986 resultados para Marrow cltures
In Europe, the combination of plerixafor + granulocyte colony-stimulating factor is approved for the mobilization of hematopoietic stem cells for autologous transplantation in patients with lymphoma and myeloma whose cells mobilize poorly. The purpose of this study was to further assess the safety and efficacy of plerixafor + granulocyte colony-stimulating factor for front-line mobilization in European patients with lymphoma or myeloma. In this multicenter, open label, single-arm study, patients received granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (10 μg/kg/day) subcutaneously for 4 days; on the evening of day 4 they were given plerixafor (0.24 mg/kg) subcutaneously. Patients underwent apheresis on day 5 after a morning dose of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor. The primary study objective was to confirm the safety of mobilization with plerixafor. Secondary objectives included assessment of efficacy (apheresis yield, time to engraftment). The combination of plerixafor + granulocyte colony-stimulating factor was used to mobilize hematopoietic stem cells in 118 patients (90 with myeloma, 25 with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, 3 with Hodgkin's disease). Treatment-emergent plerixafor-related adverse events were reported in 24 patients. Most adverse events occurred within 1 hour after injection, were grade 1 or 2 in severity and included gastrointestinal disorders or injection-site reactions. The minimum cell yield (≥ 2 × 10(6) CD34(+) cells/kg) was harvested in 98% of patients with myeloma and in 80% of those with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in a median of one apheresis. The optimum cell dose (≥ 5 × 10(6) CD34(+) cells/kg for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma or ≥ 6 × 10(6) CD34(+) cells/kg for myeloma) was harvested in 89% of myeloma patients and 48% of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma patients. In this prospective, multicenter European study, mobilization with plerixafor + granulocyte colony-stimulating factor allowed the majority of patients with myeloma or non-Hodgkin's lymphoma to undergo transplantation with minimal toxicity, providing further data supporting the safety and efficacy of plerixafor + granulocyte colony-stimulating factor for front-line mobilization of hematopoietic stem cells in patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma or myeloma.
Different cell sources for bone tissue engineering are reviewed. In particular, adult cell source strategies have been based on the implantation of unfractionated fresh bone marrow; purified, culture expanded mesenchymal stem cells, differentiated osteoblasts, or cells that have been modified genetically to express rhBMP. Several limiting factors are mentioned for these strategies such as low number of available cells or possible immunological reaction of the host. Foetal bone cells are presented as an alternative solution and review of actual treatments using these cells is presented. Finally, foetal cells used specifically for bone tissue engineering are characterised and potentially interesting therapeutic options are proposed.
Résumé Le gène c-myc est un des oncogènes les plus fréquemment mutés dans les tumeurs humaines. Même si plus de 70 % des cancers humains montrent une dérégulation de c-Myc, les connaissances sur son rôle physiologique pendant le développement, et dans la souris adulte restent très peu connus. Récemment, notre laboratoire a pu montrer que c-Myc contrôle l'équilibre entre le renouvellement et la différenciation des cellules souches hématopoïetiques (CSH) dans la souris adulte. Ceci est probablement dû à lacapacité de c-Myc de contrôler l'entrée et la sortie des CSH de leur niche de la moelle osseuse, en régulant plusieurs molécules d'adhésion, parmi lesquelles la cadhérine-N (Wilson et al., 2004; Wilson and Trumpp, 2006). Des études utilisant un mutant d'inactivation ont demontré que la protéine c-Myc est essentielle pour le développement au delà du jour embryonnaire E9.5. Les embryons c-Myc déficients sont plus petits que la normale et possèdent de nombreux défauts; en particulier ils ne peuvent établir un système hématopoietique embryonnaire primitif (Trumpp et al., 2001). Nous avons récemment découvert que le développement du placenta dépend de la présence de cMyc. Ceci permet de proposer que certains, sinon tous, les défauts embryonnaires puorraient dériver indirectement d'un défaut nutritionnel causé par la défaillance du placenta. Afin de répondre à cette question de manière génétique, nous avons utilisé l'allele conditionel c-mycflox (Trumpp et al., 2001) en combinaison avec l'allele Sox2-Cre (Hayashi et al., 2002). Celui-ci détermine l'expression de la récombinase Cre spécifiquement dans les cellules de l'épiblaste à partir de E6.5, tandis qu'il n'y a pas, ou seulement très peu, d'activité de la récombinase Cre dans les tissus extraembryonnaires.Alnsi, cette stratégie nous permet de générer des embryons sans c-Myc qui se développent en présence d'un compartment extraembryonnaire ou c-Myc est exprimé normalement (Sox2Cre;c-mycflox2) Ces embryons, Sox2Cre;c-mycflox2 se développent et grandissent normalement tout en formant un système vasculaire normal, mais meurent à E11.5 à cause d'un sévère manque de cellules hématopoïetiques. De façon très intéressante, la seule population qui semble être présente en nombre à peu près normal dans ces embryons est celle des précurseurs et des cellules souches. Les cellules qui forment cette population prolifèrent normalement mais ne peuvent pas former des colonies in vitro, ce qui montre que ces cellules ont perdu leur activité de cellules souches. Cependant, lorsque nous avons analysé ces cellules plus en détail en éxaminant l'expression des molécules d'intégrine nous avons découvert que l'integrine ß est sur-éxprimée à la surface des cellules c-Myc déficientes. Ceci pourrait indiquer un mécanisme par lequel c-Myc régule des molécules d'adhésion sur les cellules du sang. En conséquence, en absence de c-Myc, l'adhésion et la migration des cellules du sang de l'AGM (Aorte-Gonade-Mésonéphros) vers le foie de l'embryon, à travers le système vasculaire, est compromise. En outre, nous avons pu montrer que les hépatocytes du foie, qui constitue le site principal de formation des cellules hématopoïetiques pendant le développement, est sévèrement atteint dans des Sox2Cre;c-mycflox2 embryons. Ceci n'est pas du à un défaut propre aux cellules hépatiques qui ont perdu c-Myc, mais résulte plutôt de l'absence de cellules hématopoietïques qui normalement colonisent le foie à ce stade du développement. Ces résultats représentent la première preuve directe que le développement des hépatoblastes est dépendant de signaux provenant des cellules du sang. Summary The myc gene is one of the most frequently mutated oncogenes in human tumors. It is found to be mis-regulated in over 70% of all human cancers. However, our knowledge about its physiological role in mammalian development and adulthood remains limited. Recent work in our laboratory showed that c-Myc controls the balance between hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) self-renewal and differentiation in the adult mouse. This is likely due to the capacity of c-Myc to control entry and exit of HSCs from the bone marrow niche by regulating a number of cell adhesion molecules including N-cadherin (Wilson et al., 2004; Wilson and Trumpp 2006). During development knockout studies showed that c-Myc is required for embryonic development beyond embryonic day (E) 9.5. c-Myc deficient embryos are severely reduced in size and show multiple defects including the failure to establish a primitive hematopoietic system (Trumpp et al., 2001). Importantly, we recentry uncovered that placental development also seems to depend on normal c-Myc function, raising the possibility that some if not all of the embryonic defects observed could be mediated indirectly by a nutrition defect caused by placental failure. To address this possibility genetically, we took advantage of the conditional c-mycflox allele (Trumpp et al., 2001) in combination with the Sox2-Cre allele (Hayashi et al., 2002), in which Cre expression is specifically targeted to all epiblast cells by E6.5, while there is little or no Cre activity inextra-embryonic lineages. Thus, this strategy allows the generation of c-Myc deficient embryos, which develop within a normal c-Myc expressing extra-embryonic compartment (Sox2Cre;c-mycflox2) Such Sox2Cre;c-mycflox2 embryos develop and grow appropriately and form a normal vascular system but die at E11.5 due to a severe lack of blood cells. Interestingly, the only hematopoietic population that seems to be present in almost normal numbers in the embryo is the stem/progenitor cell population. Cells within this populatíon proliferate normal but can not give rise to hematopoietic colonies in vitro showing that functional hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) activity is lost. However, when we analyzed these phenotypic HSCs in more detail and examined integrin expression in mutant stem/progenitor cells, we observed that ß1-integrin is upregulated. This may point to a potential mechanism whereby c-Myc regulates adhesíon molecules on hematopoietic cells and thereby disturbs adhesion and migration from the AGM (aorta-gonads-mesonephros) through the vascular system to the liver. Furthermore, we uncovered that the fetal liver, the main site of hematopoietic expansion at that stage, is severely affected in Sox2Cre;c-mycflox2 embryos and that this is not due to a cell intrinsic defect of c-Myc deficient hepatocytes but rather due to the lack of hematopoietic cells that normally colonize the fetal liver at that stage of development. This provides first direct evidence that hepatoblast development depends on signals derived from blood cells.
Tumor necrosis factor receptor 1 (TNFR1) and Toll-like receptors (TLRs) regulate immune and inflammatory responses. Here we show that the TNFR1-associated death domain protein (TRADD) is critical in TNFR1, TLR3 and TLR4 signaling. TRADD deficiency abrogated TNF-induced apoptosis, prevented recruitment of the ubiquitin ligase TRAF2 and ubiquitination of the adaptor RIP1 in the TNFR1 signaling complex, and considerably inhibited but did not completely abolish activation of the transcription factor NF-kappaB and mitogen-activated protein kinases 'downstream' of TNFR1. TRIF-dependent cytokine production induced by the synthetic double-stranded RNA poly(I:C) and lipopolysaccharide was lower in TRADD-deficient mice than in wild-type mice. Moreover, TRADD deficiency inhibited poly(I:C)-mediated RIP1 ubiquitination and activation of NF-kappaB and mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling in fibroblasts but not in bone marrow macrophages. Thus, TRADD is an essential component of TNFR1 signaling and has a critical but apparently cell type-specific function in TRIF-dependent TLR responses.
Leishmania major infection induces self-healing cutaneous lesions in C57BL/6 mice. Both IL-12 and IFN-γ are essential for the control of infection. We infected Jun dimerization protein p21SNFT (Batf3(-/-) ) mice (C57BL/6 background) that lack the major IL-12 producing and cross-presenting CD8α(+) and CD103(+) DC subsets. Batf3(-/-) mice displayed enhanced susceptibility with larger lesions and higher parasite burden. Additionally, cells from draining lymph nodes of infected Batf3(-/-) mice secreted less IFN-γ, but more Th2- and Th17-type cytokines, mirrored by increased serum IgE and Leishmania-specific immunoglobulin 1 (Th2 indicating). Importantly, CD8α(+) DCs isolated from lymph nodes of L. major-infected mice induced significantly more IFN-γ secretion by L. major-stimulated immune T cells than CD103(+) DCs. We next developed CD11c-diptheria toxin receptor: Batf3(-/-) mixed bone marrow chimeras to determine when the DCs are important for the control of infection. Mice depleted of Batf-3-dependent DCs from day 17 or wild-type mice depleted of cross-presenting DCs from 17-19 days after infection maintained significantly larger lesions similar to mice whose Batf-3-dependent DCs were depleted from the onset of infection. Thus, we have identified a crucial role for Batf-3-dependent DCs in protection against L. major.
Total body irradiation (TBI) has an established role as preparative regimen for bone-marrow transplantation in the treatment of hematological malignancies. Many randomized trials demonstrated that the clinical outcomes obtained from the association of TBI and cyclophosphamide are equivalent, or, sometimes, better than those based on chemotherapeutic agents. Despite the therapeutic progress of the last years, and the consequent improvement in the overall survival, this preparative regimen remains always associated with a relatively high rate of acute and late toxicity. In this article, we review the actual indications of TBI in clinical practice, and analyze the technological progress in this domain. We focus on the hypothesis that a selective irradiation of the hematopoietic or lymphoid organs is actually possible with intensity-modulated radiotherapy. Technical limits and preliminary results in terms of acute and late toxicities of intensity-modulated TBI are analyzed. With these new technologies, treatment-related toxicity is not anymore a major limiting factor in the preparative regimens for bone-marrow transplantation, allowing for a larger spectrum of TBI indications, a possible extension to patients older than 50 years, or a dose escalation. Preliminary results warrant, however, further evaluation in clinical trials to better assess the impact of this new approach on disease control and the long-term toxicity.
Candida glabrata is an emerging opportunistic pathogen that is known to develop resistance to azole drugs due to increased drug efflux. The mechanism consists of CgPDR1-mediated upregulation of ATP-binding cassette transporters. A range of gain-of-function (GOF) mutations in CgPDR1 have been found to lead not only to azole resistance but also to enhanced virulence. This implicates CgPDR1 in the regulation of the interaction of C. glabrata with the host. To identify specific CgPDR1-regulated steps of the host-pathogen interaction, we investigated in this work the interaction of selected CgPDR1 GOF mutants with murine bone marrow-derived macrophages and human acute monocytic leukemia cell line (THP-1)-derived macrophages, as well as different epithelial cell lines. GOF mutations in CgPDR1 did not influence survival and replication within macrophages following phagocytosis but led to decreased adherence to and uptake by macrophages. This may allow evasion from the host's innate cellular immune response. The interaction with epithelial cells revealed an opposite trend, suggesting that GOF mutations in CgPDR1 may favor epithelial colonization of the host by C. glabrata through increased adherence to epithelial cell layers. These data reveal that GOF mutations in CgPDR1 modulate the interaction with host cells in ways that may contribute to increased virulence.
The expression of DNA topoisomerase II alpha and beta genes was studied in murine normal tissues. Northern blot analysis using probes specific for the two genes showed that the patterns of expression were different among 22 tissues of adult mice. Expression levels of topoisomerase II alpha gene were high in proliferating tissues, such as bone marrow and spleen, and undetectable or low in 17 other tissues. In contrast, high or intermediate expression of topoisomerase II beta gene was found in a variety of tissues (15) of adult mice, including those with no proliferating cells. Topoisomerase II gene expression was also studied during murine development. In whole embryos both genes were expressed at higher levels in early than late stages of embryogenesis. Heart, brain and liver of embryos two days before delivery, and these same tissues plus lung and thymus of newborn (1-day-old) mice expressed appreciable levels of the two genes. Interestingly, a post-natal induction of the beta gene expression was observed in the brain but not in the liver; conversely, the expression of the alpha gene was increased 1 day after birth in the liver but not in the brain. However, gene expression of a proliferation-associated enzyme, thymidylate synthase, was similar in these tissues between embryos and newborns. Thus, the two genes were differentially regulated in the post-natal period, and a tissue-specific role may be suggested for the two isoenzymes in the development of differentiated tissues such as the brain and liver. Based on the differential patterns of expression of the two isoforms, this analysis indicates that topoisomerase II alpha may be a specific marker of cell proliferation, whereas topoisomerase II beta may be implicated in functions of DNA metabolism other than replication.
Acute myeloid leukemia arising from chronic myelomonocytic leukemia is currently classified as acute myeloid leukemia with myelodysplasia-related changes, a high-risk subtype. However, the specific features of these cases have not been well described. We studied 38 patients with chronic myelomonocytic leukemia who progressed to acute myeloid leukemia. We compared the clinicopathologic and genetic features of these cases with 180 patients with de novo acute myeloid leukemia and 34 patients with acute myeloid leukemia following myelodysplastic syndromes. We also examined features associated with progression from chronic myelomonocytic leukemia to acute myeloid leukemia by comparing the progressed chronic myelomonocytic leukemia cases with a cohort of chronic myelomonocytic leukemia cases that did not transform to acute myeloid leukemia. Higher white blood cell count, marrow cellularity, karyotype risk score, and Revised International Prognostic Scoring System score were associated with more rapid progression from chronic myelomonocytic leukemia to acute myeloid leukemia. Patients with acute myeloid leukemia ex chronic myelomonocytic leukemia were older (P<0.01) and less likely to receive aggressive treatment (P=0.02) than de novo acute myeloid leukemia patients. Most cases showed monocytic differentiation and fell into the intermediate acute myeloid leukemia karyotype risk group; 55% had normal karyotype and 17% had NPM1 mutation. Median overall survival was 6 months, which was inferior to de novo acute myeloid leukemia (17 months, P=0.002) but similar to post myelodysplastic syndrome acute myeloid leukemia. On multivariate analysis of all acute myeloid leukemia patients, only age and karyotype were independent prognostic variables for overall survival. Our findings indicate that acute myeloid leukemia following chronic myelomonocytic leukemia displays aggressive behavior and support placement of these cases within the category of acute myeloid leukemia with myelodysplasia-related changes. The poor prognosis of these patients may be related to an older population and lack of favorable-prognosis karyotypes that characterize many de novo acute myeloid leukemia cases.
Les cellules dendritiques (DCs) sont des cellules multifonctionnelles qui font le lien entre le sytème immunitaire inné et adaptatif chez les mammifères. Il existe plusieurs sous-types de DCs basés sur leurs fonctions et l'endroit où elles se situent dans le corps. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous avons étudié le rôle de ces cellules face à une infection parasitaire. La Leishmania est un parasite causant une maladie appelée Leishmaniose, maladie endémique de l'Afrique, de l'Asie et de certaines régions de l'Amérique du Sud. Certaines espèces causent des lésions cutanées, alors que d'autres causent des lésions dans les muqueuses ou dans les organes internes. Le système immunitaire répond en générant une réponse inflammatoire qui élimine l'infection. Lors d'une réponse non-inflammatoire (de type cytokines, chemokines), cela va amener à une persistance du parasite sur le long terme. Les DC s'activant en présence du parasite dans la peau, vont le transporter vers un ganglion. A cet endroit, se trouvent différents sous-types de DC qui ont la particularité de présenter l'antigène (spécifique à la Leishmaniose) aux lymphocytes T, ce qui va alors amener à une réponse immunitaire puissante contre le parasite. Nous avons comparé différentes espèces de Leishmaniose dans leur façon d'activer les DC et différents modèles de souris ont été utilisé dans ce but-là. Les souris du type C57BL/6 sont connues pour être résistantes à L. major et sensibles à L. mexicana, alors qu'au contraire, les souris Balb/c sont connues pour être sensibles à ces deux espèces. En utilisant des parasites fluorescents transgéniques, nous avons comparé ces deux espèces de parasites (L. major et L. mexicana) en recherchant quelles cellules elles sont capables d'infecter in-vivo dans un modèle murin. Le rôle général des DC dans une infection à L. major a déjà été décrit. Dans notre étude, nous avons étudié le besoin en DC CD8a+ dans les ganglions afin d'engendrer une réponse face à une infection à L. major. Les souris qui n'ont pas ce sous-type de DC sont beaucoup plus sensibles à l'infection : elles ont des marqueurs inflammatoires plus bas et des lésions plus grandes. Nous avons également remarqué que les DC CD8a+ jouent un rôle crucial dans une phase plus avancée de l'infection. Dans notre laboratoire, nous avons la chance d'avoir une source illimitée de DCs de sous-type CD8a+ provenant d'une souris génétiquement modifiée par nos soin. Grâce à cela, nous avons utilisé ces cellules CD8a+ pour immuniser des rats afin de produire des anticorps monoclonaux ayant des propriétés spécifiques comme l'identification de protéines uniques présentes à la surface des DC et qui ensuite, modulent une réponse immunitaire in-vivo. Nous sommes actuellement en phase de caractérisation de plus de 750 hybridomes générés dans notre laboratoire. - Les cellules dendritiques (DCs) constituent le lien entre le système inné et adaptatif de la réponse immunitaire, car elles sont capables de présenter l'antigène, de donner la co- stimulation et de relâcher des cytokines et chimokines. Au cours de cette thèse, nous avons exploré différentes familles de DC lors d'infections parasitaires, telles que la Leishmaniose, parasite intracellulaire qui infecte les mammifères. La plupart des lésions cutanées résistantes sont caractérisées par une réponse pro-inflammatoire générée par l'IL-12. A l'inverse, pour la forme non résistante, la réponse est générée par l'IL-4 et l'IL-10, dans les modèles murins vulnérables. L'infection avec Lmajor a été caractérisée chez la souris C57BL/6 (Thl) et chez la souris Balb/c (Th2). Chez la souris C57BL/6 la lésion guérit, alors que chez la souris Balb/c, la lésion est au contraire non-cicatrisante. Nous avons comparé l'activation causée dans l'ensemble des DC par différentes espéces de Leishmania, et plus spécifiquement dans les DC CD8a+ présentes dans les ganglions lymphatiques et leur rôle dans la vulnérabilité à L. major. Ces cellules sont spécialisées dans la présentation croisée d'antigènes exogènes par le CMH-I et le haut taux de production d'IL-12 après activation. En utilisant des DC dérivées de moelle osseuse, nous avons constaté que L. guyanensis V+ (transportant un retrovirus) était le plus efficace pour l'activation des DC in-vitro comparé à L. major, L. mexicana et L. guyanensis (V-). Toutefois, in-vivo, les souris infectées avec L. major ont vu la taille de leur ganglions lymphatiques drainants augmentée, 3-6 semaines après l'infection dans les deux espèces de souris (les C57BL/6 résistantes et les Balb/c sensibles). En utilisant un parasite fluorescent transgénique, nous avons trouvé que les souris C57BL/6 sensibles à Lmexicana ont un nombre plus important de cellules Β infectées et un plus petit nombre de DC dérivées des monocytes inflammatoires, comparé au souris infectées avec L. major. Les conséquences de ces observations sont encore à l'étude. Des souris déficientes en CD8ct+DC et CD103+ sont plus sensibles à L. major que les souris WT: leurs lésions sont plus grandes et la charge parasitaire est plus importante. Nous avons généré une chimère de moelles osseuse CD11-DTR et Batf3-/- en mélangeant les moelles de ces deux souris, afin de déterminer le temps après infection où le manque de DC's CD8a+ contribue le plus à l'augmentation de la vulnérabilité chez la souris KO. Ces souris produisent plus d'IgG1 et IgE, font une réponse Th2 plus forte et Thl moins forte. Nous avons constaté que les souris déficientes en DC CD8a+ au début de la réponse immunitaire adaptive (trois semaines après injection) maintiennent un haut taux de lésions de grande taille, semblable à celui des souris chez qui les cellules ont été déplétées avant l'injection. Cela indique que les DC CD8a+ sont nécessaires pour l'efficacité de l'immunité dans la phase chronique de l'infection à L. major. Parallèlement à cela, nous avons aussi commencé une génération d'anticorps monoclonaux dirigés contre les DC CD8a+ activés en utilisant des souches établies dans notre laboratoire. En partant d'une librairie de 763 hybridomes, nous avons identifié plusieurs clones dignes d'intérêt avec une capacité fonctionnelle à moduler la prolifération et la sécrétion de cytokines des cellules T, ainsi que les molécules de co-stimulation présentes à la surface des DC activées elle-même. - Dendritic cells (DCs) are the bridge between the innate and the adaptive arms of the immune systems. They are professional antigen presentation cells and have important cytokine/chemokine release functions. In this dissertation we have focussed on the study of the different subsets of DCs in parasitic infection immunity. Leishmania are intra-cellular parasites of many different species that infect mammals. Most cutaneous lesions that are self- healing are characterized with a pro-inflammatory response with IL-12 while high levels of cytokines such as IL-4 and IL-10 characterized in susceptible mouse models. In mice L. major infection has been well characterized in C57BL/6 mice (Thl) that form healing lesions while Balb/c mice (Th2) form non-healing lesions. This thesis is focussed on comparing DC activation at large by different strains of Leishmania and more specifically, dLN resident CD8a+ DCs and their role in L. major susceptibility. This subset is specialized in cross- presentation of exogenous antigens in the MHC-I pathway and produce high levels of EL-12. Using bone marrow derived DCs we found that L. guyanensis V+ (carrying a retro-virus) was the most efficient at activating DCs in-vitro. In-vivo however L. major infected mice had the largest dLNs 3-6 weeks after infection in both genetically resistant C57BL/6 and susceptible Balb/c mice. Using transgenic fluorescent parasites, we found that C57BL/6 mice which are susceptible to L. mexicana had more number of infected Β cells and fewer number of infected inflammatory monocyte derived DCs in contrast to L. major infection. Using mice deficient in CD8a+ DCs, we found that these mice were more susceptible to L. major than their WT counterparts. They made larger lesions, had higher parasite burdens, higher levels of Th2 indicating immunolgloblins as measured by higher serie IgE levels and lower CD4+ IFNy+ cells. A mixed bone marrow chimera system of CDllc-DTR and Batf3~'~ was generated to determine the time point at which the lack of CD8a+ DCs most contributes to the increased susceptibility in KO mice. We found that mice depleted of CD8a+ DCs at the advent of the adaptive response (3 weeks after infection) maintained the significantly higher lesion size similar to mice whose cells were depleted from the onset of infection. This indicates that CD8a+ DCs are required for effective immunity in the chronic phase of L. major infection. We also began the generation of a valuable tool of monoclonal antibodies against activated CD8a+ DCs using our in-house DC line. From a library of 763 hybridomas we have identified several interesting clones with a functional ability to modulate Τ cell proliferation and cytokine secretion as well as down-modulating co-stimulatory molecules on activated DC cells themselves.
Inflammation is a protective attempt by the host to remove injurious stimuli and initiate the tissue healing process. The inflammatory response must be actively terminated, however, because failure to do so can result in 'bystander' damage to tissues and diseases such as arthritis or type-2 diabetes. Yet the mechanisms controlling excessive inflammatory responses are still poorly understood. Here we show that mouse effector and memory CD4(+) T cells abolish macrophage inflammasome-mediated caspase-1 activation and subsequent interleukin 1beta release in a cognate manner. Inflammasome inhibition is observed for all tested NLRP1 (commonly called NALP1) and NLRP3 (NALP3 or cryopyrin) activators, whereas NLRC4 (IPAF) inflammasome function and release of other inflammatory mediators such as CXCL2, interleukin 6 and tumour necrosis factor are not affected. Suppression of the NLRP3 inflammasome requires cell-to-cell contact and can be mimicked by macrophage stimulation with selected ligands of the tumour necrosis factor family, such as CD40L (also known as CD40LG). In a NLRP3-dependent peritonitis model, effector CD4(+) T cells are responsible for decreasing neutrophil recruitment in an antigen-dependent manner. Our findings reveal an unexpected mechanism of inflammasome inhibition, whereby effector and memory T cells suppress potentially damaging inflammation, yet leave the primary inflammatory response, crucial for the onset of immunity, intact.
The developmental origin of dendritic cells (DCs) is controversial. In the mouse CD8alpha(+) and CD8alpha(-) DC subsets are often considered to be of lymphoid and myeloid origin respectively, although evidence on this point is conflicting. Very recently a novel CD11c(+) B220(+) DC subset has been identified that appears to be the murine counterpart to interferon alpha (IFNalpha)-producing human plasmacytoid DCs (PDCs). We show here that CD11c(+) B220(+) mouse PDCs, like human PDCs, are present in the thymus and express T lineage markers such as CD8alpha and CD4. However, the intrathymic development of PDCs can be completely dissociated from immature T lineage cells in mixed chimeras established with bone marrow cells from mice deficient for either Notch-1 or T-cell factor 1, two independent mutations that severely block early T-cell development. Our data indicate that thymic PDCs do not arise from a bipotential T/DC precursor.
Mouse interleukin 3 (IL-3) cDNA was cloned into a plasmid construction, allowing the synthesis of very high quantities of IL-3 in Escherichia coli. The recombinant (r) IL-3, purified to homogeneity, was active in vitro on the proliferation and differentiation of various hematopoietic progenitor cells at 1 pM. To maintain detectable blood levels of IL-3, osmotic pumps containing rIL-3 or control solutions were placed under the skin of normal and irradiated C3H/HeJ and (BALB X B10) F1 mice. The effect of IL-3 on hematopoietic progenitor cell numbers in spleen and bone marrow was evaluated 3 and 7 days later by using an in vitro clonal assay. The results demonstrated the following: (i) Doses of IL-3 infused at the rate of 2.5-5 ng per g of body weight per hr were sufficient to increase the numbers of hematopoietic progenitors in normal mice by at least 2-fold within 3 days. (ii) In mice with progenitor cell levels depressed by sublethal irradiation, 7-day treatment with IL-3 resulted in a 10-fold increase to near normal levels. (iii) The erythroid and myeloid lineages appeared to be enhanced to the same extent. (iv) Enhancement of hematopoiesis occurred primarily in spleen, but hematopoietic foci were also evident in the liver; in contrast, total cell and progenitor cell numbers were decreased in the bone marrow.
OBJECTIVE: The objective of our study was to report the MRI findings in dorsal fractures of the triquetrum, with an emphasis on dorsal carpal ligament injuries. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 21 patients (16 men, five women; mean age, 41.9 years) with acute or subacute (≤ 6 weeks) dorsal triquetral fractures on radiography and MRI were included in this two-center retrospective study. MRI of the wrist was performed on 3-T units with transverse T1-weighted, coronal or transverse (or both) fat-suppressed T2weighted, transverse gadolinium-enhanced fat-suppressed T1-weighted turbo spin-echo, and 3D gadolinium-enhanced fat-suppressed T1-weighted gradient-recalled echo sequences. Three musculoskeletal radiologists evaluated the ulnar styloid process index (USPI) on radiographs and the following MRI features: fracture pattern (types 1-6), bone fragment size and displacement, bone marrow edema distribution, and dorsal carpal ligament tears. RESULTS: Eight type 1, one type 2, six type 3, five type 4, and one type 5 fractures were identified. These fractures were associated with 14 (66.7%), 17 (81.0%), and 16 (76.2%) tears of the dorsal radiocarpal, ulnotriquetral, and intercarpal ligaments, respectively. There was no correlation between bone marrow edema distribution and dorsal carpal ligament injuries (all p > 0.05). The mean (± SD) bone fragment volume and displacement were 205 ± 157 mm(3) and 1.0 ± 1.1 mm, respectively. The mean USPI was 0.21 ± 0.10. CONCLUSION: Dorsal fractures of the triquetrum are frequently associated with dorsal carpal ligament injuries. Bone marrow edema distribution is not correlated with these ligament tears.