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Abstract : The chymase-dependant pathway responsible for converting Big ET-1 to ET-1 was established in vitro. It has only been recently, in 2009, that our group demonstrated that the conversion of Big ET-1 to ET-1 (1-31) can occur in vivo in mice (Simard et al., 2009), knowing that ET-1 (1-31) is converted to ET-1 via NEP in vivo (Fecteau et al., 2005). In addition, our laboratory demonstrated in 2013 that mMCP-4, the murine analogue of human chymase, produces ET-1 (1-31) from the Big ET-1 precursor (Houde et al. 2013). Thus far, in the literature, there are no specific characterizations of recombinant chymases (human or murine). In fact, the group of Murakami published in 1995 a study characterizing the CMA1 (human chymase) in a chymostatin-dependent fashion, using Angiotensin I as a substrate (Murakami et al., 1995). However, chymostatin is a non-specific inhibitor of chymase. It has been shown that chymostatin can inhibit elastase, an enzyme that can convert Angiotensin I to Angiotensin II (Becari et al., 2005). Based on these observations, the proposed hypothesis in the present study suggests that recombinant as well as extracted CMA1 from LUVA (human mast cell line), in addition to soluble fractions of human aortas, convert Big ET-1 into ET-1 (1-31 ) in a TY-51469 (a chymase-specific inhibitor) sensitive manner. In a second component, we studied the enzyme kinetics of CMA1 with regard to the Big ET-1 and Ang I substrate. The affinity of CMA1 against Big ET-1 was greater compared to Ang I (KM Big ET- 1: 12.55 μM and Ang I: 37.53 μM). However, CMA1 was more effective in cleaving Ang I compared to Big ET-1 (Kcat / KM Big ET-1: 6.57 x 10-5 μM-1.s-1 and Ang I: 1.8 x 10-4 ΜM-1.s- 1). In a third component involving in vivo experiments, the pressor effects of Big ET-1, ET-1 and Ang I were tested in conscious mMCP-4 KO mice compared to wild-type mice. The increase in mean arterial pressure after administration of Big ET-1 was greater in wild-type mice compared to mMCP- 4 KO mice. This effect was not observed after administration of ET-1 and / or Ang I.


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Abstract : Recently, there is a great interest to study the flow characteristics of suspensions in different environmental and industrial applications, such as snow avalanches, debris flows, hydrotransport systems, and material casting processes. Regarding rheological aspects, the majority of these suspensions, such as fresh concrete, behave mostly as non-Newtonian fluids. Concrete is the most widely used construction material in the world. Due to the limitations that exist in terms of workability and formwork filling abilities of normal concrete, a new class of concrete that is able to flow under its own weight, especially through narrow gaps in the congested areas of the formwork was developed. Accordingly, self-consolidating concrete (SCC) is a novel construction material that is gaining market acceptance in various applications. Higher fluidity characteristics of SCC enable it to be used in a number of special applications, such as densely reinforced sections. However, higher flowability of SCC makes it more sensitive to segregation of coarse particles during flow (i.e., dynamic segregation) and thereafter at rest (i.e., static segregation). Dynamic segregation can increase when SCC flows over a long distance or in the presence of obstacles. Therefore, there is always a need to establish a trade-off between the flowability, passing ability, and stability properties of SCC suspensions. This should be taken into consideration to design the casting process and the mixture proportioning of SCC. This is called “workability design” of SCC. An efficient and non-expensive workability design approach consists of the prediction and optimization of the workability of the concrete mixtures for the selected construction processes, such as transportation, pumping, casting, compaction, and finishing. Indeed, the mixture proportioning of SCC should ensure the construction quality demands, such as demanded levels of flowability, passing ability, filling ability, and stability (dynamic and static). This is necessary to develop some theoretical tools to assess under what conditions the construction quality demands are satisfied. Accordingly, this thesis is dedicated to carry out analytical and numerical simulations to predict flow performance of SCC under different casting processes, such as pumping and tremie applications, or casting using buckets. The L-Box and T-Box set-ups can evaluate flow performance properties of SCC (e.g., flowability, passing ability, filling ability, shear-induced and gravitational dynamic segregation) in casting process of wall and beam elements. The specific objective of the study consists of relating numerical results of flow simulation of SCC in L-Box and T-Box test set-ups, reported in this thesis, to the flow performance properties of SCC during casting. Accordingly, the SCC is modeled as a heterogeneous material. Furthermore, an analytical model is proposed to predict flow performance of SCC in L-Box set-up using the Dam Break Theory. On the other hand, results of the numerical simulation of SCC casting in a reinforced beam are verified by experimental free surface profiles. The results of numerical simulations of SCC casting (modeled as a single homogeneous fluid), are used to determine the critical zones corresponding to the higher risks of segregation and blocking. The effects of rheological parameters, density, particle contents, distribution of reinforcing bars, and particle-bar interactions on flow performance of SCC are evaluated using CFD simulations of SCC flow in L-Box and T-box test set-ups (modeled as a heterogeneous material). Two new approaches are proposed to classify the SCC mixtures based on filling ability and performability properties, as a contribution of flowability, passing ability, and dynamic stability of SCC.


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Les médicaments de type opioïde représentent la classe de médicaments la plus utilisée pour les douleurs modérées à sévères. C’est pour cette raison que les opioïdes et leurs récepteurs sont très étudiés et qu’il y a beaucoup de publications sur ces récepteurs. En revanche, peu d’études ont cherché à identifier les partenaires d’interactions de ces récepteurs puis à comprendre les mécanismes d’adressage à la membrane. Même si le récepteur opioïde delta (DOPr) n’est pas encore ciblé en clinique, beaucoup d’équipes s’intéressent à son rôle et à l’effet d’agonistes DOPr dans le but de trouver une nouvelle avenue thérapeutique contre la douleur. Cependant, en condition normale, les agonistes DOPr ont un faible potentiel analgésique, expliqué par le faible niveau de DOPr à la surface cellulaire des neurones. C’est pourquoi il est important de comprendre son adressage à la membrane afin de combiner les traitements aux agonistes DOPr à une thérapie qui augmenterait l’expression de surface du récepteur. De plus, on sait qu’il existe un mécanisme de régulation de l’adressage de DOPr à la surface mais il reste peu compris. Nous avons donc analysé par spectrométrie de masse le complexe protéique résultant de l’immunoprécipitation de FlagDOPr, surexprimé dans des cellules HEK293, afin d’identifier de nouveaux partenaires d’interaction. Dans cette analyse, plusieurs protéines appartenant au complexe vésiculaire COPI ont été identifiées. Nous avons montré dans l’article que DOPr interagit avec COPI via les domaines intracellulaires 2 et 3 et que ces sites d’interaction sont responsables de la rétention de DOPr. De plus, mes travaux se sont penchés sur la régulation de DOPr à la surface cellulaire, telle que l’interaction DOPr avec les protéines cdk5 et pin1, deux protéines pouvant faire partie d’un mécanisme impliqué dans la régulation du transport de DOPr à la surface cellulaire. Comprendre l’export de DOPr est important pour le développement de nouvelles thérapies contre la douleur et plusieurs théories ont été abordées dans le cadre de mes travaux de maîtrise.