990 resultados para Magnetic Fluid


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The forced oscillations due to a point forcing effect in an infinite or contained, inviscid, incompressible, rotating, stratified fluid are investigated taking into account the density variation in the inertia terms in the linearized equations of motion. The solutions are obtained in closed form using generalized Fourier transforms. Solutions are presented for a medium bounded by a finite cylinder when the oscillatory forcing effect is acting at a point on the axis of the cylinder. In both the unbounded and bounded case, there exist characteristic cones emanating from the point of application of the force on which either the pressure or its derivatives are discontinuous. The perfect resonance existing at certain frequencies in an unbounded or bounded homogeneous fluid is avoided in the case of a confined stratified fluid.


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The oscillations of a drop moving in another fluid medium have been studied at low values of Reynolds number and Weber number by taking into consideration the shape of the drop and the viscosities of the two phases in addition to the interfacial tension. The deformation of the drop modifies the Lamb's expression for frequency by including a correction term while the viscous effects split the frequency into a pair of frequencies—one lower and the other higher than Lamb's. The lower frequency mode has ample experimental support while the higher frequency mode has also been observed. The two modes almost merge with Lamb's frequency for the asymptotic cases of a drop in free space or a bubble in a dense viscous fluid but the splitting becomes large when the two fluids have similar properties. Instead of oscillations, aperiodic damping modes are found to occur in drops with sizes smaller than a critical size ($\sim\hat{\rho}\hat{\nu}^2/T $). With the help of these calculations, many of the available experimental results are analyzed and discussed.


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The stability of the Hagen-Poiseuille flow of a Newtonian fluid in a tube of radius R surrounded by an incompressible viscoelastic medium of radius R < r < HR is analysed in the high Reynolds number regime. The dimensionless numbers that affect the fluid flow are the Reynolds number Re = (ρVR / η), the ratio of the viscosities of the wall and fluid ηr = (ηs/η), the ratio of radii H and the dimensionless velocity Γ = (ρV2/G)1/2. Here ρ is the density of the fluid, G is the coefficient of elasticity of the wall and Vis the maximum fluid velocity at the centre of the tube. In the high Reynolds number regime, an asymptotic expansion in the small parameter ε = (1/Re) is employed. In the leading approximation, the viscous effects are neglected and there is a balance between the inertial stresses in the fluid and the elastic stresses in the medium. There are multiple solutions for the leading-order growth rate do), all of which are imaginary, indicating that the fluctuations are neutrally stable, since there is no viscous dissipation of energy or transfer of energy from the mean flow to the fluctruations due to the Reynolds strees. There is an O(ε1/2) correction to the growth rate, s(1), due to the presence of a wall layer of thickness ε1/2R where the viscous stresses are O(ε1/2) smaller than the inertial stresses. An energy balance analysis indicates that the transfer of energy from the mean flow to the fluctuations due to the Reynolds stress in the wall layer is exactly cancelled by an opposite transfer of equal magnitude due to the deformation work done at the interface, and there is no net transfer from the mean flow to the fluctuations. Consequently, the fluctuations are stabilized by the viscous dissipation in the wall layer, and the real part of s(1) is negative. However, there are certain values of Γ and wavenumber k where s(l) = 0. At these points, the wail layer amplitude becomes zero because the tangential velocity boundary condition is identically satisfied by the inviscid flow solution. The real part of the O(ε) correction to the growth rate s(2) turns out to be negative at these points, indicating a small stabilizing effect due to the dissipation in the bulk of the fluid and the wall material. It is found that the minimum value of s(2) increases [is proportional to] (H − 1)−2 for (H − 1) [double less-than sign] 1 (thickness of wall much less than the tube radius), and decreases [is proportional to] (H−4 for H [dbl greater-than sign] 1. The damping rate for the inviscid modes is smaller than that for the viscous wall and centre modes in a rigid tube, which have been determined previously using a singular perturbation analysis. Therefore, these are the most unstable modes in the flow through a flexible tube.


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After summarizing the relevant observational data, we discuss how a study of flux tube dynamics in the solar convection zone helps us to understand the formation of sunspots. Then we introduce the flux transport dynamo model and assess its success in modelling both the solar cycle and its departures from strictly periodic behaviour.


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Recent results and data suggest that high magnetic fields in neutron stars (NS) strongly affect the characteristics (radius, mass) of the star. Such stars are even separated into a class known as magnetars, for which the surface magnetic field is greater than 10(14) G. In this work we discuss the effect of such a high magnetic field on the phase transition of a NS to a quark star (QS). We study the effect of magnetic field on the transition from NS to QS including the magnetic-field effect in the equation of state (EoS). The inclusion of the magnetic field increases the range of baryon number densities for which the flow velocities of the matter in the respective phase are finite. The magnetic field helps in initiation of the conversion process. The velocity of the conversion front, however, decreases due to the presence of the magnetic field, as the presence of the magnetic field reduces the effective pressure (P). The magnetic field of the star is decreased by the conversion process, and the resultant QS has lower magnetic field than the initial NS.


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We present a magnetic study of the insulating perovskite LaMn1-xTixO3+delta (0magnetic relaxation. The Curie temperature was found to decrease with increasing content of Ti. Two distinct magnetic transitions, irreversibility, non-exponential relaxation and aging effects confirm a reentrant spin-glass state for x = 0.2. The time decay of the magnetization has an algebraic functional form for times up to 2 h. The specific heat also displays characteristic features of a spin-glass system by a linear low-temperature dependence and a broadened peak near the temperature of the reentrant transition. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Peristaltic transport of a micropolar fluid in a circular tube is studied under low Reynolds number and long wavelength approximations. The closed form solutions are obtained. for velocity, microrotation components, as well as the stream function and they contain new additional parameters namely, N the coupling number and m the micropolar parameter. In the case of free pumping (pressure difference Deltap = 0) the difference in pumping flux is observed to be very small for Newtonian and micropolar fluids but in the case of pumping (Deltap > 0) the characteristics are significantly altered for different N and m. It is observed that the peristalsis in micropolar fluids works as a pump against a greater pressure rise compared with a Newtonian fluid. Streamline patterns which depict trapping phenomena are presented for different parameter ranges. The limit on the trapping of the center streamline is obtained. The effects of N and m on friction force for different Deltap are discussed.


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The surface wave induced magnetic reconnection (SWIMR) model based on Alfven Resonance theory will be discussed briefly both for collisional and collisionless plasmas. It is shown that the spatial scales and time delays associated with Flux Transfer Events and Pulsed Ionospheric Flows, as observed by satellites and SuperDARN radars and the magnetic bubbles, observed at the high latitude boundary of the magnetopause, can be explained by the SWIMR model.


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The unsteady rotating flow of a laminar incompressible viscous electrically conducting fluid over a rotating sphere in the vicinity of the equator has been studied. The fluid and the body rotate either in the same direction or in opposite directions. The effects of surface suction and magnetic field have been included in the analysis. There is an initial steady state that is perturbed by a sudden change in the rotational velocity of the sphere, and this causes unsteadiness in the flow field. The nonlinear coupled parabolic partial differential equations governing the boundary-layer flow have been solved numerically by using an implicit finite-difference scheme. For large suction or magnetic field, analytical solutions have also been obtained. The magnitude of the radial, meridional and rotational velocity components is found to be higher when the fluid and the body rotate in opposite directions than when they rotate in the same direction. The surface shear stresses in the meridional and rotational directions change sign when the ratio of the angular velocities of the sphere and the fluid lambda greater than or equal to lambda(0). The final (new) steady state is reached rather quickly which implies that the spin-up time is small. The magnetic field and surface suction reduce the meridional shear stress, but increase the surface shear stress in the rotational direction.


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Hexagonal Dy(0.5)Y(0.5)MnO(3), a multiferroic rare-earth manganite with geometrically frustrated antiferromagnetism, has been investigated with single-crystal neutron diffraction measurements. Below 3.4 K magnetic order is observed on both the Mn (antiferromagnetic) and Dy (ferrimagnetic) sublattices that is identical to that of undiluted hexagonal DyMnO(3) at low temperature. The Mn moments undergo a spin reorientation transition between 3.4 K and 10 K, with antiferromagnetic order of the Mn sublattice persisting up to 70 K; the antiferromagnetic order in this phase is distinct from that observed in undiluted (h) DyMnO(3), yielding a qualitatively new phase diagram not seen in other hexagonal rare-earth manganites. A magnetic field applied parallel to the crystallographic c axis will drive a transition from the antiferromagnetic phase into the low-temperature ferrimagnetic phase with little hysteresis.


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A vacuum interrupter utilises magnetic field for effective arc extinction. Based on the type of field, the vacuum interrupters are classified as radial or axial magnetic type of vacuum interrupters. This paper focuses on the axial magnetic field type of vacuum interrupters. The magnitude and distribution of the axial magnetic field is a function of the design of the contact system. It also depends on the orientations of the movable and fixed contact systems with respect to each other. This paper investigates the dependence of arcing and erosion performance of the contact on the magnitude and distribution of this axially oriented magnetic field. The experimental observations are well supported by electromagnetic simulations.


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Synthesis and structure of new (Bi, La)(3)MSb(2)O(11) phases (M = Cr, Mn, Fe) are reported in conjunction with their magnetic and photocatalytic properties. XRD refinements reflect that Bi(3)CrSb(2)O(11), Bi(2)LaCrSb(2)O(11), Bi(2)LaMnSb(2)O(11) and Bi(2)LaFeSb(2)O(11) adopt KSbO(3)-type structure (space group, Pn (3) over bar). The structure can be described through three interpenetrating networks where the first is the (M/Sb)O(6) octahedral network and other two are the identical networks having Bi(6)O(4) composition. The magnetic measurements on Bi(2)LaCrSb(2)O(11) and Bi(2)LaMnSb(2)O(11) show paramagnetic behaviour with magnetic moments close to the expected spin only magnetic moments of Cr(+3) and Mn(+3). The UV-Visible diffuse reflectance spectra are broad and indicate that these materials possess a bandgap of similar to 2 eV. The photocatalytic activity of these materials has been investigated by degrading Malachite Green (MG) under exposure to UV light.


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Cobalt and iron nanoparticles are doped in carbon nanotube (CNT)/polymer matrix composites and studied for strain and magnetic field sensing properties. Characterization of these samples is done for various volume fractions of each constituent (Co and Fe nanoparticles and CNTs) and also for cases when only either of the metallic components is present. The relation between the magnetic field and polarization-induced strain are exploited. The electronic bandgap change in the CNTs is obtained by a simplified tight-binding formulation in terms of strain and magnetic field. A nonlinear constitutive model of glassy polymer is employed to account for (1) electric bias field dependent softening/hardening (2) CNT orientations as a statistical ensemble and (3) CNT volume fraction. An effective medium theory is then employed where the CNTs and nanoparticles are treated as inclusions. The intensity of the applied magnetic field is read indirectly as the change in resistance of the sample. Very small magnetic fields can be detected using this technique since the resistance is highly sensitive to strain. Its sensitivity due to the CNT volume fraction is also discussed. The advantage of this sensor lies in the fact that it can be molded into desirable shape and can be used in fabrication of embedded sensors where the material can detect external magnetic fields on its own. Besides, the stress-controlled hysteresis of the sample can be used in designing memory devices. These composites have potential for use in magnetic encoders, which are made of a magnetic field sensor and a barcode.


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We present the magnetic properties of polycrystalline Dy1−xSrxMnO3 (0.1 ≤ x ≤ 0.4) with an orthorhombic (o) crystal structure. The parent compound, o-DyMnO3, undergoes an incommensurate antiferromagnetic ordering of the Mn spins at 39 K, followed by a spiral order at 18 K. A further antiferromagnetic transition at 5 K marks an ordering of the Dy-sublattice. Doping of divalent Sr ions results in diverse magnetization phenomena. The zero-field cooled (ZFC) and field cooled (FC) magnetization curves display the presence of strongly interacting magnetic sublattices. For x = 0.1 and 0.2, a bifurcation between the ZFC and FC magnetization sets in at around 30 and 32 K, respectively. The ZFC magnetization peaks at about 5 K, indicating antiferromagnetic Dy-couplings similar to the case of o-DyMnO3. For x = 0.3, clear signatures of ferrimagnetism and strong anisotropy are found, including negative magnetization. The compound with x = 0.4 behaves as a spin glass, similar to Dy0.5Sr0.5MnO3.


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Recently, the demand of the steel having superior chemical and physical properties has increased for which the content of carbon must be in ultra low range. There are many processes which can produce low carbon steel such as Tank degasser and RH (Rheinstahl-Heraeus) processes. It has been claimed that using a new process, called REDA (Revolutionary Degassing Activator), one can achieve the carbon content below 10ppm in less time. REDA process in terms of installment cost is in between tank degasser and RH processes. As such, REDA process has not been studied thoroughly. Fluid flow phenomena affect the decarburization rate the most besides the chemical reaction rate. Therefore, momentum balance equations along with k-ε turbulent model have been solved for gas and liquid phases in two-dimension (2D) for REDA process. The fluid flow phenomena have been studied in details for this process by varying gas flow rate, depth of immersed snorkel in the steel, diameter of the snorkel and change in vacuum pressure. It is found that design of snorkel affects the mixing process of the bath significantly.