996 resultados para Kauko Pirinen in memoriam
This article analyzes Boys in white: student culture in medical schoolby Howard S. Becker, Blanche Geer, Everett C. Hughes and Anselm Strauss, considered a model of qualitative research in sociology. The analysis investigates the trajectories of the authors, the book, qualitative analysis, and the medical students, emphasizing their importance in the origins of medical sociology and the sociology of medical education. In the trajectory of the authors, bibliographical information is given. The trajectory of qualitative research focuses on how this methodology influences the construction of the field. The investigation of the students' trajectory shows how they progress through their first years at medical school to build their own student culture.
Exposure to silica dust has been examined as a possible risk factor for autoimmune diseases, including systemic sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus and ANCA-associated vasculitis. However, the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms resulting in the increased prevalence of autoimmunity remain elusive. To clarify these mechanisms, we studied various markers of immune activation in individuals occupationally exposed to silica dust, i.e., serum levels of soluble IL-2 receptor (sIL-2R), levels of IL-2, other pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines and lymphoproliferation. Our results demonstrate that silica-exposed individuals present important alterations in their immune response when compared to controls, as shown by increased serum sIL-2R levels, decreased production of IL-2 and increased levels of the pro-inflammatory (IFN-γ, IL-1α, TNF-α, IL-6) as well as anti-inflammatory (IL-10 and TGF-β) cytokines. Furthermore, silica-exposed individuals presented enhanced lymphoproliferative responses. Our findings provide evidence that the maintenance of immune homeostasis may be disturbed in silica-exposed individuals, possibly resulting in autoimmune disorders.
To evaluate the modified US7 score (MUS7 score SYN) in the assessment of patients with early rheumatoid arthritis (ERA). In addition, dorsal and palmar recesses of the wrists as well as of small joints of the hands and feet were examined for the presence of synovitis by means of a global assessment of joints. The study sample comprised 32 patients treated for arthritis, with an average disease duration of 13 months. An ultrasound machine with high frequency transducer was used. Hands were also X-rayed and analysed by Larsen score. Out of the 832 examined joints, synovitis was detected in 173 (20,79%), tenosynovitis in 22 (4,91%), and erosions in 3 (1,56%). Synovitis was predominantly detected in the dorsal recess (73,38%) of MCP and PIP joints, when compared with palmar recess (26%). The presence of synovitis in the joints evaluated correlated with clinical (HAQ-DI, DAS28), laboratory (ACPA, RF, CRP), and ultrasound results (r = 0,37 to r = 0,42; p = 0,04 to p = 0,003). We found correlation of the MUS7 score SYN of the gray scale US or of the power Doppler US with DAS28 (PCR) values (r = 0,38; p = 0,0332), and with CRP results (r = 0,39; p = 0,0280), respectively. The dorsal recess, the wrist, and small joints can be considered as important sites to detect synovitis by the MUS7 score SYN in patients with ERA.
Brazilian epidemiological studies on rheumatoid arthritis are scarce, mainly in the northeast; thus many data currently available originate from the international literature. To describe demographic, clinical and serological characteristics of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) followed-up by the same physician, in state of Piauí, Brazil. Data were collected between August 2010 and March 2013, in three health services of Piauí that provided health care in Rheumatology: a university-affiliated hospital, a public outpatient clinic and a private clinic. The numbers represent mean ± SD or percentage: 47.5±11.03 years-old non-Caucasian woman, non-smoker (59.2%), low educational level, mean disease duration of 7.7 years ± 7.6, and major extra-articular manifestations were rheumatoid nodules (19.4%) and sicca syndrome (46.9%). Features of rheumatoid arthritis obtained in this study are similar to those found in some national and international studies, but we observed higher female preponderance and illiteracy rate, in addition to a moderately severe erosive disease on average, with frequent sicca and other extra-articular manifestations.
To investigate the effects of a specific protocol of undulatory physical resistance training on maximal strength gains in elderly type 2 diabetics. The study included 48 subjects, aged between 60 and 85 years, of both genders. They were divided into two groups: Untrained Diabetic Elderly (n=19) with those who were not subjected to physical training and Trained Diabetic Elderly (n=29), with those who were subjected to undulatory physical resistance training. The participants were evaluated with several types of resistance training's equipment before and after training protocol, by test of one maximal repetition. The subjects were trained on undulatory resistance three times per week for a period of 16 weeks. The overload used in undulatory resistance training was equivalent to 50% of one maximal repetition and 70% of one maximal repetition, alternating weekly. Statistical analysis revealed significant differences (p<0.05) between pre-test and post-test over a period of 16 weeks. The average gains in strength were 43.20% (knee extension), 65.00% (knee flexion), 27.80% (supine sitting machine), 31.00% (rowing sitting), 43.90% (biceps pulley), and 21.10% (triceps pulley). Undulatory resistance training used with weekly different overloads was effective to provide significant gains in maximum strength in elderly type 2 diabetic individuals.
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Previous studies from our group have demonstrated the protective effect of S-nitroso-N-acetylcysteine (SNAC) on the cardiovascular system in dyslipidemic LDLr-/- mice that develop atheroma and left ventricular hypertrophy after 15 days on a high fat diet. We have shown that SNAC treatment attenuates plaque development via the suppression of vascular oxidative stress and protects the heart from structural and functional myocardial alterations, such as heart arrhythmia, by reducing cardiomyocyte sensitivity to catecholamines. Here we investigate the ability of SNAC to modulate oxidative stress and cell survival in cardiomyocytes during remodeling and correlation with β₂-AR signaling in mediating this protection. Ventricular superoxide (O₂⁻) and hydrogen peroxide (H₂O₂) generation was measured by HPLC methods to allow quantification of dihydroethidium (DHE) products. Ventricular histological sections were stained using terminal dUTP nick-end labeling (TUNEL) to identify nuclei with DNA degradation (apoptosis) and this was confirmed by Western blot for cleaved caspase-3 and caspase-7 protein expression. The findings show that O₂⁻ and H₂O₂ production and also cell apoptosis were increased during left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH). SNAC treatment reduced oxidative stress during on cardiac remodeling, measured by decreased H₂O₂ and O₂⁻ production (65% and 52%, respectively), and a decrease in the ratio of p-Ser1177 eNOS/total eNOS. Left ventricle (LV) from SNAC-treated mice revealed a 4-fold increase in β₂-AR expression associated with coupling change to Gi; β₂-ARs-S-nitrosation (β₂-AR-SNO) increased 61%, while apoptosis decreased by 70%. These results suggest that the cardio-protective effect of SNAC treatment is primarily through its anti-oxidant role and is associated with β₂-ARs overexpression and β₂-AR-SNO via an anti-apoptotic pathway.
Multiple sclerosis, which is the most common cause of chronic neurological disability in young adults, is an inflammatory, demyelinating, and neurodegenerative disease of the CNS, which leads to the formation of multiple foci of demyelinated lesions in the white matter. The diagnosis is based currently on magnetic resonance image and evidence of dissemination in time and space. However, this could be facilitated if biomarkers were available to rule out other disorders with similar symptoms as well as to avoid cerebrospinal fluid analysis, which requires an invasive collection. Additionally, the molecular mechanisms of the disease are not completely elucidated, especially those related to the neurodegenerative aspects of the disease. The identification of biomarker candidates and molecular mechanisms of multiple sclerosis may be approached by proteomics. In the last 10 years, proteomic techniques have been applied in different biological samples (CNS tissue, cerebrospinal fluid, and blood) from multiple sclerosis patients and in its experimental model. In this review, we summarize these data, presenting their value to the current knowledge of the disease mechanisms, as well as their importance in identifying biomarkers or treatment targets.
There is a paucity of literature on haemophilia treatment in Latin American countries, a region characterized by rapidly improving systems of care, but with substantial disparities in treatment between countries. The aim of this study was to evaluate the musculoskeletal status of haemophilia patients from Latin America and to examine the relationship between musculoskeletal status and treatment practices across countries. The Committee of Latin America on the Therapeutics of Inhibitor Groups conducted a survey of its member country representatives on key aspects of haemophilia treatment in 10 countries. Musculoskeletal status of patients was obtained during routine comprehensive evaluations between March 2009 and March 2011. Eligible patients had severe haemophilia A (factor VIII <1%) without inhibitors (<0.6 BU mL(-1) ) and were ≥5 years of age. Musculoskeletal status was compared between three groups of countries, based primarily on differences in the availability of long-term prophylaxis. Overall, 143 patients (5-66 years of age) were enrolled from nine countries. In countries where long-term prophylaxis had been available for at least 10 years (Group A), patients aged 5-10 years had significantly better mean World Federation of Hemophilia clinical scores, fewer target joints and fewer affected joints than patients from countries where long-term prophylaxis has been available for about 5 years (Group B) or was not available (Group C). In Latin America, the musculoskeletal status of patients with severe haemophilia without inhibitors has improved significantly in association with the provision of long-term prophylaxis. As more countries in Latin America institute this practice, further improvements are anticipated.
The objectives of the study were to evaluate the performance of sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) in detecting occult metastases in papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) and to correlate their presence to tumor and patient characteristics. Twenty-three clinically node-negative PTC patients (21 females, mean age 48.4 years) were prospectively enrolled. Patients were submitted to sentinel lymph node (SLN) lymphoscintigraphy prior to total thyroidectomy. Ultrasound-guided peritumoral injections of (99m)Tc-phytate (7.4 MBq) were performed. Cervical single-photon emission computed tomography and computed tomography (SPECT/CT) images were acquired 15 min after radiotracer injection and 2 h prior to surgery. Intra-operatively, SLNs were located with a gamma probe and removed along with non-SLNs located in the same neck compartment. Papillary thyroid carcinoma, SLNs and non-SLNs were submitted to histopathology analysis. Sentinel lymph nodes were located in levels: II in 34.7 % of patients; III in 26 %; IV in 30.4 %; V in 4.3 %; VI in 82.6 % and VII in 4.3 %. Metastases in the SLN were noted in seven patients (30.4 %), in non-SLN in three patients (13.1 %), and in the lateral compartments in 20 % of patients. There were significant associations between lymph node (LN) metastases and the presence of angio-lymphatic invasion (p = 0.04), extra-thyroid extension (p = 0.03) and tumor size (p = 0.003). No correlations were noted among LN metastases and patient age, gender, stimulated thyroglobulin levels, positive surgical margins, aggressive histology and multifocal lesions. Sentinel lymph node biopsy can detect occult metastases in PTC. The risk of a metastatic SLN was associated with extra-thyroid extension, larger tumors and angio-lymphatic invasion. This may help guide future neck dissection, patient surveillance and radioiodine therapy doses.
Pain is a common complaint in women with endometriosis and can be influenced by many variables, including sleep disorders; however, no data are available on the sleep quality of women with endometriosis or on the correlation between sleep quality and pain. The 510 volunteers included in this study were divided into two groups: 257 women with a laparoscopic and histopathological diagnosis of endometriosis and 253 women with no history of endometriosis and no endometriosis-related symptoms. The volunteers answered two questionnaires: the Post-Sleep Inventory to evaluate sleep quality and the International Physical Activity Questionnaire to assess their level of physical activity. Pain was evaluated using a visual analogue scale (VAS) and women were also submitted to a physical examination, during which their pain threshold was assessed at 20 different body sites. Sleep quality was significantly poorer in women with endometriosis compared to women without the disease. The pain threshold was significantly lower in the greater trochanter and abdomen in women with endometriosis when compared to women without the disease; however, there was no difference in VAS pain score between the groups. The higher the VAS pain score, the lower the Post-Sleep Inventory score. Additionally, there was a significant positive correlation between the pain threshold at some body sites and sleep quality. Sleep quality was poorer and the pain threshold at certain body sites was lower in the group of women with endometriosis.
To characterize liposomal-lidocaine formulations for topical use on oral mucosa and to compare their in vitro permeation and in vivo anesthetic efficacy with commercially available lidocaine formulations. Large unilamellar liposomes (400 nm) containing lidocaine were prepared using phosphatidylcholine, cholesterol, and α-tocoferol (4:3:0.07, w:w:w) and were characterized in terms of membrane/water partition coefficient, encapsulation efficiency, size, polydispersity, zeta potential, and in vitro release. In vitro permeation across pig palatal mucosa and in vivo topical anesthetic efficacy on the palatal mucosa in healthy volunteers (double-blinded cross-over, placebo controlled study) were performed. The following formulations were tested: liposome-encapsulated 5% lidocaine (Liposome-Lido5); liposome-encapsulated 2.5% lidocaine (Liposome-Lido2.5); 5% lidocaine ointment (Xylocaina®), and eutectic mixture of lidocaine and prilocaine 2.5% (EMLA®). The Liposome-Lido5 and EMLA showed the best in vitro permeation parameters (flux and permeability coefficient) in comparison with Xylocaina and placebo groups, as well as the best in vivo topical anesthetic efficacy. We successfully developed and characterized a liposome encapsulated 5% lidocaine gel. It could be considered an option to other topical anesthetic agents for oral mucosa.
Although low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) has been consistently demonstrated a predictor of atherosclerotic disease in a large spectrum of clinical settings, among individuals aged of 80 years or older this concept is uncertain. This study was evaluated in a carefully selected population if the association between LDL-C and coronary atherosclerotic burden remains significant in the very elderly. Individuals aged of 80 years or older (n = 208) who spontaneously sought primary prevention care and have never manifested cardiovascular disease, malnutrition, neoplastic or consumptive disease were enrolled for a cross-sectional analysis. Medical evaluation, anthropometric measurements, blood tests and cardiac computed tomography were obtained. In analyses adjusted for age, gender, diabetes, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, smoking and statin therapy, no association was found between coronary calcium score (CCS) and LDL-C [1.79 (0.75-4.29)]. There was no association between triglycerides and CCS. The association between high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) and CCS was significant and robust in unadjusted [0.32 (0.15-0.67)] as well as in the fully adjusted analysis [0.34 (0.15-0.75)]. The present study confirms in a healthy cohort of individuals aged of 80 years or more that while the association between LDL-C and coronary atherosclerosis weakens with aging, the opposite occurs with the levels of HDL-C.