1000 resultados para Idade da vaca ao parto


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The aim of this study was to determine the presence of Helicobacter pylori cytotoxin-associated gene (cagA)/vacuolating cytotoxin gene (vacA) among patients with chronic gastritis in Cuba and Venezuela. Gastric antrum biopsies were taken for culture, DNA extraction and PCR analysis. Amplification of vacA and cagA segments was performed using two regions of cagA: 349 bp were amplified with the F1/B1 primers and the remaining 335 bp were amplified with the B7629/B7628 primers. The VA1-F/VA1-R set of primers was used to amplify the 259-bp (s1) or 286-bp (s2) product and the VAG-R/VAG-F set of primers was used to amplify the 567-bp (m1) or 642-bp (m2) regions of vacA. cagA was detected in 87% of the antral samples from Cuban patients and 80.3% of those from Venezuelan patients. All possible combinations of vacA regions were found, with the exception of s2/m1. The predominant combination found in both countries was s1/m1. The percentage of cagA+ strains was increased by the use of a second set of primers and a greater number of strains was amplified with the B7629/B7628 primers in the Cuban patients (p = 0.0001). There was no significant difference between the presence of the allelic variants of vacA and cagA in both populations. The predominant genotype was cagA+/s1m1 in both countries. The results support the necessary investigation of isolates circulating among the human population in each region.


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Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Salud Pública y Participación Social de la Consejería de Salud


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Helicobacter pylori causes chronic gastric inflammation and significantly increases the risk of duodenal and gastric ulcer disease and distal gastric carcinoma. In this study, we evaluated the Helicobacter pylori vacA and cagA genotypes in patients from a Brazilian region where there is a high prevalence of gastric cancer. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to investigate vacA mosaicism and cagA status in the gastric mucosa of 134 H. pylori-positive patients, including 76 with gastritis: 28 with peptic ulcer disease and 30 with gastric cancer. The s1m1 variant was the predominant vacA genotype observed, whereas the s1 allele was more frequently observed in patients with more severe diseases associated with H. pylori infection [p = 0.03, odds ratio (OR) = 5.72, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.15-38.60]. Furthermore, all of the s1 alleles were s1b. Mixed vacA m1/m2 strains were found more frequently in patients with gastric cancer and a cagA-positive status was significantly associated with gastric cancer (p = 0.016, OR = 10.36, 95% CI = 1.35-217.31). Patients with gastric cancer (21/21, 100%, p = 0.006) or peptic ulcers (20/21, 95%, p = 0.02) were more frequently colonised by more virulent H. pylori strains compared to gastritis patients (41/61, 67.2%). In conclusion, in the northeastern of Brazil, which is one of the regions with the highest prevalence of gastric cancer in the country, infection with the most virulent H. pylori strains, carrying the cagA gene and s1m1 vacA alleles, predominates and is correlated with more severe H. pylori-associated diseases.


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Sección "Buenas prácticas en gestión clínica"


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INTRODUCTION: The satisfaction's analysis is being used as an instrument to create different sanitary reforms to improve the quality and numerous studies aim to the increase the mother's satisfaction directly related to the maternity care. OBJECTIVES: [corrected] Identify the woman satisfaction's degree about birth attention, accompaniment during nativity and the breastfeeding's term. MATERIAL AND METHOD: [corrected] Descriptive transversal study in the university hospital San Cecilio in Granada (España), during the time of August 2011 to 2012, it performed with a second prospective tracing phase to a N = 60 mothers. It used a protocol (Annex 1) after 24 hours in hospital and at 14 days by telephone. After 3 months, it performed a tracing pertaining to the baby food. RESULTS: The global satisfaction's level about birth is high in study population. It has been shown that breastfeeding (P = 0,514) and vaginal birth without epidural (P = 0,320) creates higher satisfaction for mother. On the other hand, birth satisfaction related with duration of breastfeeding. CONCLUSION: Satisfactory mothers' opinion related with birth care and accompaniment during nativity increases in women whose birth happened in a uncomplicated way without epidural and they started early breastfeeding.


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Con la colaboración del Departamento de Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación de la Universidad de Sevilla


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Objective: To assess the maternal comfort and reduction of pain associated with contractions during labor with “hands-knees” (HK) maternal posture compared with “lateral maternal postures toward the fetal back” in pregnant women with occipitoposterior (OP) fetal position. Methods: In the multicenter trial by randomization, 70 women with OP fetal position during labor took the lateral posture and 65 women the HK posture for at least 30 minutes. We analyzed maternal comfort, perceived pain, influence of epidural analgesia and use of fit-ball on posture HK. Results: Back pain and abdominal pain reduction was higher with HK posture. With lateral posture 78.6% of women expressed comfort versus 73.8% of women with HK posture. Regarding the lateral posture, the comfort with HK posture reduces in multiparous women, with an odds ratio (OR) of 0.29, for a confidence interval (CI) 95% 0.12 to 0.76, and epidural analgesia (OR= 0.39; CI 95%: 0.15-1.03), comfort with K posture is higher with reduction of pain (OR= 4.13, 95% CI: 1.34- 12.72) and abdominal pain compared with back pain (OR= 4.05, 95% CI: 1.36-11.85). Conclusions: Women consider comfortable lateral and HK maternal postures during labor. The lateral posture is most comfortable for multiparous and epidural analgesia. The reduction of pain during labor is higher with HK posture, recommending this posture in primiparous women without epidural analgesia.


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Helicobacter pylori infection is one of the most common infections worldwide and is associated with gastric diseases. Virulence factors such as VacA and CagA have been shown to increase the risk of these diseases. Studies have suggested a causal role of CagA EPIYA-C in gastric carcinogenesis and this factor has been shown to be geographically diverse. We investigated the number of CagA EPIYA motifs and the vacA i genotypes in H. pylori strains from asymptomatic children. We included samples from 40 infected children (18 females and 22 males), extracted DNA directly from the gastric mucus/juice (obtained using the string procedure) and analysed the DNA using polymerase chain reaction and DNA sequencing. The vacA i1 genotype was present in 30 (75%) samples, the i2 allele was present in nine (22.5%) samples and both alleles were present in one (2.5%) sample. The cagA-positive samples showed distinct patterns in the 3’ variable region of cagA and 18 of the 30 (60%) strains contained 1 EPIYA-C motif, whereas 12 (40%) strains contained two EPIYA-C motifs. We confirmed that the studied population was colonised early by the most virulent H. pylori strains, as demonstrated by the high frequency of the vacA i1 allele and the high number of EPIYA-C motifs. Therefore, asymptomatic children from an urban community in Fortaleza in northeastern Brazil are frequently colonised with the most virulent H. pylori strains.


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Publicado en la página web de la Consejería de Igualdad, Salud y Políticas Sociales: www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud (Consejería de Igualdad, Salud y Políticas Sociales / Profesionales / Nuestro Compromiso por la Calidad / Procesos Asistenciales Integrados). Revisión externa: Servicio Andaluz de Salud (SAS); Plan Andaluz de Diabetes; Sociedades Científicas: ASANEC, ASENHOA, SAGO, SAMFYC, SEMG-Andalucía, SEMERGEM-Andalucía


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A corrupção organizacional é um fenômeno de natureza sistêmica, pode ser abordada de muitas formas e, entre essas, na óptica da literatura sobre compliance, é entendida como a reflexão sobre as causas e a mitigação da corrupção, bem como sobre os instrumentos para a promoção de ambientes éticos. Na base da compliance está a percepção moral do indivíduo quando exposto aos dilemas éticos. O objetivo no presente trabalho é avaliar o impacto do nível de instrução, da idade e do gênero na percepção moral nas organizações. Para essa finalidade, são utilizados dados secundários, cedidos pela ICTS Global, empresa internacional especializada em redução de riscos ao patrimônio, reputação, informações e vida humana. Realizam-se análises estatísticas exploratórias procurando as relações entre as variáveis indicadoras do índice de análise de aderência à ética empresarial (AAEE) da ICTS Global. Trata-se de análise descritiva baseada em amostra não probabilística por conveniência, realizada entre os anos de 2004 e 2008, com funcionários e candidatos de 74 empresas privadas situadas no Brasil; o número final de indivíduos pesquisados totalizou 7.574. Os resultados indicam que a variável instrução exerce maior influência nos indicadores de percepção moral: quanto menor o grau de instrução, menor a percepção do que é errado. Na análise detalhada dos indicadores de percepção moral, os resultados mostram diferenças comparativas interessantes conforme os perfis dos profissionais e as variáveis analisadas (gênero, idade e grau de instrução).


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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo levantar o número de pacientes atendidas no Setor de Urgências Psiquiátricas (SUP) e Clínica Obstétrica do Hospital das Clínicas (COHC) da FMRP-USP, com o diagnóstico 648.4 (Transtornos Mentais na Gravidez, Parto e Puerpério), conforme CID-9, no período de 1988 a 1993. Solicitou-se um registro ao hospital, contendo informações sobre os atendimentos destes serviços. A população constitui-se de mulheres entre 15 e 29 anos cujos transtornos apresentados incluíram distúrbios psicóticos, quadros depressivos com ou sem tentativas de suicídio e transtornos mentais não especificados. Alguns desses distúrbios apresentaram-se em comorbidade com outros diagnósticos. Os resultados evidenciaram a necessidade do enfermeiro estar atento às manifestações sugestivas dos mesmos, bem como ajudar na busca de meios que facilitem a identificação de mulheres com alto risco.


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Este estudo teve por objetivo compreender o que significa para as adolescentes passarem pelo parto dito humanizado. Paraisso, utilizei a fenomenologia como trajetória de pesquisa, para chegar a essência do fenômeno. Participaram do estudooito adolescentes que foram atendidas no Hospital Sofia Feldman, instituição filantrópica, sem fins lucrativos - BeloHorizonte/MG. Para a coleta de dados utilizei observação de campo e entrevista aberta. O estudo possibilitou apreender trêscategorias de análise: Pré-parto/Parto: o corpo sendo controlado; Pré-parto/Parto: misto de dor e de prazer; PartoHumanizado: a assistência esperada e desejada.


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OBJETIVO: Documentar las creencias y las prácticas de las parteras tradicionales respecto al embarazo parto y puerperio. MÉTODOS: Aprovechando un curso de capacitación de 160 parteras tradicionales locales de las regiones Media y Huasteca del Estado de San Luis Potosí, México, dos de las enfermeras-instructoras entrevistaron a 25 de los capacitandos, apoyadas por un miembro de las comunidades náhuatl y tenek. La identidad de los participantes se mantiene anónima y se obtuvo permiso para publicar los resultados mediante consentimiento informado. RESULTADOS: Las prácticas de las parteras (os) tradicionales son comunes en los grupos sociales que carecen de servicios de salud. Sus funciones no están limitadas al parto e incluyen nutrición, cuidados prenatales, del puerperio y la lactancia, así como apoyo afectivo emocional de las madres parturientas y sus familiares. En este estudio se registraron varios mitos y terapias tradicionales. CONCLUSIÓN: Los recursos de la terapia tradicional y de la atención primaria de la salud de las parteras Náhuatl y Tenek son útiles y benéficos para los cuidados perinatales.


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Aproximadamente 10 a 15% dos recém-nascidos (RNs) apresentam dificuldades de adaptação ao nascimento, o que requer habilidade e prontidão dos profis-sionais para intervir nessas situações. Este estudo observacional, transversal objetivou descrever as práticas assistenciais empregadas em reanimação neo-natal em um Centro de Parto Normal de um hospital público de São Paulo. Observou-se 100 atendimentos prestados pela equipe profissional e os dados foram registrados em um instrumento checklist. A presença de líquido meconial foi constatada em 24 (24,0%) partos e a aspiração das vias respiratórias foi realizada em 47 (47,0%) RNs. Desse total, 3 (6,4%) tiveram a traquéia aspirada e 26 (26,0%) RNs receberam oxigenação, sendo que 5 (19,2%) com máscara aberta e pressão positiva. Massagem cardíaca foi realizada em 1 (1,0%) RN. Após a reanimação neonatal inicial, 6 (6,0%)RNs foram transferidos à UTI neonatal devido desconforto respiratório.