959 resultados para Interacción multimodal


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A cetamina tem demonstrado efeito analgésico em doses subanestésicas, além da manutenção da estabilidade dos parâmetros fisiológicos. O estudo objetivou avaliar os efeitos cardiorrespiratórios e a analgesia pós-operatória da cetamina administrada por via epidural, por infusão intravenosa contínua ou pela associação de ambas, em cães submetidos à osteossíntese de fêmur. Foram utilizadas 25 cadelas, hígidas, distribuídas aleatoriamente em quatro grupos: CEP (2mg kg-1 de cetamina associada à lidocaína 2% via epidural), CIV (lidocaína 2% via epidural e 1mg kg-1 de cetamina IV seguido de infusão contínua IV com 100µg kg min-1 da mesma), CIVEP (2mg kg-1 de cetamina associada à lidocaína 2% via epidural e 1mg kg-1 de cetamina IV, seguido de infusão contínua IV com 100µg kg min-1) e CON (anestesia epidural com lidocaína 2%). Avaliaram-se FC, f, PAS, PAM, PAD, T°C, tempo de bloqueio motor e analgesia pós-operatória por meio de escala analógica visual. Houve elevação da FC no CIV e diminuição desse parâmetro no CEP. As pressões arteriais mantiveram-se dentro dos valores fisiológicos e não foram observadas diferenças na f e T°C. O tempo de duração do bloqueio anestésico foi potencializado nos grupos que receberam cetamina epidural, diferindo significativamente em relação ao controle. O tempo para a analgesia resgate não diferiu entre os grupos. Conclui-se que a administração de cetamina pela via epidural, por infusão contínua intravenosa ou pela associação de ambas promoveu estabilidade cardiorrespiratória no período transcirúrgico, porém não foi capaz de prolongar a duração da analgesia pós-operatória em cães submetidos à osteossíntese de fêmur.


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A linha de pesquisa em multimodos e múltiplas representações vem atualmente sendo inspiradora de ações instrucionais na educação científica. Partindo dos fundamentos que justificam um encaminhamento didático à luz dessas referências, este trabalho procura mostrar que há compatibilidade dos seus fundamentos com a teoria da aprendizagem significativa de Ausubel e com as questões levantadas pelas pesquisas que indicam a necessidade de se considerar a subjetividade dos alunos presentes numa sala de aula. Essencialmente, procuramos argumentar que a promoção de um ensino por meio de multimodos e múltiplas representações é consistente com o ambiente plural das subjetividades existentes numa sala de aula e com uma aprendizagem significativa.


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A cor é um atributo perceptual que nos permite identificar e localizar padrões ambientais de mesmo brilho e constitui uma dimensão adicional na identificação de objetos, além da detecção de inúmeros outros atributos dos objetos em sua relação com a cena visual, como luminância, contraste, forma, movimento, textura, profundidade. Decorre daí a sua importância fundamental nas atividades desempenhadas pelos animais e pelos seres humanos em sua interação com o ambiente. A psicofísica visual preocupa-se com o estudo quantitativo da relação entre eventos físicos de estimulação sensorial e a resposta comportamental resultante desta estimulação, fornecendo dessa maneira meios de avaliar aspectos da visão humana, como a visão de cores. Este artigo tem o objetivo de mostrar diversas técnicas eficientes na avaliação da visão cromática humana através de métodos psicofísicos adaptativos.


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OBJETIVO: Analisar os fatores relacionados à determinação e às desigualdades no acesso e uso dos serviços de saúde por idosos. MÉTODOS: Estudo integrante do Projeto Saúde, Bem-estar e Envelhecimento (SABE), no qual foram entrevistados 2.143 indivíduos com 60 anos ou mais no município de São Paulo, SP, em 2000. A amostra foi obtida em dois estágios, utilizando-se setores censitários com reposição, probabilidade proporcional à população e complementação da amostra de pessoas de 75 anos. Foi mensurado o uso de serviços hospitalares e ambulatoriais nos quatro meses anteriores à entrevista, relacionando-os com fatores de capacidade, necessidade e predisposição (renda total, escolaridade, seguro saúde, morbidade referida, auto-percepção, sexo e idade). O método estatístico utilizado foi regressão logística multivariada. RESULTADOS: Dos entrevistados, 4,7% referiram ter utilizado a internação hospitalar e 64,4% o atendimento ambulatorial. Dos atendimentos ambulatoriais em serviço público, 24,7% ocorreram em hospital e 24,1% em serviço ambulatorial; dentre os que ocorreram em serviços privados, 14,5% foram em hospital e 33,7% em clínicas. Pela análise multivariada, observou-se associação entre a utilização de serviços e sexo, presença de doenças, auto-percepção de saúde, interação da renda e escolaridade e posse de seguro saúde. A análise isolada com escolaridade apresentou efeito inverso. CONCLUSÕES: Foram observadas desigualdades no uso e acesso aos serviços de saúde e inadequação do modelo de atenção, indicando necessidade de políticas públicas que levem em conta as especificidades dessa população, facilitem o acesso e possam reduzir essas desigualdades.


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Introduction: Cervical and breast cancer are the most common malignancies among women worldwide. Effective screening can facilitate early detection and dramatically reduce mortality rates. The interface between those screening patients and patients most needing screening is complex, and women in remote areas of rural counties face additional barriers that limit the effectiveness of cancer prevention programs. This study compared various methods to improve compliance with mass screening for breast and cervical cancer among women in a remote, rural region of Brazil. Methods: In 2003, a mobile unit was used to perform 10 156 mammograms and Papanicolaou smear tests for women living in the Barretos County region of Sao Paulo state, Brazil (consisting of 19 neighbouring cities). To reach the women, the following community outreach strategies were used: distribution of flyers and pamphlets; media broadcasts (via radio and car loudspeakers); and community healthcare agents (CHCAs) making home visits. Results: The most useful intervention appeared to be the home visits by healthcare agents or CHCAs. These agents of the Family Health Programme of the Brazilian Ministry of Health reached an average of 45.6% of those screened, with radio advertisements reaching a further 11.9%. The great majority of the screened women were illiterate or had elementary level schooling (80.9%) and were of 'poor' or 'very poor' socioeconomic class (67.2%). Conclusions: Use of a mobile screening unit is a useful strategy in developing countries where local health systems have inadequate facilities for cancer screening in underserved populations. A multimodal approach to community outreach strategies, especially using CHCAs and radio advertisements, can improve the uptake of mass screening in low-income, low-educational background female populations.


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In this paper, we present various diagnostic methods for polyhazard models. Polyhazard models are a flexible family for fitting lifetime data. Their main advantage over the single hazard models, such as the Weibull and the log-logistic models, is to include a large amount of nonmonotone hazard shapes, as bathtub and multimodal curves. Some influence methods, such as the local influence and total local influence of an individual are derived, analyzed and discussed. A discussion of the computation of the likelihood displacement as well as the normal curvature in the local influence method are presented. Finally, an example with real data is given for illustration.


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In previous works we showed how to combine propositional multimodal logics using Gabbay's \emph{fibring} methodology. In this paper we extend the above mentioned works by providing a tableau-based proof technique for the combined/fibred logics. To achieve this end we first make a comparison between two types of tableau proof systems, (\emph{graph} $\&$ \emph{path}), with the help of a scenario (The Friend's Puzzle). Having done that we show how to uniformly construct a tableau calculus for the combined logic using Governatori's labelled tableau system \KEM. We conclude with a discussion on \KEM's features.


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Evolution strategies are a class of general optimisation algorithms which are applicable to functions that are multimodal, nondifferentiable, or even discontinuous. Although recombination operators have been introduced into evolution strategies, the primary search operator is still mutation. Classical evolution strategies rely on Gaussian mutations. A new mutation operator based on the Cauchy distribution is proposed in this paper. It is shown empirically that the new evolution strategy based on Cauchy mutation outperforms the classical evolution strategy on most of the 23 benchmark problems tested in this paper. The paper also shows empirically that changing the order of mutating the objective variables and mutating the strategy parameters does not alter the previous conclusion significantly, and that Cauchy mutations with different scaling parameters still outperform the Gaussian mutation with self-adaptation. However, the advantage of Cauchy mutations disappears when recombination is used in evolution strategies. It is argued that the search step size plays an important role in determining evolution strategies' performance. The large step size of recombination plays a similar role as Cauchy mutation.


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Little is known about the effect of clinical characteristics, parental psychopathology, family functioning, and environmental stressors in the response to methylphenidate in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) followed up in a naturalistic setting. Data from cultures outside the United States are extremely scarce. This is a longitudinal study using a nonrandom assignment, quasi-experimental design. One hundred twenty-five children with ADHD were treated with methylphenidate according to standard clinical procedures, and followed up for 6 months. The severity of ADHD symptoms was assessed by the Swanson, Nolan, and Pelham rating scale. In the final multivariate model, ADHD combined subtype (P < 0.001) and comorbidity with oppositional defiant disorder (P = 0.03) were both predictors of a worse clinical response. In addition, the levels of maternal ADHD symptoms were also associated with worse prognosis (P < 0.001). In the context of several adverse psychosocial factors assessed, only undesired pregnancy was associated with poorer response to methylphenidate in the final comprehensive-model (P = 0.02). Our study provides evidence for the involvement of clinical characteristics, maternal psychopathology, and environmental stressors in the response to methylphenidate. Clinicians may consider adjuvant strategies when negative predictors are present to increase the chances of success with methylphenidate treatment.


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Multimodality treatment of rectal cancer, with the combination of radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and surgery has become the preferred approach to locally advanced rectal cancer The use of neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy (CRT) has resulted in reduced toxicity rates, significant tumor down-sizing and downstaging, better chance of sphincter preservation, and improved functional results A proportion of patients treated with neoadjuvant CRT may ultimately develop complete clinical response Management of these patients with complete clinical response remains controversial and approaches including radical resection, transanal local excision, and observation alone without immediate surgery have been proposed The use of strict selection criteria of patients after neoadjuvant CRT has resulted in excellent long-term results with no oncological compromise after observation alone in patients with complete clinical response Recurrences are detectable by clinical assessment and frequently amenable to salvage procedures


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Few studies have investigated in vivo changes of the cholinergic basal forebrain in Alzheimer`s disease (AD) and amnestic mild cognitive impairment (MCI), an at risk stage of AD. Even less is known about alterations of cortical projecting fiber tracts associated with basal forebrain atrophy. In this study, we determined regional atrophy within the basal forebrain in 21 patients with AD and 16 subjects with MCI compared to 20 healthy elderly subjects using deformation-based morphometry of MRI scans. We assessed effects of basal forebrain atrophy on fiber tracts derived from high-resolution diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) using tract-based spatial statistics. We localized significant effects relative to a map of cholinergic nuclei in MRI standard space as determined from a postmortem brain. Patients with AD and MCI subjects showed reduced volumes in basal forebrain areas corresponding to anterior medial and lateral, intermediate and posterior nuclei of the Nucleus basalis of Meynert (NbM) as well as in the diagonal band of Broca nuclei (P < 0.01). Effects in MCI subjects were spatially more restricted than in AD, but occurred at similar locations. The volume of the right antero-lateral NbM nucleus was correlated with intracortical projecting fiber tract integrity such as the corpus callosum, cingulate, and the superior longitudinal, inferior longitudinal, inferior fronto-occipital, and uncinate fasciculus (P < 0.05, corrected for multiple comparisons). Our findings suggest that a multimodal MRI-DTI approach is supportive to determine atrophy of cholinergic nuclei and its effect on intracortical projecting fiber tracts in AD. Hum Brain Mapp 32: 1349-1362, 2011. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Background: Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is an effective adjunctive therapy for postoperative pain; however, effects of different frequencies Of stimulation have not been systematically investigated. Laparoscopic sterilization (LS) causes significant pain in the early postoperative period and requires substantial postoperative medication. Therefore, we studied the effects of TENS on postoperative pain after LS through placement of Yoon fallopian rings in a prospective, randomized, double-blinded, and placebo-controlled study. Methods: Sixty-four patients undergoing LS for uterine tube ligation were randomly allocated to receive either active TENS or placebo TENS. Postoperative pain was evaluated using a standard I I-point numeric rating scale and the McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ)-pain rating index and number of words chosen. Both high frequency (100 Hz) and low frequency (4 Hz) TENS, at strong, but comfortable sensory intensity, were applied for 20 minutes through 4 electrodes placed around the surgical incision immediately after Surgery. Pain was assessed before and after application of TENS when patients were at postanesthesia care unit (PACU). Results: Both high and low frequency TENS significantly decreased postoperative pain intensity when compared with before administration of TENS using the numeric rating scale (P = 0.001), pain rating index (P = 0.001), and number of words chosen (P 0.001) compared with placebo TENS (P = 0.001). TENS in combination with standard pharmacologic analgesic treatment was efficacious for postoperative pain relief after LS. Conclusions: We recommend regular use of multimodal therapy with TENS and analgesic drugs after LS with placement of Yoon rings.


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Glioma is the most frequent and malignant primary human brain tumor with dismal prognosis despite multimodal therapy. Resveratrol and quercetin, two structurally related and naturally occurring polyphenols, are proposed to have anticancer effects. We report here that resveratrol and quercetin decreased the cell number in four glioma cell lines but not in rat astrocytes. Low doses of resveratrol (10 mu M) or quercetin (25 mu M) separately had no effect on apoptosis induction, but had a strong effect on caspase 3/7 activation when administered together. Western blot analyses showed that resveratrol (10 mu M) and quercetin (25 mu M) caused a reduction in phosphorylation of Akt, but this reduction was not sufficient by itself to mediate the effects of these polyphenols. Most important, resveratrol and quercetin chronically administered presented a strong synergism in inducing senescence-like growth arrest. These results suggest that the combination of polyphenols can potentialize their antitumoral activity, thereby reducing the therapeutic concentration needed for glioma treatment. (Cancer Sci 2009; 100: 1655-1662).


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The successful treatment of paediatric malignancies by multimodal therapy has improved outcomes for children with cancer, especially those with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL). Second malignant neoplasms, however, represent a serious complication after treatment. Depending on dosage, 2-12% of patients treated with topoisomerase II inhibitors and/or alkylating agents develop treatment-related acute myeloid leukaemia characterized by translocations at 11q23. Our goal was to study MLL rearrangements in peripheral lymphocytes using cytogenetic and molecular methods in order to evaluate the late effects of cancer therapy in patients previously treated for childhood ALL. Chromosomal rearrangements at 11q23 were analysed in cytogenetic preparations from 49 long-term ALL survivors and 49 control individuals. Patients were subdivided depending on the inclusion or omission of topoisomerase II inhibitors (VP-16 and/or VM-26) in their treatment protocol. The statistical analysis showed significant (P = 0.007) differences between the frequency of translocations observed for the groups of patients and controls. These differences were also significant (P = 0.006) when the groups of patients (independent of the inclusion of topoisomerase II inhibitors) and controls were compared (P = 0.006). The frequencies of extra signals, however, did not differ between groups of patients and controls. Several MLL translocations were detected and identified by inverse polymerase chain reaction, followed by cloning and sequencing. Thirty-five patients (81%) presented putative translocations; among those, 91% corresponded with t(4;11) (q21;q23), while the other 9% corresponded with t(11;X), t(8;11)(q23;q23) and t(11;16). Our results indicate an increase in MLL aberrations in childhood ALL survivors years after completion of therapy. The higher frequency in this cohort might be associated with therapy using anti-tumoural drugs, independent of the inclusion of topoisomerase II inhibitors. Even though the biological significance of these rearrangements needs further investigation, they demonstrate a degree of genome instability, indicating the relevance of cytogenetic and molecular studies during the follow-up of patients in complete clinical remission.


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Goal-directed, coordinated movements in humans emerge from a variety of constraints that range from 'high-level' cognitive strategies based oil perception of the task to 'low-level' neuromuscular-skeletal factors such as differential contributions to coordination from flexor and extensor muscles. There has been a tendency in the literature to dichotomize these sources of constraint, favouring one or the other rather than recognizing and understanding their mutual interplay. In this experiment, subjects were required to coordinate rhythmic flexion and extension movements with an auditory metronome, the rate of which was systematically increased. When subjects started in extension on the beat of the metronome, there was a small tendency to switch to flexion at higher rates, but not vice versa. When subjects: were asked to contact a physical stop, the location of which was either coincident with or counterphase to the auditor) stimulus, two effects occurred. When haptic contact was coincident with sound, coordination was stabilized for both flexion and extension. When haptic contact was counterphase to the metronome, coordination was actually destabilized, with transitions occurring from both extension to flexion on the beat and from flexion to extension on the beat. These results reveal the complementary nature of strategic and neuromuscular factors in sensorimotor coordination. They also suggest the presence of a multimodal neural integration process-which is parametrizable by rate and context - in which intentional movement, touch and sound are bound into a single, coherent unit.