838 resultados para Manuscripts, Old Norse


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The purpose of this article was to describe the clinical and microscopic features of an intraosseous foreign-body granuloma in the mandible that developed after the traumatic implantation of metal fragments during a work-related accident. A 65-year-old male patient had a severe pain in the body of mandible. Clinical examination showed facial asymmetry and a scar, extending to the left mental region. Intraoral examination revealed a soft mass involving the left alveolar bone with normal appearance of the mucosa surface. Panoramic radiographs showed a radiolucent lesion along the mandible extending from the central incisive to the first molar. Computed tomography revealed an osteolytic mass in the same area. His medical history included a work-related accident twenty years prior to evaluation. During the biopsy an important amount of bright metal-like pieces surrounded by soft tissue were found. A microscopic examination showed a foreign body associated with an aggregation of multinucleated giant cells. The final diagnosis was a foreign body granuloma. Even though foreign-body granulomas in the mandible are rare lesions, dentists should be familiar with their features and include them in the differential diagnosis of tissue masses.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar as condições periodontais e necessidades de tratamento em crianças e adolescentes, com idades entre 7 e 19 anos, matriculados em Escolas Públicas de Araraquara, SP, Brasil, em 1995, com o propósito de se obter um banco de dados-base inicial para o monitoramento das mudanças no estado periodontal. Uma amostra de 1956 crianças e adolescentes foi examinada por duas examinadoras, previamente calibradas, usando o CPITN. Os resultados mostraram que o sangramento gengival foi a condição periodontal mais frequentemente observada em todas as idades, com média de 3,0 sextantes afetados na idade de 15 anos. A presença de cálculo dental aumentou com a idade. No grupo etário de 15-19 anos, o cálculo dental e as bolsas periodontais rasas (3,5-5,5 mm) foram observados em 39,8% e 1,6% dos adolescentes, respectivamente. Com o propósito de alcançar a meta da OMS de não mais do que um sextante com escores 1 (sangramento) ou 2 (presença de cálculo dental) do CPITN na idade de 15 anos, prioridade deve ser dada aos programas de prevenção primária para que a saúde periodontal da maioria seja beneficiada.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a prevalência de cárie em crianças de sete a 12 anos em Araraquara, São Paulo, Brasil, em 1989 e 1995. Foi utilizada amostragem sistemática para selecionar crianças de escolas públicas. Examinadores treinados realizaram levantamentos epidemiológicos, utilizando o índice CPOD e os critérios de diagnóstico da OMS. em todas as idades, houve aumento da porcentagem de crianças livres de cárie na dentição permanente (de 29% em 1989 para 51% em 1995). Para crianças aos 12 anos de idade, foram observados índices CPOD de 3,8 em 1989 e de 2,6 em 1995. Detectaram-se também reduções nas porcentagens de crianças classificadas nas seguintes categorias do CPOD: um a três (de 40% em 1989 para 31% em 1995); quatro a seis (de 26,6% em 1989 para 16,5% em 1995) e sete ou mais (de 4,4% em 1989 para 1,5% em 1995). A meta da OMS/FDI para o ano 2000, de que aos 12 anos os indivíduos apresentem em média índice CPOD menor ou igual a três, foi atingida pelos escolares em estudo. Esforços devem ser empreendidos para que haja redução da porcentagem de crianças com experiência de cárie e sejam alcançadas as metas de saúde bucal da OMS/FDI para o ano 2010.


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Background: Lectins are mainly described as simple carbohydrate- binding proteins. Previous studies have tried to identify other binding sites, which possible recognize plant hormones, secondary metabolites, and isolated amino acid residues. We report the crystal structure of a lectin isolated from Canavalia gladiata seeds ( CGL), describing a new binding pocket, which may be related to pathogen resistance activity in ConA- like lectins; a site where a non- protein amino- acid, aaminobutyric acid ( Abu), is bound.Results: the overall structure of native CGL and complexed with alpha- methyl- mannoside and Abu have been refined at 2.3 angstrom and 2.31 angstrom resolution, respectively. Analysis of the electron density maps of the CGL structure shows clearly the presence of Abu, which was confirmed by mass spectrometry.Conclusion: the presence of Abu in a plant lectin structure strongly indicates the ability of lectins on carrying secondary metabolites. Comparison of the amino acids composing the site with other legume lectins revealed that this site is conserved, providing an evidence of the biological relevance of this site. This new action of lectins strengthens their role in defense mechanisms in plants.


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Aims To assess the prevalences of caries, of developmental defects of enamel and their interrelationship in Brazilian 9-10-year-olds from areas of contrasting fluoridation histories.Methods systematic random sampling procedures were used to select children from an area where water had been fluoridated in 1963 and from a second area where water had been fluoridated since 1998. Clinical examinations for caries were carried out using the DMFT index and WHO diagnostic criteria. Developmental defects of enamel on upper incisors were diagnosed using the DDE index.Results A difference of 40% in DMFT was observed, with a lower prevalence of disease in the area fluoridated since 1963. Diffuse opacities affected 14.3% of the children from the area fluoridated since 1963 compared with only 2.4% in the area fluoridated in 1998. Children living in the area fluoridated in 1963 who had diffuse defects had twice the chance of being free from caries compared with those living in the same area who had no defects or who had only demarcated or hypoplastic defects.Conclusions This study confirms previous ones in showing the benefits of water fluoridation. Diffuse opacities of upper incisors affected relatively few subjects in either of the two areas.


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This study aimed to identify factors associated with exclusive breastfeeding (AME) and the reasons mothers presented to introduce complementary feeding in the first four months of life. A total of 380 mothers (92.2%) of children under four months old vaccinated in a Multi-vaccination Campaign were interviewed. To identify factors associated to AME, univariate and multiple logistic regressions analyses were performed. Thirty-eight percent of the children were on AME; 33.4% consumed cow milk; 29.2% tea; and 22.4% water. The mothers justified introduction of cow milk by factors related to quantity/quality of maternal milk and necessity of the child. The use of a pacifier (odds ratio=2.63; CI95%=1.7-4.06) and difficulty to breastfeed (odds ratio=1.57., CI95%=1.02-2.41) were associated with the absence of AME. The populational attributable risk percentage for the use of a pacifier was estimated at 46.8%. Thus, modifiable risk factors were associated with AME interruption.