996 resultados para Informatica odontologica
Le moderne tecniche di imaging e i recenti sviluppi nel campo della visione computazionale consentono sempre più diffusamente l'utilizzo di metodi di image analysis, specialmente in ambito medico e biologico, permettendo un maggiore supporto sia alla diagnosi, sia alla ricerca. Il lavoro svolto in questa tesi si pone in un contesto di ricerca di carattere interdisciplinare, e riguarda il progetto e la realizzazione di un‘interfaccia grafica per l'analisi di colture batteriche geneticamente modificate, marcate con proteine fluorescenti (GFP), acquisite tramite un microscopio ad epifluorescenza. Nota la funzione di risposta del sistema di acquisizione delle immagini, l'analisi quantitativa delle colture batteriche è effettuata mediante la misurazione di proprietà legate all'intensità della risposta al marcatore fluorescente. L'interfaccia consente un'analisi sia globale dei batteri individuati nell'immagine, sia di singoli gruppi di batteri selezionati dall'utente, fornendo utili informazioni statistiche, sia in forma grafica che numerica. Per la realizzazione dell'interfaccia sono state adottate tecniche di ingegneria del software, con particolare enfasi alla interazione uomo-macchina e seguendo criteri di usability, al fine di consentire un corretto utilizzo dello strumento anche da parte di personale senza conoscenza in campo informatico.
Il lavoro svolto in questa tesi è stato quello di analizzare il Web Semantico e i suoi linguaggi di rappresentazione delle informazioni. Inoltre sono state introdotte le ontologie evidenziando il loro ruolo all’interno del Web Semantico. Infine è stato fatto uno studio riguardo le ontologie attualmente sviluppate, allo scopo di portare a termine un’analisi comparativa delle stesse.
In the framework of developing defect-based life models, in which breakdown is explicitly associated with partial discharge (PD)-induced damage growth from a defect, ageing tests and PD measurements were carried out in the lab on polyethylene (PE) layered specimens containing artificial cavities. PD activity was monitored continuously during aging. A quasi-deterministic series of stages can be observed in the behavior of the main PD parameters (i.e. discharge repetition rate and amplitude). Phase-resolved PD patterns at various ageing stages were reproduced by numerical simulation which is based on a physical discharge model devoid of adaptive parameters. The evolution of the simulation parameters provides insight into the physical-chemical changes taking place at the dielectric/cavity interface during the aging process. PD activity shows similar time behavior under constant cavity gas volume and constant cavity gas pressure conditions, suggesting that the variation of PD parameters may not be attributed to the variation of the gas pressure. Brownish PD byproducts, consisting of oxygen containing moieties, and degradation pits were found at the dielectric/cavity interface. It is speculated that the change of PD activity is related to the composition of the cavity gas, as well as to the properties of dielectric/cavity interface.
Il lavoro svolto in questa tesi è stato quello di introdurre alcuni concetti importanti dei sistemi embedded, in particolare ci si è soffermati su quelli open source. È stato trattato nello specifico Arduino come esempio di sistema embedded open source a basso costo.
In questa tesi partendo dai limiti sintattici dello scambio di Electronic Patient Records (EHRs), si arriva alla creazione di un framework che supporti lo scambio di informazioni semantiche. Il framework creato si chiama Semantic TuCSoN ed è una estensione di TuCSoN (Tuple Centres Spread over the Network). Semantic TuCSoN viene modellato per il contesto eHealth definendo gli agenti e le politiche di coordinamento atte allo scambio di EHR. Questo framework vine infine testa per verificarne le performance allo scopo di valutare un suo ulteriore utilizzo.
The contemporary media landscape is characterized by the emergence of hybrid forms of digital communication that contribute to the ongoing redefinition of our societies cultural context. An incontrovertible consequence of this phenomenon is the new public dimension that characterizes the transmission of historical knowledge in the twenty-first century. Awareness of this new epistemic scenario has led us to reflect on the following methodological questions: what strategies should be created to establish a communication system, based on new technology, that is scientifically rigorous, but at the same time engaging for the visitors of museums and Internet users? How does a comparative analysis of ancient documentary sources form a solid base of information for the virtual reconstruction of thirteenth century Bologna in the Metaverse? What benefits can the phenomenon of cross-mediality give to the virtual heritage? The implementation of a new version of the Nu.M.E. project allowed for answering many of these instances. The investigation carried out between 2008 and 2010 has shown that, indeed, real-time 3D graphics and collaborative virtual environments can be feasible tools for representing philologically the urban medieval landscape and for communicating properly validated historical data to the general public. This research is focused on the study and implementation of a pipeline that permits mass communication of historical information about an area of vital importance in late medieval Bologna: Piazza di Porta Ravegnana. The originality of the developed project is not limited solely to the methodological dimension of historical research. Adopted technological perspective is an excellent example of innovation that digital technologies can bring to the cultural heritage. The main result of this research is the creation of Nu.ME 2010, a cross-media system of 3D real-time visualization based on some of the most advanced free software and open source technologies available today free of charge.
The aim of this study is the creation of a Historical GIS that spatially reference data retrieved from Italian and Catalan historical sources and records. The generation of locates these metasource was achieved through the integral acquisition of source-oriented records and the insertion of mark-up fields, yet maintaining, where possible, the original encoding of the source documents. In order to standardize the set of information contained in the original documents and thus allow queries to the database, additional fields were introduced. Once the initial phase of data research and analysis was concluded the new virtual source was published online within an open WebGIS source. As a conclusion we have created a dynamic and spatially referenced database of geo-historical information. The configuration of this new source is such to guarantee the best possible accessibility.
This thesis introduces new processing techniques for computer-aided interpretation of ultrasound images with the purpose of supporting medical diagnostic. In terms of practical application, the goal of this work is the improvement of current prostate biopsy protocols by providing physicians with a visual map overlaid over ultrasound images marking regions potentially affected by disease. As far as analysis techniques are concerned, the main contributions of this work to the state-of-the-art is the introduction of deconvolution as a pre-processing step in the standard ultrasonic tissue characterization procedure to improve the diagnostic significance of ultrasonic features. This thesis also includes some innovations in ultrasound modeling, in particular the employment of a continuous-time autoregressive moving-average (CARMA) model for ultrasound signals, a new maximum-likelihood CARMA estimator based on exponential splines and the definition of CARMA parameters as new ultrasonic features able to capture scatterers concentration. Finally, concerning the clinical usefulness of the developed techniques, the main contribution of this research is showing, through a study based on medical ground truth, that a reduction in the number of sampled cores in standard prostate biopsy is possible, preserving the same diagnostic power of the current clinical protocol.