986 resultados para Huron River (Oakland County-Monroe County, Mich.) -- Maps.
Purpose To investigate the trend of malignancies incidence and mortality in Linqu county, and to provide scientific evidence for the government to design and adjust polices on cancer prevention and control. [Methods] The cancer registration data of new cases from 1995 to 2004 and death cases from 1998 to 2004 were used to analyse the incidence and mortality and the trend in Linqu county. Results Cancer general incidence significantly increased from 1995 to 2004 (P<0.05). The increasing speed incidence in male was faster than that in female. The incidence of lung cancer, colon/rectum cancer and pancreas cancer increased significantly (P<0.05), especially of lung cancer with an acceleration incidence rate of 2.12/100,000 peryear in average. The general mortality increased gradually from 1998 to 2004 with no significance (P>0.05). Both incidence and mortality in population aged 80 or over increased significantly (P<0.05). Conclusion The cancer incidence is rising during recent 10 years , and the prevention and control for lung cancer are getting increasingly important. [目的] 了解临朐县恶性肿瘤发病与死亡趋势,为政府制订和调整防治对策提供科学依据. [方法] 利用临朐县1995~2004年恶性肿瘤发病登记资料和1998~2004年的死亡登记资料,计算各种癌症发病率和死亡率,并做趋势分析. [结果] 1995~2004年临朐县恶性肿瘤总发病率呈明显上升趋势(P<0.05),男性发病率上升速度高于女性.肺癌、肠癌、胰腺癌发病率上升显著(P<0.05),以肺癌最为迅速(年均升高2.12/10万).1998~2004年恶性肿瘤总死亡率略有上升,但无显著性(P>0.05);80岁及以上人群恶性肿瘤发病率与死亡率均呈上升趋势. [结论] 临朐县恶性肿瘤发病率近10年来呈现上升趋势,肺癌防治地位日益突出.
English law has long recognised that nondelagable duties exist, but it does not have a single theory to explain when or why - arguable, one might add, until now. That is the value of the reasons for judgement in Woodland v Essex County Council.
Background Dengue fever has been a major public health concern in China since it re-emerged in Guangdong province in 1978. This study aimed to explore spatiotemporal characteristics of dengue fever cases for both indigenous and imported cases during recent years in Guangdong province, so as to identify high-risk areas of the province and thereby help plan resource allocation for dengue interventions. Methods Notifiable cases of dengue fever were collected from all 123 counties of Guangdong province from 2005 to 2010. Descriptive temporal and spatial analysis were conducted, including plotting of seasonal distribution of cases, and creating choropleth maps of cumulative incidence by county. The space-time scan statistic was used to determine space-time clusters of dengue fever cases at the county level, and a geographical information system was used to visualize the location of the clusters. Analysis were stratified by imported and indigenous origin. Results 1658 dengue fever cases were recorded in Guangdong province during the study period, including 94 imported cases and 1564 indigenous cases. Both imported and indigenous cases occurred more frequently in autumn. The areas affected by the indigenous and imported cases presented a geographically expanding trend over the study period. The results showed that the most likely cluster of imported cases (relative risk = 7.52, p < 0.001) and indigenous cases (relative risk = 153.56, p < 0.001) occurred in the Pearl River Delta Area; while a secondary cluster of indigenous cases occurred in one district of the Chao Shan Area (relative risk = 471.25, p < 0.001). Conclusions This study demonstrated that the geographic range of imported and indigenous dengue fever cases has expanded over recent years, and cases were significantly clustered in two heavily urbanised areas of Guangdong province. This provides the foundation for further investigation of risk factors and interventions in these high-risk areas.
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In March 2007 CSU-Monterey Bay began hydrologic monitoring of Santa Lucia Preserve for the Santa Lucia Conservancy. This project is a continuation of monitoring begun by Balance Hydrologics as part of the permit requirements for land development. The purpose of this annual report is to present data summaries for the 2007 water year (October 1, 2006 to September 31, 2007). Rainfall in water year 2007 was very low, representing the 15 year drought rainfall. Streamflow was relatively low as well as indicated by baseflow conditions approaching the drought conditions of water-year 1991 (Croyle and Smith, 2007). Document contains 30 pages)
Upward leakage of saline water from an artesian aquifer below 1,500 feet has caused an increase in chloride concentration in the lower Hawthorn aquifer from less than 1,000 mg/1 (milligrams per liter) to values ranging from about 1,300 to 15,000 mg/1. Similarly the higher temperatures of the intruding water has caused an increase in water temperatures in the aquifer from 82"F to values ranging from 83 to 93"F. The intruding water moves upward either through the open bore hole of deep wells or test holes, or along a fault or fracture system, which has been identified in the area. From these points of entry into the lower Hawthorn aquifer, the saline water spreads laterally toward the south and southeast, but is generally confined to components of the fault system. The saline water moves upward from the lower Hawthorn aquifer into the upper Hawthorn aquifer through the open bore hole of wells, which connect the aquifers. This movement has resulted in an increase in chloride from less than 200 mg/1 in the unaffected parts of the upper Hawthorn aquifer to values commonly ranging from about 300 to more than 3,000 mg/1 in parts of the aquifer affected by upward leakage. The upper Hawthorn aquifer is the principal source of ground-water supply for public water-supply systems in western Lee County. Similar effects have been noted in the water-table aquifer, where chloride increased from less than 100 to concentrations ranging from about 500 to more than 5,000 mg/1. This was caused by the downward infiltration of water discharged at land surface from wells tapping the lower Hawthorn aquifer. The spread of saline water throughout most of the McGregor Isles area is continuing as of 1971. (40 page document)
This report presents discharge, chemical analyses, temperatures, and specific conductance records collected at 25 surface-water sites and chemical analyses of ground water, well descriptions and records of ground-water levels collected at 164 ground-water sites. It also contains 35 logs of the sedimentary rocks penetrated in the drilling of wells and test borings ranging in depth from 147 to 625 feet. These hydrologic data were collected as part of an investigation of the water resources of the county. The interpretative results of the investigation are in the report entitled, "Water resources of Walton County," by C. A. Pascale (in preparation, 1971). (108 page document)
This report presents the results of the 2007 baseflow condition surveys of the four major streams flowing through Santa Lucia Preserve- Las Garzas, Portrero, San Jose, and San Clemente Creeks. This report has been prepared for the Santa Lucia Conservancy and is primarily intended for the staff of Monterey County and California Department of Fish and Game, in accordance with the baseflow monitoring and reporting requirements outlined in County Conditions 14 and 15. The scope of this report is limited to the presentation and evaluation of existing baseflow conditions as required by Conditions 14 and 15, and is not intended as a comprehensive analysis. However, data presented here are an important part of the long term data set that will be used for future in depth watershed analyses. (Document contains 13 pages & 14 figs)
Ground-water is not widely used in Baker County, but the presence of a high equipotential area in the artesian system beneath the County made it necessary that the resource be understood insofar as this high affected the ground-water resources of Nassau and Duval counties which were being intensively studied and mapped. The method and rates of movement of ground-water from one point to another in the artesian aquifer are understood more fully by use of the data in this report. (PDF contains 30 pages)
The scope of the investigation involved the drilling of test holes and the detailed inventorying of existing wells in order to define the location, depth, potential yield, and chemical quality of the water contained in the shallow aquifer that might be used for the development of a central water-supply system. The field work and collection of data for the investigation covered the period 1961 through 1963. Much of the data collected for the report on the ground-water resources of Collier County (McCoy, 1962) is incorporated into this report. (Document has 36 pages.)
The primary purpose of this project is to attempt to improve the existing hydrogeologic information through lithologic and hydrogeologic characterizations of the sediments overlying the Floridan aquifer system in Alachua County. These sediments locally comprise both the intermediate aquifer system and associated confining beds and the surficial aquifer system. (PDF has 119 pages.)
Five short bottom sediment cores taken in Wakulla Spring Wakulla County, Florida, were described lithologically and sampled for palynological study. Four of the cores were recoveredfrom sediments at the spring cave entrance (130 feet water depth). One core was taken in a fossil vertebrate bone bed, 280 feet distance into the main spring cave at a water depth of 240 feet. Sediments in the cores are composed of alternating intervals of quartz sand and calcilitite, containing freshwater diatoms, freshwater mollusk shells and plant remains. The predominant pollen present in all cores consists of a periporate variety typical of the herb families Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae. Arboreal flora, typical of the area surrounding the spring today, represent a very low percentage of thle pollen assemblage in the cores. Clustered Chenopod-Amaranth type pollen observed in one core suggest minimal transport prior to deposition, and indicate that the bottom sediments in the cave may be essentially In situ. An absence of exotic flora suggests a Quaternary age for the sediments. (PDF contains 11 pages.)
The purpose of the investigation is to make a detailed study of the geology and ground water in the Ruskin area, especially as related to the problem of salt-water encroachment. The major objectives of the program includes: (1) An inventory of wells to determine their number and distribution, their depths and diameters, and other pertinent information. (2) A study of artesian pressures. (3) Analyses of water from selected wells to determine the location and extent of any areas in which the artesian water is salty. (4) A study of the surface and subsurface geology as related to the occurrence and movement of ground water. (5) An estimate of the quantity of ground water withdrawn. (PDF contains 24 pages.)