936 resultados para Land use, rural.
A pesar de los excelentes avances historiográficos sobre la expansión agrícola santafesina decimonónica, faltan aún datos clave sobre este fenómeno, entre ellos, el comportamiento de los precios de la tierra por lo menos en el mediano y largo plazo. El artículo buscará analizar la emergencia y la evolución del mercado inmobiliario rural en la provincia y, a la vez, presentar series de precios de la tierra entre 1860 y 1895, realizadas a partir de información provista por protocolos notariales. Buscamos así que dicha evidencia no sólo pueda ser de utilidad para investigaciones paralelas, sino que también aporte nuevas hipótesis al conocimiento sobre la formación de los mercados inmobiliarios en la región pampeana
Geographic information systems allow the extraction and quantitative analysis of information from historical maps. The aims of this research were to examine the completeness of information represented on the 1881 Palestine Exploration Fund (PEF) map, to quantitatively reconstruct the landscape of nineteenth century Palestine and to explore whether spatial patterns in land cover/land use can be partially explained statistically by physical and human factors. Using historical aerial photos, we concluded that most of the major past landscape features were indeed shown on the PEF map, with an average overall correspondence of 53%. Forests and Mediterranean maquis were more abundant at distances greater than 2 km from towns and villages. Specific land cover/land-use types were associated with certain soil types, topographic regions and rainfall thresholds. In conclusion, the 1881 PEF map can serve as a reliable reference for understanding the land cover/land-use patterns of nineteenth century Palestine.
The role of Pre- and Protohistoric anthropogenic land cover changes needs to be quantified i) to establish a baseline for comparison with current human impact on the environment and ii) to separate it from naturally occurring changes in our environment. Results are presented from the simple, adaptation-driven, spatially explicit Global Land Use and technological Evolution Simulator (GLUES) for pre-Bronze age demographic, technological and economic change. Using scaling parameters from the History Database of the Global Environment as well as GLUES-simulated population density and subsistence style, the land requirement for growing crops is estimated. The intrusion of cropland into potentially forested areas is translated into carbon loss due to deforestation with the dynamic global vegetation model VECODE. The land demand in important Prehistoric growth areas - converted from mostly forested areas - led to large-scale regional (country size) deforestation of up to 11% of the potential forest. In total, 29 Gt carbon were lost from global forests between 10 000 BC and 2000 BC and were replaced by crops; this value is consistent with other estimates of Prehistoric deforestation. The generation of realistic (agri-)cultural development trajectories at a regional resolution is a major strength of GLUES. Most of the pre-Bronze age deforestation is simulated in a broad farming belt from Central Europe via India to China. Regional carbon loss is, e.g., 5 Gt in Europe and the Mediterranean, 6 Gt on the Indian subcontinent, 18 Gt in East and Southeast Asia, or 2.3 Gt in subsaharan Africa.
Maps of continental-scale land cover are utilized by a range of diverse users but whilst a range of products exist that describe present and recent land cover in Europe, there are currently no datasets that describe past variations over long time-scales. User groups with an interest in past land cover include the climate modelling community, socio-ecological historians and earth system scientists. Europe is one of the continents with the longest histories of land conversion from forest to farmland, thus understanding land cover change in this area is globally significant. This study applies the pseudobiomization method (PBM) to 982 pollen records from across Europe, taken from the European Pollen Database (EPD) to produce a first synthesis of pan-European land cover change for the period 9000 BP to present, in contiguous 200 year time intervals. The PBM transforms pollen proportions from each site to one of eight land cover classes (LCCs) that are directly comparable to the CORINE land cover classification. The proportion of LCCs represented in each time window provides a spatially aggregated record of land cover change for temperate and northern Europe, and for a series of case study regions (western France, the western Alps, and the Czech Republic and Slovakia). At the European scale, the impact of Neolithic food producing economies appear to be detectable from 6000 BP through reduction in broad-leaf forests resulting from human land use activities such as forest clearance. Total forest cover at a pan-European scale moved outside the range of previous background variability from 4000 BP onwards. From 2200 BP land cover change intensified, and the broad pattern of land cover for preindustrial Europe was established by 1000 BP. Recognizing the timing of anthropogenic land cover change in Europe will further the understanding of land cover-climate interactions, and the origins of the modern cultural landscape.
This paper explores migration from Bihar, one of the most underdeveloped states in India, by paying particular attention to social class (caste) and landholdings. After describing details of individual migrants, we present our preliminary findings on the determinants of migration, based on our field survey of 200 households in four villages in 2011. In terms of social class, Muslims are more likely to migrate, but Scheduled Castes do not show a high propensity to migrate as is stated in some of the existing literature where the underclass is said to be more mobile. In terms of landholdings, the probability that someone will migrate is high among the landless and smaller landholders but it decreases as the size of the landholding increases. However, as the size of the landholding increases still further, a reverse effect of landholding on decisions regarding migration moves in, with the decline in probability becoming less and less. This result confirms a non-linear relationship between landholdings and the decision to migrate. Some further research questions are raised in the paper.
River restoration is becoming a priority in many countries because of increasing the awareness of environmental degradation. In Europe, the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) has significantly reinforced river restoration, encouraging the improvement of ecological status for water bodies. To fulfill the WFD requirements, the Spanish Ministry of the Environment developed in 2006 a National Strategy for River Restoration whose design and implementation are described in this paper. At the same time many restoration projects have been conducted, and sixty of them have been evaluated in terms of stated objectives and pressures and implemented restoration measures. Riparian vegetation enhancement, weir removal and fish passes were the most frequently implemented restoration measures, although the greatest pressures came from hydrologic alteration caused by flow regulation for irrigation purposes. Water deficits in quantity and quality associated with uncontrolled water demands seriously affect Mediterranean rivers and represent the main constraint to achieving good ecological status of Spanish rivers, most of them intensively regulated. Proper environmental allocation of in-stream flows would need deep restrictions in agricultural water use which seem to be of very difficult social acceptance. This situation highlights the need to integrate land-use and rural development policies with water resources and river management, and identifies additional difficulties in achieving the WFD objectives and good ecological status of rivers in Mediterranean countries.
El progresivo adelgazamiento del Estado del Bienestar y la privatización de bienes y servicios públicos han propiciado la aparición de discursos que reclaman la recuperación de los comunes y su autogestión colectiva. En ese contexto las tierras y derechos comunales de la Inglaterra pre-capitalista han dejado de ser un asunto académico, reapareciendo intensamente en los imaginarios socioespaciales del activismo global. Aunque esa reapropiación del pasado parece legítima, dichas narrativas ignoran a menudo la complejidad implícita en la gestión, planificación y evolución de los comunes históricos. Para subsanar estas lagunas estudiamos las instituciones y modos de gobierno que sustentaban el régimen comunal de la tierra en este período, enfatizando su condición de planificación autogestionada de los usos del suelo y las prácticas asociadas al mismo. Este régimen fue sustituido por las leyes de cercamiento, dando paso a una lógica de planificación centralizada e insolidaria: una lógica en la que estaba implícita no sólo la extinción del control comunal y la privatización de la tierra, sino también la desposesión de los trabajadores rurales y su progresiva proletarización. Palabras clave: comunes, derecho comunal, planificación socioespacial, leyes de cercamiento, autogestión. ....................................................... The ongoing eclipse of the Welfare State and the privatisation of public goods and services have triggered the appearance of discourses that claim the recovery of the commons and their collective self-management. In this context historical common lands and rights in pre-capitalist England are no longer a mere academic issue, as they reappear intensely in the sociospatial imaginaries of global activism. This reappropriation of the past seems legitimate, but such narratives often ignore the complexity of the management, planning and evolution of the historical commons. To fill these lacunae I study the institutions and modes of government that underpinned the communal regime in this period, emphasizing its condition of self-managed land use planning. Enclosure acts destroyed this regime, introducing a new logic of centralized, iniquitous planning: a logic which included not only the extinction of communal institutions and privatisation of land, but also the dispossession of rural labourers and their progressive proletarianisation.
The United Nations Climate Change Conference, Durban 2011, delivered a breakthrough on the international community's response to climate change. In the second largest meeting of its kind, the negotiations advanced, in a balanced fashion, the implementation of the Convention and the Kyoto Protocol, the Bali Action Plan, and the Cancun Agreements. The outcomes included a decision by Parties to adopt a universal legal agreement on climate change as soon as possible, and no later than 2015. One of the decisions adopted by COP 17 and CMP 7 regard to the land use, land-use change and forestry, and invites the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change to review and, if necessary, update supplementary methodologies for estimating anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions by sources and removals by sinks resulting from land use, land-use change and forestry activities under Article 3, paragraphs 3 and 4, of the Kyoto Protocol. Land degradation is a human-induced or natural process which negatively affects the productivity of land within an ecosystem. The direct causes of land degradation are geographically specific. Climate change, including changes in short-term variation, as well as long-term gradual changes in temperature and precipitation, is expected to be an additional stress on rates of land degradation. Book Topics: • Introduction to Climate Change and Land Degradation • Change Mitigation • Climate Change and Waste Land Restoration • Water Management and Planning • Erosion and Hydrological Restoration • Forest Fire Land Restoration • Polluted Soils Restoration • Combating Climate Change by Restoration of Degraded Land • Research Matters – Climate Change Governance • Advanced Statistics Climate Change and Restoration of Degraded Land is of interests to academics, engineers, consultans, designers and professionals involved in restoration of degraded lands projects.
Ecuador, país sudamericano, aprobó en el año 2008 una Constitución en la que subyace un modelo de desarrollo humano multidimensional y alternativo al vigente. Sus dimensiones sociales, económicas, políticas, culturales y ambientales se encuentran en los textos correspondientes a los “Derechos”, “Régimen de Desarrollo” y “Régimen del Buen Vivir”; en tanto que las dimensiones territoriales se hallan expuestas en la “Organización Territorial del Estado”, conformada por regiones, provincias, cantones y parroquias rurales, con sus respectivos gobiernos autónomos descentralizados, a los que la misma Constitución les atribuye, entre otras, las competencias exclusivas de “planificar el desarrollo” y “formular los correspondientes planes de ordenamiento territorial”, y al Estado central la “planificación nacional”. No obstante, el marco legal dictado posteriormente -que otorga al Estado central la competencia de ordenación territorial, mediante la “Estrategia Territorial Nacional”-, no logra regular con eficacia, efectividad y eficiencia este ejercicio competencial, incluyendo en esta condición a los lineamientos técnicos dictados por el organismo nacional de planificación; volviendo urgente la vigencia de una ley que lo asuma, pero que demanda previamente el diseño de un modelo de gestión de estas competencias, propósito al cual procura contribuir el presente trabajo. Su estructura es la siguiente: Capítulo 1: “La problemática, objetivos y antecedentes”, en cuya formulación se destaca el estudio del marco jurídico y técnico vigente en relación a la ordenación territorial, partiendo de una breve visión sobre los empeños previos en Ecuador por adoptarla, y que se complementa con una evaluación preliminar de la experiencia vivida por los gobiernos autónomos descentralizados al formular y gestionar sus primeros planes de desarrollo y de ordenación territorial, en acatamiento del mandato constitucional. Luego se avanza en la definición del objetivo general del trabajo y de un conjunto coherente de objetivos específicos. Concluye este capítulo con el análisis del estado de la cuestión: los antecedentes sobre la ordenación territorial en América Latina, en el marco de sus predecesoras históricas. Capítulo 2: “Diseño del modelo de gestión”, que se inicia con el planteamiento de la metodología a seguir, condicionada especialmente por los propios textos constitucionales que vinculan en la relación de “correspondencia” a la ordenación territorial con la planificación del desarrollo y en consecuencia con el ejercicio de las competencias sectoriales asignadas por ella misma a los diferentes niveles de gobierno. Efectivamente, tal relación supone básicamente que la planificación del desarrollo adquiera el carácter de global, total, vale decir integral, en el sentido de que igualmente contemple sus dimensiones territoriales y que la planificación de éstas se integre a la de las dimensiones sociales, económicas, políticas, culturales y ambientales, de manera tal que en cada uno de los niveles la planificación del desarrollo sea un proceso único y un todo. Por estas condiciones, el diseño en cuestión demanda el tratamiento previo de los aspectos contemplados por la metodología en relación con la conceptualización y ordenamiento de la planificación y gestión del modelo de desarrollo humano previsto por la Constitución para los distintos niveles territoriales, seguido del análisis y evaluación del reparto competencial. En este marco se diseña el modelo de gestión en siete componentes específicos que definen los objetivos estratégicos generales a los cuales apuntará la ordenación territorial, estructuran con sus figuras –los planes–, un sistema integrado de alcance nacional, entienden al propio territorio bajo una visión sistémica y proponen un esquema metodológico general para la redacción de tales instrumentos. Luego se aborda en calidad de tema clave, la articulación con la planificación del desarrollo, el establecimiento de las dimensiones territoriales sectoriales y globales de ordenación en cada nivel territorial, que posibilita a su vez la formulación de los contenidos de las determinaciones de los planes y la definición de un conjunto de lineamientos para su gestión. Capítulo 3. “Verificación”, que se ha concretado en la puesta a consideración de un selecto grupo de expertos nacionales en ordenación territorial, el modelo propuesto siguiendo los procedimientos recomendados para este tipo de consultas. Capítulo 4. “Conclusiones Generales”, esto es, un conjunto coherente de proposiciones que condensan los resultados alcanzados en los diferentes capítulos precedentes y que demuestran la validez del modelo propuesto. ABSTRACT Ecuador approved a constitution, by 2008, where a multidimensional human development model, different to the one in force, underlies. Its social, economic, political, cultural and environmental dimensions are at the entries for "Rights", "Development Scheme" and "Rules of Good Living"; while the territorial dimensions are given by the "Territorial Organization of the State" section, consisting of regions, provinces, cantons and rural parishes, with their respective autonomous governments, to which the Constitution conferred, inter alia, the exclusive powers of "development planning" and "land use plan formulation," while the central state has the "national planning" competence. However, the subsequent issued legal framework - which gives the central state competences over land planning, using the "National Spatial Strategy" - fails to effectively regulate this exercise of jurisdiction, including in this condition the technical guidelines dictated by the national planning agency; thus becoming urgent to put in force a law that assume it, which demands the previous design of a management model of these competences, which is the aim that seeks to contribute the present work. Its structure is as follows: Chapter 1: "The problem, objectives and background" that includes the study of the legal and technical framework in force in relation to land planning, starts with a brief overview of previous efforts to adopt it in Ecuador. The chapter is complemented with a preliminary assessment of the experience of the autonomous governments to formulate and manage their early development plans and land planning, in compliance with the constitutional mandate. Subsequently the overall objective of the work and a coherent set of objectives are defined. This chapter concludes with an analysis of the state of art: the history of land use planning in Latin America in the context of their historical predecessors. Chapter 2, "Design of a management model", which begins with the methodological approach to follow, conditioned by the constitutional texts linking the relationship of "correspondence" land planning with development planning and with the exercise of the sectorial competences assigned by itself to different levels of government. Indeed, such a relationship basically means that development planning should acquire a global, comprehensive, complete, total, character in the sense that it also provides for their territorial dimensions and that their planning is integrated to social, economic, political, cultural and environmental factors, so that in each of the levels, development planning is a unique process and a whole. For these conditions, the design in question demands pretreatment of the aspects covered by the methodology in relation to the conceptualization and management of the planning and management of human development model envisaged by the Constitution to the various territorial levels, followed by analysis and evaluation of the distribution of powers. In this framework a management model is designed into seven specific components that define the overall strategic objectives which aim to land planning, structure plans, and an integrated nationwide system, that understand the territory under a systemic vision and propose a general methodological framework to draft these instruments. Then a key issue is addressed, the coordination with development planning, the establishment of sectorial and regional and global dimensions of management at each territorial level, which in turn allows the formulation of the contents of the plans determinations and defining a set of management guidelines. Chapter 3, "Verification", It has traduced into asking for the revision of the proposed model by a select group of national experts in spatial planning by following recommended procedures for such queries. Chapter 4, "General Conclusions", a coherent set of propositions that summarize the results obtained in the different preceding chapters, which demonstrates the validity of the proposed model.
Channel cbanges are the consequence of cbanges in sediment yield from the slopes and in the connectivity between slopes and channels bccause of distinct land use and climate inJpacts. In Ibis study, we investigated the characteristics and evolution of a short reach in the headwater of the !juez River, central-soutbem Pyrenees. Assessment of a series of sedimentar)' and geomorphic structures confirtned major cbanges to the valley boUom, mainly related to changes in the intensity of human activity. 'The oldest sedimentar)' structure is a terrace leve! located 3 10 4 m above the current alluvial plain. General deforestation, overgrazing and recwring tires in the montane belt ( 1100-1600 m a.sJ.) have led 10 increased soil erosioo and connectivity, and to tbe triggering of debris llows thal have been deposited on the fluvial tmace. Woody fragments from within the debris llows were dated using acceleraror mass spectrOmetry '"e radiocaroon tcchniques (AMS), yielding ages between 1 00 and 115 cal years BP, whicb coincides with tbe period of maximum deforestalion and human density in the Pyrenees. Depopulation and fannland abaodonment since tbe beginning of tbe 2001 oenrury has resulled in generalliJcod natural and artificial reforestation, a shrinkage of the eroded arcas aod a decline in connectivi¡y bdween slopes and the channel. 1be rnost impor1an1 consequence has been cbannel incision and oarrowing, and the development of a sedimed annour !ayer. Active sedimenl b8llSpOI1 is continui.Qg, although there has been a decrease in sed.iment yield from the slopes. Copyright O 2014 John Wiley & Soos, Ltd.
El artículo analiza las relaciones entre los cambios de uso en el territorio rural de la región del Biobío y sus efectos en el crecimiento urbano y demográfico de una ciudad de tamaño medio. En forma específica se estudia el desarrollo de la industria forestal y sus efectos sobre el proceso urbano de Los Angeles.
La determinación del valor del suelo implicado en los procesos de urbanización se mueve en una compleja dialéctica en la que algunos fenómenos de naturaleza morfológica como el modelado del espacio social, o el que se deduce de las determinaciones del planeamiento (aprovechamiento especialmente) se enfrentan a instrumentos de regulación que se rigen por normas de carácter administrativo (urbanísticas y expropiatorias, fiscales, financieras-hipotecarias etc.). En ese marco en el que las discrepancias son frecuentes se pretende analizar las posibles actuaciones encaminadas a influir sobre la formación de ese valor en el sentido de limitar las expectativas de aprovechamiento tradicionalmente vinculadas al sistema urbanístico establecido, destacando al respecto la implantación de criterios de sostenibilidad y participación ciudadana, así como que la utilización de normas administrativas de valoración con la finalidad de reducir tales expectativas y tratar de influir sobre el sistema urbanístico en su conjunto, no se considera suficiente para conseguir el logro de tales objetivos. Añadiendo, respecto del conjunto de normas administrativas de determinación del valor del suelo, que si bien las reglas urbanísticas y expropiatorias establecen actualmente reglas objetivas de valoración, a través de la normativa de valoración destinada a entidades financieras, o de carácter fiscal, se introducen criterios subjetivos que tratan de aproximarse al mercado, incluso en el caso del valor catastral, estructuralmente reglado. Esta separación de criterios ha llevado a un enfrentamiento al que ha venido a dar respuesta la reciente sentencia del Tribunal Supremo de 30 de mayo de 2014, que impone los criterios urbanísticos de consideración de situaciones básicas de suelo, frente a los fiscalmente regulados en relación con la normativa catastral en cuanto a la consideración de suelo urbanizable sin desarrollar, que pasa a ser considerado como en situación rural, siendo por tanto aplicables sobre el mismo las reglas de valoración que la normativa catastral establece para esta categoría de suelo (rústico) que no considera, incluso con la posterior modificación, de junio de 2015, incorporada para adaptarse a la mencionada sentencia, expectativas de aprovechamiento. Pero como se ha señalado, la exclusiva utilización de la normativa urbanística de valoración no se considera suficiente para evitar los efectos que sobre el valor de suelo produce la asignación de tales aprovechamientos, por lo que acuerdo con la actual legislación de suelo, deben asimismo potenciarse actuaciones encaminadas a un desarrollo sostenible así como a la participación ciudadana, la transparencia y el control, con la finalidad de lograr un mayor rigor en la utilización del suelo que ha de traducirse en su valoración. ABSTRACT Determining the land value involved in the urbanisation process implies a complex dialectic in which certain morphological natural phenomena like the modelling of social space or that deduced from planning determinations (especially land use) face regulatory instruments governed by administrative norms (urban planning and expropriator, tax, financial-mortgage etc.). In this context where discrepancies are common, the purpose is to analyse the possible actions geared to influence the formation of that value in the sense of limiting land use expectations traditionally linked to the established urban planning system, highlighting the implementation of sustainability criteria and citizen participation, as well as to consider that the administrative standards of evaluation for reducing said expectations, and trying to influence the urban system as a whole, are not considered sufficient for achieving these objectives. We might add, with respect to the set of administrative norms for determining the land value, that while urban and expropriations norms currently provide objective rules of valuation, subjective criteria are introduced trying to approach the market, including the structurally regulated cadastral value through valuation rules aimed at financial or fiscal institutions. This separation of criteria has led to a confrontation to which the recent ruling of the Supreme Court of May 30, 2014 responds. The aforementioned judgement imposes the urban core criteria for basic land use situations against those fiscally regulated in relation to cadastral regulations regarding the consideration of undeveloped building land, which is considered to be in a rural situation, making it subject to the same rules that cadastral valuation norms established for this category of land use (rustic) which do not consider, even with the subsequent amendment of June 2015, introduced to fit that judgment, use expectations. But as noted, the exclusive use of valuation planning regulations is not considered sufficient to avoid the effects on the land value produced by the allocation of said uses, so that according to the current land use legislation, actions aimed at sustainable development as well as citizen participation, transparency and control, shall be enhanced in order to achieve greater rigor in the use of land which should be translated in their valuation.
As the population of Colorado continues to grow, the impacts from individual sewage disposal systems, or onsite wastewater systems (OWS), are becoming more apparent. Increased use of OWS impacts not only water quality but land use and development as well. These impacts have led to the need for a new generation of wastewater regulations in the state, a transition from the historic prescriptive requirements to a more progressive, performance-based system. A performance-based system will allow smarter growth, improved water quality, and cost savings for both the regulatory agencies and the OWS industry in Colorado. This project outlines the challenges and essential elements required to make this transition, and provides guidance on how to meet the challenges and overcome barriers to implementing a performance code in Colorado.
Using information from two recently published atlases of threatened invertebrate species in peninsular Spain, we examined the climatic, land use and geographic characteristics of the 100 km2 UTM cells with most likelihood of suffering extinctions (extinction cells), as well as the attributes of the species prone to population extinctions. Extinction cells have had significantly (1) lower precipitation values, (2) higher temperatures, (3) higher percentages of anthropic land uses or (4) higher rates of anthropization during the last 20 years than the remaining cells. Nevertheless, probable extinctions may occur under a wide range of climatic and anthropization change rates and these variables can only explain a low proportion (~5 %) of variability in the occurrence or number of extinction cells. Aquatic species seem to suffer higher local extinction rates than terrestrial species. Interestingly, many invertebrate species with approximately 25 or less occurrence cells are on a clear trajectory towards extinction. These results outline the difficulties and uncertainties in relating probable population extinctions with climatic and land use changes in the case of invertebrate data. However, they also suggest that a third of the considered Spanish threatened species could have lost some of their populations, and that current conservation efforts are insufficient to reverse this tendency.