969 resultados para INTRACELLULAR CALCIUM


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Evidence is accumulating that vitamin D may be protective against carcinogenesis, although exceptions have been observed for some digestive tract neoplasms. The aim of the present study was to explore the association between dietary vitamin D and related nutrients and the risk of oesophageal adenocarcinoma and its precursor conditions, Barrett's oesophagus and reflux oesophagitis. In an all-Ireland case-control study conducted between March 2002 and July 2005, 218 oesophageal adenocarcinoma patients, 212 Barrett's oesophagus patients, 208 reflux oesophagitis patients and 252 population-based controls completed a 101-item FFQ, and provided lifestyle and demographic information. Multiple logistic regression analysis was applied to examine the association between dietary intake and disease risk. Oesophageal adenocarcinoma risk was significantly greater for individuals with the highest compared with the lowest tertile of vitamin D intake (OR 1·99, 95 % CI 1·03, 3·86; P for trend = 0·02). The direct association could not be attributed to a particular vitamin D food source. Vitamin D intake was unrelated to Barrett's oesophagus and reflux oesophagitis risk. No significant associations were observed for Ca or dairy intake and oesophageal adenocarcinoma, Barrett's oesophagus or reflux oesophagitis development. High vitamin D intake may increase oesophageal adenocarcinoma risk but is not related to reflux oesophagitis and Barrett's oesophagus. Ca and dairy product intake did not influence the development of these oesophageal lesions. These findings suggest that there may be population subgroups at an increased risk of oesophageal adenocarcinoma if advice to improve vitamin D intake from foods is implemented. Limited work has been conducted in this area, and further research is required.


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Burkholderia cenocepacia is a multidrug-resistant opportunistic pathogen that infects the airways of patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) and can survive intracellularly in macrophages and epithelial cells. The gentamicin protection assay, which relies on the poor ability of gentamicin or other aminoglycosides to permeate eukaryotic cell membranes, is traditionally employed to quantify intracellular bacteria. However, the high resistance of these bacteria to aminoglycosides hampers the use of the gentamicin protection assay to investigate intracellular infection by B. cenocepacia. Here, we report the construction of gentamicin-sensitive strains of B. cenocepacia carrying a deletion of the BCAL1674, BCAL1675, and BCAL1676 genes that form an operon encoding an AmrAB-OprA-like efflux pump. We show that bacteria carrying this deletion are hypersensitive to gentamicin and also delay phagolysosomal fusion upon infection of RAW 264.7 murine macrophages, as previously demonstrated for the parental strain. We also demonstrate for the first time that low concentrations of gentamicin can be used to effectively kill extracellular bacteria and reliably quantify the intracellular infection by B. cenocepacia, which can replicate in RAW 264.7 macrophages.


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Chronic respiratory infections by Burkholderia cenocepacia in cystic fibrosis patients are associated with increased morbidity and mortality, but virulence factors determining the persistence of the infection in the airways are not well characterized. Using a chronic pulmonary infection model, we previously identified an attenuated mutant with an insertion in a gene encoding an RpoN activator protein, suggesting that RpoN and/or components of the RpoN regulon play a role in B. cenocepacia virulence. In this study, we demonstrate that a functional rpoN gene is required for bacterial motility and biofilm formation in B. cenocepacia K56-2. Unlike other bacteria, RpoN does not control flagellar biosynthesis, as evidenced by the presence of flagella in the rpoN mutant. We also demonstrate that, in macrophages, the rpoN mutant is rapidly trafficked to lysosomes while intracellular wild-type B. cenocepacia localizes in bacterium-containing vacuoles that exhibit a pronounced delay in phagolysosomal fusion. Rapid trafficking to the lysosomes is also associated with the release of red fluorescent protein into the vacuolar lumen, indicating loss of bacterial cell envelope integrity. Although a role for RpoN in motility and biofilm formation has been previously established, this study is the first demonstration that the RpoN regulon in B. cenocepacia is involved in delaying phagolysosomal fusion, thereby prolonging bacterial intracellular survival within macrophages.


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Burkholderia cenocepacia, a bacterium commonly found in the environment, is an important opportunistic pathogen in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). Very little is known about the mechanisms by which B. cenocepacia causes disease, but chronic infection of the airways in CF patients may be associated, at least in part, with the ability of this bacterium to survive within epithelial cells and macrophages. Survival in macrophages occurs in a membrane-bound compartment that is distinct from the lysosome, suggesting that B. cenocepacia prevents phagolysosomal fusion. In a previous study, we employed signature-tagged mutagenesis and an agar bead model of chronic pulmonary infection in rats to identify B. cenocepacia genes that are required for bacterial survival in vivo. One of the most significantly attenuated mutants had an insertion in the mgtC gene. Here, we show that mgtC is also needed for growth of B. cenocepacia in magnesium-depleted medium and for bacterial survival within murine macrophages. Using fluorescence microscopy, we demonstrated that B. cenocepacia mgtC mutants, unlike the parental isolate, colocalize with the fluorescent acidotropic probe LysoTracker Red. At 4 h postinfection, mgtC mutants expressing monomeric red fluorescent protein cannot retain this protein within the bacterial cytoplasm. Together, these results demonstrate that, unlike the parental strain, an mgtC mutant does not induce a delay in phagolysosomal fusion and the bacterium-containing vacuoles are rapidly targeted to the lysosome, where bacteria are destroyed.


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Strains of the Burkholderia cepacia complex (Bcc) are opportunistic bacteria that can cause life-threatening infections in patients with cystic fibrosis and chronic granulomatous disease. Previous work has shown that Bcc isolates can persist in membrane-bound vacuoles within amoeba and macrophages without bacterial replication, but the detailed mechanism of bacterial persistence is unknown. In this study, we have investigated the survival of the Burkholderia cenocepacia strain J2315 within RAW264.7 murine macrophages. Strain J2315 is a prototypic isolate of the widespread and transmissible ET12 clone. Unlike heat-inactivated bacteria, which reach lysosomes shortly after internalization, vacuoles containing live B. cenocepacia J2315 accumulate the late endosome/lysosome marker LAMP-1 and start fusing with lysosomal compartments only after 6 h post internalization. Using fluorescent fluid-phase probes, we also demonstrated that B. cenocepacia-containing vacuoles continued to interact with newly formed endosomes, and maintained a luminal pH of 6.4 +/- 0.12. In contrast, vacuoles containing heat-inactivated bacteria had an average pH of 4.8 +/- 0.03 and rapidly merged with lysosomes. Additional experiments using concanamycin A, a specific inhibitor of the vacuolar H+-ATPase, revealed that vacuoles containing live bacteria did not exclude the H+-ATPase. This mode of bacterial survival did not require type III secretion, as no differences were found between wild type and a type III secretion mutant strain. Collectively, our results suggest that intracellular B. cenocepacia cause a delay in the maturation of the phagosome, which may contribute to facilitate bacterial escape from the microbicidal activities of the host cell.


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Strains of the Burkholderia cepacia complex have emerged as a serious threat to patients with cystic fibrosis due to their ability to infect the lung and cause, in some patients, a necrotizing pneumonia that is often lethal. It has recently been shown that several strains of the B. cepacia complex can escape intracellular killing by free-living amoebae following phagocytosis. In this work, the ability of two B. cepacia complex strains to resist killing by macrophages was explored. Using fluorescence microscopy, electron microscopy and a modified version of the gentamicin-protection assay, we demonstrate that B. cepacia CEP021 (genomovar VI), and Burkholderia vietnamiensis (previously B. cepacia genomovar V) CEP040 can survive in PU5-1.8 murine macrophages for a period of at least 5 d without significant bacterial replication. Furthermore, bacterial entry into macrophages stimulated production of tumour necrosis factor and primed them to release toxic oxygen radicals following treatment with phorbol myristoyl acetate. These effects were probably caused by bacterial LPS, as they were blocked by polymyxin B. Infected macrophages primed with interferon gamma produced less nitric oxide than interferon-gamma-primed uninfected cells. We propose that the ability of B. cepacia to resist intracellular killing by phagocytic cells may play a role in the pathogenesis of cystic fibrosis lung infection. Our data are consistent with a model where repeated cycles of phagocytosis and cellular activation without bacterial killing may promote a deleterious inflammatory response causing tissue destruction and decay of lung function.


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Members of the taxonomically diverse Burkholderia cepacia complex have become a major health risk for patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). Although patient-to-patient transmission of B. cepacia strains has been well-documented, very little is known about possible vehicles of transmission and reservoirs for these micro-organisms. In this work, it is shown that strains of the B. cepacia complex can survive within different isolates of the genus Acanthamoeba. Trophozoites containing bacteria developed profuse cytoplasmic vacuolization. Vacuolization was not detected in trophozoites infected with live Escherichia coli or heat-killed B. cepacia, or by incubation of trophozoites with filter-sterilized culture supernatants, indicating that metabolically active intracellular bacteria are required for the formation of vacuoles. Experiments with two different B. cepacia strains and two different Acanthamoeba isolates revealed that bacteria display a low level of intracellular replication approximately 72-96 h following infection. In contrast, extracellular bacteria multiplied efficiently on by-products released by amoebae. The findings suggest that amoebae may be a reservoir for B. cepacia and possibly a vehicle for transmission of this opportunistic pathogen among CF patients.


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In trematodes, there is a family of proteins which combine EF-hand-containing domains with dynein light chain (DLC)-like domains. A member of this family from the liver fluke, Fasciola hepatica-FhCaBP4-has been identified and characterised biochemically. FhCaBP4 has an N-terminal domain containing two imperfect EF-hand sequences and a C-terminal dynein light chain-like domain. Molecular modelling predicted that the two domains are joined by a flexible linker. Native gel electrophoresis demonstrated that FhCaBP4 binds to calcium, manganese, barium and strontium ions, but not to magnesium or zinc ions. The hydrophobic, fluorescent probe 8-anilinonaphthalene-1-sulphonate bound more tightly to FhCaBP4 in the presence of calcium ions. This suggests that the protein undergoes a conformational change on ion binding which increases the number of non-polar residues on the surface. FhCaBP4 was protected from limited proteolysis by the calmodulin antagonist W7, but not by trifluoperazine or praziquantel. Protein-protein cross-linking experiments showed that FhCaBP4 underwent calcium ion-dependent dimerisation. Since DLCs are commonly dimeric, it is likely that FhCaBP4 dimerises through this domain. The molecular model reveals that the calcium ion-binding site is located close to a key sequence in the DLC-like domain, suggesting a plausible mechanism for calcium-dependent dimerisation.


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IQGAPs are cytoskeletal scaffolding proteins which collect information from a variety of signalling pathways and pass it on to the microfilaments and microtubules. There is a well-characterised interaction between IQGAP and calmodulin through a series of IQ-motifs towards the middle of the primary sequence. However, it has been shown previously that the calponin homology domain (CHD), located at the N-terminus of the protein, can also interact weakly with calmodulin. Using a recombinant fragment of human IQGAP1 which encompasses the CHD, we have demonstrated that the CHD undergoes a calcium ion-dependent interaction with calmodulin. The CHD can also displace the hydrophobic fluorescent probe 1-anilinonaphthalene-8-sulphonate from calcium-calmodulin, suggesting that the interaction involves non-polar residues on the surface of calmodulin. Molecular modelling identified a possible site on the CHD for calmodulin interaction. The physiological significance of this interaction remains to be discovered.


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High ambient glucose activates intracellular signaling pathways to induce the expression of extracellular matrix and cytokines such as connective tissue growth factor (CTGF). Cell responses to CTGF in already glucose-stressed cells may act to transform the mesangial cell phenotype leading to the development of glomerulosclerosis. We analyzed cell signaling downstream of CTGF in high glucose-stressed mesangial cells to model signaling in the diabetic milieu. The addition of CTGF to primary human mesangial cells activates cell migration which is associated with a PKC-zeta-GSK3beta signaling axis. In high ambient glucose basal PKC-zeta and GSK3beta phosphorylation levels are selectively increased and CTGF-stimulated PKC-zeta and GSK3beta phosphorylation was impaired. These effects were not induced by osmotic changes. CTGF-driven profibrotic cell signaling as determined by p42/44 MAPK and Akt phosphorylation was unaffected by high glucose. Nonresponsiveness of the PKC-zeta-GSK3beta signaling axis suppressed effective remodeling of the microtubule network necessary to support cell migration. However, interestingly the cells remain plastic: modulation of glucose-induced PKC-beta activity in human mesangial cells reversed some of the pathological effects of glucose damage in these cells. We show that inhibition of PKC-beta with LY379196 and PKC-beta siRNA reduced basal PKC-zeta and GSK3beta phosphorylation in human mesangial cells exposed to high glucose. CTGF stimulation under these conditions again resulted in PKC-zeta phosphorylation and human mesangial cell migration. Regulation of PKC-zeta by PKC-beta in this instance may establish PKC-zeta as a target for constraining the progression of mesangial cell dysfunction in the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy.


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Burkholderia cenocepacia is an opportunistic pathogen that causes chronic infection and induces progressive respiratory inflammation in cystic fibrosis patients. Recognition of bacteria by mononuclear cells generally results in the activation of caspase-1 and processing of IL-1ß, a major proinflammatory cytokine. In this study, we report that human pyrin is required to detect intracellular B. cenocepacia leading to IL-1ß processing and release. This inflammatory response involves the host adapter molecule ASC and the bacterial type VI secretion system (T6SS). Human monocytes and THP-1 cells stably expressing either small interfering RNA against pyrin or YFP-pyrin and ASC (YFP-ASC) were infected with B. cenocepacia and analyzed for inflammasome activation. B. cenocepacia efficiently activates the inflammasome and IL-1ß release in monocytes and THP-1. Suppression of pyrin levels in monocytes and THP-1 cells reduced caspase-1 activation and IL-1ß release in response to B. cenocepacia challenge. In contrast, overexpression of pyrin or ASC induced a robust IL-1ß response to B. cenocepacia, which correlated with enhanced host cell death. Inflammasome activation was significantly reduced in cells infected with T6SS-defective mutants of B. cenocepacia, suggesting that the inflammatory reaction is likely induced by an as yet uncharacterized effector(s) of the T6SS. Together, we show for the first time, to our knowledge, that in human mononuclear cells infected with B. cenocepacia, pyrin associates with caspase-1 and ASC forming an inflammasome that upregulates mononuclear cell IL-1ß processing and release.


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A DNA sequence encoding a protein with predicted EF-hand and dynein light chain binding domains was identified in a Fasciola hepatica EST library. Sequence analysis of the encoded protein revealed that the most similar known protein was the Fasciola gigantica protein FgCaBP3 and so this newly identified protein was named FhCaBP3. Molecular modelling of FhCaBP3 predicted a highly flexible N-terminal region, followed by a domain containing two EF-hand motifs the second of which is likely to be a functioning divalent ion binding site. The C-terminal domain of the protein contains a dynein light chain like region. Interestingly, molecular modelling predicts that calcium ion binding to the N-terminal domain destabilises the ß-sheet structure of the C-terminal domain. FhCaBP3 can be expressed in, and purified from, Escherichia coli. The recombinant protein dimerises and the absence of calcium ions appeared to promote dimerisation. Native gel shift assays demonstrated that the protein bound to calcium and manganese ions, but not to magnesium, barium, zinc, strontium, nickel, copper or cadmium ions. FhCaBP3 interacted with the calmodulin antagonists trifluoperazine, N-(6-aminohexyl)-5-chloro-1-naphthalenesulfonamide and chlorpromazine as well as the myosin regulatory light chain-binding drug praziquantel. Despite sequence and structural similarities to other members of the same protein family from F. hepatica, FhCaBP3 has different biochemical properties to the other well characterised family members, FH22 and FhCaBP4. This suggests that each member of this trematode calcium-binding family has discrete functional roles within the organism.