779 resultados para Milling


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This research paper presents the work on feature recognition, tool path data generation and integration with STEP-NC (AP-238 format) for features having Free form / Irregular Contoured Surface(s) (FICS). Initially, the FICS features are modelled / imported in UG CAD package and a closeness index is generated. This is done by comparing the FICS features with basic B-Splines / Bezier curves / surfaces. Then blending functions are caculated by adopting convolution theorem. Based on the blending functions, contour offsett tool paths are generated and simulated for 5 axis milling environment. Finally, the tool path (CL) data is integrated with STEP-NC (AP-238) format. The tool path algorithm and STEP- NC data is tested with various industrial parts through an automated UFUNC plugin.


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Composite NiFe2O4–TiO2 magnetic catalysts were prepared by mechanochemical synthesis from a mixture of titania supported nickel ferrite nanoparticles and P25 titania (Evonic). The former provides fast and efficient heating under radiofrequency field, while the latter serves as an active catalyst or catalyst support. The highest heating rate was observed over a catalyst prepared for a milling time of 30 min. The catalytic activity was measured over the sulfated composite catalysts in the condensation of aniline and 3-phenylbutyric acid in a stirred tank reactor and in a continuous RF heated flow reactor in the 140–170 °C range. The product yield of 47% was obtained over the sulfated P25 titania catalyst in the flow reactor.


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La carbonatation minérale dans les résidus miniers est un moyen sûr et permanent de séquestrer le CO2 atmosphérique. C’est un processus naturel et passif qui ne nécessite aucun traitement particulier et donc avantageux d’un point de vue économique. Bien que la quantité de CO2 qu’il soit possible de séquestrer selon ce processus est faible à l’échelle globale, dans le cadre d’un marché du carbone, les entreprises minières pourraient obtenir des crédits et ainsi revaloriser leurs résidus. À l’heure actuelle, il y a peu d’informations pour quantifier le potentiel de séquestration du CO2 de façon naturelle et passive dans les piles de résidus miniers. Il est donc nécessaire d’étudier le phénomène pour comprendre comment évolue la réaction à travers le temps et estimer la quantité de CO2 qui peut être séquestrée naturellement dans les piles de résidus. Plusieurs travaux de recherche se sont intéressés aux résidus miniers de Thetford Mines (Québec, Canada), avec une approche principalement expérimentale en laboratoire. Ces travaux ont permis d’améliorer la compréhension du processus de carbonatation, mais ils nécessitent une validation à plus grande échelle sous des conditions atmosphériques réelles. L’objectif général de cette étude est de quantifier le processus de carbonatation minérale des résidus miniers sous des conditions naturelles, afin d’estimer la quantité de CO2 pouvant être piégée par ce processus. La méthodologie utilisée repose sur la construction de deux parcelles expérimentales de résidus miniers situées dans l’enceinte de la mine Black Lake (Thetford Mines). Les résidus miniers sont principalement constitués de grains et de fibres de chrysotile et lizardite mal triés, avec de petites quantités d’antigorite, de brucite et de magnétite. Des observations spatiales et temporelles ont été effectuées dans les parcelles concernant la composition et la pression des gaz, la température des résidus, la teneur en eau volumique, la composition minérale des résidus ainsi que la chimie de l’eau des précipitations et des lixiviats provenant des parcelles. Ces travaux ont permis d’observer un appauvrissement notable du CO2 dans les gaz des parcelles (< 50 ppm) ainsi que la précipitation d’hydromagnésite dans les résidus, ce qui suggère que la carbonatation minérale naturelle et passive est un processus potentiellement important dans les résidus miniers. Après 4 ans d’observations, le taux de séquestration du CO2 dans les parcelles expérimentales a été estimé entre 3,5 et 4 kg/m3/an. Ces observations ont permis de développer un modèle conceptuel de la carbonatation minérale naturelle et passive dans les parcelles expérimentales. Dans ce modèle conceptuel, le CO2 atmosphérique (~ 400 ppm) se dissout dans l’eau hygroscopique contenue dans les parcelles, où l’altération des silicates de magnésium forme des carbonates de magnésium. La saturation en eau dans les cellules est relativement stable dans le temps et varie entre 0,4 et 0,65, ce qui est plus élevé que les valeurs de saturation optimales proposées dans la littérature, réduisant ainsi le transport de CO2 dans la zone non saturée. Les concentrations de CO2 en phase gazeuse, ainsi que des mesures de la vitesse d’écoulement du gaz dans les cellules suggèrent que la réaction est plus active près de la surface et que la diffusion du CO2 est le mécanisme de transport dominant dans les résidus. Un modèle numérique a été utilisé pour simuler ces processus couplés et valider le modèle conceptuel avec les observations de terrain. Le modèle de transport réactif multiphase et multicomposant MIN3P a été utilisé pour réaliser des simulations en 1D qui comprennent l’infiltration d’eau à travers le milieu partiellement saturé, la diffusion du gaz, et le transport de masse réactif par advection et dispersion. Même si les écoulements et le contenu du lixivat simulés sont assez proches des observations de terrain, le taux de séquestration simulé est 22 fois plus faible que celui mesuré. Dans les simulations, les carbonates précipitent principalement dans la partie supérieure de la parcelle, près de la surface, alors qu’ils ont été observés dans toute la parcelle. Cette différence importante pourrait être expliquée par un apport insuffisant de CO2 dans la parcelle, qui serait le facteur limitant la carbonatation. En effet, l’advection des gaz n’a pas été considérée dans les simulations et seule la diffusion moléculaire a été simulée. En effet, la mobilité des gaz engendrée par les fluctuations de pression barométrique et l’infiltration de l’eau, ainsi que l’effet du vent doivent jouer un rôle conséquent pour alimenter les parcelles en CO2.


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O principal objetivo deste trabalho é preparar um cermeto do tipo Al2O3/Ti(C,N) com propriedades mecânicas adequadas à sua utilização na maquinação de materiais do tipo DIN ISO 513:K01-K10 e ISO H01-H10. De forma a incrementar a sinterabilidade do cermeto investigou-se o efeito da adição de dopantes metálicos, nomeadamente alumínio metálico (Al) e hidreto de titânio (TiH2) e o efeito da substituição da moagem convencional por moagem de alta energia. As variáveis das etapas principais de processamento, i.e., da moagem, prensagem e sinterização, foram selecionadas com trabalho realizado quer na Universidade de Aveiro quer na empresa Palbit. Foram preparadas três composições do cermeto Al2O3/Ti(C,N) com adições de 5%TiH2, 1%Al e 5%TiH21%Al através da moagem de alta energia. Os parâmetros de moagem, i.e. a velocidade de rotação, o rácio bolas/pó e o tempo de moagem foram otimizados para os seguintes valores: 350 rpm, 10:1 e 5 h, respetivamente. A utilização da moagem de alta energia permitiu uma redução do tamanho de partícula dos pós até aproximadamente 100 nm e a obtenção de uma boa uniformidade da distribuição das fases (Al2O3+Ti(C,N)). A etapa de conformação foi efetuada por prensagem uniaxial seguida de prensagem isostática. A avaliação da reatividade dos cermetos através de dilatometria em atmosfera de vácuo revelou que a densificação é maioritariamente realizada em estado sólido. A adição de apenas 1%Al é a menos efetiva para a densificação. Os cermetos foram sinterizados através de sinterização convencional em forno de vazio a 1650ºC e prensagem a quente (1650ºC com uma pressão uniaxial de 25 MPa). Os valores de densificação obtidos, aproximadamente 80% e 100%, respetivamente, indicam que a aplicação de pressão durante a sinterização é efetiva para atingir densificações elevadas nos compactos, compatíveis com as suas aplicações tecnológicas. As propriedades mecânicas de dureza e de tenacidade avaliadas nos três cermetos apresentaram valores aproximados de 1800-1900 HV50 para a dureza e entre 5.4 e 7.7 MPa.m1/2 para a tenacidade à fratura.


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O arroz é o segundo cereal mais produzido no mundo e para que ele seja consumido é necessário o processo de beneficiamento, onde é retirada a casca, e com o polimento, o farelo. O farelo, após a retirada do óleo, é utilizado para alimentação animal, mas como corresponde a 8% do grão, são necessárias novas alternativas para o uso do mesmo, uma vez que contém em torno de 17% de proteína. As proteínas do farelo de arroz são consideradas de alta qualidade, hipoalergênicas e anticancerígenas. Devido ao excesso de fibras presentes no farelo, este não é utilizado diretamente na alimentação humana, podendo ser usado como fonte para a obtenção de extratos, concentrados ou isolados. A obtenção do isolado protéico pode ser por via química, que consiste na extração alcalina ou ácida, seguida de precipitação no ponto isoelétrico ou via enzimática, com o uso de enzimas amilolíticas, hemicelulases e carboidrases para a separação das proteínas. O objetivo deste estudo foi obter um isolado protéico a partir de farelo de arroz visando a inclusão deste em produto de panificação. Foi obtido isolado protéico pelo método químico que foi analisado pelo rendimento protéico, pelas propriedades funcionais, perfil aminoacídico, eletroforese e características térmicas. O isolado foi adicionado em bolos em diferentes concentrações sendo avaliado pelas características tecnológicas e sensoriais. O isolado protéico do farelo de arroz (IPFA) que apresentou maior rendimento protéico foi o obtido pelo método químico, com o farelo de granulometria de 42 mesh e desengordurado. Em relação às propriedades funcionais, foi verificado que o IPFA possui maior solubilidade e capacidade de retenção de água em pH 11, alta capacidade emulsificante e alta capacidade de formação de espuma. No aminograma, constatou-se que os aminoácidos encontrados no IPFA atendem as necessidades de bebês e crianças. No perfil eletroforético, o IPFA apresentou 3 grupos de proteínas. Na análise térmica com DSC, o IPFA apresentou alta temperatura de desnaturação e baixo valor de entalpia. Na elaboração dos bolos, à medida que foi adicionado o IPFA, aumentou o teor protéico, o pH e o volume específico e diminuiu o colapso, a luminosidade e a firmeza dos bolos. Na análise sensorial, os bolos com IPFA não apresentaram diferenças estatísticas do bolo controle (sem IPFA). Estes resultados indicam a potencialidade do IPFA em produtos de panificação.


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Nanocrystalline samples of Ba1-xCaxF2 prepared by high-energy milling show an unusually high F-ion conductivity, which exhibit a maximum in the magnitude and a minimum in the activation energy at x = 0.5. Here, we report an X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) at the Ca and Sr K edges and the Ba L-3 edge and a molecular dynamics (MD) simulation study of the pure and mixed fluorides. The XAS measurements on the pure binary fluorides, CaF2, SrF2 and BaF2 show that high-energy ball-milling produces very little amorphous material, in contrast to the results for ball milled oxides. XAS measurements of Ba1-xCaxF2 reveal that for 0 < x < 1 there is considerable disorder in the local environments of the cations which is highest for x = 0.5. Hence the maximum in the conductivity corresponds to the composition with the maximum level of local disorder. The MD calculations also show a highly disordered structure consistent with the XAS results and similarly showing maximum disorder at x = 0.5.


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Grain finishing of cattle has become increasingly common in Australia over the past 30 years. However, interest in the associated environmental impacts and resource use is increasing and requires detailed analysis. In this study we conducted a life cycle assessment (LCA) to investigate impacts of the grain-finishing stage for cattle in seven feedlots in eastern Australia, with a particular focus on the feedlot stage, including the impacts from producing the ration, feedlot operations, transport, and livestock emissions while cattle are in the feedlot (gate-to-gate). The functional unit was 1 kg of liveweight gain (LWG) for the feedlot stage and results are included for the full supply chain (cradle-to-gate), reported per kilogram of liveweight (LW) at the point of slaughter. Three classes of cattle produced for different markets were studied: short-fed domestic market (55–80 days on feed), mid-fed export (108–164 days on feed) and long-fed export (>300 days on feed). In the feedlot stage, mean fresh water consumption was found to vary from 171.9 to 672.6 L/kg LWG and mean stress-weighted water use ranged from 100.9 to 193.2 water stress index eq. L/kg LWG. Irrigation contributed 57–91% of total fresh water consumption with differences mainly related to the availability of irrigation water near the feedlot and the use of irrigated feed inputs in rations. Mean fossil energy demand ranged from 16.5 to 34.2 MJ lower heating values/kg LWG and arable land occupation from 18.7 to 40.5 m2/kg LWG in the feedlot stage. Mean greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the feedlot stage ranged from 4.6 to 9.5 kg CO2-e/kg LWG (excluding land use and direct land-use change emissions). Emissions were dominated by enteric methane and contributions from the production, transport and milling of feed inputs. Linear regression analysis showed that the feed conversion ratio was able to explain >86% of the variation in GHG intensity and energy demand. The feedlot stage contributed between 26% and 44% of total slaughter weight for the classes of cattle fed, whereas the contribution of this phase to resource use varied from 4% to 96% showing impacts from the finishing phase varied considerably, compared with the breeding and backgrounding. GHG emissions and total land occupation per kilogram of LWG during the grain finishing phase were lower than emissions from breeding and backgrounding, resulting in lower life-time emissions for grain-finished cattle compared with grass finishing.


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Recycled materials replacing part of virgin materials in highway applications has shown great benefits to the society and environment. Beneficial use of recycled materials can save landfill places, sparse natural resources, and energy consumed in milling and hauling virgin materials. Low price of recycled materials is favorable to cost-saving in pavement projects. Considering the availability of recycled materials in the State of Maryland (MD), four abundant recycled materials, recycled concrete aggregate (RCA), recycled asphalt pavement (RAP), foundry sand (FS), and dredged materials (DM), were studied. A survey was conducted to collect the information of current usage of the four recycled materials in States’ Department of Transportation (DOTs). Based on literature review, mechanical and environmental properties, recommendations, and suggested test standards were investigated separately for the four recycled materials in different applications. Constrains in using these materials were further studied in order to provide recommendations for the development of related MD specifications. To measure social and environmental benefits from using recycled materials, life-cycle assessment was carried out with life-cycle analysis (LCA) program, PaLATE, and green highway rating system, BEST-in-Highway. The survey results indicated the wide use of RAP and RCA in hot mix asphalt (HMA) and graded aggregate base (GAB) respectively, while FS and DM are less used in field. Environmental concerns are less, but the possibly low quality and some adverse mechanical characteristics may hinder the widely use of these recycled materials. Technical documents and current specifications provided by State DOTs are good references to the usage of these materials in MD. Literature review showed consistent results with the survey. Studies from experimental research or site tests showed satisfactory performance of these materials in highway applications, when the substitution rate, gradation, temperature, moisture, or usage of additives, etc. meet some requirements. The results from LCA revealed significant cost savings in using recycled materials. Energy and water consumption, gas emission, and hazardous waste generation generally showed reductions to some degree. Use of new recycled technologies will contribute to more sustainable highways.


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Crystallization is employed in different industrial processes. The method and operation can differ depending on the nature of the substances involved. The aim of this study is to examine the effect of various operating conditions on the crystal properties in a chemical engineering design window with a focus on ultrasound assisted cooling crystallization. Batch to batch variations, minimal manufacturing steps and faster production times are factors which continuous crystallization seeks to resolve. Continuous processes scale-up is considered straightforward compared to batch processes owing to increase of processing time in the specific reactor. In cooling crystallization process, ultrasound can be used to control the crystal properties. Different model compounds were used to define the suitable process parameters for the modular crystallizer using equal operating conditions in each module. A final temperature of 20oC was employed in all experiments while the operating conditions differed. The studied process parameters and configuration of the crystallizer were manipulated to achieve a continuous operation without crystal clogging along the crystallization path. The results from the continuous experiment were compared with the batch crystallization results and analysed using the Malvern Morphologi G3 instrument to determine the crystal morphology and CSD. The modular crystallizer was operated successfully with three different residence times. At optimal process conditions, a longer residence time gives smaller crystals and narrower CSD. Based on the findings, at a constant initial solution concentration, the residence time had clear influence on crystal properties. The equal supersaturation criterion in each module offered better results compared to other cooling profiles. The combination of continuous crystallization and ultrasound has large potential to overcome clogging, obtain reproducible and narrow CSD, specific crystal morphologies and uniform particle sizes, and exclusion of milling stages in comparison to batch processes.


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Cada vez mais, os principais objetivos na indústria é a produção a baixo custo, com a máxima qualidade e com o tempo de fabrico o mais curto possível. Para atingir esta meta, a indústria recorre, frequentemente, às máquinas de comando numérico (CNC), uma vez que com esta tecnologia torna se capaz alcançar uma elevada precisão e um tempo de processamento mais baixo. As máquinas ferramentas CNC podem ser aplicadas em diferentes processos de maquinagem, tais como: torneamento, fresagem, furação, entre outros. De todos estes processos, o mais utilizado é a fresagem devido à sua versatilidade. Utiliza-se normalmente este processo para maquinar materiais metálicos como é o caso do aço e dos ferros fundidos. Neste trabalho, são analisados os efeitos da variação de quatro parâmetros no processo de fresagem (velocidade de corte, velocidade de avanço, penetração radial e penetração axial), individualmente e a interação entre alguns deles, na variação da rugosidade num aço endurecido (aço 12738). Para essa análise são utilizados dois métodos de otimização: o método de Taguchi e o método das superfícies. O primeiro método foi utilizado para diminuir o número de combinações possíveis e, consequentemente, o número de ensaios a realizar é denominado por método de Taguchi. O método das superfícies ou método das superfícies de resposta (RSM) foi utilizado com o intuito de comparar os resultados obtidos com o método de Taguchi, de acordo com alguns trabalhos referidos na bibliografia especializada, o RSM converge mais rapidamente para um valor ótimo. O método de Taguchi é muito conhecido no setor industrial onde é utilizado para o controlo de qualidade. Apresenta conceitos interessantes, tais como robustez e perda de qualidade, sendo bastante útil para identificar variações do sistema de produção, durante o processo industrial, quantificando a variação e permitindo eliminar os fatores indesejáveis. Com este método foi vi construída uma matriz ortogonal L16 e para cada parâmetro foram definidos dois níveis diferentes e realizados dezasseis ensaios. Após cada ensaio, faz-se a medição superficial da rugosidade da peça. Com base nos resultados obtidos das medições da rugosidade é feito um tratamento estatístico dos dados através da análise de variância (Anova) a fim de determinar a influência de cada um dos parâmetros na rugosidade superficial. Verificou-se que a rugosidade mínima medida foi de 1,05m. Neste estudo foi também determinada a contribuição de cada um dos parâmetros de maquinagem e a sua interação. A análise dos valores de “F-ratio” (Anova) revela que os fatores mais importantes são a profundidade de corte radial e da interação entre profundidade de corte radial e profundidade de corte axial para minimizar a rugosidade da superfície. Estes têm contribuições de cerca de 30% e 24%, respetivamente. Numa segunda etapa este mesmo estudo foi realizado pelo método das superfícies, a fim de comparar os resultados por estes dois métodos e verificar qual o melhor método de otimização para minimizar a rugosidade. A metodologia das superfícies de resposta é baseada num conjunto de técnicas matemáticas e estatísticas úteis para modelar e analisar problemas em que a resposta de interesse é influenciada por diversas variáveis e cujo objetivo é otimizar essa resposta. Para este método apenas foram realizados cinco ensaios, ao contrário de Taguchi, uma vez que apenas em cinco ensaios consegue-se valores de rugosidade mais baixos do que a média da rugosidade no método de Taguchi. O valor mais baixo por este método foi de 1,03μm. Assim, conclui-se que RSM é um método de otimização mais adequado do que Taguchi para os ensaios realizados. Foram obtidos melhores resultados num menor número de ensaios, o que implica menos desgaste da ferramenta, menor tempo de processamento e uma redução significativa do material utilizado.


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Ta-Cu bulk composites combine high mechanical resistance of the Ta with high electrical and thermal conductivity of the Cu. These are important characteristics to electrical contacts, microwave absorber and heat skinks. However, the low wettability of Ta under Cu liquid and insolubility mutual these elements come hard sintering this composite. High-energy milling (HEM) produces composite powders with high homogeneity and refines the grain size. This work focus to study Ta-20wt%Cu composite powders prepared by mechanical mixture and HEM with two different conditions of milling in a planetary ball mill and then their sintering using hydrogen plasma furnace and a resistive vacuum furnace. After milling, the powders were pressed in a steel dye at a pressure of 200 MPa. The cylindrical samples pressed were sintered by resistive vacuum furnace at 10-4torr with a sintering temperature at 1100ºC / 60 minutes and with heat rate at 10ºC/min and were sintered by plasma furnace with sintering temperatures at 550, 660 and 800ºC without isotherm under hydrogen atmosphere with heat rate at 80ºC/min. The characterizations of the powders produced were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), x-ray diffraction (XRD) and laser granulometry. After the sintering the samples were analyzed by SEM, XRD and density and mass loss tests. The results had shown that to high intense milling condition produced composite particles with shorter milling time and amorphization of both phases after 50 hours of milling. The composite particles can produce denser structure than mixed powders, if heated above the Cu melting point. After the Cu to arrive in the melting point, liquid copper leaves the composite particles and fills the pores


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The Tungsten/copper composites are commonly used for electrical and thermal objectives like heat sinks and lectrical conductors, propitiating an excellent thermal and electrical conductivity. These properties are dependents of the composition, crystallite size and production process. The high energy milling of the powder of W-Cu produces an dispersion high and homogenization levels with crystallite size of W very small in the ductile Cu phase. This work discusses the effect of the HEM in preparation of the W-25Cu composite powders. Three techniques of powder preparation were utilized: milling the dry with powder of thick Cu, milling the dry with powder of fine Cu and milling the wet with powder of thick Cu. The form, size and composition of the particles of the powders milled were observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The X-ray diffraction (XRD) was used to analyse the phases, lattice parameters, size and microstrain of the crystallite. The analyse of the crystalline structure of the W-25Cu powders milled made by Rietveld Method suggests the partial solid solubility of the constituent elements of the Cu in lattice of the W. This analyse shows too that the HEM produces the reduction high on the crystallite size and the increase in the lattice strain of both phases, this is more intense in the phase W


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The present work shows a contribution to the studies of development and solid sinterization of a metallic matrix composite MMC that has as starter materials 316L stainless steel atomized with water, and two different Tantalum Carbide TaC powders, with averages crystallite sizes of 13.78 nm and 40.66 nm. Aiming the metallic matrix s density and hardness increase was added different nanometric sizes of TaC by dispersion. The 316L stainless steel is an alloy largely used because it s high resistance to corrosion property. Although, its application is limited by the low wear resistance, consequence of its low hardness. Besides this, it shows low sinterability and it cannot be hardened by thermal treatments traditional methods because of the austenitic structure, face centered cubic, stabilized mainly in nickel presence. Steel samples added with TaC 3% wt (each sample with different type of carbide), following a mechanical milling route using conventional mill for 24 hours. Each one of the resulted samples, as well as the pure steel sample, were compacted at 700 MPa, room temperature, without any addictive, uniaxial tension, using a 5 mm diameter cylindrical mold, and quantity calculated to obtain compacted final average height of 5 mm. Subsequently, were sintered in vacuum atmosphere, temperature of 1290ºC, heating rate of 20ºC/min, using different soaking times of 30 and 60 min and cooled at room temperature. The sintered samples were submitted to density and micro-hardness analysis. The TaC reforced samples showed higher density values and an expressive hardness increase. The complementary analysis in optical microscope, scanning electronic microscope and X ray diffractometer, showed that the TaC, processed form, contributed with the hardness increase, by densification, itself hardness and grains growth control at the metallic matrix, segregating itself to the grain boarders