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Clinical optical motion capture allows us to obtain kinematic and kinetic outcome measures that aid clinicians in diagnosing and treating different pathologies affecting healthy gait. The long term aim for gait centres is for subject-specific analyses that can predict, prevent, or reverse the effects of pathologies through gait retraining. To track the body, anatomical segment coordinate systems are commonly created by applying markers to the surface of the skin over specific, bony anatomy that is manually palpated. The location and placement of these markers is subjective and precision errors of up to 25mm have been reported [1]. Additionally, the selection of which anatomical landmarks to use in segment models can result in large angular differences; for example angular differences in the trunk can range up to 53o for the same motion depending on marker placement [2]. These errors can result in erroneous kinematic outcomes that either diminish or increase the apparent effects of a treatment or pathology compared to healthy data. Our goal was to improve the accuracy and precision of optical motion capture outcome measures. This thesis describes two separate studies. In the first study we aimed to establish an approach that would allow us to independently quantify the error among trunk models. Using this approach we determined if there was a best model to accurately track trunk motion. In the second study we designed a device to improve precision for test, re-test protocols that would also reduce the set-up time for motion capture experiments. Our method to compare a kinematically derived centre of mass velocity to one that was derived kinetically was successful in quantifying error among trunk models. Our findings indicate that models that use lateral shoulder markers as well as limit the translational degrees of freedom of the trunk through shared pelvic markers result in the least amount of error for the tasks we studied. We also successfully reduced intra- and inter-operator anatomical marker placement errors using a marker alignment device. The improved accuracy and precision resulting from the methods established in this thesis may lead to increased sensitivity to changes in kinematics, and ultimately result in more consistent treatment outcomes.


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The purpose of this research is to investigate the various social, political and economic factors that contributed to Canada’s failure to implement a universal school lunch program during the 1940s. Although Canada developed several other social welfare programs in the post-war period, it remains one of the only industrialized nations that does not provide hot meals to children in elementary or secondary schools. Data from the province of Ontario, a major site of postwar reconstruction and policy-making, has been taken up to inform the broader national discourse on school lunches from the 1940s. National, Ontario provincial and City of Toronto archival records were collected and analyzed according to common themes, in order to identify key barriers that constrained government support of a hot meal program. Archival records were identified using key words, and were limited to materials created between 1930-1952. Analysis suggests that sufficient need for a hot meal program had not been established during the 1940s. Despite misleading nutrition messages, rates of malnutrition and nutrient-related disease were at an all-time low, and many Ontario school boards did not appear to have the necessary infrastructure required to supply all pupils with hot meals. The Canadian government had already employed significant resources to improve existing social security programs by coupling them with health education. This strategy reflected a shift in understanding malnutrition as a knowledge-based problem, as opposed to income-based. This understanding was further reinforced through the moralized dissemination of nutrition information, which placed blame on women for improperly raising their children. Ultimately, the strong uptake of nutrition as a public health issue in Ontario may have limited prospective responses to solutions already utilized in the public health domain, and directed favour away from a universal school lunch program for Canada.


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Youth sport coaches shape the developmental sporting experience for their athletes (Camiré, Trudel, & Forneris, 2014). Specifically, coaches who form individualized, supportive relationships with their athletes can increase the development of personal and social skills (Fraser-Thomas, Côté, & Deakin, 2005). In light of the value of these relationships, increasing evidence is prompting the application of leadership theories, such as Transformational Leadership (TFL), in youth sport (Vella et al., 2013). The aim of this study was to explore coach perceptions of how and why leadership behaviours are applied in the youth sport context. Eleven coaches (Mage= 42.3, SD= 15.2) were recruited from competitive youth soccer and volleyball clubs (athletes’ Mage= 15.8, SD= 1.9) in Eastern Ontario and participated in a stimulated recall interview. During the interviews, coaches reflected upon their own coaching behaviours and provided insight into the application of leadership behaviours in youth sport. Responses were prompted by relevant video sequences from recorded practice and game sessions. A thematic content analysis revealed that; i) coaches use a variety of leadership behaviours in youth sport, ii) the use of leadership behaviours vary across sport contexts or settings, and iii) contrasting leadership styles (e.g., transactional vs. transformational) are associated with distinctive coach objectives (e.g., promoting confidence vs. establishing respect). These findings have helped identify gaps within coach education, and provide theoretical insight for applying leadership theories, and more specifically TFL, to help improve the sport experiences of young athletes.


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Numerous leukocyte populations are essential for pregnancy success. Uterine natural killer (uNK) cells are chief amongst these leukocytes and represent a unique lineage with limited cytotoxicity but abundant angiokine production. They possess a distinct phenotype of activating and inhibitory receptors that recognize major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules, such as the killer immunoglobulin like receptors (KIRs; mouse Ly49), and MHC-independent activating receptors, including the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) and natural cytotoxicity receptor 1 (NCR1). While the roles of MHC-dependent receptors are widely addressed in pregnancy, MHC-independent receptors are relatively unstudied. This thesis investigated the roles of MHC-independent receptors in promotion of mouse pregnancy and characterized early leukocyte interactions in the presence and absence of NCR1. It was hypothesized that loss of MHC-independent receptors impairs uNK cell development resulting in aberrations in leukocyte function and decidual vasculature. Implantation sites from Ahr-/- and Ncr1Gfp/Gfp mice were assessed using whole mount in situ immunohistochemistry (WM-IHC) and histochemical techniques. Leukocyte interactions identified during preliminary WM-IHC studies were confirmed as immune synapses. The novel identification of immune synapses in early mouse pregnancy compelled further examination of leukocyte conjugates in wildtype C57BL/6 and Ncr1Gfp/Gfp mice. In Ahr-/- and Ncr1Gfp/Gfp mice, receptor loss resulted in reduced uNK cell diameters, impaired decidual vasculature, and failures in spiral artery remodeling. Ahr-/- mice had severe fertility deficits whereas Ncr1Gfp/Gfp mice had increased fetal resorption indicating differing receptor requirements in pregnancy success. NCR1 loss primarily affected uNK cell maturation and function as identified by alterations in granule ultrastructure, lytic protein expression, and angiokine production. Leukocyte conjugates were frequent in early C57BL/6 decidua basalis and included uNK cells conjugating first with antigen presenting cells and then with T cells. Overall conjugate formation was reduced in the absence of NCR1, but specific uNK cell conjugations were unaffected by receptor loss. While KIR-MHC interactions are associated with numerous pregnancy complications in humans, the role of other uNK cell receptors are not well characterized. These results illustrate the importance of MHC-independent receptors in uNK cell activation during early pregnancy in mice and encourage further studies of pregnancy complications that may occur independently of maternal KIR-MHC contributions.


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The human ether-a-go-go-related gene (hERG) protein passes the rapidly activating delayed rectifier potassium channel (IKr), and malfunction of hERG protein/IKr is the primary cause of acquired long QT syndrome (LQTS). Autoimmune diseases are significantly correlated with prolonged QT intervals, for which autoantibodies have been implicated. The anti-Ro52 autoantibody is the most frequently evaluated, and importantly has been correlated with prolonged QT intervals. Pathological anti-Ro52-hERG interactions have been discussed as a mechanism for autoimmune disease-related LQTS. However, the mechanism is unclear, and it does not explain LQTS in autoimmune diseases which do not commonly express anti-Ro52. In this thesis, I investigated the effects of anti-Ro52 on hERG/IKr function. Through Western blot analysis, whole-cell patch-clamp, and immunofluorescence, I show that anti-Ro52 chronically (12 h) reduced hERG protein expression and hERG current by over 50%, but did not acutely block the channel. My work revealed a novel mechanism in which the Fc portion of anti-Ro52 interacts with the extracellular S5-pore linker of the channel to induce internalization through a tyrosine phosphorylation dependent pathway. This phenomenon extends beyond anti-Ro52 IgG, as other IgG, regardless of their antigen binding specificity, have the potential to reduce hERG expression/current. Rather, the ability of IgG to reduce hERG expression and current is dependent on the IgG subclass, as we show mouse IgG2A was the only mouse IgG subclass which reduced hERG expression. These results provide a novel explanation for autoimmune disease associated LQTS. It also has implications in the development of safe monoclonal antibody drugs.


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Metacognition is the understanding and control of cognitive processes. Students with high levels of metacognition achieve greater academic success. The purpose of this mixed-methods study was to examine elementary teachers’ beliefs about metacognition and integration of metacognitive practices in science. Forty-four teachers were recruited through professional networks to complete a questionnaire containing open-ended questions (n = 44) and Likert-type items (n = 41). Five respondents were selected to complete semi-structured interviews informed by the questionnaire. The selected interview participants had a minimum of three years teaching experience and demonstrated a conceptual understanding of metacognition. Statistical tests (Pearson correlation, t-tests, and multiple regression) on quantitative data and thematic analysis of qualitative data indicated that teachers largely understood metacognition but had some gaps in their understanding. Participants’ reported actions (teaching practices) and beliefs differed according to their years of experience but not gender. Hierarchical multiple regression demonstrated that the first block of gender and experience was not a significant predictor of teachers' metacognitive actions, although experience was a significant predictor by itself. Experience was not a significant predictor once teachers' beliefs were added. The majority of participants indicated that metacognition was indeed appropriate for elementary students. Participants consistently reiterated that students’ metacognition developed with practice, but required explicit instruction. A lack of consensus remained around the domain specificity of metacognition. More specifically, the majority of questionnaire respondents indicated that metacognitive strategies could not be used across subject domains, whereas all interviewees indicated that they used strategies across subjects. Metacognition was integrated frequently into Ontario elementary classrooms; however, metacognition was integrated less frequently in science lessons. Lastly, participants used a variety of techniques to integrate metacognition into their classrooms. Implications for practice include the need for more professional development aimed at integrating metacognition into science lessons at both the Primary and Junior levels. Further, teachers could benefit from additional clarification on the three main components of metacognition and the need to integrate all three to successfully develop students’ metacognition.


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Valproic acid (VPA), a commonly-used anticonvulsant drug, is associated with increased risk of fetal malformations, including neural tube defects (NTDs). Previous in vivo studies determined that VPA-exposed embryos with a NTD had altered expression of several proteins regulated by p300, a histone acetyltransferase (HAT) protein. p300 is capable of acetylating histones and non-histone proteins through its HAT activity, allowing it to transcriptionally regulate genes as well as modulate the stability and activity of specific proteins. NFκB, Stat3 and Egr1, all of which function as transcription factors, are regulated by p300 through its HAT activity. Together, these proteins all play an important role in maintaining the balance of apoptosis, proliferation and differentiation, the regulation of which is extremely important for proper embryonic development. The studies in this thesis utilized P19 embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells in order to determine the effects of VPA exposure on the expression of p300 and the aforementioned transcription factors, as well as apoptosis and proliferation, in vitro. P19 EC cells were exposed to C646, a selective p300 inhibitor, in order to assess whether the effects observed as a result of VPA exposure were due to p300 protein degradation. It was found that VPA exposure for 24 hours in P19 EC cells in vitro resulted in a significant decrease in p300 protein expression. VPA exposure also significantly decreased NFκB protein expression, while resulting in increased Stat3 protein expression. However, Stat3 acetylation and phosphorylation, which both contribute to Stat3 activation, were significantly decreased as a result of VPA exposure. p300 inhibition resulted in a significant decrease in NFκB, similar to what was observed as a result of VPA exposure, which suggests that VPA-mediated degradation of p300 may play a role in reduced NFκB protein expression following VPA exposure. Conversely, Stat3 protein expression, acetylation and phosphorylation were not significantly changed as a result of p300 inhibition, suggesting that p300 degradation does not play a role in VPA’s effects on Stat3 protein expression and activation. VPA exposure also resulted in a significant increase in apoptosis, while p300 inhibition did not significantly increase apoptosis. These data suggest that p300 degradation plays a role in VPA-mediated teratogenicity, and that VPA may target other cellular mechanisms in order to exert its teratogenic effects.


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Background: Adolescence is a period of life associated with self-perceptions of negative body image. Physical activity levels are low and screen time levels are also high during this stage. These perceptions and behaviours are associated with poor health outcomes, making research on their determinants important. With adolescent populations, certain groups may be at higher risk of body dissatisfaction than others, and body dissatisfaction may influence individual physical activity and screen time levels. Objectives: The objectives of this thesis were to: 1) describe body image among young Canadians, examining possible health inequalities 2) estimate the strength and significance of associations between body satisfaction, physical activity and screen time, and 3) examine the potential etiological role of biological sex. Methods: Objective 1: The 2013/2014 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children study was employed. Sex-stratified Rao-Scott chi-square analyses were conducted to examine associations between socio-demographic factors and body satisfaction. Objective 2: The 2005/2006 and 2013/2014 cross-sectional and 2006 longitudinal HBSC data sets were used. Sex-stratified modified Poisson regressions were conducted and risk estimates and associated confidence intervals obtained. Results: Objective 1: Among males, being older, of East and Southeast Asian ethnicity, and reporting low SES all were associated with body dissatisfaction. Among females, being older, of Arab and West Asian or African ethnicity, being born in Canada, and reporting low SES were all associated with being body dissatisfied. Objective 2: Cross-sectionally, males who reported ‘too fat’ body dissatisfaction were more likely to be physically inactive. Adolescents of both sexes who reported ‘too fat’ body dissatisfaction were more likely to engage in high levels of screen time. Data from the longitudinal component supported the idea that male ‘too fat’ body dissatisfaction temporally leads to physical inactivity, but showed an inverse relationship between body dissatisfaction and screen time. Conclusions: Objective 1: Future prevention efforts in Canada should target subgroups to effectively help those at greatest risk of body dissatisfaction, and ameliorate potential inequalities at the population level. Objective 2: The presence of these relationships may inform future interventions as part of a multi-factorial etiology, in order to increase physical activity and decrease screen time among youth.


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Due to the growing concerns associated with fossil fuels, emphasis has been placed on clean and sustainable energy generation. This has resulted in the increase in Photovoltaics (PV) units being integrated into the utility system. The integration of PV units has raised some concerns for utility power systems, including the consequences of failing to detect islanding. Numerous methods for islanding detection have been introduced in literature. They can be categorized into local methods and remote methods. The local methods are categorically divided into passive and active methods. Active methods generally have smaller Non-Detection Zone (NDZ) but the injecting disturbances will slightly degrade the power quality and reliability of the power system. Slip Mode Frequency Shift Islanding Detection Method (SMS IDM) is an active method that uses positive feedback for islanding detection. In this method, the phase angle of the converter is controlled to have a sinusoidal function of the deviation of the Point of Common Coupling (PCC) voltage frequency from the nominal grid frequency. This method has a non-detection zone which means it fails to detect islanding for specific local load conditions. If the SMS IDM employs a different function other than the sinusoidal function for drifting the phase angle of the inverter, its non-detection zone could be smaller. In addition, Advanced Slip Mode Frequency Shift Islanding Detection Method (Advanced SMS IDM), which has been introduced in this thesis, eliminates the non-detection zone of the SMS IDM. In this method the parameters of SMS IDM change based on the local load impedance value. Moreover, the stability of the system is investigated by developing the dynamical equations of the system for two operation modes; grid connected and islanded mode. It is mathematically proven that for some loading conditions the nominal frequency is an unstable point and the operation frequency slides to another stable point, while for other loading conditions the nominal frequency is the only stable point of the system upon islanding occurring. Simulation and experimental results show the accuracy of the proposed methods in detection of islanding and verify the validity of the mathematical analysis.


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In Model-Driven Engineering (MDE), the developer creates a model using a language such as Unified Modeling Language (UML) or UML for Real-Time (UML-RT) and uses tools such as Papyrus or Papyrus-RT that generate code for them based on the model they create. Tracing allows developers to get insights such as which events occur and timing information into their own application as it runs. We try to add monitoring capabilities using Linux Trace Toolkit: next generation (LTTng) to models created in UML-RT using Papyrus-RT. The implementation requires changing the code generator to add tracing statements for the events that the user wants to monitor to the generated code. We also change the makefile to automate the build process and we create an Extensible Markup Language (XML) file that allows developers to view their traces visually using Trace Compass, an Eclipse-based trace viewing tool. Finally, we validate our results using three models we create and trace.


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Background: Individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) have higher than normal ventilatory equivalents for carbon dioxide (VE/VCO2) during exercise. There is growing evidence that emphysema on thoracic computed tomography (CT) scans is associated with poor exercise capacity in COPD patients with only mild-to-moderate airflow obstruction. We hypothesized that emphysema is an underlying cause of microvascular dysfunction and ventilatory inefficiency, which in turn contributes to reduced exercise capacity. We expected ventilatory inefficiency to be associated with a) the extent of emphysema; b) lower diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide; c) a reduced pulmonary blood flow response to exercise; and d) reduced exercise capacity. Methods: In a cross-sectional study, 19 subjects with mild-to-moderate COPD (mean ± SD FEV1= 82 ± 13% predicted, 12 GOLD grade 1) and 26 age-, sex-, and activity-matched controls underwent a ramp-incremental symptom-limited exercise test on a cycle ergometer. Ventilatory inefficiency was assessed by the minimum VE/VCO2 value (nadir). A subset of subjects also completed repeated constant work rate exercise bouts with non-invasive measurements of pulmonary blood flow. Emphysema was quantified as the percentage of attenuation areas below -950 Housefield Units on CT scans. An electronic scoresheet was used to keep track of emphysema sub-types. Results: COPD subjects typically had centrilobular emphysema (76.8 ± 10.1% of total emphysema) in the upper lobes (upper/lower lobe ratio= 0.82 ± 0.04). They had lower peak oxygen uptake (VO2), higher VE/VCO2 nadir and greater dyspnea scores than controls (p<0.05). Lower peak O2 and worse dyspnea were found in COPD subjects with VE/VCO2 nadirs ≥ 30. COPD subjects had blunted increases in pulmonary blood flow from rest to iso-VO2 exercise (p<0.05). Higher VE/VCO2 nadir in COPD subjects correlated with emphysema severity (r= 0.63), which in turn correlated with reduced lung diffusing capacity (r= -0.72) and blunted changes in pulmonary blood flow from rest to exercise (r= -0.69) (p<0.01). Conclusions: Ventilation “wasted” in emphysematous areas is associated with reduced exercise ventilatory efficiency in mild-to-moderate COPD. Exercise ventilatory inefficiency links structure (emphysema) and function (gas transfer) to a key clinical outcome (reduced exercise capacity) in COPD patients with modest spirometric abnormalities.


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Background: Depression is the largest contributing factor to years lost to disability, and symptom remission does not always result in functional improvement. Comprehensive analysis of functioning requires investigation both of the competence to perform behaviours, as well as actual performance in the real world. Further, two independent domains of functioning have been proposed: adaptive (behaviours conducive to daily living skills and independent functioning) and interpersonal (behaviours conducive to the successful initiation and maintenance of social relationships). To date, very little is known about the relationship between these constructs in depression, and the factors that may play a key role in the disparity between competence and real-world performance in adaptive and interpersonal functioning. Purpose: This study used a multidimensional (adaptive and interpersonal functioning), multi-level (competence and performance) approach to explore the potential discrepancy between competence and real-world performance in depression, specifically investigating whether self-efficacy (one’s beliefs of their capability to perform particular actions) predicts depressed individuals’ underperformance in the real world relative to their ability. A comparison sample of healthy participants was included to investigate the level of depressed individuals’ impairment, across variables, relative to healthy individuals. Method: Forty-two participants with depression and twenty healthy participants without history of, or current, psychiatric illness were recruited in the Kingston, Ontario community. Competence, self-efficacy, and real-world functioning all in both adaptive and interpersonal domains, and symptoms were assessed during a single-visit assessment. Results: Relative to healthy individuals, depressed individuals showed significantly poorer adaptive and interpersonal competence, adaptive and interpersonal functioning, and significantly lower self-efficacy for adaptive and interpersonal behaviours. Self-efficacy significantly predicted functional disability both in the domain of adaptive and interpersonal functioning. Interpersonal self-efficacy accounted for significant variance in the discrepancy between interpersonal competence and functioning. Conclusions: The current study provides the first data regarding relationships among competence, functioning, and self-efficacy in depression. Self-efficacy may play an important role in the deployment of functional skills in everyday life. This has implications for therapeutic interventions aimed at enhancing depressed individuals’ engagement in functional activities. There may be additional intrinsic or extrinsic factors that influence the relationships among competence and functioning in depression.


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The herpes simplex virus (HSV) UL31 gene encodes a conserved member of the herpesvirus nuclear egress complex that not only functions in the egress of DNA-containing capsids from the nucleus, but is also required for optimal viral genome expression, replication and packaging into capsids. Here, we report that the UL31 protein from HSV-2 and the orthologous protein, ORF69, from Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) are recruited to sites of DNA damage. Recruitment of UL31 to sites of DNA damage occurred in HSV-2 infected cells, but did not require other viral proteins. The N-terminus of UL31 contains sequences resembling a poly(ADP-ribose) (PAR) binding motif. As protein poly-ADP ribosylation (PARylation) is a hallmark of the DNA damage response we examined the relationship between PARylation and UL31 recruitment to DNA damage. While the PAR polymerase (PARP)1/2 inhibitor, olaparib, prevented UL31 recruitment to damaged DNA, KU55933 inhibition of signaling through the ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) DNA damage response pathway had no effect. These findings were further supported by experiments demonstrating direct and specific interaction between HSV-2 UL31 and PAR using purified components. Co-transfection with the viral kinase Us3, known to phosphorylate UL31, inhibited UL31 recruitment to DNA damage but also prevented the recruitment of other proteins recruited to DNA damage sites. The viral E3 ubiquitin ligase ICP0 was observed to co-localize with UL31 in transfected cells in a manner that is independent of the PAR-binding ability of UL31. However, inhibition of PARP1/2/3 did not reduce the ability of HSV-2 to replicate and we observed reduced PAR levels in the nuclei of infected cells. This study reveals a previously unrecognized function for UL31 orthologs and may suggest that the recognition of PAR by UL31 is coupled to the nuclear egress of herpesvirus capsids, influences viral DNA replication and packaging, or possibly modulates the DNA damage response mounted by virally infected cells.


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We study the Dirichlet to Neumann operator for the Riemannian wave equation on a compact Riemannian manifold. If the Riemannian manifold is modelled as an elastic medium, this operator represents the data available to an observer on the boundary of the manifold when the manifold is set into motion through boundary vibrations. We study the Dirichlet to Neumann operator when vibrations are imposed and data recorded on disjoint sets, a useful setting for applications. We prove that this operator determines the Dirichlet to Neumann operator where sources and observations are on the same set, provided a spectral condition on the Laplace-Beltrami operator for the manifold is satisfied. We prove this by providing an implementable procedure for determining a portion of the Riemannian manifold near the area where sources are applied. Drawing on established results, an immediate corollary is that a compact Riemannian manifold can be reconstructed from the Dirichlet to Neumann operator where sources and observations are on disjoint sets.


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We study the Dirichlet to Neumann operator for the Riemannian wave equation on a compact Riemannian manifold. If the Riemannian manifold is modelled as an elastic medium, this operator represents the data available to an observer on the boundary of the manifold when the manifold is set into motion through boundary vibrations. We study the Dirichlet to Neumann operator when vibrations are imposed and data recorded on disjoint sets, a useful setting for applications. We prove that this operator determines the Dirichlet to Neumann operator where sources and observations are on the same set, provided a spectral condition on the Laplace-Beltrami operator for the manifold is satisfied. We prove this by providing an implementable procedure for determining a portion of the Riemannian manifold near the area where sources are applied. Drawing on established results, an immediate corollary is that a compact Riemannian manifold can be reconstructed from the Dirichlet to Neumann operator where sources and observations are on disjoint sets.