907 resultados para Maria Teresa Horta


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Se analiza el sistema constructivo, estructura y acabados, del aljibe de época almohade de la Casa de las Veletas de Cáceres, cuya datación está en torno a los siglos X a XII. Cconstruido en base a once columnas y un pilar, son de ladrillo los dieciséis arcos de herradura levantados en dirección NE-SO, y las cinco bóvedas de cañón, que descansan sobre los mismos. Los muros son de tapia tipo tabiya, los enlucidos de cal, y el hallazgo de una moldura plantea la hipótesis de la existencia de decoraciones, por lo que originariamente pudo haber tenido otro uso. Los estudios se apoyan en la documentación histórica, lectura muraria y caracterización de morteros por FTIR.


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Spain is the fifth-largest producer of melon (Cucumis melo L.) and the second exporter in the world. To a national level, Castilla-La Mancha emphasize and, specifically, Ciudad Real, where is cultivated 27% of national area dedicated to this crop and 30% of melon national production. Melon crop is cultivating majority in Ciudad Real and it is mainly located in the Alto Guadiana, where the major aquifers of the region are located, the aquifer 23 or Mancha Occidental and the aquifer 24 or Campo de Montiel, both declared overexploited and vulnerable zones to nitrate pollution from agricultural sources. The problem is exacerbated because in this area, groundwater is the basic resource of supply to populations, and even often the only one. Given the importance of melon in the area, recent research has focused on the irrigation of melon crop. Unfortunately, scant information has been forthcoming on the effect of N fertilizer on melon piel de sapo crop, so it is very important to tackle in a serious study that lead to know the N requirements on the melon crop melon by reducing the risks of contamination by nitrate leaching without affecting productivity and crop quality. In fact, the recommended dose is often subjective and practice is a N overdose. In this situation, the taking of urgent measures to optimize the use of N fertilization is required. To do it, the effect of N in a melon crop, fertirrigated and on plastic mulch, was studied. The treatments consisted in different rates of N supply, considering N fertilizer and N content in irrigation water, so the treatment applied were: 30 (N30), 85 (N85), 112 (N112) and 139 (N139) Kg N ha-1 in 2005; 93 (N93), 243 (N243) and 393 (N393) kg ha-1 in 2006; and 11 (N11), 61 (N61), 95 (N95) and 148 (N148) kg ha-1 in 2007. A randomized complete-block design was used and each treatment was replicated four times. The results showed a significant effect of N on dry biomass and two patterns of growth were observed. On the one hand, a gradual increase in vegetative biomass of the plant, leaves and stem, with increasing N, and on the other hand, an increase of fruit biomass also with increasing N up to a maximum of biomass corresponding to the optimal dose determined in 90 kg ha-1 of N applied, corresponding to 160 kg ha-1 of N available for melon crop, since this optimum dose, the fruit biomass suffers a decline. A significant effect was observed in concentration and N uptake in leaf, steam, fruit and whole plant, increasing in all of them with increasing of N doses. Fast N uptake occurred from 30-35 to 70-80 days after transplanting, coinciding with the fruit development. The N had a clear influence on the melon yield, its components, skin thickness and flesh ratio. The melon yield increased, as the mean fruit weight and number of fruits per m2 with increasing N until achieve an above 95% of the maximum yield when the N applied is 90 kg ha-1 or 160 kg ha-1 of N available. When N exceeds the optimal amount, there is a decline in yield, reducing the mean fruit weight and number of fruits per square meter, and was also observed a decrease in fruit quality by increasing the skin thickness and decrease the flesh ratio, which means an increase in fruit hollowed with excessive N doses. There was a trend for all indexes of N use efficiency (NUE) to decline with increasing N rate. We observed two different behaviours in the calculation result of the NUE; on the one hand, all the efficiency indexes calculated with N applied and N available had an exponential trend, and on the other hand, all the efficiency indexes calculated with N uptake has a linear trend. The linear regression cuts the exponential curve, delimiting a range within which lies the optimum quantity of N. The N leaching as nitrates increased exponentially with the amount of N. The increase of N doses was affected on the N mineralization. There was a negative exponential effect of N available on the mineralization of this element that occurs in the soil during the growing season, calculated from the balances of this element. The study of N leaching for each N rate used, allowed to us to establish several environmental indices related to environmental risk that causes the use of such doses, a simple way for them to be included in the code of Best Management Practices.


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Un estudiante arquitecto disimula su espíritu burgués bajo una apariencia de vagabundo y enmascara su cinismo bajo la convención de la ironía. SIMULACRO Una joven arquitectura americana de California se revuelca complacida en el culto a la cabaña de madera y a la falsa granja de cubierta retorcida y pintoresca. Una arquitectura internacional politizada busca en el neorrealismo el sentido tan masoquista de la miseria del buen gusto y de la anécdota irrelevante para calmar su conciencia extraviada. Una arquitectura italiana de investigación se refugia en los más increíbles revivals de las épocas más alejadas; transformando alegremente la moda antigua en vieja decoración, influenciando al mundo y justificando su postura de anticuario con el intento vano de elevarla no solo al nivel de una tendencia más, sino al de escuela de arquitectura. SIMULACRO Una arquitectura tradicional cansada, que intenta su revitalización, disfrazándose bajo la etimología neodecorativa de “brutalismo”. Una arquitectura falaz que corrompe los lugares de placer con su exotismo y su folclore de bazar. Una arquitectura indiferente que esconde su falta de pasión bajo la coartada moderna del muro cortina y bajo la máscara de la técnica.


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In Europe, Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD) are the leading source of death, causing 45% of all deceases. Besides, Heart Failure, the paradigm of CVD, mainly affects people older than 65. In the current aging society, the European MyHeart Project was created, whose mission is to empower citizens to fight CVD by leading a preventive lifestyle and being able to be diagnosed at an early stage. This paper presents the development of a Heart Failure Management System, based on daily monitoring of Vital Body Signals, with wearable and mobile technologies, for the continuous assessment of this chronic disease. The System makes use of the latest technologies for monitoring heart condition, both with wearable garments (e.g. for measuring ECG and Respiration); and portable devices (such as Weight Scale and Blood Pressure Cuff) both with Bluetooth capabilities


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Fundamentos de la Tesis La presente Tesis investiga acerca de las primeras arquitecturas que surgieron a lo largo de La Costa del Sol con motivo de la apertura al exterior de la España turística de los años cincuenta, y cómo su implantación iba a suponer, a lo largo de la segunda mitad del siglo, la paulatina aparición de modos de vida y desarrollos urbanos que pueden ser considerados hoy día como contemporáneos. El Pacto Americano de 1953, pese a su origen militar, supuso en España el surgimiento a su vez de contraprestaciones económicas y de relación que permitirían salir al país de la autarquía y el inicio de un proceso de homologación con el entorno occidental de consecuencias imprevisibles. La Costa del Sol nace de esta manera como fenómeno de explotación turística de un territorio de paisaje amable y de buen clima. La investigación profundiza en el hecho turístico y en sus derivaciones antropológicas, sociales, económicas y culturales como resultado del intercambio de poblaciones autóctonas y lejanas en un lugar donde se relacionan diferentes modos de vida. En este sentido, la visita de Dalí a Torremolinos en 1930 permite introducir en la investigación conceptos relacionados con el azar como integrador de errores, deformaciones o transformaciones no previstas. Estas primeras arquitecturas de llamativo corte moderno aparecieron durante la década entre 1959 y 1969, en el entorno virgen preexistente, comprendido entre la playa y la montaña, proporcionando densidad y singularidad con sus diseños, y alentando un carácter de multiplicidad desde sus propios modelos, lo que favorecería un fenómeno interactivo entre las distintas soluciones. Visto desde la capital del Estado se reconocería un singular territorio supra-provincial entre el Cabo de Gata y la Punta de Tarifa. En dicho territorio, una serie de pequeñas poblaciones se enlazarían a través del cordón litoral gracias a la carretera nacional 340. Esta primera arquitectura comercial privada y de calidad surgió también gracias a la conexión del aeropuerto de Málaga con el turismo internacional. Gracias a esta conexión se exhibirán rasgos pertenecientes a la cultura arquitectónica de la época, a lo moderno, como reclamo, fundamentalmente edifi cios exóticos que mostrarán rasgos de progreso en una periferia empobrecida y rural. Metodología empleada • Búsqueda de fuentes primarias como documentación original de los diferentes proyectos y entrevistas con arquitectos protagonistas de esa época. • Búsqueda, catalogación y ordenación de los diferentes planes de ordenación de la Costa del Sol que se hicieron durante la década de estudio así como un análisis de sus propuestas y consecuencias. • Estudio de casos relativos a los dos modelos de actuaciones arquitectónicas predominantes en el periodo de estudio: los hoteles y los complejos de apartamentos. • Establecimiento de un planteamiento gradual por escalas, trabajando como “múltiplos” y permitiendo generar lazos de autosimilitud. • Análisis de la relación de estos proyectos con el paisaje circundante, con lo urbano, existiese o no, y con el interior de las células de apartamentos. Aportaciones de la Tesis El fenómeno estudiado ha permitido atisbar otra escala más, que atiende a la aparición de un nuevo ente urbano. Para ello las teorías sobre la ciudad vertidas durante los años 30 por F. Ll. Wright, junto con la visión reveladora de Reyner Banham sobre Los Ángeles a principios de los 70 o de Rem Koolhaas sobre la ciudad genérica como apoteosis del concepto de elección múltiple, permiten establecer parámetros que enmarcan el estudio del nuevo ente urbano de difícil legibilidad que se funda en la Costa del Sol durante la década de los 60. La investigación concluye acerca del papel de estas primeras arquitecturas del turismo dentro del proceso dinámico, imparable y crecedero que se inició durante la época de estudio. Un fenómeno que ha dado lugar a un desarrollo suburbial y a-jerárquico, sin centro concreto, donde se dan lugar multitud de relaciones en continua adaptación que permiten defi nirlo como una nueva ciudad. En este proceso estas primeras arquitecturas surgieron como objetos exóticos por su modernidad desafi ante. Esta cualidad convirtió a estos edifi cios en verdaderos atractores de actividad, embajadores de nuevos modos de vida contemporáneos. Por lo que en sus entornos próximos a lo largo de este territorio se provocó la cristalización paulatina de un hecho urbano. Su evolución posterior ha derivado en un progresivo relleno de huecos y vacíos. De manera no planifi cada, azarosa e incluso inesperada, las primeras arquitecturas, que servían a la vida a medias que supone el hecho turístico, han derivado en una paulatina ciudad completa, exenta de jerarquías. Conclusión final La arquitectura se hace más real que nunca como algo tangible en el fl uir de la ciudad. El proceso imparable que se inició en la Costa del Sol sólo puede comprenderse desde sus arquitecturas, que acogen momentos y lugares. En ellas se entremezclan signos, cultura, modos de vida, estilo, construcción, economía y vida contemporánea que han ido colonizando poco a poco este territorio en un proceso irreversible como en tantos otros lugares del planeta. Este proceso de desvelamiento ha constituido el motivo principal de esta Tesis


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Se propone una metodología que nos permita evaluar un óptimo manejo de la fertirrigación integrando aspectos agronómicos y medioambientales.


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To determine the risk of nitrate pollution in agricultural systems have identified several indexes and efficiencies that may lead an effective N fertilizer management for obtain the maximum yield with minimum environmental impact and health


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Mobile phones are becoming increasingly popular and are already the first access technology to information and communication. However, people with disabilities have to face a lot of barriers when using this kind of technology. This paper presents an Accessible Contact Manager and a Real Time Text application, designed to be used by all users with disabilities. Both applications are focused to improve accessibility of mobile phones.


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The apparition of new mobile phones operating systems often leads to a flood of mobile applications rushing into the market without taking into account needs of the most vulnerable users groups: the people with disabilities. The need of accessible applications for mobile is very important especially when it comes to access basic mobile functions such as making calls through a contact manager. This paper presents the technical validation process and results of an Accessible Contact Manager for mobile phones as a part of the evaluation of accessible applications for mobile phones for people with disabilities.


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Exploiting the full potential of telemedical systems means using platform based solutions: data are recovered from biomedical sensors, hospital information systems, care-givers, as well as patients themselves, and are processed and redistributed in an either centralized or, more probably, decentralized way. The integration of all these different devices, and interfaces, as well as the automated analysis and representation of all the pieces of information are current key challenges in telemedicine. Mobile phone technology has just begun to offer great opportunities of using this diverse information for guiding, warning, and educating patients, thus increasing their autonomy and adherence to their prescriptions. However, most of these existing mobile solutions are not based on platform systems and therefore represent limited, isolated applications. This article depicts how telemedical systems, based on integrated health data platforms, can maximize prescription adherence in chronic patients through mobile feedback. The application described here has been developed in an EU-funded R&D project called METABO, dedicated to patients with type 1 or type 2 Diabetes Mellitus


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Nitrogen (N) is an important nutrient for melon (Cucumis melo L.) production. However there is scanty information about the amount necessary to maintain an appropriate balance between growth and yield. Melon vegetative organs must develop sufficiently to intercept light and accumulate water and nutrients but it is also important to obtain a large reproductive-vegetative dry weight ratio to maximize the fruit yield. We evaluated the influence of different N amounts on the growth, production of dry matter and fruit yield of a melon ‘Piel de sapo’ type. A three-year field experiment was carried out from May to September. Melons were subjected to an irrigation depth of 100% crop evapotranspiration and to 11 N fertilization rates, ranging 11 to 393 kg ha –1 in the three years. The dry matter production of leaves and stems increased as the N amount increased. The dry matter of the whole plant was affected similarly, while the fruit dry matter decreased as the N amount was increased above 112, 93 and 95 kg ha –1 , in 2005, 2006 and 2007, respectively. The maximum Leaf Area Index (LAI), 3.1, was obtained at 393 kg ha –1 of N. The lowest N supply reduced the fruit yield by 21%, while the highest increased the vegetative growth, LAI and Leaf Area Duration (LAD), but reduced yield by 24% relative to the N93 treatment. Excessive applications of N increase vegetative growth at the expense of reproductive growth. For this melon type, rates about 90-100 kg ha –1 of N are sufficient for adequate plant growth, development and maximum production. To obtain fruit yield close to the maximum, the leaf N concentration at the end of the crop cycle should be higher than 19.5 g kg –1


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In order to establish a rational nitrogen (N) fertilisation and reduce groundwater contamination, a clearer understanding of the N distribution through the growing season and its dynamics inside the plant is crucial. In two successive years, a melon crop (Cucumis melo L. cv. Sancho) was grown under field conditions to determine the uptake of N fertiliser, applied by means of fertigation at different stages of plant growth, and to follow the translocation of N in the plant using 15N-labelled N. In 2006, two experiments were carried out. In the first experiment, labelled 15N fertiliser was supplied at the female-bloom stage and in the second, at the end of fruit ripening. Labelled 15N fertiliser was made from 15NH415NO3 (10 at.% 15N) and 9.6 kg N ha−1 were applied in each experiment over 6 days (1.6 kg N ha−1 d−1). In 2007, the 15N treatment consisted of applying 20.4 kg N ha−1 as 15NH415NO3 (10 at.% 15N) in the middle of fruit growth, over 6 days (3.4 kg N ha−1 d−1). In addition, 93 and 95 kg N ha−1 were supplied daily by fertigation as ammonium nitrate in 2006 and 2007, respectively. The results obtained in 2006 suggest that the uptake of N derived from labelled fertiliser by the above-ground parts of the plants was not affected by the time of fertiliser application. At the female-flowering and fruit-ripening stages, the N content derived from 15N-labelled fertiliser was close to 0.435 g m−2 (about 45% of the N applied), while in the middle of fruit growth it was 1.45 g m−2 (71% of the N applied). The N application time affected the amount of N derived from labelled fertiliser that was translocated to the fruits. When the N was supplied later, the N translocation was lower, ranging between 54% at female flowering and 32% at the end of fruit ripening. Approximately 85% of the N translocated came from the leaf when the N was applied at female flowering or in the middle of fruit growth. This value decreased to 72% when the 15N application was at the end of fruit ripening. The ammonium nitrate became available to the plant between 2 and 2.5 weeks after its application. Although the leaf N uptake varied during the crop cycle, the N absorption rate in the whole plant was linear, suggesting that the melon crop could be fertilised with constant daily N amounts until 2–3 weeks before the last harvest.


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Improving patient self-management can have a greater impact than improving any clinical treatment (WHO). We propose here a systematic and comprehensive user centered design approach for delivering a technological platform for diabetes disease management. The system was developed under the METABO research project framework, involving patients from 3 different clinical centers in Parma, Modena and Madrid.


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This paper describes the design and development of a system for cardio rehabilitation of patients that suffered a myocardial infarction. The proposed solution focuses on exercise prescriptions and the encouragement of healthy behaviors. The innovative strategy of the design takes into account health promotion models to provide safe, assistive exercise training sessions, personalized feedbacks, and educational contents.


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— In 2000, according to the World Health Organization, at least 171 million people, 2.8% of the population worldwide, suffered from diabetes. The Centres for Disease Control has defined it as an epidemic disease. Its incidence is increasing rapidly, and it is estimated that by 2030 this number will almost double. Diabetes mellitus occurs throughout the world, but is more common (especially type 2) in the more developed countries. Diabetes is a chronic condition that occurs when pancreas does not assure enough insulin secretion or when the body does not consume the insulin produced. Insulin is a hormone that regulates blood sugar. The effect of uncontrolled diabetes is the hyperglycaemia (blood sugar), which eventually seriously damage many organs and systems, especially the nerves and blood vessels. Diabetes type 2 (most common type of diabetes) is highly correlated with elderly people, obesity or overweight. Promoting a healthy lifestyle helps patients to improve their quality of life and in many cases to avoid complications related to the disease. This paper is intended to describe an iPhone-based application for self-management of type 2 diabetic patients, which allow them improving their lifestyle through healthy diet, physical activity and education