972 resultados para Implantes Dentales
As fraturas de rádio e ulna em animais de companhia são ocorrências ortopédicas de grande incidência em Medicina Veterinária. Cães de pequeno porte parecem ter uma maior incidência de fraturas em terço distal do rádio e ulna. A consolidação de ossos fraturados baseia-se na redução anatômica ou na aproximação dos maiores fragmentos. Para haver uma correta cicatrização óssea, os implantes ortopédicos devem anular todas as forças atuantes no foco de fratura. O tratamento dessas fraturas é descrito como difícil, em porte do tipo toy e miniatura. A ocorrência da não consolidação óssea é alta chegando a 60% dos casos estudados. Alguns fatores identificados afetam a osteossíntese em cães de raças de pequeno porte, pois são inerentes à instabilidade biomecânica, como, o mínimo contato da superfície do osso após a redução, devido ao pequeno diâmetro existente, diminuição da cobertura de tecido mole, formação constante de cartilagem no foco da fratura, e diminuição da densidade vascular na junção diáfise-metafisária distal em comparação com cães de raças de grande porte. O objetivo da presente revisão sistemática foi avaliar o melhor método de tratamento para fraturas distais de rádio e/ou ulna em cães de raças de pequeno porte. Como metodologia foram utilizados 14 artigos científicos, sendo 11 internacionais e quatro nacionais. A aplicação de placas, nesse estudo sistemático, foi considerado o método mais eficaz para fixação de fraturas distais de rádio e ulna em cães de pequeno porte
This in vitro study evaluated the effect of mechanical cycling on the torque of retaining screw in external hexagon implants with platform switching (PS), regular platform (RP) and wide platform (WP). A total of 30 specimens were equally divided into 3 groups: PS, PR and WP. Each specimen was prepared with implants: 3.75 x 10 mm for RP group and 5.0x10 mm for PS and WP groups and its respective abutment with 32 Ncm torque. All groups were subjected to 106 cycles with 100 N (corresponding to about 40 months of chewing). The results were obtained with the reverse torque of each specimen and data were evaluated using ANOVA and Tukey test (p<0.05). The PS group showed statistically significant difference in screw removal torque (30.06±5.42) compared with RP (23.75±2.76) and WP (21.32±3.53) (p<0.05) groups; the RP and WP groups showed no statistically significant difference between them. It was concluded that the PS group showed higher reverse torque value, suggesting lower susceptibility of the abutment screw loosening.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the macroscopy and microstructure of a double setting alpha-tricalcium phosphate bone cement sphere provided with interconnection channels (alpha-TCP-i), as well as the integration of the implant with the rabbits' orbital tissue, through macroscopic analysis and histopathology. The external and internal surfaces of the alpha-TCP-i were evaluated macroscopically and by electron microscopy. Twelve New Zealand rabbits received 12mm implants of alpha-TCP-i following enucleation of the left eye. The clinical assessment was undertaken daily during the first 15 days, followed by fortnightly assessment until the end of the study period. For the morphological analysis, exenteration was performed in 3 animals per experimental period (15, 45, 90 and 180 days). The external and internal surfaces of the implant appeared solid, smooth and compact, with six channels which interconnected centrally. The micro-architecture was characterized by the formation of columns of hexagonal crystals. No signs of infection, exposure, dehiscence of sutures or extrusion of the implant were noted in any of the animals during the entire period of the study. The morphological evaluation demonstrated the presence of a thin capsule around the implant, from whence appeared fibro-vascular projections, which penetrated it through the interconnecting channels. In the first days after the insertion of the implant, an intense inflammatory reaction was noted. At 180 days, however, there were no signs of inflammation. The alpha-tricalcium phosphate cement implant was well tolerated in this rabbit model and appeared to be relatively inert with some fibrovascular ingrowth through the large channels.
In view of the low loading values commonly employed in dentistry, a load-application device (LAD) was developed as option to the universal testing machine (UTM), using strain gauge analysis. The aim of this study was to develop a load-application device (LAD) and compare the LAD with the UTM apparatus under axial and non-axial loads. An external hexagonal implant was inserted into a polyurethane block and one EsthetiCone abutment was connected to the implant. A plastic prosthetic cylinder was screwed onto the abutment and a conical pattern crown was fabricated using acrylic resin. An impression was made and ten identical standard acrylic resin patterns were obtained from the crown impression, which were cast in nickel-chromium alloy (n=10). Four strain gauges were bonded diametrically around the implant. The specimens were subjected to central (C) and lateral (L) axial loads of 30 kgf, on both devices: G1: LAD/C; G2: LAD/L; G3: UTM/C; G4: UTM/L. The data (με) were statistically analyzed by repeated measures ANOVA and Tukey's test (p<0.05). No statistically significant difference was found between the UTM and LAD devices, regardless of the type of load. It was concluded that the LAD is a reliable alternative, which induces microstrains to implants similar to those obtained with the UTM.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Ciência Odontólogica - FOA
In horses less than one year of age fractures of the third metacarpal bone (McIII) or metatarsal bone III (MtIII) are mainly attributed to trauma. Open reduction and internal fixation are the most common treatment method. A Quarter Horse filly with three months of age, which weighed 150kg presented a diaphyseal multifragmentar wedge fracture of right MtIII which was treated with transcortical pins and cast, associated with intralesional application of platelet rich plasma (PRP). After two years of surgery, the animal initiated a training program for racing, and six months later, the patient ran its first official match. The choice of therapeutic methods for treating fractures in horses should be one that provides an earlier repair and minor possibility of complications. Thus, the therapy association which was adopted was considered favorable, since allowed full reestablishment of locomotion of the patient and made possible its return to race.
The purpose of the Dental Sculpture and Anatomy discipline is to introduce undergraduate students to the study of the anatomic and morphological characteristics of permanent and primary human dentition, through classes, books and cognitive and psychomotor activities. This discipline supports the teaching of specific knowledge necessary for a more extensive education, involving interdisciplinarity as a means of knowledge exchange among several areas of dentistry, to achieve comprehensive professional education. Students must recognize the dental morphology from samples of preserved teeth, and reproduce the morphology through three-dimensional models made of stone or wax blocks. In this article, the authors describe the process for producing teeth collars and macro dental models made of stone, their importance and benefits of utilization. The purpose of the study was to encourage the teaching of Dental Sculpture and Anatomy toundergraduate students of the Bauru School of Dentistry, University of Sao Paulo, through activities that would associate theory, practice and the development of manual skills.
The purpose of this study was to analyze the bone repair around commercially pure titanium implants with rough and porous surface, fabricated using powder metallurgy technique, after their insertion in tibiae of rabbits. Seven male rabbits were used. Each animal received 3 porous-surface implants in the left tibia and 3 rough-surface implants in the right tibia. The rabbits were sacrificed 4 weeks after surgery and fragments of the tibiae containing the implants were submitted to histological and histomorphometric analyses to evaluate new bone formation at the implant-bone interface. Means (%) of bone neoformation obtained in the histomorphometric analysis were compared by Student's t-test for paired samples at 5% significance level.. The results of the histological analysis showed that osseointegration occurred for both types of implants with similar quality of bone tissue. The histomorphometric analysis revealed means of new bone formation at implant-bone interface of 79.69 ± 1.00% and 65.05 ± 1.23% for the porous- and rough-surface implants, respectively. Statistically significant difference was observed between the two types of implants with respect to the amount new bone formation (p<0.05). In conclusion, the porous-surface implants contributed to the osseointegration because they provide a larger contact area at implant-bone interface.
O presente trabalho buscou relacionar as novas mídias e o corpo contemporâneo juntamente com a tecnologia, isso foi desenvolvido através de uma pesquisa bibliográfica e descritiva. Foram usados buscadores eletrônicos para a consulta dos produtos científicos e acadêmicos, além dos itens convencionais de pesquisa, tais como, dissertações, teses e afins. Depois de feita toda a revisão com o material adequado e apoiada na literatura atual, consegui-se concluir que o corpo contemporâneo quando relacionado com as novas mídias atravessa não só o processo de transformação usual, mas o que vale ser destacado é a velocidade das mutações corporais que estes novos meios de comunicação exercem sobre os corpos atuais. Quando o foco passa para o corpo tecnológico, temos que este corpo é representado por uma espécie de maquina humana, que através de seus implantes e principalmente da biocompatibilidade da medicina se torna realidade na vida cotidiana e passa a despertar cada vez mais a atenção dos estudiosos do tema, outro ponto de destaque foi as duvidas e inquietações que as temáticas trouxeram ao mesmo tempo em que estas podem servir como desafio e impulsionar novos trabalhos nessa área
Pós-graduação em Biologia Geral e Aplicada - IBB
The biocompatibility of two dentin adhesives (Scotchbond MultiPurpose- 3M and Optibond Multi-Use - Kerr) was evaluated in rats subcutaneous connective tissue implants. Polyethylene tubes filled with the adhesives were surgically implanted into the dorsal subcutaneous tissues of rats. The tubes were left implanted for periods of 14, 30, 60 and 84 days, following wich the animais were killed and the implants, together with the surrounding tissue, were excised. The specimens were then fixed in 10 per cent formalin, sectioned serially and stained with hematoxylin and eosin and then, examined by light microscopy. After 14 and 30 days the tubes were surrounded by a mild to moderate inflammatory infiltration. After 60 and 84 days microscopic examination revealed the formation of a connective tissue capsule around each tube. The microscopic examination of the biopsy specimens allowed to conclude that: a) both dentin adhesives are considered biologically acceptable when placed in contact with rats subcutaneous connective tissue; b) in the observation period of 30 days there were moderate tissue reaction to the Optibond Multi-Use -light cure- (Kerr); c) after 60 and 84 days the use of both dentine adhesives did not interfere in the healing of the surrounding connective tissue
OBJETIVO: Avaliar experimentalmente a biocompatibilidade de cones de biovidro e biovitrocerâmico em cavidades evisceradas de coelhos. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 45 coelhos albinos submetidos à cirurgia de evisceração do olho direito, seguida da inclusão de cones de biovidro e dois tipos de biovitrocerâmicos (chamados de FI e FII) na cavidade escleral. Os animais foram sacrificados em três momentos (7, 90 e 180 dias). Os parâmetros avaliados foram: peso, exame clínico diário, exames bioquímicos, avaliação histológica, exame morfométrico. RESULTADOS: Os animais mantiveram-se saudáveis durante o experimento, não tendo ocorrido extrusão do implante em nenhum animal. O exame morfológico mostrou que houve a formação de pseudocápsula ao redor dos cones, com superioridade dos cones de biovidro e biovitrocerâmico FI, os quais apresentaram menor reação inflamatória e menor formação da pseudocápsula ao redor dos cones que os demais. A reação inflamatória foi mais intensa após 7 dias da colocação dos cones, diminuindo em direção aos 180 dias, sendo menos intensa nos coelhos que receberam cones de biovidro. CONCLUSÃO: Os cones de biovidro e biovitrocerâmico FI e FII podem ser úteis para a reparação da cavidade anoftálmica, com melhor resposta quando se usa cones de biovidro e de biovitrocerâmico FI.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)