984 resultados para Lorenz, Hendrik
Aims: Angiographic ectasias and aneurysms in stented segments have been associated with late stent thrombosis. Using optical coherence tomography (OCT), some stented segments show coronary evaginations reminiscent of ectasias. The purpose of this study was to explore, using computational fluid-dynamic (CFD) simulations, whether OCT-detected coronary evaginations can induce local changes in blood flow. Methods and results: OCT-detected evaginations are defined as outward bulges in the luminal vessel contour between struts, with the depth of the bulge exceeding the actual strut thickness. Evaginations can be characterised cross ectionally by depth and along the stented segment by total length. Assuming an ellipsoid shape, we modelled 3-D evaginations with different sizes by varying the depth from 0.2-1.0 mm, and the length from 1-9 mm. For the flow simulation we used average flow velocity data from non-diseased coronary arteries. The change in flow with varying evagination sizes was assessed using a particle tracing test where the particle transit time within the segment with evagination was compared with that of a control vessel. The presence of the evagination caused a delayed particle transit time which increased with the evagination size. The change in flow consisted locally of recirculation within the evagination, as well as flow deceleration due to a larger lumen - seen as a deflection of flow towards the evagination. Conclusions: CFD simulation of 3-D evaginations and blood flow suggests that evaginations affect flow locally, with a flow disturbance that increases with increasing evagination size.
OBJECTIVES We sought to evaluate the strategy success and short term clinical outcomes of direct stenting via 5 French (F) diagnostic catheters using a novel bare metal stent with integrated delivery system (IDS) (Svelte Medical Systems, New Providence, NJ) and compare the results to a conventionally treated matched group. METHODS Fifteen consecutive patients with lesions deemed suitable for direct stenting using a bare metal stent were included. The primary endpoint was the strategy success defined as the ability to successfully treat a target lesion via a 5 F diagnostic catheter with a good angiographic result (TIMI III flow, residual stenosis ≤20%). Procedure and fluoroscopy times, contrast agent use, cost, and short-term clinical outcomes were compared to a matched group treated via conventional stenting. RESULTS The primary endpoint was reached in 14/15 patients (93%). There were no significant differences in procedural (58.6 min ± 12.7 vs. 57.4 min ± 14.2) or fluoroscopy times (10.0 min ± 4.3 vs.10.1 min ± 3.9) or contrast agent use (193.7 ml ± 54.8 vs. 181.4 ml ± 35.6). However, there were significant reductions in materials used in the study group compared to the control group equating to cost savings of almost US $600 per case (US $212.44 ± 258.09 vs. US $804.69 ± 468.11; P = 0.001). CONCLUSIONS Direct stenting using a novel bare metal stent with an IDS via 5 F diagnostic catheters is a viable alternative to conventional stenting in selected patients and is associated with significant cost savings.
OBJECTIVES Reinfection after treatment for Chlamydia trachomatis or Neisseria gonorrhoeae reduces the effect of control interventions. We explored the impact of delays in treatment of current partners on the expected probability of reinfection of index cases using a mathematical model. METHODS We used previously reported parameter distributions to calculate the probability that index cases would be reinfected by their untreated partners. We then assumed different delays between index case and partner treatment to calculate the probabilities of reinfection. RESULTS In the absence of partner treatment, the medians of the expected reinfection probabilities are 19.4% (IQR 9.2-31.6%) for C trachomatis and 12.5% (IQR 5.6-22.2%) for N gonorrhoeae. If all current partners receive treatment 3 days after the index case, the expected reinfection probabilities are 4.2% (IQR 2.1-6.9%) for C trachomatis and 5.5% (IQR 2.6-9.5%) for N gonorrhoeae. CONCLUSIONS Quicker partner referral and treatment can substantially reduce reinfection rates for C trachomatis and N gonorrhoeae by untreated partners. The formula we used to calculate reinfection rates can be used to inform the design of randomised controlled trials of novel partner notification technologies like accelerated partner therapy.
BACKGROUND Periprosthetic infections remain a devastating problem in the field of joint arthroplasty. In the following study, the results of a two-stage treatment protocol for chronic periprosthetic infections using an intraoperatively molded cement prosthesis-like spacer (CPLS) are presented. METHODS Seventy-five patients with chronically infected knee prosthesis received a two-stage revision procedure with the newly developed CPLS between June 2006 and June 2011. Based on the microorganism involved, patients were grouped into either easy to treat (ETT) or difficult to treat (DTT) and treated accordingly. Range of motion (ROM) and the knee society score (KSS) were utilized for functional assessment. RESULTS Mean duration of the CPLS implant in the DTT group was 3.6 months (range 3-5 months) and in the ETT group 1.3 months (range 0.7-2.5 months). Reinfection rates of the final prosthesis were 9.6% in the ETT and 8.3% in the DTT group with no significant difference between both groups regarding ROM or KSS (P = 0.87, 0.64, resp.). CONCLUSION The results show that ETT patients do not necessitate the same treatment protocol as DTT patients to achieve the same goal, emphasizing the need to differentiate between therapeutic regimes. We also highlight the feasibility of CLPS in two-stage protocols.
PURPOSE The purpose of this study was to evaluate if osseous correction of the femoral neck achieved arthroscopically is comparable to that achieved by surgical dislocation. METHODS We retrospectively analyzed all patients who were treated with hip arthroscopy or surgical dislocation for cam or mixed type femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) in our institution between 2006 and 2009. Inclusion criteria were complete clinical and radiologic documentation with standardized radiographs. Group 1 consisted of 66 patients (49 female patients, mean age 33.8 years) treated with hip arthroscopy. Group 2 consisted of 135 patients (91 male patients, mean age 31.2 years) treated with surgical hip dislocation. We compared the preoperative and postoperative alpha and gamma angles, as well as the triangular index. Mean follow-up was 16.7 months (range, 2 to 79 months). RESULTS In group 1, the mean alpha angle improved from 60.7° preoperatively to 47.8° postoperatively (P < .001) and the mean gamma angle improved from 47.3° to 44.5° (P < .001). Over time, the preoperative mean alpha angle increased from 56.3° in 2006 to 67.5° in 2009, whereas the postoperative mean alpha angle decreased from 51.2° in 2006 to 47.5° in 2009. In group 2, the mean alpha angle improved from 75.3° preoperatively to 44.8° postoperatively (P < .001), and the mean gamma angle improved from 65.1° to 52.2° (P < .001). Arthroscopic revision of intra-articular adhesions was performed in 4 patients (6.1%) in group 1 and 16 patients (12%) in group 2. Three patients (2.2%) in group 2 underwent revision for nonunion of the greater trochanter. CONCLUSIONS Osseous correction of cam-type FAI with hip arthroscopy is comparable to the correction achieved by surgical hip dislocation. There is a significant learning curve for hip arthroscopy, with postoperative osseous correction showing improved results with increasing surgical experience. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE Level III, retrospective comparative study.
The platform-independent software package consisting of the oligonucleotide mass assembler (OMA) and the oligonucleotide peak analyzer (OPA) was created to support the analysis of oligonucleotide mass spectra. It calculates all theoretically possible fragments of a given input sequence and annotates it to an experimental spectrum, thus, saving a large amount of manual processing time. The software performs analysis of precursor and product ion spectra of oligonucleotides and their analogues comprising user-defined modifications of the backbone, the nucleobases, or the sugar moiety, as well as adducts with metal ions or drugs. The ability to expand the library of building blocks and to implement individual structural variations makes it extremely useful for supporting the analysis of therapeutically active compounds. The functionality of the software tool is demonstrated on the examples of a platinated doublestranded oligonucleotide and a modified RNA sequence. Experiments also reveal the unique dissociation behavior of platinated higher-order DNA structures.
BACKGROUND The treatment of proximal humerus fractures in patients with poor bone quality remains a challenge in trauma surgery. Augmentation with polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) cement is a possible method to strengthen the implant anchorage in osteoporotic bone and to avoid loss of reduction and reduce the cut-out risk. The polymerisation of PMMA during cement setting leads, however, to an exothermic reaction and the development of supraphysiological temperatures may harm the bone and cartilage. This study addresses the issue of heat development during augmentation of subchondrally placed proximal humerus plate screws with PMMA and the possible risk of bone and cartilage necrosis and apoptosis. METHODS Seven fresh frozen humeri from geriatric female donors were instrumented with the proximal humerus interlocking system (PHILOS) plate and placed in a 37°C water bath. Thereafter, four proximal perforated screws were augmented with 0.5 ml PMMA each. During augmentation, the temperatures in the subchondral bone and on the articular surface were recorded with K-type thermocouples. The measured temperatures were compared to threshold values for necrosis and apoptosis of bone and cartilage reported in the literature. RESULTS The heat development was highest around the augmented tips of the perforated screws and diminished with growing distance from the cement cloud. The highest temperature recorded in the subchondral bone reached 43.5°C and the longest exposure time above 42°C was 86s. The highest temperature measured on the articular surface amounted to 38.6°C and the longest exposure time above 38°C was 5 min and 32s. CONCLUSION The study shows that augmentation of the proximal screws of the PHILOS plate with PMMA leads to a locally limited development of supraphysiological temperatures in the cement cloud and closely around it. The critical threshold values for necrosis and apoptosis of cartilage and subchondral bone reported in the literature, however, are not reached. In order to avoid cement extravasation, special care should be taken in detecting perforations or intra-articular cracks in the humeral head.