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The expansion of the specialty of sports and exercise medicine (SEM) is a relatively recent development in the medical community and the role of the SEM specialist continues to evolve and develop. The SEM specialist is ideally placed to care for all aspects of physical activity not only in athletes but also in the general population. As an advocate for physical activity the SEM specialist plays a broad role in advising safe effective sports and recreation participation; screening for disease related to sports participation; examining and contributing to the evidence behind treatment strategies and evaluating any potential negative impact of sports injury prevention measures. In this thesis I will demonstrate the breadth of the role the Sports and Exercise Medicine Specialist from epidemiology to in-depth examination of treatment strategies. In Chapter 2, I examined the epidemiology of sports and recreation related injury (SRI) in Ireland, an area that has previously been poorly studied. We report on 3,172 SRI (14% of total presentations) presentations to the ED over 6 months. Paediatric patients (4-16 yrs) were over represented comprising 39.9% of all SRI presentation compared to 16% of total ED presentations and 18% of the general population. These injuries were serious (32% fractures) and though 49% of injuries occurred during organised competition/practice, 41.5% occurred during recreation-most often at home. In Chapter 3, I examined risk factors associated with hand injury in hurling. The previous chapter highlighted the importance of a firm evidence base underpinning treatment strategies. When measures to improve welfare are introduced not only must potential benefits be measured, so too must potential unwanted adverse outcomes. In this study I examined a cohort of adult hurlers who had presented to the ED with a hurling related injury in order to highlight the variables associated with hand injury in this population. I found the athletes who wore a helmet were far more likely (OR 3.15 95% CI (1.51-6.56) p= 0.002) to suffer a hand injury than athletes who did not. Very few of those interviewed (4.9%) used hand protection compared to 65% who used helmet and faceguard. The introduction of the helmet and faceguard in hurling has undeniably decreased the incidence of head and face injury in hurling. However in tandem with this intervention several observational studies have demonstrated an increase in the occurrence of hurling related hand injuries. This study highlights the importance of being cognisant of unanticipated or unintended consequences when implementing a new treatment or intervention. In Chapter 4, I examined the role of population screening as applied to sport and exercise. This is a controversial area –cardiac screening in the exercising population has been the subject of much debate. Specifically I define the prevalence of exercise induced bronchoconstriction (EIB) using a specifically designed sports specific field-testing protocol. In this study I found almost a third (29%) of a full international professional rugby squad had confirmed asthma or EIB, as compared with 12-15% of the general population. Despite regular medical screening, 5 ‘new’ untreated cases (12%) were elicited by the challenge test and in the group already on treatment for asthma/EIB; over 50% still displayed EIB. In Chapter 5, I examined the evidence supporting current treatment options for iliotibial band friction syndrome (ITBFS). The practice of sports medicine has traditionally been ‘eminence based’ rather than ‘evidence based’. This may be problematic as some of these practices are based upon flawed principles- for example the treatment of iliotibial band friction syndrome (ITBFS). In this chapter, using cadaveric and biomechanical studies I expand upon the growing base of evidence clarifying the anatomy and biomechanics of the area-thereby re-examining the principles on which current treatments are based. The role of the SEM specialist is broad; we chose to examine specific examples of some of the roles that they execute. An understanding of the epidemiology of SRI presenting to the ED has implications for individual patients, sports governing bodies and health resource utilisation. Population screening is an important tool in health promotion and disease prevention in the general population. Screening in SEM may have similar less well-recognised benefits. The SEM specialist needs to be conversant in screening for medical conditions concerning physical activity. A comprehensive understanding of the pathophysiology of a disease is required for its diagnosis and treatment. Due to the ongoing evolution of SEM many treatments are eminence-based rather than evidence‐based practice. Continued re-examination of the fundamentals of current practice is essential. An awareness of potential unwanted side effects is essential prior to the introduction of any new treatment or intervention. The SEM specialist is ideally placed to advise sports governing bodies on these issues prior to and during their implementation.


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Post-traumatic arthritis (PTA) is arthritis that develops following joint injury, including meniscus and ligament tears. Current treatments for PTA range from over-the-counter medication to knee replacement; however, in the presence of obesity, the levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin-1 (IL-1) and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α,) are more elevated than in non-obese individuals. The role of fatty acids, obesity, and PTA has been examined, with omega-3 fatty acids showing promise as an anti-inflammatory after injury due to its ability to suppress IL-1 and TNF-α. Due to the difficulty in switching patients’ diets, an alternative solution to increasing omega-3 levels needs to be developed. The Fat-1 enzyme, an omega-3 desaturase that has the ability to convert omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids, may be a good target for increasing the omega-3 levels in the body.

In the first study, we examined whether Fat-1 transgenic mice on a high-fat diet would exhibit lower levels of PTA degeneration following the destabilization of the medial meniscus (DMM). Both male and female Fat-1 and wild-type (WT) littermates were put on either a control diet (10% fat) or an omega-6 rich high-fat diet (60% fat) and underwent DMM surgery. Arthritic changes were examined 12 weeks post-surgery. Fat-1 mice on both the control and high-fat diet showed protection from PTA-related degeneration, while WT mice showed severe arthritic changes. These findings suggest that the omega-6/omega-3 ratio plays an important role in reducing PTA following injury, and demonstrates the potential therapeutic benefit of the Fat-1 enzyme in preventing PTA in both normal and obese patients following acute injury.

Following this, we needed to establish a translatable delivery mechanism for getting the Fat-1 enzyme, which is not present in mammalian cells, into patients. In the second study, we examined whether anti-inflammatory gene delivery of the Fat-1 enzyme would prevent PTA following DMM surgery. In vitro testing of both lentivirus (LV) and adeno-associated virus (AAV) was completed to confirm functionality and conformation of the Fat-1 enzyme after transduction. Male WT mice were placed on an omega-6 rich high-fat diet (60% fat) and underwent DMM surgery; either local or systemic AAV injections of the Fat-1 enzyme or Luciferase, a vector control, were given immediately following surgery. 12 weeks post-surgery, arthritic changes were assessed. The systemic administration of the Fat-1 enzyme showed protection from synovial inflammation and osteophyte formation, while administration of Luciferase did not confer protection. These findings suggest the utility of gene therapy to deliver the Fat-1 enzyme, which has potential as a therapeutic for injured obese patients for the prevention of PTA.


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BACKGROUND: Early-life reduction in nephron number (uninephrectomy [UNX]) and chronic high salt (HS) intake increase the risk of hypertension and chronic kidney disease. Adenosine signaling via its different receptors has been implicated in modulating renal, cardiovascular, and metabolic functions as well as inflammatory processes; however, the specific role of the A3 receptor in cardiovascular diseases is not clear. In this study, gene-modified mice were used to investigate the hypothesis that lack of A3 signaling prevents the development of hypertension and attenuates renal and cardiovascular injuries following UNX in combination with HS (UNX-HS) in mice. METHODS AND RESULTS: Wild-type (A3 (+/+)) mice subjected to UNX-HS developed hypertension compared with controls (mean arterial pressure 106±3 versus 82±3 mm Hg; P<0.05) and displayed an impaired metabolic phenotype (eg, increased adiposity, reduced glucose tolerance, hyperinsulinemia). These changes were associated with both cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis together with renal injuries and proteinuria. All of these pathological hallmarks were significantly attenuated in the A3 (-/-) mice. Mechanistically, absence of A3 receptors protected from UNX-HS-associated increase in renal NADPH oxidase activity and Nox2 expression. In addition, circulating cytokines including interleukins 1β, 6, 12, and 10 were increased in A3 (+/+) following UNX-HS, but these cytokines were already elevated in naïve A3 (-/-) mice and did not change following UNX-HS. CONCLUSIONS: Reduction in nephron number combined with chronic HS intake is associated with oxidative stress, chronic inflammation, and development of hypertension in mice. Absence of adenosine A3 receptor signaling was strongly protective in this novel mouse model of renal and cardiovascular disease.


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BACKGROUND: Mechanical overload of the heart is associated with excessive deposition of extracellular matrix proteins and the development of cardiac fibrosis. This can result in reduced ventricular compliance, diastolic dysfunction, and heart failure. Extracellular matrix synthesis is regulated primarily by cardiac fibroblasts, more specifically, the active myofibroblast. The influence of mechanical stretch on human cardiac fibroblasts' response to pro-fibrotic stimuli, such as transforming growth factor beta (TGFβ), is unknown as is the impact of stretch on B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) and natriuretic peptide receptor A (NPRA) expression. BNP, acting via NPRA, has been shown to play a role in modulation of cardiac fibrosis.

METHODS AND RESULTS: The effect of cyclical mechanical stretch on TGFβ induction of myofibroblast differentiation in primary human cardiac fibroblasts and whether differences in response to stretch were associated with changes in the natriuretic peptide system were investigated. Cyclical mechanical stretch attenuated the effectiveness of TGFβ in inducing myofibroblast differentiation. This finding was associated with a novel observation that mechanical stretch can increase BNP and NPRA expression in human cardiac fibroblasts, which could have important implications in modulating myocardial fibrosis. Exogenous BNP treatment further reduced the potency of TGFβ on mechanically stretched fibroblasts.

CONCLUSION: We postulate that stretch induced up-regulation of the natriuretic peptide system may contribute to the observed reduction in myofibroblast differentiation.


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L’irinotécan est un agent de chimiothérapie largement utilisé pour le traitement de tumeurs solides, particulièrement pour le cancer colorectal métastatique (mCRC). Fréquemment, le traitement par l’irinotécan conduit à la neutropénie et la diarrhée, des effets secondaires sévères qui peuvent limiter la poursuite du traitement et la qualité de vie des patients. Plusieurs études pharmacogénomiques ont évalué les risques associés à la chimiothérapie à base d’irinotécan, en particulier en lien avec le gène UGT1A, alors que peu d’études ont examiné l’impact des gènes codant pour des transporteurs. Par exemple, le marqueur UGT1A1*28 a été associé à une augmentation de 2 fois du risque de neutropénie, mais ce marqueur ne permet pas de prédire la toxicité gastrointestinale ou l’issue clinique. L’objectif de cette étude était de découvrir de nouveaux marqueurs génétiques associés au risque de toxicité induite par l’irinotécan, en utilisant une stratégie d’haplotype/SNP-étiquette permettant de maximiser la couverture des loci génétiques ciblés. Nous avons analysé les associations génétiques des loci UGT1 et sept gènes codants pour des transporteurs ABC impliqués dans la pharmacocinétique de l’irinotécan, soient ABCB1, ABCC1, ABCC2, ABCC5, ABCG1, ABCG2 ainsi que SLCO1B1. Les profils de 167 patients canadiens atteints de mCRC sous traitement FOLFIRI (à base d’irinotécan) ont été examinés et les marqueurs significatifs ont par la suite été validés dans une cohorte indépendante de 250 patients italiens. Nous avons découvert dans la région intergénique en aval du gène UGT1, un nouveau marqueur (rs11563250G) associé à un moindre risque de neutropénie sévère (rapport des cotes (RC)=0.21; p=0.043 chez les canadiens, RC=0.27; p=0.036 chez les italiens, et RC=0.31 p=0.001 pour les deux cohortes combinées). De plus, le RC est demeuré significatif après correction pour multiples comparaisons (p=0.041). Par ailleurs, pour l’haplotype défini par les marqueurs rs11563250G et UGT1A1*1 (rs8175347 TA6), le RC était de 0.17 (p=0.0004). Un test génétique évaluant ces marqueurs permettrait d’identifier les patients susceptibles de bénéficier d’une augmentation de dose d’irinotécan. En revanche, une autre combinaison de marqueurs, ABCC5 rs3749438 et rs10937158 (T–C), a prédit un risque plus faible de diarrhée sévère dans les deux cohortes (RC = 0.43; p=0.001). La coexistence des marqueurs ABCG1 rs225440T et ABCC5 rs2292997A a prédit un risque accru de neutropénie (RC=5.93; p=0.0002), alors qu’une prédiction encore plus significative a été obtenue lorsque ces marqueurs sont combinés au marqueur de risque bien établi UGT1A1*28 rs8175347 (RC=7.68; p<0.0001). Enfin, les porteurs de l’allèle de protection UGT1 rs11563250G en absence d’allèles de risque, ont montré une incidence réduite de neutropénie sévère (8.2% vs. 34.0%; p<0.0001). Nous concluons que ces nouveaux marqueurs génétiques prédictifs pourraient permettre d’améliorer l’évaluation du risque de toxicité et personnaliser le traitement à base d’irinotécan pour les patients atteints du cancer colorectal métastatique.


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Objective: We evaluated the protective activity of an extract from a by-product such as olive stones, through its ability to inhibit H2O2 induced apoptosis in the SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cell line. Material and methods: To such end, 20,000 cells/well were cultivated and differentiation with retinoic acid was initiated. Once the cells were differentiated, apoptosis was induced with and without H2O2 extract. Finally, cDNA extraction was performed, and pro-apoptotic genes Bax and anti-apoptotic genes Bcl-2 were analyzed. Quantification of the gene expression was performed using the GAPDH gene marker. Results: Cell viability with the extract is 97.6% (SD 5.7) with 10 mg/l and 62.8% (SD 1.2) to 50 mg/l, using 10 mg/l for the biomarker assay. The retinoic acid differentiated SH-S cell line (10 µM) shows a clear apoptosis when treated with H2O2 150 µM, with a Bax/Bcl-2 ratio of 3.75 (SD 0.80) in contrast to the differentiated control cells subjected to H2O2 and with extract, which have the same ratio of 1.02 (SD 0.01-0.03). Conclusion: The olive stone extract shows anti-apoptotic activity in the provoked cell death of SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells in their normal state, defending them from oxidative stress which produces a significant increase in the apoptotic gene ratio in contrast to anti-apoptotic genes (Bax/Bcl-2).


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Purpose: To evaluate the protective effects of Cuminum cyminum Linn (Apiaceae, CCY) against 1- methyl-4 phenyl-1, 2, 3, 6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP)-induced oxidative stress and behavioral impairments in mouse model of Parkinson’s disease (PD). Methods: MPTP-intoxicated mice model of PD was used for evaluating the effect of CCY extract on behavioral deficits through rota rod, passive avoidance and open field tasks. The effect of CCY extract on oxidative stress levels were assessed by estimating enzyme status, including superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and lipid peroxidation(LPO) in brain tissues of MPTP-induced mice. Results: MPTP (25 mg/kg, i.p.)-treated mice resulted in a significant (p < 0.001) behavioral deficit in locomotor behavior (from 56.24 ± 1.21 to 27.64 ± 0.94) and cognitive functions (from 298 ± 3.68 s to 207.28 ± 4.12 s) compared with their respective control groups. Administration of CCY extract (100, 200 and 300 mg/kg, p.o.) for three weeks significantly and dose-dependently improved (p < 0.001 at 300 mg/kg) locomotor and cognitive deficits in MPTP-treated mice. CCY treatment also significantly (p < 0.001 at 300 mg/kg) inhibited MPTP-induced decrease in antioxidant enzyme levels (superoxide dismutase and catalase) and lipid peroxides in mice brain tissues. Conclusion: CCY extract exhibits strong protection against MPTP-induced behavioral deficit through enhancement of antioxidant defense mechanisms. Therefore, CCY may be developed as a therapeutic strategy in the treatment of neurodegeneration seen in PD.


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Reactive oxygen species (ROS) decreases bioavailability of nitric oxide (NO) and impairs NO-dependent relaxations. Like NO, hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is an antioxidant and vasodilator; however, the effect of ROS on H2S-induced relaxations is unknown. Here we investigated whether ROS altered the effect of H2S on vascular tone in mouse aorta and determined whether resveratrol (RVT) protects it via H2S. Pyrogallol induced ROS formation. It also decreased H2S formation and relaxation induced by l-cysteine and in mouse aorta. Pyrogallol did not alter sodium hydrogensulfide (NaHS)-induced relaxation suggesting that the pyrogallol effect on l-cysteine relaxations was due to endogenous H2S formation. RVT inhibited ROS formation, enhanced l-cysteine-induced relaxations and increased H2S level in aortas exposed to pyrogallol suggesting that RVT protects against "H2S-dysfunctions" by inducing H2S formation. Indeed, H2S synthesis inhibitor AOAA inhibited the protective effects of RVT. RVT had no effect on Ach-induced relaxation that is NO dependent and the stimulatory effect of RVT on H2S-dependent relaxation was also independent of NO. These results demonstrate that oxidative stress impairs endogenous H2S-induced relaxations and RVT offers protection by inducing H2S suggesting that targeting endogenous H2S pathway may prevent vascular dysfunctions associated by oxidative stress.


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Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) is the name given to a group of hereditary diseases causing progressive and degenerative blindness. RP affects over 1 in 4000 individuals, making it the most prevalent inherited retinal disease worldwide, yet currently there is no cure. In 2011, our group released a paper detailing the protective effects of the synthetic progestin ‘Norgestrel’. A common component of the female oral contraceptive pill, Norgestrel was shown to protect against retinal cell death in two distinct mouse models of retinal degeneration: in the Balb/c light damage model and the Pde6brd10 (rd10) model. Little was known of the molecular workings of this compound however and thus this study aimed to elucidate the protective manner in which Norgestrel worked. To this aim, the 661W cone photoreceptor-like cell line and ex vivo retinal explanting was utilised. We found that Norgestrel induces a increase in neuroprotective basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) with subsequent downstream actions on the inhibition of glycogen synthase kinase 3β. Progesterone receptor expression was subsequently characterised in the C57 and rd10 retinas and in the 661W cell line. Norgestrel caused nuclear trafficking of progesterone receptor membrane complex one (PGRMC1) in 661W cells and thus Norgestrel was hypothesised to work primarily through the actions of PGRMC1. This trafficking was shown to be responsible for the critical upregulation of bFGF and PGRMC1- Norgestrel binding was proven to cause a neuroprotective bFGF-mediated increase in intracellular calcium. The protective properties of Norgestrel were further studied in the rd10 mouse model of retinitis pigmentosa. Using non-invasive diet supplementation (80mg/kg), we showed that Norgestrel gave significant retinal protection out to postnatal day 40 (P40). Overactive microglia have previously been shown to potentiate photoreceptor cell loss in the degenerating rd10 retina and thus we focussed on Norgestrel-mediated changes in photoreceptor-microglial crosstalk. Norgestrel acted to dampen pro-inflammatory microglial cell reactivity, decreasing chemokine (MCP1, MCP3, MIP-1α, MIP-1β) and subsequent damaging cytokine (TNFα, Il-1β) production. Critically, Norgestrel up-regulated photoreceptor-microglial, fractalkine-CX3CR1 signalling 1000-fold in the P20 rd10 mouse. Known to prevent microglial activation, we hypothesise that Norgestrel acts as a vital anti-inflammatory in the diseased retina, driving fractalkine-CX3CR1 signalling to delay retinal degeneration. This study stands to highlight some of the neuroprotective mechanisms utilised by Norgestrel in the prevention of photoreceptor cell death. We identify for the first time, not only a pro-survival pathway activated directly in photoreceptor cells, but also a Norgestreldriven mediation of an otherwise damaging microglial cell response. All taken, these results form the beginning of a case to bring Norgestrel to clinical trials, as a potential therapeutic for the treatment of RP.


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An analysis and a subsequent solution is here presented. This document is about a groin design able to contrast the erosion actions given by waves in Lido di Dante. Advantages will be visible also for Fiumi Uniti's inlet, in the north side of the shoreline. Beach future progression and growth will be subjected to monitoring actions in the years after groin construction. The resulting effects of the design will have a positive impact not only on the local fauna and environment, but also, a naturalistic appeal will increase making new type of tourists coming not only for recreational purposes. The design phase is focused on possible design alternatives and their features. Particular interest is given to scouring phenomena all around the groin after its construction. Groin effects will impact not only on its south side, instead they will cause an intense erosion process on the downdrift front. Here, many fishing hut would be in danger, thus a beach revetment structure is needed to avoid any future criticality. In addiction, a numerical model based on a generalized shoreline change numerical model, also known as GENESIS, has been applied to the study area in order to perform a simplistic analysis of the shoreline and its future morphology. Critical zones are visible in proximity of the Fiumi Uniti's river inlet, where currents from the sea and the river itself start the erosion process that is affecting Lido di Dante since mid '80s, or even before. The model is affected by several assumptions that make results not to be interpreted as a real future trend of the shore. Instead the model allows the user to have a more clear view about critical processes induced by monochromatic inputed waves. In conclusion, the thesis introduce a wide analysis on a complex erosion process that is affecting many shoreline nowadays. A groin design is seen as a hard solution it is considered to be the only means able to decrease the rate of erosion.


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Neisseria meningitidis is a gram negative human obligated pathogen, mostly found as a commensal in the oropharyngeal mucosa of healthy individuals. It can invade this epithelium determining rare but devastating and fast progressing outcomes, such as meningococcal meningitidis and septicemia, leading to death (about 135000 per year worldwide). Conjugated vaccines for serogroups A, C, W135, X and Y were developed, while for N. meningitidis serogroup B (MenB) the vaccines were based on Outern Membrane Vesicles (OMV). One of them is the 4C-MenB (Bexsero). The antigens included in this vaccine’s formulation are, in addition to the OMV from New Zeland epidemic strain 98/254, three recombinant proteins: NadA, NHBA and fHbp. While the role of these recombinant components was deeply characterized, the vesicular contribution in 4C-MenB elicited protection is mediated mainly by porin A and other unidentified antigens. To unravel the relative contribution of these different antigens in eliciting protective antibody responses, we isolated human monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) from single-cell sorted plasmablasts of 3 adult vaccinees peripheral blood. mAbs have been screened for binding to 4C-MenB components by Luminex bead-based assay. OMV-specific mAbs were purified and tested for functionality by serum bactericidal assay (SBA) on 18 different MenB strains and characterized in a protein microarray containing a panel of prioritized meningococcal proteins. The bactericidal mAbs identified to recognize the outer membrane proteins PorA and PorB, stating the importance of PorB in cross-strain protection. In addition, RmpM, BamE, Hyp1065 and ComL were found as immunogenic components of the 4C-MenB vaccine.


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Torpor is a successful survival strategy displayed by several mammalian species to cope with harsh environmental conditions. A complex interplay of ambient, genetic and circadian stimuli acts centrally to induce a severe suppression of metabolic rate, usually followed by an apparently undefended reduction of body temperature. Some animals, such as marmots, are able to maintain this physiological state for months (hibernation), during which torpor bouts are periodically interrupted by short interbouts of normothermia (arousals). Interestingly, torpor adaptations have been shown to be associated with a large resistance towards stressors, such as radiation: indeed, if irradiated during torpor, hibernators can tolerate higher doses of radiation, showing an increased survival rate. New insights for radiotherapy and long-term space exploration could arise from the induction of torpor in non-hibernators, like humans. The present research project is centered on synthetic torpor (ST), a hypometabolic/hypothermic condition induced in a non-hibernator, the rat, through the pharmacological inhibition of the Raphe Pallidus, a key brainstem area controlling thermogenic effectors. By exploiting this procedure, this thesis aimed at: i) providing a multiorgan description of the functional cellular adaptations to ST; ii) exploring the possibility, and the underpinning molecular mechanisms, of enhanced radioresistance induced by ST. To achieve these aims, transcriptional and histological analysis have been performed in multiple organs of synthetic torpid rats and normothermic rats, either exposed or not exposed to 3 Gy total body of X-rays. The results showed that: i) similarly to natural torpor, ST induction leads to the activation of survival and stress resistance responses, which allow the organs to successfully adapt to the new homeostasis; ii) ST provides tissue protection against radiation damage, probably mainly through the cellular adaptations constitutively induced by ST, even though the triggering of specific responses when the animal is irradiated during hypothermia might play a role.


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Snakebite is a neglected disease and serious health problem in Brazil, with most bites being caused by snakes of the genus Bothrops. Although serum therapy is the primary treatment for systemic envenomation, it is generally ineffective in neutralizing the local effects of these venoms. In this work, we examined the ability of 7,8,3'-trihydroxy-4'-methoxyisoflavone (TM), an isoflavone from Dipteryx alata, to neutralize the neurotoxicity (in mouse phrenic nerve-diaphragm preparations) and myotoxicity (assessed by light microscopy) of Bothrops jararacussu snake venom in vitro. The toxicity of TM was assessed using the Salmonella microsome assay (Ames test). Incubation with TM alone (200 μg/mL) did not alter the muscle twitch tension whereas incubation with venom (40 μg/mL) caused irreversible paralysis. Preincubation of TM (200 μg/mL) with venom attenuated the venom-induced neuromuscular blockade by 84% ± 5% (mean ± SEM; n = 4). The neuromuscular blockade caused by bothropstoxin-I (BthTX-I), the major myotoxic PLA2 of this venom, was also attenuated by TM. Histological analysis of diaphragm muscle incubated with TM showed that most fibers were preserved (only 9.2% ± 1.7% were damaged; n = 4) compared to venom alone (50.3% ± 5.4% of fibers damaged; n = 3), and preincubation of TM with venom significantly attenuated the venom-induced damage (only 17% ± 3.4% of fibers damaged; n = 3; p < 0.05 compared to venom alone). TM showed no mutagenicity in the Ames test using Salmonella strains TA98 and TA97a with (+S9) and without (-S9) metabolic activation. These findings indicate that TM is a potentially useful compound for antagonizing the neuromuscular effects (neurotoxicity and myotoxicity) of B. jararacussu venom.


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Valproic acid (VPA) and trichostatin A (TSA) are known histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACIs) with epigenetic activity that affect chromatin supra-organization, nuclear architecture, and cellular proliferation, particularly in tumor cells. In this study, chromatin remodeling with effects extending to heterochromatic areas was investigated by image analysis in non-transformed NIH 3T3 cells treated for different periods with different doses of VPA and TSA under conditions that indicated no loss of cell viability. Image analysis revealed chromatin decondensation that affected not only euchromatin but also heterochromatin, concomitant with a decreased activity of histone deacetylases and a general increase in histone H3 acetylation. Heterochromatin protein 1-α (HP1-α), identified immunocytochemically, was depleted from the pericentromeric heterochromatin following exposure to both HDACIs. Drastic changes affecting cell proliferation and micronucleation but not alteration in CCND2 expression and in ratios of Bcl-2/Bax expression and cell death occurred following a 48-h exposure of the NIH 3T3 cells particularly in response to higher doses of VPA. Our results demonstrated that even low doses of VPA (0.05 mM) and TSA (10 ng/ml) treatments for 1 h can affect chromatin structure, including that of the heterochromatin areas, in non-transformed cells. HP1-α depletion, probably related to histone demethylation at H3K9me3, in addition to the effect of VPA and TSA on histone H3 acetylation, is induced on NIH 3T3 cells. Despite these facts, alterations in cell proliferation and micronucleation, possibly depending on mitotic spindle defects, require a longer exposure to higher doses of VPA and TSA.