965 resultados para Limb deformity


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The aim of this review is to better identify for which women with osteoporosis the treatment is efficient, without taking into account the bone mineral density only. The age, previous fractures, the severity of vertebral deformity identify women at high risk for subsequent fracture. The development of assessment tools for predicting fracture risk, the use of the NNT (number needed to treat), and economical analyses are particularly helpful. The number of patients needed to treat to prevent one patient having the target event expresses the magnitude of a treatment effect in a clinically useful way. Economical analyses take into account the health care resources needed to get these benefits. We analysed the NNT and the cost of the treatments which significantly reduced the risk of fracture.


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Popliteal entrapment is a rare compression syndrome involving vascular (and neurologic) structures of the popliteal fossa. In this article we review the popliteal artery entrapment syndrome (PAES). PAES is a cause of intermittent claudication that can be, although rarely, complicated with acute limb-threatening ischemia. PAES occurs more often in young adult. Concerning pathophysiology, PAES is provoked by an abnormal relationship between popliteal artery and muscular-tendon structures within the popliteal fossa. A surgical repair is usually required to resolve mechanical compression or vascular damage.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Electrical bioimpedance spectroscopy (BIS) allows the evaluation of limb extracellular fluid (R0) and total fluid (Rinf). BIS could facilitate post-surgical oedema evaluation after total knee arthroplasty (TKA), as it is easily performed and is non-invasive. However, neither its applicability in this context nor the influence of metallic implants on measurement has been evaluated. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of TKA implants on the BIS R0 and Rinf variables used for oedema evaluation. METHOD: This was a prospective non-randomized comparative clinical trial. One oedema-free group of patients with TKA was compared with a group presenting similar characteristics except for the arthroplasty, to assess the influence of the implant on BIS measurement in the absence of oedema. The TKA group included 15 patients who had undergone surgery more than a year previously, and the control group included 19 patients awaiting TKA surgery. Volume and perimeter measurements served as reference criterions. The lower limb percentage differences for BIS, knee perimeter and volume were calculated. The significance of differences between groups was calculated for all measurement methods, using the Mann-Whitney test. The setting was a Department of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology in a university hospital. RESULTS: The differences between groups were not significant for R0, Rinf, volume and perimeter. R0 showed the smallest mean difference in limb percentage difference between groups [means (SD): TKA 3.98 (8.09), controls 3.97 (5.16)]. CONCLUSIONS: The lower-leg percentage difference in the TKA group is comparable with that of healthy subjects. R0 can be used for oedema evaluation following TKA surgery, as there was no sign of alteration from the metallic implant. These findings indicate the potential for early oedema evaluation after TKA. More research is warranted to extensively validate the application of BIS for oedema evaluation after TKA. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Disease characteristics. Clinical features of atelosteogenesis type 2 (AO2) include rhizomelic limb shortening with normal-sized skull, hitchhiker thumbs, small chest, protuberant abdomen, cleft palate, and distinctive facial features (midface hypoplasia, depressed nasal bridge, epicanthus, micrognathia). Other typical findings are ulnar deviation of the fingers, gap between the first and second toes, and clubfoot. AO2 is lethal at birth or shortly thereafter because of pulmonary hypoplasia and tracheobronchomalacia. Diagnosis/testing. The diagnosis of AO2 rests on a combination of clinical, radiologic, and histopathologic features. SLC26A2 (DTDST) is the only gene currently known to be associated with AO2. The diagnosis can be confirmed by molecular genetic testing of SLC26A2, which is clinically available. Management. Treatment of manifestations: palliative care for liveborns. Genetic counseling. AO2 is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner. At conception, each sib of a proband with AO2 has a 25% chance of being affected, a 50% chance of being an asymptomatic carrier, and a 25% chance of being unaffected and not a carrier. Once an at-risk sib is known to be unaffected, the risk of his/her being a carrier is 2/3. Prenatal diagnosis for pregnancies at 25% risk is possible. Carrier testing for at-risk relatives and prenatal testing for pregnancies at increased risk are possible if both disease-causing alleles in the family are known and the carrier status of the parents has been confirmed. Ultrasound examination early in pregnancy is a reasonable complement or alternative to molecular genetic prenatal diagnosis.


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Introduction: The original and modified Wells score are widely used prediction rules for pre-test probability assessment of deep vein thrombosis (DVT). The objective of this study was to compare the predictive performance of both Wells scores in unselected patients with clinical suspicion of DVT.Methods: Consecutive inpatients and outpatients with a clinical suspicion of DVT were prospectively enrolled. Pre-test DVT probability (low/intermediate/high) was determined using both scores. Patients with a non-high probability based on the original Wells score underwent D-dimers measurement. Patients with D-dimers <500 mu g/L did not undergo further testing, and treatment was withheld. All others underwent complete lower limb compression ultrasound, and those diagnosed with DVT were anticoagulated. The primary study outcome was objectively confirmed symptomatic venous thromboembolism within 3 months of enrollment.Results: 298 patients with suspected DVT were included. Of these, 82 (27.5%) had DVT, and 46 of them were proximal. Compared to the modified score, the original Wells score classified a higher proportion of patients as low-risk (53 vs 48%; p<0.01) and a lower proportion as high-risk (17 vs 15%; p=0.02); the prevalence of proximal DVT in each category was similar with both scores (7-8% low, 16-19% intermediate, 36-37% high). The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve regarding proximal DVT detection was similar for both scores, but they both performed poorly in predicting isolated distal DVT and DVT in inpatients.Conclusion: The study demonstrates that both Wells scores perform equally well in proximal DVT pre-test probability prediction. Neither score appears to be particularly useful in hospitalized patients and those with isolated distal DVT. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Neural signatures of humans' movement intention can be exploited by future neuroprosthesis. We propose a method for detecting self-paced upper limb movement intention from brain signals acquired with both invasive and noninvasive methods. In the first study with scalp electroencephalograph (EEG) signals from healthy controls, we report single trial detection of movement intention using movement related potentials (MRPs) in a frequency range between 0.1 to 1 Hz. Movement intention can be detected above chance level (p<0.05) on average 460 ms before the movement onset with low detection rate during the on-movement intention period. Using intracranial EEG (iEEG) from one epileptic subject, we detect movement intention as early as 1500 ms before movement onset with accuracy above 90% using electrodes implanted in the bilateral supplementary motor area (SMA). The coherent results obtained with non-invasive and invasive method and its generalization capabilities across different days of recording, strengthened the theory that self-paced movement intention can be detected before movement initiation for the advancement in robot-assisted neurorehabilitation.


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Primary monogenic forms of dystonia manifest solely or mainly with dystonia; they have been linked to a number of genes and loci and assigned "DYT" numbers. The pure dystonia syndrome early-onset primary dystonia (DYT1) manifests with dominantly-inherited generalized dystonia, often with focal onset in a limb. DYT1 is caused by a GAG deletion in the TOR1A gene. Mutations in the THAP1 gene cause DYT6, a form of pure dystonia that primarily involves cranio-cervical and upper limb muscles. Patients with the dystonia plus syndrome DYT5 display levodopa-responsive dystonia sometimes associated with tremor or parkinsonism (DYT5a, mutations in GCH1); a more severe phenotype with psychomotor involvement can be seen in recessive forms (DYT5b with TH mutations, SPR-deficiency syndrome). Other forms of dystonia plus syndromes include myoclonic dystonia (DYT11) and rapid-onset dystonia-parkinsonism (DYT12). Finally, paroxysmal exertion-induced dystonia (DYT18, GLUT1 deficiency) is caused by mutations in the SLC2A1 gene (DYT9 and DYT18). It is part of the paroxysmal dystonia group and manifests with paroxystic movements sometimes associated with seizures and psychomotor developmental delay.


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Introduction: Emergency services (ES) are often faced with agitated,confused or aggressive patients. Such situations may require physicalrestraint. The prevalence of these measures is poorly documented,concerning 1 to 10% of patients admitted in the ES. The indications forrestraint, the context and the related complications are poorly studied.The emergency service and the security service of our hospital havedocumented physical restraint for several years, using specific protocolsintegrated into the medical records. The study evaluated the magnitudeof the problem, the patient characteristics, and degree of adherence tothe restraint protocol.Methods: Retrospective study of physical restraint used on adultpatients in the ES in 2009. The study included analysis of medical anddemographic characteristics, indications justifying restraint and qualityof restraint documentation. Patients were identified from computerizedES and security service records. The data were supplemented byexamination of patients' medical records.Results: In 2009, according to the security service, 390 patients (1%)were physically restrained in the ES. The ES computerized systemidentified only 196 patients. Most patients were male (62%). The medianage was 40 years (15-98 years; P90 = 80 years). 63 % of the situationsoccurred between 18h00 and 6h00, and most frequently on Saturday(19%). Substance or alcohol abuse was present in 48.7% of cases andacute psychiatric crisis was mentioned in 16.7%. In most cases,restraint was motivated by extreme agitation or auto / hetero-aggressiveviolence. Most patients (68 %) were restrained with upper limb andabdominal restraints. More than three anatomic restraints werenecessary in 52 % of the patients. Intervention of security guards wasrequired in 77% of the cases. 61 restraint protocols (31 %) were missingand 57% of the records were incomplete. In many cases, the protocolsdid not include the signature of the physician (22%) or of the nurse(43.8%). Medical records analysis did not allow reliable estimation ofthe number of restraint-induced complications.Conclusions: Physical restraint is most often motivated by majoragitation and/or secondary to substance abuse. Caregivers regularlycall security guards for help. Restraint documentation is often missing orincomplete, requiring major improvement in education and prescription.


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Mirror therapy, which provides the visual illusion of a functional paretic limb by using the mirror reflection of the non-paretic arm, is used in the rehabilitation of hemiparesis after stroke in adults. We tested the effectiveness and feasibility of mirror therapy in children with hemiplegia by performing a pilot crossover study in ten participants (aged 6-14 y; five males, five females; Manual Ability Classification System levels: one at level I, two at level II, four at level III, three at level IV) randomly assigned to 15 minutes of daily bimanual training with and without a mirror for 3 weeks. Assessments of maximal grasp and pinch strengths, and upper limb function measured by the Shriner's Hospital Upper Extremity Evaluation were performed at weeks 0 (baseline), 3, 6 (intervention), and 9 (wash-out). Testing of grasp strength behind the mirror improved performance by 15% (p=0.004). Training with the mirror significantly improved grasp strength (with mirror +20.4%, p=0.033; without +5.9%, p>0.1) and upper limb dynamic position (with mirror +4.6%, p=0.044; without +1.2%, p>0.1), while training without a mirror significantly improved pinch strength (with mirror +6.9%, p>0.1; without +21.9%, p=0.026). This preliminary study demonstrates the feasibility of mirror therapy in children with hemiplegia and that it may improve strength and dynamic function of the paretic arm.


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Improvement of nerve regeneration and functional recovery following nerve injury is a challenging problem in clinical research. We have already shown that following rat sciatic nerve transection, the local administration of triiodothyronine (T3) significantly increased the number and the myelination of regenerated axons. Functional recovery is a sum of the number of regenerated axons and reinnervation of denervated peripheral targets. In the present study, we investigated whether the increased number of regenerated axons by T3-treatment is linked to improved reinnervation of hind limb muscles. After transection of rat sciatic nerves, silicone or biodegradable nerve guides were implanted and filled with either T3 or phosphate buffer solution (PBS). Neuromuscular junctions (NMJs) were analyzed on gastrocnemius and plantar muscle sections stained with rhodamine alpha-bungarotoxin and neurofilament antibody. Four weeks after surgery, most end-plates (EPs) of operated limbs were still denervated and no effect of T3 on muscle reinnervation was detected at this stage of nerve repair. In contrast, after 14 weeks of nerve regeneration, T3 clearly enhanced the reinnervation of gastrocnemius and plantar EPs, demonstrated by significantly higher recovery of size and shape complexity of reinnervated EPs and also by increased acetylcholine receptor (AChRs) density on post synaptic membranes compared to PBS-treated EPs. The stimulating effect of T3 on EP reinnervation is confirmed by a higher index of compound muscle action potentials recorded in gastrocnemius muscles. In conclusion, our results provide for the first time strong evidence that T3 enhances the restoration of NMJ structure and improves synaptic transmission.


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Ophthalmo-acromelic syndrome (OAS), also known as Waardenburg Anophthalmia syndrome, is defined by the combination of eye malformations, most commonly bilateral anophthalmia, with post-axial oligosyndactyly. Homozygosity mapping and subsequent targeted mutation analysis of a locus on 14q24.2 identified homozygous mutations in SMOC1 (SPARC-related modular calcium binding 1) in eight unrelated families. Four of these mutations are nonsense, two frame-shift, and two missense. The missense mutations are both in the second Thyroglobulin Type-1 (Tg1) domain of the protein. The orthologous gene in the mouse, Smoc1, shows site- and stage-specific expression during eye, limb, craniofacial, and somite development. We also report a targeted pre-conditional gene-trap mutation of Smoc1 (Smoc1(tm1a)) that reduces mRNA to ∼10% of wild-type levels. This gene-trap results in highly penetrant hindlimb post-axial oligosyndactyly in homozygous mutant animals (Smoc1(tm1a/tm1a)). Eye malformations, most commonly coloboma, and cleft palate occur in a significant proportion of Smoc1(tm1a/tm1a) embryos and pups. Thus partial loss of Smoc-1 results in a convincing phenocopy of the human disease. SMOC-1 is one of the two mammalian paralogs of Drosophila Pentagone, an inhibitor of decapentaplegic. The orthologous gene in Xenopus laevis, Smoc-1, also functions as a Bone Morphogenic Protein (BMP) antagonist in early embryogenesis. Loss of BMP antagonism during mammalian development provides a plausible explanation for both the limb and eye phenotype in humans and mice.


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BACKGROUND: The aim of the study was to determine which, and to what extent, haemodynamic parameters contribute to the remodelling of the venous limb of the Brescia-Cimino haemodialysis access. METHODS: The dimensions of the radial artery and the venous limb of the haemodialysis access were measured by an echo-tracking technique. In six ESRD patients undergoing primary arteriovenous fistula (AVF) formation, vessel diameter, wall thickness, blood pressure and blood flow were measured after the operation, and at 1 and 3 months follow-up. The contralateral forearm vessels in their native position served as baseline values for comparison. RESULTS: The diameter of the proximal antecubital vein progressively increased over the study period without reaching significant differences (4430, 5041 and 6620 microm at weeks 1, 4 and 12 respectively), whereas the intima-media thickness remained unchanged. The venous dilatation was associated with a reduction of the mean shear stress that culminated after the operation and progressively returned to normal venous values at 3 months (24.5 vs 10.4 dyne/cm(2), P<0.043). Thus the venous limb of the AVF undergoes eccentric hypertrophy as demonstrated by the increase in wall cross-sectional area (4.42 vs 6.32 mm(2) at week 1 vs week 12, P<0.028). At the time of the operation, the blood pressure in the AVF was 151+/-14/92.4+/-11 mmHg vs 49+/-19/24.5+/-6 mmHg (means+/-SEM) for the radial artery and the venous limb of the vascular access, respectively. One year after the operation the blood pressure in the venous limb had not changed: 42+/-14/25.3+/-7 mmHg (means+/-SEM). Under these conditions, the systolo-diastolic diameter changes observed in the radial artery and the antecubital vein were within a similar range at all time points: 56+/-17 vs 90+/-26 microm (means+/-SEM) at week 12. CONCLUSIONS: The increased circumferential stress resulting from the flow-mediated dilatation rather than the elevation of blood pressure appears to represent the main contributing factor to the eccentric hypertrophy of the venous limb of Brescia-Cimino haemodialysis access.


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Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGBP) is currently the most common bariatric procedure. One of its late complications is the development of internal hernia, which can lead to acute intestinal obstruction or recurrent colicky abdominal pain. The aim of this paper is to present a new, unusual, and so far not reported type of internal hernia. A common computerized database is maintained for all patients undergoing bariatric surgery in our departments. The charts of patients with the diagnosis of internal hernia were reviewed. Three patients were identified who developed acute intestinal obstruction due to an internal hernia located between the jejunojejunostomy and the end of the biliopancreatic limb, directly between two jejunal limbs with no mesentery involved. Another seven patients with intermittent colicky abdominal pain, re-explored for the suspicion of internal hernia, were found to also have an open window of the same location apart from a hernia at one of the typical hernia sites. Since this gap is systematically closed during RYGBP, no other patient has been observed with this problem. Even very small defects can lead to the development of internal hernias after RYGBP. Patients with suggestive symptoms must be explored. Closure of the jejunojejunal defect with nonabsorbable sutures prevents the development of an internal hernia between the jejunal loops at the jejunojejunostomy.


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S’han descrit informes contradictoris sobre els efectes d’Efavirenz (EFV) i lopinavir/ritonavir (LPV/r) al teixit adipós subcutani (SAT). L’objectiu d’aquest estudi era evaluar els efectes moleculars i clínics de LPV/r i EFV, tots dos en combinació amb tenofovir/emtricitabina (TDF/FTC), sobre el SAT dels pacients infectats per VIH sense tractament antirretroviral previ. Després de 48 setmanes de tractament, TDF/FTC més LPV/r va augmentar de forma significativa el greix de les extremitats i els paràmetres lipídics, mentre que TDF/FTC/EFV només va augmentar de forma significativa el colesterol total i LDL. La expressió dels gens implicats en la diferenciació dels adipòcits i dels gens relacionats amb la mitocondria no va canviar de forma significativa en el SAT dels pacients exposats a LPV/r, mentre que Cyt b i els gens relacionats amb la imflamació estaven estimulats de forma significativa en el SAT dels pacients exposats a EFV.


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Introduction : Bien que rares chez l'adulte, les sarcomes des tissus mous restent une maladie au pronostic très sombre. En effet, leur survie globale à 5 ans est de 50 % chez la femme et de 41 % chez l'homme. De plus, ils sont particulièrement difficiles à traiter, en raison de leur agressivité, de leur résistance face aux chimiothérapies et à la radiothérapie et d'autre part leur localisation conduit souvent à des opérations mutilantes. Pour les sarcomes des membres, il existe une opération appelée perfusion isolée du membre (ILP). Cela consiste à réaliser une chimiothérapie par voie intra-artérielle, en isolant le membre qui est perfusé par une solution Melphalan et de Tumor Necrosis Factor α à l'aide d'une circulation extra-corporelle pour son oxygénation. Ce type de traitement est à visée palliative, évitant une amputation du membre atteint. Pour accéder aux vaisseaux permettant la canulation de la pompe, un curage ganglionnaire est généralement effectué. Patients et méthode : Pour cette étude rétrospective, nous avons analysé la base de données des 278 ILP réalisées au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV) à Lausanne depuis mai 1988. Nous avons extrait et analysé de cette étude rétrospective 57 ILP réalisées pour des sarcomes. L'étude porte sur 52 patients traités entre le 19 février 1992 et le 14 décembre 2011, après avoir exclu les patients n'ayant pas bénéficié d'un curage ganglionnaire et la seconde ILP pour 4 patients qui en ont eu 2. Pour chacun de ces patients, les protocoles opératoires, les rapports d'examens radiologiques ainsi que les rapports de pathologies ont été revus et analysés. Nous avons également effectué une revue de la littérature sur PubMed. Résultats : Il y avait 28 hommes (53.8%) et 24 femmes (46.2 %). L'âge moyen au moment de l'ILP était de 56,7 ans (écart-type 16,8). Seul 3 patients sur les 52 avaient des métastases à distance au moment du diagnostic. Le curage ganglionnaire radical a montré que 13 patients (25 %) avaient une atteinte des ganglions lymphatiques (N+). Parmi les types histologiques qui ont présenté au moins une métastase ganglionnaire, on retrouve 2 léomyosarcomes, 2 sarcomes indifférenciés (anciennement MFH), 3 sarcomes épithélioïdes, 4 angiosarcomes et 2 synoviosarcomes. Pour les patients N0, la survie globale moyenne estimée par la méthode de Kaplan et Meier a été de 95,98 mois (CI 95% 66,72-125,23 mois). Pour les patients N1 la survie globale moyenne a chuté à 28,72 mois (CI 95% 6,48-50,97). Le test du Log Rank donne un Chi2 de 9,659 (P=0,002). La moyenne de survie sans maladie a été de 38,03 mois pour le groupe (N0) et de 10,87 mois pour le groupe N1, (CI 95 % 25,75-50,3 et 1,87-19,88 respectivement) et une valeur de P= 0.006. Nous n'avons pas mis en évidence de différence de survie statistiquement significative (P=0.946) entre les types ou les grades histologiques, en raison de la taille du collectif. Conclusion : Bien que rares, les métastases ganglionnaires des sarcomes des membres ont un impact négatif sur la survie à long terme du patient. Les résultats obtenus montrent qu'un curage peut participer au traitement régional et confirme la nécessité de pratiquer systématiquement une lymphadénectomie radicale en vue d'offrir les meilleures chances de survie au patient. Il faudrait donc se poser la question si la présence de métastases ganglionnaires ne devrait pas modifier la prise en charge pour tendre vers un traitement plus agressif chez de tels patients. Ce qui n'est pas le cas à l'heure actuelle.