963 resultados para Jewish anarchists
Translation of chapter by Ludwig Kahn written originally in German in 1961
The collection is made up of correspondence, press clippings, and other materials pertaining to Andreas Biss’ efforts to save Hungarian Jewry. The correspondence includes laudatory letters by the President of Israel; correspondence with the BBC concerning a program on the Holocaust; and others. Also included are materials about Biss’ book ‘Der Stopp der Endloesung’, as well as an off-print of his article ‘List als Mittel des Widerstandes’ in its entirety.
Early in 1943 the Barosins were arrested and sent to the deportation camp in Gurs. They were freed by French authorities and went into hiding until their liberation in 1944 in Paris. In 1947 they emigrated to the United States.
Seven photographic reproductions of a white porcelain ceremonial drinking cup used circa 1715 by the local Chevra Kadisha (burial society) in Eisenstadt, Austria, with Hebrew text and depictions of a Jewish funeral around the circumference.
Obituaries; photos with family; newspaper clippings.
Family history of the Lenel family
Family history, translated by Fred Kahn.
June 7, 2010
Materials and clippings on Jewish genealogist Miriam Weiner.
Brochure on occasion of the 1986 exhibition ‘Heilen und Vernichten im Nationalsozialismus’ (Healing and destruction under the Nazis) in Aachen, Germany. It includes a list of Hirschfeld’s publications.
Article about Siegbert Springer in Juristische Schulung, vol. 17, No. 7 and a report about a memorial plaque for Siegbert Springer in Berlin.
Photocopies of correspondence between Scheuermann, Ernst Cramer, Cardinal Ratzinger, Reuben Hecht on Pope John XXIII and his alleged repentance prayer.
Family tree; six original family letters dealing with private affairs.
Photocopies of documents: on the Schutzjude Moses Jacob during the Napoleonic Wars (1803-1813); other documents relating to Jewish life in Hamburg; graduating diploma from "Hoehere Buergerschule" (1866); excerpt from letter of Louis Jacobsen to his son living in Leedsat the occasion of the outbreak of the Prussian French War (1870); letter of G. Roemer to Louis Jacobsen (1866) after he was refused the marriage with Emilie Jacobsen; partial translation of will of Nathan Joseph living in Wittingen (1844); excerpt from letter of Emilie Heine to her son Ludwig who is a first-year medical student in Munich (1894).
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