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O presente trabalho tem como proposta a curadoria e produo de notcias positivas, de modo que o pblico tenha acesso ao seu contedo em um nico lugar, ao invs de procur-lo em outros veculos. Alm da seleo de informao, o projeto ainda conta com outros recursos jornalsticos e projetos que agregam valores positivos ao site. Se faz importante frisar que o contedo deste trabalho tem o intuito de contribuir para o exerccio da funo social do jornalista, a de informar o que bom para o leitor, de modo a causar um impacto positivo na sociedade. Ao contrrio dos jornais tradicionais, que carregam em suas pginas, na maioria das vezes, contedos negativos ou violentos
The vehicle routing problem is to nd a better route to meet a set of customers who are geographically dispersed using vehicles that are a central repository to which they return after serving customers. These customers have a demand that must be met. Such problems have a wide practical application among them we can mention: school transport, distribution of newspapers, garbage collection, among others. Because it is a classic problem as NP-hard, these problems have aroused interest in the search for viable methods of resolution. In this paper we use the Genetic Algorithm as a resolution
This research is aimed at discussing the ways in which social agents influence global warming, analyzing the discourse of social actors involved in the debate on climate change, since there is a wide divergence in the scientific community about how man is able to modify the climate on a global scale. In fact the debate that permeates the issues beyond the limits of science and enter into a political-economic framework that takes extraordinary proportions. This emphasis can be very unscientific in the fundamental design concepts, or even creating a trivialization of the media. The main way to convey these concepts is to disclose them in the media, but the media has enormous power to transform the concepts and often manipulate the news by creating a common sense goes against the interests of the scientific community. Thus was conducted extensive research in major newspapers and magazines that move in the country. We surveyed the first two papers which were: Folha de S. Paulo and O Estado de S. Paulo, during the period from January 2000 to December 2008, totaling 3285 units for the newspaper Folha and 2555 for the newspaper Estado. Subsequently a survey was made of data published in two journals that move at the national level, and these are the magazines VEJA and POCA for the same period. By performing these steps, it was concluded that several factors involving the media and climate change, such as topic relevance, types of approaches, perspectives of analysis, the staff development, supplies, among other factors of utmost importance for building news. As a result we can say that the media in fulfilling its role of mediator scientific, disclosing only a vision that permeates the scientific debate. The newspaper media, especially newspapers, has an informative and instantaneous. Often this preoccupation...(Complete abstract, click electronic access below)
Ps-graduao em Educao - FFC
Ps-graduao em Educao Escolar - FCLAR
Ps-graduao em Histria - FCHS
Este trabalho objetiva estudar o fenmeno da posposio do sujeito com relao ao verbo em distintos tipos e gneros do jornal: O Araraquarense do incio do sculo XX, e verificar se h alguma diferena entre eles, quanto posio do sujeito na frase. A escolha de um corpus jornalstico devida ao fato de seu texto ser muito propcio para analisar os processos de implementao de uma possvel mudana no portugus brasileiro; por se tratar de um texto pblico, o qual atua sobre os elementos da situao scio-histrica em que est inserido e por sofrer influncias dessa situao. Foram analisados dados coletados de artigos de opinio e notas sociais, levando em conta os tipos textuais: descrio, dissertao, injuno e narrao (TRAVAGLIA, 2003, p.103). Constatou-se que os tipos (dissertativo e narrativo) foram predominantes nos artigos de opinio, e que somente o tipo narrativo esteve presente nas notas sociais. A posio do sujeito foi analisada em funo dos seguintes grupos de fatores: tipo sinttico do verbo, tipo morfolgico do sujeito, padro de construo e tipo textual. Como principais resultados, constatou-se: (i) um ndice de posposio de 47% em notas sociais e de 19,2% em artigos de opinio; (ii) tipo do verbo (transitivo direto) 21,7% em artigos de opinio e 44,7% em notas sociais; neste mesmo gnero os verbos (inacusativo, bitransitivo, intransitivo e verbo de ligao) apresentaram, respectivamente, 71%, 45%, 37% e 37,9%; (iii) tipo morfolgico do sujeito (sintagma nominal) em artigo de opinio 16,5% e 41,4% em notas sociais, 28,2% de (pronome pessoal) em artigo de opinio e 68,3% de (nome prprio) em notas sociais; (iiii) tipo textual (narrativo) 47,6% em notas sociais e em artigo de opinio 18,8% (dissertativo) e 27,8% (injuntivo)
Ps-graduao em Educao Matemtica - IGCE
Ps-graduao em Comunicao - FAAC
Ps-graduao em Comunicao - FAAC
Ps-graduao em Letras - FCLAS
Between 1894 and 1899 Kate Chopin (1850 1904), one of the main exponents of American Realism and Feminism, published seven critical essays in newspapers and journals. To this number, it might be added the sketch Confidences and the two first entrances of Impressions, her second diary, totalizing nine texts. These texts unveil a refined critical spirit, an outspoken and edge-cutting style in writing, sometimes sarcastically merciless, and an eager reader, all of them aspects that would be put into practice by the Feminist criticism expressed in the authors novels and short stories. To introduce and briefly discuss these essays are the main purposes of this paper.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)
Zusammenfassung: In dieser Studie wurde untersucht, wie Nachrichten, die vom Nachrichtenportal Deutsche Welle in portugiesischer Sprache verffentlicht werden, produziert werden und inwieweit sie Brasilien und Deutschland bezglich kulturellen, politischen und wirtschaftlichen Aspekten reprsentieren. Der staatliche deutsche Auslandsrundfunk zeichnet sich durch seine internationale Reichweite aus und schafft Dialoge zwischen Deutschland und anderen Nationen. Angesichts der Schnittstelle zwischen Journalismus und Internet, haben wir uns auf den Sender Deutsche Welle, und dort vor allem auf die brasilianische Nachrichtenredaktion fokussiert. Dadurch war es mglich, den Kontext, in dem der analysierte journalistische Inhalt produziert wird, genau zu verstehen. Die Nachrichten wurden ber einen Zeitraum von einer Woche im Portal gesammelt und anschlieend einer quantitativen und qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse unterzogen (BARDIN, 2009). Die Ergebnisse zeigen, wie die Inhalte beide Lnder reprsentieren und gleichzeitig die Redaktionsstrategie des Senders besttigt wird. In Anbetracht des Effekts, den die Nachrichten und die bermittelte Reprsentation der beiden Lnder in den Beitrgen auf die Meinungsbildung der Zielgruppe haben knnten, trgt diese Studie zum wissenschaftlichen Verstndnis im journalistischen Bereich bei und regt zu weitere Studien ber die Deutsche Welle an