985 resultados para Instrumental Orff
A comprehensive understanding of the patient's problems is essential for a constructive therapeutic behaviour, especially in borderline personality disorder (BPD) where difficult interpersonal patterns are persistent. In these circumstances, the use of an integrative case formulation approach such as Plan Analysis, developed by K. Grawe and F. Caspar, can be of help for therapy planning. The focus here is on instrumental relations between behaviours and the hypothetical Plans and motives 'behind' those behaviours. The present qualitative study aimed at setting a prototypical Plan structure for n = 15 patients presenting a Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, diagnosis of BPD using Plan Analysis. The first psychotherapeutic session of every outpatient was video-taped and evaluated according to the Plan Analysis procedure. Inter-rater reliability was established between two independent raters and was considered sufficient. The detailed prototypical Plan structure of BPD showed two main tendencies: first, the important presence of support-seeking among these patients and second, the will to be in control and to protect oneself. This study confirms the existence of several core similarities in the functioning of patients with BPD. These findings are in line with earlier studies and expand the latter with the aim of contributing to the understanding of BPD psychopathology. Clinical implications are discussed. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. KEY PRACTITIONER MESSAGE: Plan Analysis can especially be of help with patients who have difficult interpersonal patterns, as those presenting with BPD. Two tendencies were found within BPD patients: (1) support-seeking and (2) control and self-protecting Plans. Further research using Plan Analysis should focus on the identification and detail of emotions within BPD.
Los láseres de Er:YAG y de Er,Cr:YSGG por su longitud de onda son bien absorbidos, tanto por el agua que contienen los tejidos blandos como por los cristales de hidroxiapatita presentes en los tejidos duros. Estas características hacen posible que estos láseres puedan ser absorbidos por los tejidos duros. Se presentan los múltiples usos y aplicaciones que tiene esta tecnología en Odontología, tanto en cirugía de tejidos blandos, como sus aplicaciones sobre tejidos duros, como por ejemplo los tratamientos de la caries o la cirugía ósea reemplazando en ambos casos al instrumental rotatorio. Desde la incorporación de estos láseres en los tratamientos odontológicos, se ha abierto una nueva perspectiva en relación con el uso de la anestesia local. Con la utilización de esta tecnología se pueden realizar tratamientos quirúrgicos poco extensos sin necesidad de aplicar anestesia locorregional, si bien su uso más común es para diversos procedimientos de terapéutica dental.
One of the main problems in transmission electron microscopy in thebiological field is the tri-dimensionality. This article explains the technicalprocedures and requirements to prepare biological specimens preserving themclosest to their native state to perform 3D reconstruction of the macromolecularcomplexes and cellular structures in their natural environment.
Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) technology is a powerful tool for studying a wide range of different putative interactions. This kind of optical biosensors allow to obtain (in real time and without labelling)quantitative and qualitative information about the kinetics of the surfacebindingprocess. The most critical points to keep in mind when using the technique are presented, as well as practical examples of applications.
Ionising radiation (IR) applications are quiet common among several areas of knowledge, medicine or industry. Medical X-rays, Nuclear Medicine, Xrays used in non-destructive testing or applications in research are a few examples. These radiations originate from radioactive materials or radiation emitting devices. Radiation Protection education and training (E&T) is of paramount importance to work safely in areas that imply the use of IR. TheTechnical Unit for Radiation Protection at the University of Barcelona has anextensive expertise in basic, initial and refresher training, in general or specificareas, as well as in courses validated by the Spanish Nuclear Safety Council orto satisfy specific needs with bespoke courses. These specific customer needsare evaluated and on-site courses can also be carried out.
Scintillation counting is one of the most important developments in the application of radioisotopes to procedures needed by scientists, physicians, engineers, and technicians from many diverse discipline for the detection and quantitative measurement of radioactivity. In fact, Scintillation is the most sensitive and versatile technique for the detection and quantification ofradioactivity. Particularly, Solid and Liquid scintillation measurement are,nowadays, standard laboratory methods in the life-sciences for measuringradiation from gamma- and beta-emitting nuclides, respectively. Thismethodology is used routinely in the vast majority of diagnostic and/or researchlaboratories from those of biochemistry and biology to clinical departments.
Although the radiation doses involved in basic research radiology are relatively small, the increasing number of radiological procedures makes risks becoming increasingly high. Quality control techniques in radiological practice have to ensure an adequate system of protection for people exposed to radiation. These techniques belong to a quality assurance program for X-ray machines and are designed to correct problems related to equipment and radiological practices, to obtain radiological images of high quality and to reduce the unnecessary exposures.
We review the key topics of one of the areas with the biggest impact of the last years in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry that is Crystal Engineering. The relevance of polymorphs and co-crystals from different points of view is been highlighted and broadly illustrated by means of several recent examples of studies carried out in this field. In addition, the most suitableinstrumental techniques and the intellectual property implications are reviewed.
Podeu consultar el llibre complet a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/32166
This article summarizes the basic principles of Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, with examples of methodologies and applications to different field sciences.
This article reviews the principles and methods of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and gives examples of applications carried out at ourFacility, which illustrate the capabilities of the technique.
This article summarizes the basic principles of mass spectrometry instrumentation with special emphasis in sample introduction methods, ionization techniques and mass analyzers used in the different mass spectrometrytechniques.
Transmission electron microscopy is a proven technique in the field of cell biology and a very useful tool in biomedical research. Innovation and improvements in equipment together with the introduction of new technology have allowed us to improve our knowledge of biological tissues, to visualizestructures better and both to identify and to locate molecules. Of all the types ofmicroscopy exploited to date, electron microscopy is the one with the mostadvantageous resolution limit and therefore it is a very efficient technique fordeciphering the cell architecture and relating it to function. This chapter aims toprovide an overview of the most important techniques that we can apply to abiological sample, tissue or cells, to observe it with an electron microscope, fromthe most conventional to the latest generation. Processes and concepts aredefined, and the advantages and disadvantages of each technique are assessedalong with the image and information that we can obtain by using each one ofthem.
In this article, selected examples of applications of liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry are given. The examples include the analysis of i) impurities in manufactured, pharmaceutical or synthesis products, ii) polyphenols in natural products, and iii) phytohormones in plant extracts. Finally, examples of applications of molecular characterization via flow injection analysis by electron spray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) are also given.
This article summarizes the configurations involving isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) technology available at the CCiTUB and the wide range of possible applications. Some examples of these applications are shown.