857 resultados para Lipids - Measurement


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A quasi-optical technique for characterizing micromachined waveguides is demonstrated with wideband time-resolved terahertz spectroscopy. A transfer-function representation is adopted for the description of the relation between the signals in the input and output port of the waveguides. The time-domain responses were discretized, and the waveguide transfer function was obtained through a parametric approach in the z domain after describing the system with an autoregressive with exogenous input model. The a priori assumption of the number of modes propagating in the structure was inferred from comparisons of the theoretical with the measured characteristic impedance as well as with parsimony arguments. Measurements for a precision WR-8 waveguide-adjustable short as well as for G-band reduced-height micromachined waveguides are presented. (C) 2003 Optical Society of America.


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This paper investigates the extent to which clients were able to influence performance measurement appraisals during the downturn in commercial property markets that began in the UK during the second half of 2007. The sharp change in market sentiment produced speculation that different client categories were attempting to influence their appraisers in different ways. In particular, it was recognised that the requirement for open‐ended funds to meet redemptions gave them strong incentives to ensure that their asset values were marked down to market. Using data supplied by Investment Property Databank, we demonstrate that, indeed, unlisted open‐ended funds experienced sharper drops in capital values than other fund types in the last quarter of 2007, after the market turning point and at the time when redemptions were at their highest. These differences are statistically significant and cannot simply be explained by differences in portfolio composition. Client influence on appraisal forms one possible explanation of the results observed: the different pressures on fund managers resulting in different appraisal outcomes.


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Background & aims The consumption of long chain n − 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC n − 3 PUFA) is known to be cardio-protective. Data on the influence of LC n − 3 PUFA on arterial stiffness in the postprandial state is limited. The aim of this study was to investigate the acute effects of a LC n − 3 PUFA-rich meal on measures of arterial stiffness. Methods Twenty-five healthy subjects (12 men, 13 women) received a control and a LC n − 3 PUFA-rich meal on two occasions in a random order. Arterial stiffness was measured at baseline, 30, 60, 90, 120, 180 and 240 min after meal consumption by pulse wave analysis and digital volume pulse to derive an augmentation index and a stiffness index respectively. Blood samples were taken for measurement of lipids, glucose and insulin. Results Consumption of the LC n − 3 PUFA-rich meal had an attenuating effect on augmentation index (P = 0.02) and stiffness index (P = 0.03) compared with the control meal. A significant treatment effect (P = 0.036) was seen for plasma non-esterified fatty acids concentrations. Conclusions These data indicate that acute LC n − 3 PUFA-rich meal consumption can improve postprandial arterial stiffness. This has important implications for the beneficial properties of LC n − 3 PUFA and cardiovascular risk reduction.


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Orlistat is an anti-obesity treatment with which several gastrointestinal (GI) side-effects are commonly associated in the initial stages of therapy. There is no physiological explanation as to why two-thirds of those who take the drug experience one or more side-effects. It has been hypothesized that the GI microbiota may protect from or contribute to these GI disturbances. Using in vitro batch culture and human gut model systems, studies were conducted to determine whether increased availability of dietary lipids and/or orlistat affect the composition and/or activity of the faecal microbiota. Results from 24-h batch culture fermentation experiments demonstrated no effect of orlistat in the presence or absence of a dietary lipid (olive oil) on the composition of bacterial communities [as determined by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analyses], but did show there was great variability in the lipolytic activities of the microbiotas of individuals, as determined by gas chromatography analysis of long-chain fatty acids in samples. Subsequent studies focused on the effect of orlistat in the presence and absence of lipid in in vitro human gut model systems. Systems were run for 14 days with gut model medium (GMM) only (to steady state, SS), then fed at 12-h intervals with 50 mg orlistat, 2 g olive oil or a mixture of both for 14 days. FISH and DGGE were used to monitor changes in bacterial populations. Bacteria were cultivated from the GMM only (control) systems at SS. All strains isolated were screened for lipolytic activity using tributyrin agar. FISH and DGGE demonstrated that none of the compounds (singly or in combination) added to the systems had any notable effect on microbial population dynamics for any of the donors, although Subdoligranulum populations appeared to be inhibited by orlistat in the presence or absence of lipid. Orlistat had little or no effect on the metabolism of indigenous and added lipids in the fermentation systems, but there was great variability in the way the faecal microbiotas of the donors were able to degrade added lipids. Variability in lipid degradation could be correlated with the number and activity of isolated lipolytic bacteria. The mechanism by which orlistat and the GI microbiota cause side-effects in individuals is unknown, but several hypotheses have been proposed to account for their manifestation. The demonstration of great variability in the lipolytic activity of microbiotas to degrade lipids led to a large-scale cultivation-based study of lipolytic/lipase-positive bacteria present in the human faecal microbiota. Of 4,000 colonies isolated from 15 donors using five different agars, 378 strains were identified that had lipase activity. Molecular identification of strains isolated from five donors demonstrated that lipase activity is more prevalent in the human GI microbiota than previously thought, with members of the phyla Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes and Actinobacteria identified. Molecular identification and characterization of the substrate specificities of the strains will be carried out as part of ongoing work.


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Measurement is reported at 4 deg K (and blocked transmission below 10-5) of PbTe/ZnS thin-film filters deposited on Ge substrates. The reduced carrier-absorption which is obtained by cooling these PbTe films is found to accord with simple theory. Advantage for various high-performance multilayers by cooling is significant at the longer wavelengths, and has been verified.


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Results from both experimental measurements and 3D numerical simulations of Ground Source Heat Pump systems (GSHP) at a UK climate are presented. Experimental measurements of a horizontal-coupled slinky GSHP were undertaken in Talbot Cottage at Drayton St Leonard site, Oxfordshire, UK. The measured thermophysical properties of in situ soil were used in the CFD model. The thermal performance of slinky heat exchangers for the horizontal-coupled GSHP system for different coil diameters and slinky interval distances was investigated using a validated 3D model. Results from a two month period of monitoring the performance of the GSHP system showed that the COP decreased with the running time. The average COP of the horizontal-coupled GSHP was 2.5. The numerical prediction showed that there was no significant difference in the specific heat extraction of the slinky heat exchanger at different coil diameters. However, the larger the diameter of coil, the higher the heat extraction per meter length of soil. The specific heat extraction also increased, but the heat extraction per meter length of soil decreased with the increase of coil central interval distance.


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Epidemiological studies have shown links between human exposure to indoor airborne particles and adverse health affects. Several recent studies have also reported that the classroom environment has an impact on students’ health and performance. In this study particle concentration in a university classroom is assessed experimentally for different occupancy periods. The mass concentrations of different particle size ranges (0.3 – 20 µm), and the three particulate matter fractions (PM10, PM2.5, and PM1) were measured simultaneously in a classroom with different occupancy periods including occupied and unoccupied periods in the University of Reading, UK, during the winter period of 2010. The results showed that students’ presence is a significant factor affecting particles concentration for the fractions above PM1 in the measured range of 0.3 to 20 µm. The resuspension of the three PM fractions was also determined in the study.


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The present study was designed to examine whether the type of fat ingested in an initial test meal influences the response and density distribution of dietary-derived lipoproteins in the Svedberg flotation rate (Sf)>400, Sf 60 - 400 and Sf 20 - 60 lipoprotein fractions. A single-blind randomized within-subject crossover design was used to study the effects of palm oil, safflower oil, a mixture of fish and safflower oil, and olive oil on postprandial apolipoprotein (apo) B-48, retinyl ester and triacylglycerol responses in each lipoprotein fraction following an initial test meal containing one of the oils and a second standardized test meal. For all dietary oils, late postprandial (300min) concentrations of triacylglycerol and apo B-48 were significantly higher in the Sf 60 - 400 fraction than in the Sf>400 fraction (P<0.02). Significantly greater apo B-48 incremental areas under the curve (IAUCs) were also observed in the Sf 60 - 400 fraction than in the Sf>400 fraction following palm oil, safflower oil and olive oil (P<0.04), with a similar non-significant trend for fish/safflower oil. Olive oil resulted in a significantly greater apo B-48 IAUC in the Sf>400 fraction (P<0.02) than did any of the other dietary oils, as well as a tendency for a higher IAUC in the Sf 60 - 400 fraction compared with the palm, safflower and fish/safflower oils. In conclusion, we have found that the majority of intestinally derived lipoproteins present in the circulation following meals enriched with saturated, polyunsaturated or monounsaturated fatty acids are of the density and size of small chylomicrons and chylomicron remnants. Olive oil resulted in a greater apo B-48 response compared with the other dietary oils following sequential test meals, suggesting the formation of a greater number of small (Sf 60 - 400) and large (Sf>400) apo B-48-containing lipoproteins in response to this dietary oil.


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Thirty male rats were randomly assigned to one of three dietary groups in which the source of dietary fat was either a mixed oil, maize oil or fish oil. Effects of dietary fatty acid composition on in virro rates of [U-'4C]glucose incorporation into hepatic total lipids and into hepatic triacylglycerol were measured under basal, insulin (4 nM)-, gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP; 6 mi)- and insulin + GIP (4 nM + 6 n ~ ) - stimulated conditions. Effects of the three diets on postprandial plasma triacylglycerol, cholesterol, insulin and GIP concentrations were also measured. The fish-oil diet decreased rates of basal glucose incorporation into hepatic total lipids (P < 0.05) and hepatic triacylglycerol (P < 0.01) compared with the mixed-oil diet. The presence of insulin + GIP in the incubation medium stimulated glucose incorporation into hepatic total lipids in the maize-oil (P < 0.01) and fish-oil groups (P < OW), as well as into hepatic triacylglycerol in the maize-oil group (P < 0.005). In addition, the fish-oil diet decreased postprandial plasma triacylglycerol levels compared with both other dietary groups (P < 0-05 both cases), and the mixed-oil diet markedly increased postprandial plasma insulin levels compared with the other dietary groups (P c 0.001).


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In a comparative study of pre- and postmenopausal women with benign and malignant breast disease, a number of differences were observed in circulating plasma prolactin and lipid concentrations. Plasma lipids, phospholipids, triglycerides, cholesterol and free fatty acids were all higher in blood obtained from breast cancer patients prior to surgery. HDL-Cholesterol levels were significantly lower in these patients. These differences remained when the patient groups were sub-divided according to menopausal status. Plasma prolactin concentrations were also found to be higher in cancer compared with non-cancer patients, this effect being more marked in premenopausal than in postmenopausal patients. Premenopausal patients with invasive or poorly differentiated disease had significantly higher prolactin levels than those with non-invasive disease. No correlations were found between plasma prolactin and any of the lipid fractions.