, B. et al., 2005) describen la presencia de mordenita asociada a esmectitas (montmorillonita) en las formaciones volcánicas calco-alcalinas de la Caldera de los Frailes, en Cabo de Gata, marcando el punto de partida de importantes investigaciones sucesivas. El origen de las zeolitas del Sureste de España está vinculado con la actividad volcánica que tuvo lugar en este escenario durante el Neógeno; los vestigios de los episodios volcánicos son aún visibles, y se conservan en forma de edificios volcánicos colapsados y calderas.


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The Large Hadron Collider is the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator. The project is divided in phases. The first one goes from 2009 until 2020. The second phase will consist of the implementation of upgrades. One of the upgrades is to increase the ratio of collision, the luminosity. This objective is the main of one of the most important projects which is carrying out the upgrades: Hi-Lumi LHC project. Increasing luminosity could be done by using a new material in the superconductor magnets placed at the interaction points: Nb3Sn, instead of NbTi, the one being used right now. Before implementing it many aspects should be analysed. One of them is the induction magnetic field quality. The tool used so far has been ROXIE, software developed at CERN by S. Russenschuck. One of the main features of the programme is the time-transient analysis, which is based on three mathematical models. It is quite precise for fields above 1.5 Tesla. However, they are not very accurate for lower fields. Therefore the aim of this project is to evaluate a more accurate model: Classical Preisach Model of Hysteresis, in order to better analyse induced field quality in the new material Nb3Sn. Resumen: El Gran Colisionador de Hadrones es el mayor acelerador de partículas circular del mundo. Se trata de uno de los mayores proyectos de investigación. La primera fase de funcionamiento comprende desde 2009 a 2020, cuando comenzará la siguiente fase. Durante el primer periodo se han pensado mejoras para que puedan ser implementadas en la segunda fase. Una de ellas es el aumento del ratio de las colisiones entre protones por choque. Este es el principal objetivo de uno de los proyectos que está llevando a cabo las mejoras a ser implementadas en 2020: Hi- Lumi LHC. Se cambiarán los imanes superconductores de NbTi de las dos zonas principales de interacción, y se sustituirán por imanes de Nb3Sn. Esta sustituciónn conlleva un profundo estudio previo. Entre otros, uno de los factores a analizar es la calidad del campo magnético. La herramienta utilizada es el software desarrollado por S. Russenschuck en el CERN llamado ROXIE. Está basado en tres modelos de magnetización, los cuales son precisos para campos mayores de 1.5 T. Sin embargo, no lo son tanto para campos menores. Con este proyecto se pretende evaluar la implementación de un cuarto modelo, el modelo clásico de histéresis de Preisach que permita llevar a cabo un mejor análisis de la calidad del campo inducido por el futuro material a utilizar en algunos de los imanes.


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El objetivo del presente proyecto es el diseño de una vivienda unifamiliar de manera que el aporte de energía no renovable sea el mínimo para conseguir las condiciones de confort óptimas para los ocupantes durante todo el año. Para su diseño se tendrá en cuenta el aporte de energía solar pasiva y el uso de aislantes térmicos a lo largo de la envolvente para la reducción de las necesidades de energía. Se dimensiona una instalación geotérmica para el abastecimiento de calefacción, refrigeración y agua caliente sanitaria (ACS). En este dimensionamiento se incluyen los sondeos geotérmicos, el equipo de bomba de calor y la instalación de suelo radiante. En el estudio de iluminación se analizan las necesidades de alumbrado de la vivienda utilizando luminarias led. Por último se evalúa la viabilidad económica que supone sustituir una instalación de caldera de gasoil por la instalación geotérmica dimensionada y la viabilidad de sustituir luminarias incandescentes por luminarias led. ABSTRACT The purpose of this paper is the design of a single family home with the lowest nonrenewable energy input, so optimum comfort living conditions for the occupants during the whole year can be reached. In order to design the house, both passive solar energy input and the use of thermal insulators will be taken into account. A geothermal installation for the heating, cooling and Domestic Hot Water (DHC) supply will be measured. In this measuring, the boreholls, the heat pump equipment and the radiant floor heating installation are included. In the study of illumination of the house, the lighting needs using LED luminaires are analised. Finally, the economic viability when replacing the installation of a diesel boiler for the measured geothermal installation is assessed, as well as the viability when replacing incandescent luminaires for LED luminaires


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Tras el accidente nuclear de Fukushima se demostró que las piscinas de combustible gastado en las centrales nucleares ven comprometida su refrigeración a largo plazo en caso de una pérdida total de energía eléctrica (SBO), ya que si experimentan un SBO de larga duración no existen a priori sistemas para mantener la refrigeración de los elementos combustibles que no dependan de los diésel de emergencia o de la red externa. En este trabajo se ha estudiado la refrigeración de una piscina de combustible gastado con el programa CFD STAR-CCM+, tanto en condiciones normales como en caso de pérdida del sistema de refrigeración. Posteriormente se ha evaluado la misma mediante el empleo de sistemas pasivos que permiten refrigerar los elementos combustibles durante cierto tiempo tras la pérdida del sistema de refrigeración y de una manera pasiva. De esta manera se consigue cierto margen antes de la entrada en ebullición del agua de la piscina, mejorándose por tanto la refrigeración de la misma. ABSTRACT. After the Fukushima nuclear accident, it was proved that the cooling of the current spent fuel pools are not sure for long term in case of a Station Blackout (SBO) Accident. If a long lasting blackout SBO occurs there are no systems available to keep cooling the spent fuel assemblies that do not rely on diesel generators or the external grid. During this thesis, the author has studied the spent fuel pool cooling, in ordinary conditions and if the spent fuel pool loses its cooling system, using the CFD program STAR-CCM+. Afterwards, the spent fuel pool cooling has been studied through the use of passive systems. Those two systems are able to cool the spent fuel assemblies in a passive way during a certain period of time after losing the cooling system. As a consequence, the pool´s water would boil later and the spent fuel pools safety would be enhanced.


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ELos biomarcadores (n-alcanos y ácidos n-alcanoicos) presentes en el registro sedimentario de la turbera de Las Conchas (Llanes, Asturias) han permitido identificar períodos de condiciones ambientales húmedas y secas a lo largo de 8.000 años cal BP que pueden ser extrapolados al resto de Europa. Para ello, se analizaron 78 muestras a lo largo de un sondeo de 3,20 m, empleando un cromatógrafo de gases con detector selectivo de masas. Las variaciones en el contenido de biomarcadores se relacionaron con la predominancia de especies de Sphagnum (típicas de condiciones de mayor humedad) o con especies propias de condiciones más secas, como especies de Ericacea (brezos). Se sugiere que los cambios en la distribución de la vegetación están relacionados con las condiciones paleohidrológicas y paleoambientales y, de esta manera, se distinguen cinco períodos secos alternados con cinco períodos húmedos que no están necesariamente unidos a cambios en la temperatura. ABSTRACT Biomarkers (n-alkanes and n-alkanoic acids) present in the sedimentary record of Las Conchas peat bog (Llanes, Asturias) allowed the identification of 5 dry and humid periods in the last 8,000 years cal BP which can be extrapolated to the rest of Europe. For this purpose, 78 samples were analyzed along a core of 3.2 m deep using a gas chromatograph equipped with a selective mass detector. Variations in the biomarker content are related to the predominance of Sphagnum species (typical of humid conditions) or other species typical of dryer conditions, such as Ericacea (heather). This suggests that changes in the distribution of the vegetation were related to palaeohydrological and palaeoenvironmental conditions and, thus, we may distinguish five dry periods alternating with five humid periods which are not necessarily linked to variations in temperature.


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El objetivo de este proyecto es realizar la simulación de una central térmica supercrítica de 700 MW con captura de CO₂ para producir electricidad y verterla a la red. El proyecto describe los equipos e instalaciones de la central y define los balances técnicos de la misma, probando que es viable técnicamente la incorporación de una planta de captura de CO₂ a una central térmica, a pesar del bajo rendimiento de la central. Además incluye el estudio económico que indica la viabilidad económica del proyecto, aunque con una rentabilidad baja. Este proyecto mira hacia el futuro debido a la necesidad de reducir las emisiones contaminantes, ya de casi la misma importancia que generar electricidad, y demuestra que es posible generar una energía limpia en centrales de carbón. ABSTRACT The purpose of this project is to carry out the simulation of a 700 MW supercritical coal thermal power plant with CO₂ capture to produce electricity and send it to the grid. The project describes the equipment, the installations and defines technical balances of the power plant. It shows that a CO₂ capture plant in a coal power plant is technically possible, in spite of the low power plant efficiency. In addition, it includes the economic analysis that shows the economic viability of the project, with a low profitability. This project looks into the future due to the need of reducing the pollutant emissions, which are almost as important as the generation of electricity, and demonstrates that a green energy in coal power plants is possible.