848 resultados para Landscape and representation
My project explores and compares different forms of gender performance in contemporary art and visual culture according to a perspective centered on photography. Thanks to its attesting power this medium can work as a ready-made. In fact during the 20th century it played a key role in the cultural emancipation of the body which (using a Michel Foucault’s expression) has now become «the zero point of the world». Through performance the body proves to be a living material of expression and communication while photography ensures the recording of any ephemeral event that happens in time and space. My questioning approach considers the gender constructed imagery from the 1990s to the present in order to investigate how photography’s strong aura of realism promotes and allows fantasies of transformation. The contemporary fascination with gender (especially for art and fashion) represents a crucial issue in the global context of postmodernity and is manifested in a variety of visual media, from photography to video and film. Moreover the internet along with its digital transmission of images has deeply affected our world (from culture to everyday life) leading to a postmodern preference for performativity over the more traditional and linear forms of narrativity. As a consequence individual borders get redefined by the skin itself which (dissected through instant vision) turns into a ductile material of mutation and hybridation in the service of identity. My critical assumptions are taken from the most relevant changes occurred in philosophy during the last two decades as a result of the contributions by Jacques Lacan, Michel Foucault, Jacques Derrida, Gilles Deleuze who developed a cross-disciplinary and comparative approach to interpret the crisis of modernity. They have profoundly influenced feminist studies so that the category of gender has been reassessed in contrast with sex (as a biological connotation) and in relation to history, culture, society. The ideal starting point of my research is the year 1990. I chose it as the approximate historical moment when the intersection of race, class and gender were placed at the forefront of international artistic production concerned with identity, diversity and globalization. Such issues had been explored throughout the 1970s but it was only from the mid-1980s onward that they began to be articulated more consistently. Published in 1990, the book "Gender trouble: feminism and the subversion of identity" by Judith Butler marked an important breakthrough by linking gender to performance as well as investigating the intricate connections between theory and practice, embodiment and representation. It inspired subsequent research in a variety of disciplines, art history included. In the same year Teresa de Lauretis launched the definition of queer theory to challenge the academic perspective in gay and lesbian studies. In the meantime the rise of Third Wave Feminism in the US introduced a racially and sexually inclusive vision over the global situation in order to reflect on subjectivity, new technologies and popular culture in connection with gender representation. These conceptual tools have enabled prolific readings of contemporary cultural production whether fine arts or mass media. After discussing the appropriate framework of my project and taking into account the postmodern globalization of the visual, I have turned to photography to map gender representation both in art and in fashion. Therefore I have been creating an archive of images around specific topics. I decided to include fashion photography because in the 1990s this genre moved away from the paradigm of an idealized and classical beauty toward a new vernacular allied with lifestyles, art practices, pop and youth culture; as one might expect the dominant narrative modes in fashion photography are now mainly influenced by cinema and snapshot. These strategies originate story lines and interrupted narratives using models’ performance to convey a particular imagery where identity issues emerge as an essential part of fashion spectacle. Focusing on the intersections of gender identities with socially and culturally produced identities, my approach intends to underline how the fashion world has turned to current trends in art photography and in some case turned to the artists themselves. The growing fluidity of the categories that distinguish art from fashion photography represents a particularly fruitful moment of visual exchange. Varying over time the dialogue between these two fields has always been vital; nowadays it can be studied as a result of this close relationship between contemporary art world and consumer culture. Due to the saturation of postmodern imagery the feedback between art and fashion has become much more immediate and then increasingly significant for anyone who wants to investigate the construction of gender identity through performance. In addition to that a lot of magazines founded in the 1990s bridged the worlds of art and fashion because some of their designers and even editors were art-school graduates encouraging innovation. The inclusion of art within such magazines aimed at validating them as a form of art in themselves supporting a dynamic intersection for music, fashion, design and youth culture: an intersection that also contributed to create and spread different gender stereotypes. This general interest in fashion produced many exhibitions of and about fashion itself at major international venues such as the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York. Since then this celebrated success of fashion has been regarded as a typical element of postmodern culture. Owing to that I have also based my analysis on some important exhibitions dealing with gender performance like "Féminin-Masculin" at the Centre Pompidou of Paris (1995), "Rrose is a Rrose is a Rrose. Gender performance in photography" at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum of New York (1997), "Global Feminisms" at the Brooklyn Museum (2007), "Female Trouble" at the Pinakothek der Moderne in München together with the workshops dedicated to "Performance: gender and identity" in June 2005 at the Tate Modern of London. Since 2003 in Italy we have had Gender Bender - an international festival held annually in Bologna - to explore the gender imagery stemming from contemporary culture. In few days this festival offers a series of events ranging from visual arts, performance, cinema, literature to conferences and music. Being aware that any method of research is neither race nor gender neutral I have traced these critical paths to question gender identity in a multicultural perspective taking account of the political implications too. In fact, if visibility may be equated with exposure, we can also read these images as points of intersection of visibility with social power. Since gender assignations rely so heavily on the visual, the postmodern dismantling of gender certainty through performance has wide-ranging effects that need to be analyzed. In some sense this practice can even contest the dominance of visual within postmodernism. My visual map in contemporary art and fashion photography includes artists like Nan Goldin, Cindy Sherman, Hellen van Meene, Rineke Dijkstra, Ed Templeton, Ryan McGinley, Anne Daems, Miwa Yanagi, Tracey Moffat, Catherine Opie, Tomoko Sawada, Vanessa Beecroft, Yasumasa Morimura, Collier Schorr among others.
The contemporary media landscape is characterized by the emergence of hybrid forms of digital communication that contribute to the ongoing redefinition of our societies cultural context. An incontrovertible consequence of this phenomenon is the new public dimension that characterizes the transmission of historical knowledge in the twenty-first century. Awareness of this new epistemic scenario has led us to reflect on the following methodological questions: what strategies should be created to establish a communication system, based on new technology, that is scientifically rigorous, but at the same time engaging for the visitors of museums and Internet users? How does a comparative analysis of ancient documentary sources form a solid base of information for the virtual reconstruction of thirteenth century Bologna in the Metaverse? What benefits can the phenomenon of cross-mediality give to the virtual heritage? The implementation of a new version of the Nu.M.E. project allowed for answering many of these instances. The investigation carried out between 2008 and 2010 has shown that, indeed, real-time 3D graphics and collaborative virtual environments can be feasible tools for representing philologically the urban medieval landscape and for communicating properly validated historical data to the general public. This research is focused on the study and implementation of a pipeline that permits mass communication of historical information about an area of vital importance in late medieval Bologna: Piazza di Porta Ravegnana. The originality of the developed project is not limited solely to the methodological dimension of historical research. Adopted technological perspective is an excellent example of innovation that digital technologies can bring to the cultural heritage. The main result of this research is the creation of Nu.ME 2010, a cross-media system of 3D real-time visualization based on some of the most advanced free software and open source technologies available today free of charge.
The doctoral research project "Audiovisuals and Social Networks: Text and Experiences 2007-2010" is mainly based on the analysis of the international audiovisuals landscape and of the promotional strategies of these products in Social Networks environment. The aim is to understand what kind of changes we can find about the concept of "text", users and marketing. The thesis is focused not just on Social Network marketing but also on new media development, such as Social TV and mobile.
La ricerca è incentrata sul rapporto tra cinema e scienza e sul ruolo della cinematografia come strumento di ricerca scientifica: si articola in due parti storicamente distinte, ma al tempo stesso strettamente correlate da una riflessione critica sul ruolo delle immagini in movimento rispetto al tema comune a entrambe della visualizzazione e rappresentazione del non osservabile nella realtà fisica.
La ricerca è mirata a valutare come l’attuazione delle politiche ambientali di Sviluppo Rurale possa contribuire al miglioramento del paesaggio, analizzando i suoi effetti territoriali. Nell’ambito del caso di studio della Regione Emilia-Romagna vengono analizzate le misure agro-ambientali e di forestazione agricola dal 1994 al 2011, comprendendo gli interventi realizzati con i Regolamenti (CEE) 2078/1992, 2080/1992 e dai Programmi di Sviluppo Rurale (PSR) 2000-2006 e 2007-2013. In particolare, sono approfonditi i fattori che determinano la partecipazione territoriale delle misure agro-ambientali, individuate a livello aziendale le motivazioni alla partecipazione per le azioni con effetto diretto sul paesaggio, valutati i conseguenti effetti tecnico-economici e analizzati gli impatti degli interventi sul paesaggio a livello territoriale, in funzione del contesto ambientale. I risultati hanno consentito di approfondire quanto già riportato nelle valutazioni istituzionali dei PSR e in letteratura scientifica, individuando i fattori determinanti della partecipazione a livello regionale. A questo scopo sono state utilizzate analisi di econometria spaziale che hanno permesso di evidenziare effetti di concentrazione territoriale delle superfici sotto impegno, in funzione delle priorità della misura e degli ordinamenti produttivi dei beneficiari. Sono stati inoltre analizzati gli impatti paesaggistici in un’area di studio ristretta a livello territoriale e aziendale: gli interventi specifici, in alcuni contesti territoriali dove è stata raggiunta una certa concentrazione delle superfici sotto impegno, hanno modificato il paesaggio rurale, differenziandolo rispetto alla matrice agricola intensiva in cui sono stati inseriti. A livello aziendale sono stati rilevati effetti significativi sull’economia dei beneficiari che scelgono di aderire a tali misure, con un diffuso effetto di riduzione della redditività. I contributi compensano in maniera differenziata i costi legati all’implementazione degli interventi in funzione della tipologia di intervento e delle scelte tecniche aziendali adottate per la loro gestione.
La Piana di foce del Garigliano (al confine tra Lazio e Campania) è caratterizzata, fino ad epoche recenti, dalla presenza di aree palustri e umide. Lo studio in corso cerca di ricostruire l’evoluzione dell’ambiente costiero mettendolo in relazione alla presenza dell’uomo, alla gestione del territorio, alle vicende storiche e alle variazioni climatiche utilizzando molteplici metodologie tipiche della geoarcheologia. Si tratta di un approccio multidisciplinare che cerca di mettere insieme analisi tipiche dell’archeologia, della topografia antica, della geomorfologia, della geologia e della paleobotanica. Fino all’età del Ferro l’unica traccia di popolamento viene da Monte d’Argento, uno sperone roccioso isolato lungo la costa, posto al limite occidentale di un ambiente sottostante che sembra una palude chiusa e isolata da apporti sedimentari esterni. Con il passaggio all’età del ferro si verifica un mutamento ambientale con la fine della grande palude e la formazione di una piccola laguna parzialmente comunicante con il mare. L’arrivo dei romani alla fine del III secolo a.C. segna la scomparsa dei grandi centri degli Aurunci e la deduzione di tre colonie (Sessa Aurunca, Sinuessa, Minturno). Le attività di sistemazione territoriale non riguardarono però le aree umide costiere, che non vennero bonificate o utilizzate per scopi agricoli, ma mantennero la loro natura di piccoli laghi costieri. Quest’epoca è dunque caratterizzata da una diffusione capillare di insediamenti, basati su piccole fattorie o installazioni legate allo sfruttamento agricolo. Poche sono le aree archeologiche che hanno restituito materiali successivi al II-III secolo d.C. La città resta comunque abitata fino al VI-VII secolo, quando l’instabilità politica e l’impaludamento dovettero rendere la zona non troppo sicura favorendo uno spostamento verso le zone collinari. Un insediamento medievale è attestato solo a Monte d’Argento e una frequentazione saracena dell’inizio del IX secolo è riportata dalle fonti letterarie, ma non vi è ancora nessuna documentazione archeologica.
La ricerca proposta si pone l’obiettivo di definire e sperimentare un metodo per un’articolata e sistematica lettura del territorio rurale, che, oltre ad ampliare la conoscenza del territorio, sia di supporto ai processi di pianificazione paesaggistici ed urbanistici e all’attuazione delle politiche agricole e di sviluppo rurale. Un’approfondita disamina dello stato dell’arte riguardante l’evoluzione del processo di urbanizzazione e le conseguenze dello stesso in Italia e in Europa, oltre che del quadro delle politiche territoriali locali nell’ambito del tema specifico dello spazio rurale e periurbano, hanno reso possibile, insieme a una dettagliata analisi delle principali metodologie di analisi territoriale presenti in letteratura, la determinazione del concept alla base della ricerca condotta. E’ stata sviluppata e testata una metodologia multicriteriale e multilivello per la lettura del territorio rurale sviluppata in ambiente GIS, che si avvale di algoritmi di clustering (quale l’algoritmo IsoCluster) e classificazione a massima verosimiglianza, focalizzando l’attenzione sugli spazi agricoli periurbani. Tale metodo si incentra sulla descrizione del territorio attraverso la lettura di diverse componenti dello stesso, quali quelle agro-ambientali e socio-economiche, ed opera una sintesi avvalendosi di una chiave interpretativa messa a punto allo scopo, l’Impronta Agroambientale (Agro-environmental Footprint - AEF), che si propone di quantificare il potenziale impatto degli spazi rurali sul sistema urbano. In particolare obiettivo di tale strumento è l’identificazione nel territorio extra-urbano di ambiti omogenei per caratteristiche attraverso una lettura del territorio a differenti scale (da quella territoriale a quella aziendale) al fine di giungere ad una sua classificazione e quindi alla definizione delle aree classificabili come “agricole periurbane”. La tesi propone la presentazione dell’architettura complessiva della metodologia e la descrizione dei livelli di analisi che la compongono oltre che la successiva sperimentazione e validazione della stessa attraverso un caso studio rappresentativo posto nella Pianura Padana (Italia).
La relazione interdisciplinare tra letteratura e fotografia, nella rilettura della storia recente del Mozambico, è l’oggetto di studio della presente tesi. Il presupposto coincide in primo luogo con la disamina interna della dialettica esistente tra archivio coloniale e oralità, modalità narrativa in parte transitata nella estória, declinazione lusofona della forma breve che permette di recuperare l’eredità popolare del racconto tradizionale. Il dialogo tra verbale e visuale consente a sua volta di stabilire nuovi paradigmi interpretativi nel dibattito postcoloniale tra memoria, trauma e rappresentazione. L’analisi comparativa tra la narrativa di João Paulo Borges Coelho e la fotografia di Ricardo Rangel rivela sguardi diversi sul mondo circostante, ma anche convergenze contemplative che si completano nell’incorporazione reciproca delle “omologie strutturali” comuni alle due modalità espressive. La fotografia colma delle lacune fornendoci delle visioni del passato, ma, in quanto “rappresentazione”, ci mostra il mondo per come appare e non per come funziona. Il testo letterario, grazie al suo approccio dialogico-narrativo, consente la rielaborazione museologica della complessa pletora di interferenze semantiche e culturali racchiuse nelle immagini, in altre parole fornisce degli “indizi di verità” da cui (ri)partire per l’elaborazione di nuovi archetipi narrativi tra l’evento rappresentato e la Storia di cui fa parte. Il punto di tangenza tra i due linguaggi è la cornice, espediente fotografico e narrativo che permette di tracciare i confini tra l’indicibile e l’invisibile, ma anche tra ciò che si narra e ciò che sta fuori dalla narrazione, ovvero fuori dalla storia. La tensione dialettica che si instaura tra questi due universi è seminale per stabilire le ragioni della specificità letteraria mozambicana perché, come afferma Luandino Vieira, “nel contesto postcoloniale gli scrittori sono dei satelliti che ruotano intorno ai «buchi neri della storia» la cui forza di attrazione permette la riorganizzazione dell’intero universo letterario.
La ricerca ha preso in esame l’analisi archeologica di un territorio medievale e la sperimentazione di strumenti informatici per la gestione e l’analisi dei dati prodotti dalla ricerca stessa. Il Montalbano, oggetto della ricerca, è una microregione caratterizzata da elementi che la rendono molto interessante. Si tratta di una catena submontana che divide la piana di Firenze-Prato-Pistoia dal Valdarno inferiore. Questa posizione di frontiera ne ha fatto l’oggetto di mire espansionistiche da parte delle principali famiglie signorili prima, dei comuni poi. In una prima fase sono stati censiti i siti attestati dalle fonti documentarie e materiali per capire le dinamiche insediative del popolamento medievale e le strategie di controllo di un territorio caratterizzato dall’assenza di un’egemonia da parte di un solo potere (almeno fino a metà ‘300). L’analisi stratigrafica si è poi concentrata sulle strutture architettoniche religiose, in quanto offrono la maggior quantità di dati dal punto di vista documentario e archeologico. È stato così possibile ottenere un quadro delle tecniche costruttive medievali e delle influenze culturali che lo hanno prodotto. I dati archeologici sono stati gestiti attraverso una piattaforma gis sviluppata all’interno del Laboratorio di Archeologia Medievale dell’Università di Firenze in collaborazione con il laboratorio LSIS del CNRS di Marsiglia. Questa è stata appositamente strutturata secondo le procedure di raccolta e organizzazione dati utilizzate durante l’analisi archeologica. Le singole strutture indagate sono inoltre state oggetto di un rilievo 3d fotogrammetrico che in alcuni casi studio è stato anche utilizzato come base di accesso ai dati derivanti dall’analisi stratigrafica, all’interno di un’applicazione gis 3d (Arpenteur). Questo ha permesso di connettere all’interno di un’unica piattaforma i dati geometrici ed archeometrici con quelli archeologici, utilizzando i primi come interfaccia di accesso ai secondi.
Innerhalb des Untersuchungsgebiets Schleswig-Holstein wurden 39.712 topographische Hohlformen detektiert. Genutzt wurden dazu ESRI ArcMap 9.3 und 10.0. Der Datenaufbereitung folgten weitere Kalkulationen in MATLAB R2010b. Jedes Objekt wurde räumlich mit seinen individuellen Eigenschaften verschnitten. Dazu gehörten Fläche, Umfang, Koordinaten (Zentroide), Tiefe und maximale Tiefe der Hohlform und Formfaktoren wie Rundheit, Konvexität und Elongation. Ziel der vorgestellten Methoden war die Beantwortung von drei Fragestellungen: Sind negative Landformen dazu geeignet Landschaftseinheiten und Eisvorstöße zu unterscheiden und zu bestimmen? Existiert eine Kopplung von Depressionen an der rezenten Topographie zu geologischen Tiefenstrukturen? Können Senken unterschiedlicher Entstehung anhand ihrer Formcharakteristik unterteilt werden? Die vorgenommene Klassifikation der großen Landschaftseinheiten basiert auf der Annahme, dass sowohl Jungmoränengebiete, ihre Vorflächen als auch Altmoränengebiete durch charakteristische, abflusslose Hohlformen, wie Toteislöcher, Seen, etc. abgegrenzt werden können. Normalerweise sind solche Depressionen in der Natur eher selten, werden jedoch für ehemalige Glaziallandschaften als typisch erachtet. Ziel war es, die geologischen Haupteinheiten, Eisvorstöße und Moränengebiete der letzten Vereisungen zu differenzieren. Zur Bearbeitung wurde ein Detektionsnetz verwendet, das auf quadratischen Zellen beruht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass durch die alleinige Nutzung von Depressionen zur Klassifizierung von Landschaftseinheiten Gesamtgenauigkeiten von bis zu 71,4% erreicht werden können. Das bedeutet, dass drei von vier Detektionszellen korrekt zugeordnet werden können. Jungmoränen, Altmoränen, periglazialeVorflächen und holozäne Bereiche können mit Hilfe der Hohlformen mit großer Sicherheit voneinander unterschieden und korrekt zugeordnet werden. Dies zeigt, dass für die jeweiligen Einheiten tatsächlich bestimmte Senkenformen typisch sind. Die im ersten Schritt detektierten Senken wurden räumlich mit weiterreichenden geologischen Informationen verschnitten, um zu untersuchen, inwieweit natürliche Depressionen nur glazial entstanden sind oder ob ihre Ausprägung auch mit tiefengeologischen Strukturen in Zusammenhang steht. 25.349 (63,88%) aller Senken sind kleiner als 10.000 m² und liegen in Jungmoränengebieten und können vermutlich auf glaziale und periglaziale Einflüsse zurückgeführt werden. 2.424 Depressionen liegen innerhalb der Gebiete subglazialer Rinnen. 1.529 detektierte Hohlformen liegen innerhalb von Subsidenzgebieten, von denen 1.033 innerhalb der Marschländer im Westen verortet sind. 919 große Strukturen über 1 km Größe entlang der Nordsee sind unter anderem besonders gut mit Kompaktionsbereichen elsterzeitlicher Rinnen zu homologisieren.344 dieser Hohlformen sind zudem mit Tunneltälern im Untergrund assoziiert. Diese Parallelität von Depressionen und den teils über 100 m tiefen Tunneltälern kann auf Sedimentkompaktion zurückgeführt werden. Ein Zusammenhang mit der Zersetzung postglazialen, organischen Materials ist ebenfalls denkbar. Darüber hinaus wurden in einer Distanz von 10 km um die miozän aktiven Flanken des Glückstadt-Grabens negative Landformen detektiert, die Verbindungen zu oberflächennahen Störungsstrukturen zeigen. Dies ist ein Anzeichen für Grabenaktivität während und gegen Ende der Vereisung und während des Holozäns. Viele dieser störungsbezogenen Senken sind auch mit Tunneltälern assoziiert. Entsprechend werden drei zusammenspielende Prozesse identifiziert, die mit der Entstehung der Hohlformen in Verbindung gebracht werden können. Eine mögliche Interpretation ist, dass die östliche Flanke des Glückstadt-Grabens auf die Auflast des elsterzeitlichen Eisschilds reagierte, während sich subglazial zeitgleich Entwässerungsrinnen entlang der Schwächezonen ausbildeten. Diese wurden in den Warmzeiten größtenteils durch Torf und unverfestigte Sedimente verfüllt. Die Gletschervorstöße der späten Weichselzeit aktivierten erneut die Flanken und zusätzlich wurde das Lockermaterial exariert, wodurch große Seen, wie z. B. der Große Plöner See entstanden sind. Insgesamt konnten 29 große Depressionen größer oder gleich 5 km in Schleswig-Holstein identifiziert werden, die zumindest teilweise mit Beckensubsidenz und Aktivität der Grabenflanken verbunden sind, bzw. sogar auf diese zurückgehen.Die letzte Teilstudie befasste sich mit der Differenzierung von Senken nach deren potentieller Genese sowie der Unterscheidung natürlicher von künstlichen Hohlformen. Dazu wurde ein DEM für einen Bereich im Norden Niedersachsens verwendet, das eine Gesamtgröße von 252 km² abdeckt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass glazial entstandene Depressionen gute Rundheitswerte aufweisen und auch Elongation und Exzentrizität eher kompakte Formen anzeigen. Lineare negative Strukturen sind oft Flüsse oder Altarme. Sie können als holozäne Strukturen identifiziert werden. Im Gegensatz zu den potentiell natürlichen Senkenformen sind künstlich geschaffene Depressionen eher eckig oder ungleichmäßig und tendieren meist nicht zu kompakten Formen. Drei Hauptklassen topographischer Depressionen konnten identifiziert und voneinander abgegrenzt werden: Potentiell glaziale Senken (Toteisformen), Flüsse, Seiten- und Altarme sowie künstliche Senken. Die Methode der Senkenklassifikation nach Formparametern ist ein sinnvolles Instrument, um verschiedene Typen unterscheiden zu können und um bei geologischen Fragestellungen künstliche Senken bereits vor der Verarbeitung auszuschließen. Jedoch zeigte sich, dass die Ergebnisse im Wesentlichen von der Auflösung des entsprechenden Höhenmodells abhängen.
Satellite image classification involves designing and developing efficient image classifiers. With satellite image data and image analysis methods multiplying rapidly, selecting the right mix of data sources and data analysis approaches has become critical to the generation of quality land-use maps. In this study, a new postprocessing information fusion algorithm for the extraction and representation of land-use information based on high-resolution satellite imagery is presented. This approach can produce land-use maps with sharp interregional boundaries and homogeneous regions. The proposed approach is conducted in five steps. First, a GIS layer - ATKIS data - was used to generate two coarse homogeneous regions, i.e. urban and rural areas. Second, a thematic (class) map was generated by use of a hybrid spectral classifier combining Gaussian Maximum Likelihood algorithm (GML) and ISODATA classifier. Third, a probabilistic relaxation algorithm was performed on the thematic map, resulting in a smoothed thematic map. Fourth, edge detection and edge thinning techniques were used to generate a contour map with pixel-width interclass boundaries. Fifth, the contour map was superimposed on the thematic map by use of a region-growing algorithm with the contour map and the smoothed thematic map as two constraints. For the operation of the proposed method, a software package is developed using programming language C. This software package comprises the GML algorithm, a probabilistic relaxation algorithm, TBL edge detector, an edge thresholding algorithm, a fast parallel thinning algorithm, and a region-growing information fusion algorithm. The county of Landau of the State Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany was selected as a test site. The high-resolution IRS-1C imagery was used as the principal input data.
In this dissertation, I will present my translation into Italian of several excerpts from Gabi, A Girl in Pieces, a young adult (YA) novel by Mexican-American author Isabel Quintero, along with examining the issues of diversity and representation in YA literature. This study aims to demonstrate the benefits of multicultural literature for young readers and the importance of publishing stories that reflect the diversity of the world we inhabit. The translation of the novel is accompanied by an analysis of its social, cultural, and literary context. The first chapter provides an overview of Chican@ history, literature, and culture, focusing on the concepts of identity and hybridity. The second chapter describes YA literature and its characteristics, outlines its history, and discusses the value of diverse books in the lives of teenage readers. Additionally, it cites relevant studies and statistics proving the dearth of diverse literature for young readers in the United States. The third chapter focuses specifically on the representation of Latin@s and Chican@s in literature for young readers, examining the main stereotypes that have plagued the depiction of this community and the new perspectives offered by Mexican-American YA authors. In the fourth chapter, I introduce Isabel Quintero and her novel Gabi, A Girl in Pieces, analyzing its plot, style, format, and main themes. In the fifth chapter, I provide my translation, which is then analyzed in the sixth and final chapter. The translation commentary details some of the problems I encountered and the strategies I applied. The sixth chapter also includes some observations on the translation of teenage speech, of multilingual texts, and of children’s and YA literature.
Background: In protein sequence classification, identification of the sequence motifs or n-grams that can precisely discriminate between classes is a more interesting scientific question than the classification itself. A number of classification methods aim at accurate classification but fail to explain which sequence features indeed contribute to the accuracy. We hypothesize that sequences in lower denominations (n-grams) can be used to explore the sequence landscape and to identify class-specific motifs that discriminate between classes during classification. Discriminative n-grams are short peptide sequences that are highly frequent in one class but are either minimally present or absent in other classes. In this study, we present a new substitution-based scoring function for identifying discriminative n-grams that are highly specific to a class. Results: We present a scoring function based on discriminative n-grams that can effectively discriminate between classes. The scoring function, initially, harvests the entire set of 4- to 8-grams from the protein sequences of different classes in the dataset. Similar n-grams of the same size are combined to form new n-grams, where the similarity is defined by positive amino acid substitution scores in the BLOSUM62 matrix. Substitution has resulted in a large increase in the number of discriminatory n-grams harvested. Due to the unbalanced nature of the dataset, the frequencies of the n-grams are normalized using a dampening factor, which gives more weightage to the n-grams that appear in fewer classes and vice-versa. After the n-grams are normalized, the scoring function identifies discriminative 4- to 8-grams for each class that are frequent enough to be above a selection threshold. By mapping these discriminative n-grams back to the protein sequences, we obtained contiguous n-grams that represent short class-specific motifs in protein sequences. Our method fared well compared to an existing motif finding method known as Wordspy. We have validated our enriched set of class-specific motifs against the functionally important motifs obtained from the NLSdb, Prosite and ELM databases. We demonstrate that this method is very generic; thus can be widely applied to detect class-specific motifs in many protein sequence classification tasks. Conclusion: The proposed scoring function and methodology is able to identify class-specific motifs using discriminative n-grams derived from the protein sequences. The implementation of amino acid substitution scores for similarity detection, and the dampening factor to normalize the unbalanced datasets have significant effect on the performance of the scoring function. Our multipronged validation tests demonstrate that this method can detect class-specific motifs from a wide variety of protein sequence classes with a potential application to detecting proteome-specific motifs of different organisms.
This project examined the change in values in the still unfinished transitional period in Serbia during the 1990s and compared it with Greece in the same period. During this period the social and political transition affected the ruling value system primarily through changes in the modes of the production and representation of reality. The most remarkable trait of this period in Serbia is the parallel and interweaving existence of different value systems. The very perception of reality has been blurred by the emergence of a very complex technical and ideological structure. Reality is presented by and through extensions and additions, the models of which are language and media. With the development of media technology and global communication and information systems, representation has become the only available reality. This enables the media to overtly and unlimitedly intervene in reality, to manage and change it without constraint and thus have a direct impact on values. The difference between public and private is abolished, so the media start promoting exclusive collective values. However, since the collective thus loses its counterpart, it itself needs to be redefined. This confusion of values make the possible results of their change uncertain. It will either open up a space for multiculturalism and social pluralism and thus completely replace the old systems of values, or result in an indefinite survival of different, often contradictory, value systems and conceptions of reality, which often lead to all forms of exclusivity and intolerance.